The following is mirrored from its source at: Pasted below is a statement, Stop the GATS Attack Now!, which has been prepared by an international network of civil society organizations working on WTO issues. As with previous initiatives like No New Round! and Shrink or Sink!, we hope this statement will help to launch and link together a series of country-based campaigns on the GATS negotiations all over the world. Written 9:40 PM Feb 21, 2001 by dq405@FreeNet.Carleton.CA in igc:talk.environme. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stop the GATS Attack "If achieved, this corporate GATS 2000 agenda will amount to a frontal attack on fundamental social rights.... "Not only will foreign-based, for-profit corporations be able to access public dollars to take over public hospitals and schools, but regulations on health and education standards will be undermined by global trade rules under the WTO. "Chains of foreign-based, for-profit corporations would be able to invade the childcare, social security and prison systems in all WTO member countries. "Our parks, wildlife and old growth forests could all become contested areas as global corporate 'environmental service' providers compete with one another to exploit their resources. "Meanwhile, unlimited access to foreign-based corporations would have to be given regarding municipal contracts for construction, sewage, garbage disposal, sanitation, tourism and water services...." - - - - - Forwarded message - - - - - ATTENTION -- Civil Society Activists Around the World! Although the Battle of Seattle was successful in preventing a new comprehensive round of global trade talks from going ahead, this did not mean there would not be trade negotiations at the WTO. On the contrary, a whole new set of WTO talks on global trade in 'services' began in February, 2000, with formal negotiations due to begin this spring after a crucial stocktaking session is completed at the end of March. These so called GATS negotiations [ General Agreement on Trade in Services ] could have a dramatic and profound effect on a wide range of public services and citizens' rights all over the world. Pasted below is a statement, Stop the GATS Attack Now!, which has been prepared by an international network of civil society organizations working on WTO issues. As with previous initiatives like No New Round! and Shrink or Sink!, we hope this statement will help to launch and link together a series of country-based campaigns on the GATS negotiations all over the world. We would greatly appreciate it if your organization would consider signing-on to this statement as soon as possible. The procedures for doing so are outlined below. It is our intention to collect sign-ons from civil society organizations in as many countries as possible before formally launching the statement in mid-March prior to the GATS stocktaking meetings in Geneva later that month. So, please let us know soon if your organization can sign-on! Instructions on how your organization can sign the letter: (This is an organizational sign-on letter only. We will not be adding individuals to it.) 1. Send an e-mail to 2. In the subject line type in "GATS Attack signatory" 3. In the body of the e-mail list the organization and country (contact information such as address, phone & fax is also appreciated) that you are signing on. Those who wish should also mention how many people the organization represents. ----------------------------- Stop the GATS Attack Now! As civil society groups fighting for democracy through fair trade and investment rules, we reject the outright dismissal by the World Trade Organization [WTO], some of its member governments and allied corporations of the vital concerns raised by civil society before, during and after Seattle. The smoke and pepper spray had barely lifted from the streets of Seattle when the WTO launched new negotiations to expand global rules on cross-border trade in services in a manner that would create vast new rights and access for multinational service providers and newly constrain government action taken in the public interest world wide. These talks would radically restructure the role of government regarding public access to essential social services world-wide to the detriment of the public interest and democracy itself. Initiated in February 2000, these far-reaching negotiations are aimed at expanding the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services [GATS] regime so as to subordinate democratic governance in countries throughout the world to global trade rules established and enforced by the WTO as the supreme body of global economic governance. What's more, these GATS 2000 negotiations are taking place behind closed doors based on collusion with global corporations and their extensive lobbying machinery. The existing GATS regime of the WTO, initially established in 1994, is already comprehensive and far reaching. The current rules seek to phase-out gradually all governmental "barriers" to international trade and commercial competition in the services sector. The GATS covers every service imaginable -- including public services -- in sectors that affect the environment, culture, natural resources, drinking water, health care, education, social security, transportation services, postal delivery and a variety of municipal services. Its constraints apply to virtually all government measures affecting trade-in-services, from labor laws to consumer protection, including regulations, guidelines, subsidies and grants, licencing standards and qualifications, and limitations on access to markets, economic needs tests and local content provisions. Currently, the GATS rules apply to all modes of supplying or delivering a service including foreign investment, cross-border provisions of a service, electronic commerce and international travel. Moreover, the GATS features a hybrid of both a "top-down" agreement [where all sectors and measures are covered unless they are explicitly excluded] and a "bottom-up" agreement [where only sectors and measures which governments explicitly commit to are covered]. What this means is that presently certain provisions apply to all sectors while others apply only to those specific sectors agreed to. The new GATS negotiations taking place now in the World Trade Organization are designed to further facilitate the corporate takeover of public services by: 1. Imposing new and severe constraints on the ability of governments to maintain or create environmental, health, consumer protection and other public interest standards through an expansion of GATS Article VI on Domestic Regulation. Proposals include a 'necessity test' whereby governments would bear the burden of proof in demonstrating that any of their countries laws and regulations are the 'least trade restrictive,' regardless of financial, social, technological or other considerations. 2. Restricting the use of government funds for public works, municipal services and social programs. By imposing the WTO's National Treatment rules on both government procurement and subsidies, the new negotiations seek to require governments to make public funds allocated for public services directly available to foreign-based, private service corporations. 3. Forcing governments to grant unlimited Market Access to foreign service providers, without regard to the environmental and social impacts of the quantity or size of service activities. 4. Accelerating the process of providing corporate service providers with guaranteed access to domestic markets in all sectors -- including education, health and water -- by permitting them to establish their Commercial Presence in another country through new WTO rules being designed to promote tax-free electronic commerce worldwide. This would guarantee transnational corporations speedy irreversible market access, especially in Third World countries. The chief beneficiaries of this new GATS regime are a breed of corporate service providers determined to expand their global commercial reach and to turn public services into private markets all over the world. Not only are the services industries the fastest growing sector of the new global economy, but health, education and water are shaping up to be the most lucrative of all "services." Health care is considered to be a 3.5 trillion dollar market worldwide, while education is targeted as a 2 trillion and water a 1 trillion dollar annual market. The chief executive officer of U.S. based Columbia/HCA, the world's largest for-profit hospital corporation, insists that health care is a business no different than the airline or ballbearing industry and vows to destroy every public hospital in North America. Investment houses like Merrill Lynch predict that public education will be globally privatized over the next decade, declaring that untold profits can be made through the process. Meanwhile, water giants like Vivendi and Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux of France are working hand-in-glove with the World Bank to compel many Third World governments to privatize their water services. Through powerful lobby machines like the U.S. Coalition of Service Industries and the European Services Forum, these and other transnational corporations have effectively set the agenda for the GATS 2000 negotiations. If achieved, this corporate GATS 2000 agenda will amount to a frontal attack on the fundamental social rights enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its accompanying Covenants and Charters. Not only will foreign-based, for-profit corporations be able to access public dollars to takeover public hospitals and schools, but regulations on health and education standards will be undermined by global trade rules under the WTO. Chains of foreign-based, for-profit corporations would be able to invade the childcare, social security and prison systems in all WTO member countries. Our parks, wildlife and old growth forests could all become contested areas as global corporate 'environmental service' providers compete with one another to exploit their resourses. Meanwhile, unlimited access to foreign-based corporations would have to be given regarding municipal contracts for construction, sewage, garbage disposal, sanitation, tourism and water services. For many Third World countries, this invasion of peoples' basic rights is not new. During the past two decades or more, the structural adjustment programs of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been used to force many governments in the South to dismantle their public services and allow foreign-based healthcare, education and water corporations to provide services on a for-profit basis. Under the proposed GATS rules, developing countries will experience a further dismantling of local service providers, restrictions on the build up of domestic service providers, and the creation of new monopolies dominated by corporate service providers based in the North. By dramatically increasing market control by foreign service corporations and by threatening the future of public services, the GATS 2000 agenda would trigger a global assault on the commons and democracy both in the North and the South. Moreover, the binding enforcement mechanisms of the WTO will ensure that this agenda is not only implemented, but rendered irreversible. The time has come to 'Stop the GATS Attack!' We therefore call upon our governments to immediately invoke a moratorium on the GATS 2000 negotiations and devote the remaining two years of the scheduled talks to carrying out the following tasks: a. conduct a full and complete assessment of the impacts of the current GATS regime and the implications of the proposed GATS 2000 rules on domestic social, environmental and economic laws, policies and programs with citizens' groups in all member countries; b. reaffirm the role and responsibility of governments to provide public services ensuring the basic rights and needs of their citizens in the new global economy based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related U.N. Covenants and Charters; c. declaw the existing GATS regime by removing components like Article VI and the Working Party on Domestic Regulation that give foreign governments and transnational corporations the power to ratchet down public interest laws, policies and programs such as quality standards for health care or safety standards for transportation; d. guarantee the right of governments to require ironclad safeguards for public services [e.g. healthcare, education, social security, culture, environment, transportation, housing, energy, and water] that may be threatened by global trade and investment rules; e. provide concrete incentives and resources, especially for governments in the South, to fulfill their universal obligations [see 'b' above] by further developing and strengthening the provision of public services based on peoples' needs rather than on the ability to pay; f. develop mechanisms for effective participation by citizen organizations in both the formulation of their government positions and in the negotiation of any global trade and investment rules in the future regarding cross border services. g. secure the rights and responsibilities of governments to enact and carry out laws and regulations protecting the environment and natural resources, health and safety, poverty reduction, and social well-being. Finally, we call on our governments to end all IMF, World Bank and Multilateral Development Bank pressure on developing countries to privatize public services, especially in the area of education, health and water. -- Chris Keene, Coordinator, Anti-Globalisation Network 90 The Parkway, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 0AE, England Tel 01268 682820 Fax 01268 514164 Organizations currently signed-on to the STOP the GATS Attack! Statement (as of April 11th, 2001): updated source at: Number of Organizations = 430 Number of Countries= 53 International Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) Fair Trade Federation (Canada & US) Friends of the Earth International Grassroots International Indigenous Peoples' Biodiversity Network, IPBN International Federation of Journalists International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (ISPO) People-Centered Development Forum Public Service International (PSI) Union Network International - Asian and Pacific Regional Organisation (UNI Apro) Xaverian Missionaries Argentina Asociacion de Empleados de Farmacia (ADEF) Equipo de Seguimiento, Investigación y Propuestas para las Mujeres (ESIPP) Foro de Consulta para la Participacion Ciudadana en las Politivcas de Desarrollo Foro para la Participacion Ciudadana en las Politicas de Desarrollo (FOCO) Iniciativa Arcoiris de Ecologia y Sociedad Instituto de Capacitacion de la Union de Empleados de Justicia de la Nacion Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (IDEMI) Union Obreros Metalurgicos (UOM) Australia Aberrant Genotype Press ACT Greens Australian Council of Trade Unions Australian Education Union Australian Greens Australian manufacturing Workers' Union Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (RTBU) Australian Reproductive Health Alliance Community Information Association, Brisbane Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union (CFMEU) - Forest & Forest Products Division Conversations for the 21st Century Economic Reform Australia (ERA) Information for Action People for Nuclear Disarmament Queensland Division of the National Tertiary Education Union, Brisbane Queensland Nurses' Union of Employees Quest 2025, Australia Richmond Valley LETS SEARCH Foundation StopMAI Coalition, Western Australia Sydney People Against A New Nuclear Reactor (SPANNR) Townsville Feminist Collective TROPO (Tweed Richmond Organic Producers Organisation) Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA Urban Ecology Australia Inc World Development Tea Co-operative Ltd. World Movement for Development WTO Watch Qld, Brisbane WTO Watch ACT - Australia Austria Anti Atom International ATTAC Austria Buendnis fuer Eine Welt/OeIE Center for Encounter and active Non-Violence Food First Information & Action Network GLOBAL 2000/FOE Austria Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Tirol Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika (IGLA) Salzburg Forum against MAI/WTO Bangladesh Gonoshasthaya Kendra Karmojibi Nari (KN) Belgium Friends of the Earth Europe International Coalition for Development Action Life, the Ecocreactive Platform OXFAM Belgium URFIG Bolivia CENDA (Centro de Comunicación y Desarrollo Andino) Coordinadora de Defensa del Agua y de la Vida de Cochabamba Comité Integrador de Organizaciones Económicas Campesinas de Bolivia Fundacion Solon TINKU JUVENIL (cultural youth group, Cochabamba) Brazil Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) CONFEDERAÇÃO NACIONAL DOS TRABALHADORES EM EDUCAÇÃO (CNTE) Grupo de Ergonomia e Novas Tecnologias (GENTE) Canada Alberta Council For Global Cooperation Bow Valley Labour Committee Canadian Action Party Canadian Federation of Students Canadian Federation of Students-BC Component Canadian Pensioners Concerned Inc. (Ontario Division) Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Church of the Holy Trinity Citizen Environment Alliance Council of Canadians Defence of Canadian Liberty Committee Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario FarmFolk/CityFolk Society FemJEPP (Feminists for Just & Equitable Public Policy), Nova Scotia Grain Services Union (ILWU-Canada) Hospital Employees' Union (British Columbia) International Socialists Kingston & District Labour Council L.I.N.C. (Low Income Needs Coalition) MAI-Day Coalition for Human Rights Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of Labour Northumberland Labour Council (Cobourg) Ogoni Solidarity Network - Canada Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Pacific Policy Collective Polaris Institute Public Service Alliance of Canada The Safe Water Group in Prince Edward County Saskatchewan Union of Nurses Local 105 Squamish And District Labour Committee Students' General Association of Laurentian University In Sudbury, Ontario Thunder Bay & District Labour Council Transformative Learning Centre Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Women's Centres CONNECT! Chile Red de Educadores Humanistas de Chile China Asia Monitor Resource Center- Hong Kong Documentation for Action Groups in Asia [DAGA] - Hong Kong Colombia Centro de Debate y Acción Ambiental Centro de Estudios del Trabajo, Cedetrabajo Revista Deslinde Corporacion Grupo de Apoyo Pedagogico Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos Ilsa Movimiento Obrero Independiente y Revolucionario, MOIR Costa Rica COECOCeiba, Friends of the Earth Democratic Republic of Congo National Mouvement For Democracy & Federalism in the Congo Denmark Southern Africa Contact, Denmark Fiji Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) Finland Alternative to EU Friends of the Earth Finland France Alliance Paysans Ecologistes et Consommateurs Association YHAD ATTAC ATTAC-Vendee CCCOMC de Nemours et ses environs Collectif Sauver les Lettres Comité local d'ATTAC du bassin de Vichy Ecoropa Fédération Artisans du Monde Federation syndicale unitaire (FSU) Femmes et Changements France Libertes - Fondation Danielle Mitterrand Gang of One Institut de recherches historiques, economiques, sociales et culturelles (IRHESC) le Passant Ordinaire, la revue, les editions Magistère de Relations Internationales et Action àl'Etranger (MRIAE) Mouvement National de Lutte pour l'Environnement (MNLE) Nature & Progrès - Fédération internationale d'agriculture biologique Network Against Corporate Rule and Neoliberal Policy Observatoire de la Mondialisation Pain et Liberté PANAMAFRICA SNESup (Syndicat national de l'enseignement supérieur) Solagral Solidarites Jeunesses Sud Aviation Civile Syndicat la Médecine Générale Syndicat CGT du CEE (24 syndiqués) WIDE (Women in Development Europe) Germany Active Partnership With the Southern Hemisphere Aktionszentrum 3. Welt e.V Arbeitskreis Internationalismus der IG Metall Berlin (International Metalworkers - Berlin) Berlin Working Group on Environment and Development BUKO Pharma-Kampagne Ghana Union Germany Network Against Corporate Rule and Neoliberal Policy World Economy, Ecology & Development Ghana All Africa Students Union (AASU) Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) International Socialist Organisation, Ghana India All India Drugs Action Network Bengal Regional Theologate of the Jesuits Diverse Women for Diversity EQUATIONS- Equitable Tourism Options Indian Institute of Development International Group for Grassroots Initiatives Jananeethi Loyola Hall Medical Mission Sisters Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, India Sanctuary Magazine Shramik Abhivrudhi Sangh Social Animation Towards United Liberative Action (SANTULAN) St Aloysius College St. Xavier's College Jesuit Management Tamilnadu Resource Team Tamilnadu Women's Collective Thanal Conservation Action and Information Network Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr Udayani Social Action Forum UPVAN (Uttar Pradesh Voluntary Action Network) The Women's Centre, Mumbai Women's Welfare Center (WWC) World Voices, India Youth For Unity And Voluntary Action (YUVA) Indonesia DELAPAN Foundation Federation of Indonesian Peasant Unions (FIPU) KALIPTRA Foundation International NGO Forum on Indonesia Development (INFID) North Sumatra Peasant Union SINTESA Foundation Walhi Lampung Yayasan Pelita Kasih Abadi (PEKA) Ireland Attac-Ireland Irish Green Party Israel Green course - students for the environment IPHC Palestine Italy SEDOS Working Group on the Debt - Italy SHALOM-International Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Network of the School Sisters of Notre Dame SinCOBAS Japan A SEED Japan APEC Monitoring NGO Network Friends of the Earth, Japan Jambo International Center Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC) Shimin Gaikou Center - Citizens' Diplomatic Center for the Rights of Indigenous peoples (ECOSOC NGO) Jordan Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME) Latvia Green Liberty Lebanon Humanitarian Group for Social Development Lebanese Democratic Union of Youth - Nabatieh (U.J.D.L) Malaysia Citizens' Health Initiative - Malaysia Mexico Red de Permacultura México Namibia College for the Arts/National Arts Extension Programme Nepal Integrated Organization System(IOS) Jajarkot Permaculture Programme Nepal Kingdom Foundation Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) Netherlands Both ENDS - Netherlands Corporate Europe Observatory International League of Peoples' Struggle Internationale Socialisten Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) Transnational Institute New Zealand FAIR NZ - New Zealand Pacific Institute of Resource Management (PIRM) Nicaragua Centro Alexander Von Humboldt - Amigos de la Tierra Nicaragua International People´s Health Council (IPHC) Norway For the Welfare State (For velferdsstaten) GATT-WTO Campaign, Norway International Socialists Nei til EU / No to the EU Norwegian Association of Health and Social Care Personnel Norwegian Civil Service Union Norwegian Farmer and Smallholders Union Norwegian Nurses Association Norwegian Union of Municipal Employees Norwegian Union of Social Educators and Social Workers Norwegian Union of Teachers Teachers' Union, Norway Pakistan Development VISIONS ROOTS for Equity - Pakistan Peru Asociacion Kechua-Aymara ANDES Asociacion Regional de Productores Ecologicos del Cusco Philippines Anti-Globalization Movement Countrywide Indigenous Pilipinos Foundation, Inc Initiatives For International Dialogue Justice and Peace Desk of the Philippine Province of the Religious of the Assumpton Romania For Mother Earth-Romania Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space Senegal CIRPED Slovakia Center for Environmental Public Advocacy / Friends of the Earth Slovenia DEA- Citizens' Antitoxics Action South Africa Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC) Diakonia Council of Churches eThekwini ECOPEACE - South Africa Green Party of South Africa International Peoples Health Council South Korea Green Korea United Taegu Round Spain ATTAC Cataluña Eukinonia Etica y Sociedad Hemen eta Munduan -Globalizazioaren inguruko herri ekimena Human Rights Observatory (Observatorio de Derechos Humanos, DESC) Mesa Civica por los Derechos Sociales El Rincon de Gaia - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Platforma Canaria de Seguimiento del Ami y sus Clones (Islas Canarias) RED ciudadana para la abolicion de la deuda externa en Madrid Sindicato de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de la Enseñanza de la Región de Murcia Switzerland Berne Declaration Centre régional Sebasol Vaud Forum for direct Democracy Europa-Magazin Thailand Focus on the Global South Rural Reconstruction Alumni and Friends Association (RRAFA) Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) Turkey Anti-capitalist, Turkey SOS ISTANBUL Cevre Gonulluleri Platformu (Environmental Volunteers' Platform) Working Group Against MAI and Globalisation United Kingdom Anti-Globalisation Network Brighton & Hove Green Party The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom Centre for Alternative Technology Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick Chesham and Amersham Green Party Chigwell Justice and Peace Centre Christian Council for Monetary Justice Christian Ecology Link Communities Against Toxics The Corner House Coventry Trades Union Council CYFLE Cymru LETS, Wales Devizes & Marlborough Friends of the Earth Earth Rights Institute, Scotland The Ecologist Environment Resource and Information Centre Forum for Stable Currencies, House of Lords Friends of the Earth, Swindon Friends of the Earth, Lambeth The Gaia Trust George Washington University Action Coalition Green Economy Policy Working Group of the Green Party of England and Wales Green Party, Bath Green Party, Wansdyke, North East Somerset Green Socialist Network JPIC Desk Mid & North Herts Friends of the Earth Muir's Tours (Nepal Kingdom Foundation Trading Ltd) Northern Rivertowns Subchapter of the Westchester Green Party North Sheffield Action Group Socialist Workers Party Stort Valley Friends of the Earth Tools For Self Reliance Cymru Tourism Concern, UK Transport And General Workers Union, 1/460 branch (Ipswich) V & V Network (Values and Vision) Vision in Action magazine, Wales Wholesome Food Association World Development Movement WDM Scotland World Voices United States Africa Action (Africa Policy Information Center, The Africa Fund, and the American Committee on Africa) AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) Alliance for Democracy American Postal Workers Union Local 497 Asia Pacific Center for Justice and Peace California Nurses Association Campus Greens Capital District (NY) Labor-Religion Coalition, Albany Carolina Animal Rights Effort Cascadia Forest Alliance The Center for the Study of Voluntary Organizations and Service Coastal Convergence Society Concerned Citizens Coalition of Roane, Calhoun and Gilmer Counties CorpWatch, USA Corvallis Action on Globalization Cumberland Countians for Peace & Justice Earth Island Journal The Eco-Store The Edmonds Institute 8th Day Center for Justice Environmental Health Advocacy League (ENHALE) Environmental Research Foundation Essential Action 50 Years Is Enough: U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy Forest Guardians Gallatin-Park Alliance for Democracy Global Exchange Global Resource Action Center for the Environment Global Response Globalization Challenge Initiative Goldeneaglevideo Foundation The Grail Grantmakers Without Borders Greater Kansas City Fair Trade Coalition Greater Sacramento Alliance for Democracy The Greens/Green Party USA Hawai'i Institute for Human Rights Hayward Demos Democratic Club Humane Society of the United States Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Institute Justice Team - Sisters of Mercy of the Americas The Institute for Economic Democracy Indiana Alliance For Democracy International Brotherhood of Teamsters International Socialist Organization The Institute for Economic Democracy The Institute for Local Self-Reliance Jobs with Justice Left Turn Mangrove Action ProjectEcosystems Defense Group Massachusetts Green Party Medical Mission Sisters Mendocino Coast Alliance for Democracy Metro Justice of Rochester, Inc. Minnesota Fair Trade Coalition MoKan Alliance for Democracy New York City Friends of Clearwater The North American Coalition for Christianity and Ecology (NACCE) Northern Utah Organic Group Obed Watershed Association Ohio Fair Trade Campaign Olympia Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Committee Oregon Committee to Re-Elect NOBODY for President 180/Movement for Democracy and Education Pacific Environment and Resources Center Pax Christi Burlington, VT Peninsula Peace & Justice Center Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network (PCAN) Physicians for a National Health Program Public Citizen Rainforest Action Network Resource Center for the Americas Sacramentans For International Labor Rights San Diego WTO Alert Sacramento Activists for Democratic Trade (SacActs) Save the Redwoods/Boycott the Gap Campaign Service Employees International Union (SEIU) SEIU #503, Oregon Public Employees Union Shenandoah Ecosystems Defense Group Solidarity Committee of the Capital District/Jobs with Justice, Albany Southern Neighborhoods Network The Steuben County Greens Sub-Guerrilla Art Collective! (SGAC) Texas Committee on Natural Resources (TCNR) Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) The Thomas Merton Center United Church of Christ, Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility United for a Fair Economy Vassar College Student Activist Union Virginia Forest Watch Virginians for Wilderness Washington State Africa Network West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc. (WE ACT) Who's Counting? Project Wisconsin Coordinating Council on Nicaragua (WCCN) Wisconsin Fair Trade Campaign Women, Food and Agriculture Network Women's Environment and Development Organization Uruguay REDES- Friends of the Earth, Uruguay REPEM : Education Network Among Women , America Latina y el Caribe Zimbabwe MWENGO (Mwelekeo wa NGO) SEATINI - Zimbabwe