We include local copy of selected articles from Rachel's Environment & Health News (issue #572, 11/13/97, to the present) -- formerly Rachel's Hazardous Waste News (issue #1, 12/1/86 to #401, 8/4/94) and Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly (issue #402, 4/11/94 to #571, 11/6/97) -- here on ratical for immediate access to our esteemed visitors. The Environmental Research Foundation (ERF) can be found on the web at www.rachel.org. ERF is the publisher of RACHEL's Environment & Health Weekly. A complete listing of all back issues (#1 -- Pesticides Pose Greater Threat To U.S. Drinking Water Supplies Than Factories And Toxic Dumps -- was published on December 1, 1986) are available electronically at: http://www.rachel.org/bulletin/index.cfm?St=3. January, 1998: Be sure to read about the new FRIENDS OF ERF sustainers group and the new newsletter for its subscribers, INSIDEerf. From About ERF: For those who don't have access to the web, ERF also provides all of its publications via E-mail. To receive a list of what is available, simply send a blank E-mail to info@rachel.org. Because this is an automated E-mail server, no human will read messages sent to this address. If you would like to send us a message, please send E-mail to erf@rachel.org.. Environmental Research Foundation is funded by private foundations, individual contributions, and the sale of its publications. ERF is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Donations to ERF are tax-deductible, as allowable by law. If you are interested in supporting ERF's work, please E-mail us or call 1-888-2RACHEL (1-888-272-2435) or (410) 263-1584.