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Pandemic Parallax View
Data Disaster
A Call for an Investigation Into the CDC’s Conduct During Covid-19
Stand for Health Freedom
17 February 2021

Data Disaster: A Call for an Investigation Into the CDC’s Conduct During Covid-19 (2:37:54)
Panel of researchers, doctors, lawyers, medical ethicists, educators and lawmakers moderated by Sayer Ji, Stand for Heath Freedom, 17 Feb 2021

U.S. Americans have been living under a state of public health emergency since January 31, 2020. Since that time, public health policies have been invoked at all levels of government that have radically changed the way we live, work, worship, learn, move about society and interact with others, including our own family members. Moreover, these policies have created widespread collateral damage, including economic collapse, a surge in suicides and other mental health issues, and unnecessary loss of life.

Convened on 17 February 2021, this panel revealed that our ongoing state of emergency has been largely fueled by bad data that has been compromised at the hands of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Now, an independent research team that has dedicated more than 20,000 hours into investigating all aspects of COVID-19 has found strong evidence of willful misconduct by the CDC and others. This is outlined in a new peer-reviewed position paper, “COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis.”

Citizens from coast to coast have been living under dire circumstances for more than a year now and deserve to know if crimes have been committed throughout the COVID-19 crisis. As such, we are calling on every citizen to urge Assistant United States Attorneys to impanel a special grand jury to investigate the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19. Very simply, a grand jury is a group of citizens that has been empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges are warranted. Grand juries exist as a way for Americans to exercise oversight over all three branches of government during extraordinary times, as was confirmed by the 1992 Supreme Court case United States v. Williams. With your help, we can convene one and uncover the truth.

Transparency is a hallmark of a democratic society and cannot be ignored, diminished or negotiated away during times of emergency. Let’s restore it now by signing this petition and urging assistant U.S. attorneys nationwide to convene a special independent grand jury investigation into the CDC’s conduct during COVID-19. This is truly one of the most important actions of your lifetime!

Act Now: Sign Stand for Health Freedom’s Petition To Convene a Special Grand Jury To Investigate the CDC’s Conduct During COVID-19.
It’s time to restore transparency and public trust through an independent investigation.


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