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Mary Lou Williams Discography

This discography is by no means complete. It is simply a compilation of the "33" and "45" record albums as well as compact discs i've found through the years. As time permits, copy of each recording's song list and musicians will be included, as well as all significant liner notes from those recordings currently out-of-print in the interests of making the wealth of information they contain available to people interested in learning more about the First Lady of Jazz Piano, Mary Lou Williams. (Where recording dates are known they follow immediately after the record title. Undated records include the copyright symbol, `©', preceeding the year's date.)

See Also:
                         33 rpm Records
                             33s including one selection or more of MLW
                         45 rpm Records
                         Compact Discs
                             CDs including one selection or more of MLW


33 rpm Records

Records including one selection or more of Mary Lou Williams:


45 rpm Records


Compact Discs

CDs including one selection or more of Mary Lou Williams:

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