This file is mirrored from The copy of the following Statement, included in the Mobilization Against Corporate Globalization "Guide to Civil Society's Activities Surrounding the Seattle Ministerial", produced by Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch with layout contributed by The Humane Society of the United States, states at the top: Signed by over 1,120 organizations from 87 countries. To sign your organization on, send an email to: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statement From Members of International Civil Society Opposing a Millennium Round or a New Round of Comprehensive Trade Negotiations In November 1999, the governments of the world will meet in Seattle for the World Trade Organisation's Third Ministerial Conference. We, the undersigned members of international civil society, oppose any effort to expand the powers of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) through a new comprehensive round of trade liberalisation. Instead, governments should review and rectify the deficiencies of the system and the WTO regime itself. The Uruguay Round Agreements and the establishment of the WTO were proclaimed as a means of enhancing the creation of global wealth and prosperity and promoting the well-being of all people in all member states. In reality however, in the past five years the WTO has contributed to the concentration of wealth in the hands of the rich few; increasing poverty for the majority of the world's population; and unsustainable patterns of production and consumption. The Uruguay Round Agreements have functioned principally to prise open markets for the benefit of transnational corporations at the expense of national economies; workers, farmers and other people; and the environment. In addition, the WTO system, rules and procedures are undemocratic, untransparent and non-accountable and have operated to marginalise the majority of the world's people. All this has taken place in the context of increasing global economic instability, the collapse of national economies, increasing inequity both between and within nations and increasing environmental and social degradation, as a result of the acceleration of the process of globalisation. The governments which dominate the WTO and the transnational corporations which have benefited from the WTO system have refused to recognise and address these problems. Instead, they are pushing for further liberalisation through the introduction of new issues for adoption in the WTO. This will lead to the exacerbation of the crisis associated with the process of globalisation and the WTO. We oppose any further liberalisation negotiations, especially those which will bring new areas under the WTO regime, such as investment, competition policy and government procurement. We commit ourselves to campaign to reject any such proposals. We also oppose the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement. We call for a moratorium on any new issues or further negotiations that expand the scope and power of the WTO. During this moratorium there should be a comprehensive and in-depth review and assessment of the existing agreements. Effective steps should then be taken to change the agreements. Such a review should address the WTO's impact on marginalised communities, development, democracy, environment, health, human rights, labour rights and the rights of women and children. The review must be conducted with civil society's full participation. The failure of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) demonstrates broad public opposition to the deregulation of the global economy, the increasing dominance of transnational corporations and escalating resource use and environmental degradation. A review of the system will provide an opportunity for society to change course and develop an alternative, humane and sustainable international system of trade and investment relations. This statement is signed by: * 50 Years is Enough: US Network for Global Justice , USA * 8th Day Centre for Justice, IL, USA * A SEED, Europe * A SEED JAPAN * AAI - Anti Atom International, Wien, Austria * Aboriginal Tourism Authority, Canada * Absolventenverein der Landwirtschaftlichen Lehranstalt Lienz,, Austria * AC! (Agir Ensable contre le chômage, France * Accion Ecologica - Friends of the Earth Ecuador * Action Committee Sem-Terra, Netherlands * Advocates for Animal Rights Nassau, The Bahamas * Africa Policy Information Centre (APIC), USA * Africa Faith and Justice Network * Agora - Associação para Projetos de Combate à Fome Brasília/Brasil * akin-Redaktion (Wochenzeitschrift "aktuelle informationen"), Austria * AID/WATCH (Australia) * AITEC (Association Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs), France * AK Weltwirtschaft Nuernberg, Germany * Aktion Umweltgespräche Lienz, Austria * Alberta Aboriginal Tourism Alliance, Canada * All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF), India * All Japan Federation of Farmer's Union (Zennichino), Japan * Alliance for Democracy, Indiana Chapter, USA * Alliance for Democracy, USA * ALT - Ambiente Lavoro Toscana, Italy * Alt Ref Boku / Oeh, Austria * Alternative Consumer Association, the Netherlands * Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC), South Africa * Alternative to the EU, Finland * American Lands Alliance, USA * Americans for Democratic Action, USA * Amigos de la Tierra Argentina / Friends of the Earth Argentina * AMRASH, Morrocan Association of Research Action for Sustainable Development, Morocco * Amsterdam Solidarity Committee Refugees / Supportgroup Refugees, the Netherlands * Anarchist Now! (United States) * Animals Require Kindness Nassau, The Bahamas * Anti-Atom-Gruppe der Projektwerkstatt Nuernberg, Germany * Anti-Atom-Netzwerk Mittelfranken, Germany * Anti Fascistisk Aktion-Stockholm, Sweden * Anti-Militarist Research Collective North, the Netherlands * APEC Labour Rights Monitor (ALARM), Hong Kong * APEC Monitor NGO Network (AM-net), Japan * APWSL, Pakistan * Arawack Cay Fish and Vegetable Association, Nassau, The Bahamas * Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft - AbL, Germany * ARCI - Firenze, Italy * Arctic to Amazonia Alliance, USA * ARGE fuer Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Gewaltfreiheit, Austria * ARGE Gemeinsam gegen Atomgefahren, St. Peter, Austria * Arge Stop Transit, Postfach, Lienz, Austria * Armidale Environment Centre, Australia * Asia-Japan Women's Resource Centre, Japan * Asia Indigenous Women's Network, the Philippines * Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange, USA * Asia Monitor Resource Center (AMRC), Hong-Kong * Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Thailand) * Asian Farmers Exchange Center, Japan * Association d'Entraide Professionelle (AEP), Lebanon * Association of African Women for Research and Development (AAWORD) * Association of State Green Parties, USA * Associazione PROGETTO ARCOBALENO - Firenze, Italy * ATTAC, France * Australian Education Union, Australia * Australian for Ecologically Sustainable Population- South East Queensland Branch, Australia * Australian STOP MAI Coalition, Australia * Bahamas Reef Environment Education Foundation Nassau, The Bahamas * Baja Ecotopia Earth First!, USA * Baltimore Action for Justice in the Americas (BAJA), USA * Banaban Heritage Society, Japan * Bangladesh Group, Netherlands * Bank Information Center (USA) * Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation, Canada * BEATI COSTRUTTORI DI PACE - Bagno a Ripoli (Fi), Italy * Berne Declaration, Switzerland * BIU - Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz, Budweis, Czech Republik * Blue-GreenSociety from Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada * BLUE 21, Berlin Working Group on Environment and Development, Germany * Both ENDS, the Netherlands * BOX S.E.P.E - Firenze, Italy * Buendnis fuer Eine Welt/ OEIE (Alliance for One World), Austria * BUKO Agro Coordination, Germany * Bund Deutscher PfadfinderInnen KV Nuernberg, Germany * BUND (Bund fuer Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland), Friends of the Earth Germany * California Fair Trade Campaign, USA * Campaign Against the Arms Trade, Southampton, UK * Campaign for Food Safety, USA * Campaign for Labour Rights, USA * Campaign to Abolish Poverty, CA, USA * Canadian Action Party, Canada * Canadian Environmental Law Association, Canada * Casa dei diritti sociali - Firenze, Italy * Cebu Environmental Initiatives for Development Center, Inc, the Philippines * CEDETIM (Centre d'Etudes et d'Initiatives de Solidarité Internationale), France * Center for Alternative Development Initiatives (CADI), the Philippines * Center for Environmental Public Advocacy - the Slovak Republic * Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence Bad Ischl, Austria * Centre de Recerca i Informacio en Consum (Barcelona, Spain) * Centre for Social Justice and Global Awarness, TX, USA * Centre for Food Policy, Thames Valley University , UK * Centre for Gender and Development Studies, University of the West Indies, Barbados * Centro de Debate y Accion Ambiental (Colombia) * Centro de Informacao e Documentacao Amilcar Cabral (CIDAC), Portugal * Centro Euri de Investigacion y Promocion Regional, Peru * Centro Orientamento Iniziative America Latina - Firenze, Italy * Centro S. APOLLINARE - Fiesole (Fi), Italy * Centrum ENERGIE, Budweis, Czech Republik * CESTA-Friends of the Earth El Salvador * Chiche! Jeunes Ecolos Alternatifs Solidaires, France * Christian Centre for Financial Responsibility, USA * Church of Sweden Aid / Lutherhjaelpen, Sweden * Citizens' Reaction Against Pollution, USA * Citizens' Alliance of Santa Barbara, USA * CISCAP (Committee in Solidarity with the Central American People), OR, USA * Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras, USA * Coalition on Women, Religion, Spirituality, Seattle, WA, USA * Collectif Droits des Femmes, France * Comboni Missionaries J & P Resource Center * Comitato di solidarietà col popolo del Nicaragua - Bagno a Ripoli (Fi), Italy * Comitato Paul Rougeau contro la pena di morte - Firenze, Italy * Comitato per la Costituzione P. CALAMANDREI - Firenze, Italy * Comitato Scientifico Antivivisezionista, Italy * Commission Socialiste de Solidarite Internationale (CSSI), Switzerland * Committee Utrecht against Racisme and Fascisme, the Netherlands * Comunità dell'Isolotto - Firenze, Italy * Comunità di Base Le Piagge - Firenze, Italy * Comunità Emmaus - Firenze, Italy * Conference of Social Justice Coordinators of Southern California, USA * Conference of Social Justice Coordinators of Northern California, USA * Congregation of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, USA * Consiglio di Quartiere 4 - Firenze, Italy * Consolato ribelle del Messico - Firenze, Italy * Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS), India * Consumer Union of Japan * Coordinamento Fiorentino della Campagna "Dire mai al MAI", Italy * Corner House, UK * Corporate Agribusiness Research Project, USA * Corporate Europe Observatory * Corporate Watch, UK * Cortes Ecoforestry Society, Canada * CO.S.P.E. - Firenze, Italy * COS Groningen, Centre for International Cooperation, the Netherlands * Council of Canadians, Vancouver Chapter, Canada * C.P.A. Firenze Sud - Firenze, Italy * Craft Centre, Washington DC, USA * CRISLA-RITIMO (Solidarite Internationale, Development Durable, Droits de l'Homme), France * Dakota Resource Council, USA * Dalit Action Solidarity Collective (DASC), Tamil Nadu, India * Dana Association (A.C.), Mexico * DAWN, Fiji Islands * DECA Equipo Pueblo, Mexico * Democratic Socialists of America, USA * Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era - a global (South) network * Development Fund, Norway * Dire Mai al MAI, national Italian campaign, Italy * Diverse Women for Diversity, India * Down to Earth - the International Campaign for Ecological Justice in Indonesia, UK * Droits devant!! (France) * DWARS, GreenLeft Youthorganisation, the Netherlands * Earthcare Freeport Grandbahama The Bahamas * East Timor Action Network / Arizona, USA * East Timor Action Network, Los Angeles, USA * EcoLogic, Troy New York, USA * Ecologistas en Accion, Spain * Economic Reform Australia * Economic Justice Now, USA * Ecoropa, France * ECOROPA, Germany * ECOTERRA International, Nairobi Node, Kenya * Edmonds Institute, USA * Edogawa Grass-root Citizen's Network on Global Warming, Japan * Education and Training Employees Association, Vancouver, Canada * Education Foundation, Pakistan * Emmaus, France * Emmaus, Italy * Emmaus International, bureau de liaison Europe * Emmaus De Bilt, the Netherlands * Emmaus Regenboog, Wageningen, the Netherlands * ENDA Inter-Arabe - environment and development in the Arab World * Energias Alternativas. FUNDAGREA, Venezuela * Environmental Investigation Agency, UK * Envirowatch Inc, USA * EPICENTER, USA * EpoG - Society for Development Policy, Germany * ERNTEVERBAND Osttirol, Lienz, Austria * Essential Action, USA * European Federation of Green Parties, Europe * Falls Brook Centre, Canada * FAIR NZ - New Zealand * Fair Trade Federation, USA * FarmFolk/CityFolk Society, Vancouver, Canada * FEDERAZIONE GIOVANILE EVANGELICA - Gruppo di Firenze, Italy * Federer et Liberer - France * Feministische Partie DIE FRAUEN / Bayern, Fuerth, Germany * Focus on the Global South, Thailand * Folgende Initiativen, Austria * Foodcooperation Utrecht, the Netherlands * Food First/ The Institute for Food and Development Policy, USA * Forests Monitor, UK * Foro para el Desarollo Sustentable, Mexico * Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional Sustentável - Secretariado Nacional, Brazil * Foundation Omslag, the Netherlands * Foundation Searchweb, the Netherlands * Frauen gegen Transit, Lienz, Austria * Frauensolidaritat (Solidarity among Women), Austria * Free Burma Coalition, USA * Free Union of Students (Russia) * Friends of Earth and Trees (FEATS), Pakistan * Friends of the Christmas Mountains, Sackville, New Brunswick ,Canada * Friends of the Earth - Czech Republic, Hnuti Duha Praha, Czech Republic * Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland * Friends of the Earth Finland * Friends of the Earth Middle East * Friends of the Earth Netherlands - Milieudefensie, the Netherlands * Friends of the Earth New Zealand * Friends of the Earth Norway / Norges Naturvernforund, Norway * Friends of the Earth - Slovakia * Friends of the Earth Sweden / Miljoforbundet Jordens Vanner, Sweden * Friends of the Earth United StatesFur for Animals, the Netherlands * Friends of the Environment Abaco The Bahamas * Front Range Fair Trade Coalition, CO, USA * Full Employment Coalition, USA * Fundacion Desarollo Sustentable de Venezuela * Gaia Community Trust, UK * Gaia Foundation, UK * Gaia Preservation Coalition, Canada * GATT WTO Campaign, Norway * Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN) * Genetic Concern, Ireland * German-African Association, Berlin, Germany * GERMANWATCH, Germany * G.I.T. Banca Etica - Firenze, Italy * Global 2000 - Friends of the Earth Austria * Global Citizens for Local Action Shinjuku (Japan) * Global Exchange, USA * Global Forum on Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security, Tamil Nadu, India * Global People's Foundation 'Earth Tree', Japan * Global Response, USA * Global Labour Institute * Global Village, Japan * Globalisation Challenge Initiative, USA * GM-FREE Magazine, UK * Good Shepherd Social Justice Network, Australia and New Zealand * Goucher College Students for Peace and Non-Violent Action, MD, USA * Greater Sacramento Chapter of the Alliance for Democracy, USA * Green Library, Latvia * Green Korea United, Korea * Green Party of Canada * Green Party of England and Wales, UK * Greens, Green Party USA * Group KIKI, Japan * Group de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, France * GROUPE DEVELOPPEMENT (France) * Gruppo Economia E.Balducci - BadiaFiesolana - Firenze, Italy * Gruppo Verdi - Firenze, Italy * Guatemala Committee, the Netherlands * Guido España Barrios, Bolivia * Hague Peace Platform, the Netherlands * Happiness Academy, Australia * Happy Planet Foods, Canada * Hawai'i Wildlife Fund, Paia, Hawai'i, USA * Hawai'i Pesticide Project, Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA * Heartwood, IN, USA * Hightower Radio, TX, USA * Hope for Change, Iligan City, Philippines * Human Rights Clinic and Education Centre, Cameroon * Humboldt Centre, Nicaragua * IL FILO ROSSOAssociazione di cultura e politica -Firenze, Italy * IL MURETTOAssociazione di volontariato - Firenze, Italy * ILPOZZOCooperativa sociale - Firenze, Italy * IL VILLAGGIO DEI POPOLI - Firenze, Italy * Indigenous Peoples' Biodiversity Network, Peru * INRA Centre Antille-Guyane, Guadeloupe * Institute for Popular Democracy (IPD) - Philippines * Institute for Global Futures Research (IGFR), Australia * Institute of Interdisciplinary Study and Research (Germany) * Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos, Colombia * Interface Trading, Senegal * International Coalition for Development Action (ICDA), Belgium * International Committee Against Disappearences * International Forum on Globalization (IFG), USA * International Human Rights Association, Germany * International Labour Rights Fund * International Alliance for People's Movements, Iowa, USA * International Campaign for Responsible Technology * International South Group Network (ISGN), Harare, Zimbabwe * International People's Health Council (IPHC) Southeast Asia/Pacific & North East Asia * Intitute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (USA) * Institute for Alternative Community Development (IACOD), Japan * Institute for Cultural Ecology * Institute Justice Team, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, IL, USA * Institute of Central American Studies, Costa Rica * Instituto de Estudos Amazonicos, Brazil * Iowa City Green Party, USA * Island Expedition Nassau, The Bahamas * ITALIA NOSTRA - Firenze, Italy * Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC), Japan * Japan Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN), Japan * Jobless People's Interests Union Amsterdam, the Netherlands * JustAct, Youth ACTion for Global JUSTice * Kaerntner Netzwerk gegen Armut und Ausgrenzung, Austria * KAIROS EUROPA, Heidelberg, Germany * Kalmiopsis Audubon Society, USA * Kalpavriksh - Environmental Action Group, India * KATAWHAN MO, Ozamiz City, Philippines * Katholische Arbeitnehmerbewegung (KAB), Lienz, Austria * Katholischer Familienverband, Zweigstelle Lienz, Austria * Kepa Trade Policy Working Group, Finland * Komitee Widerstandgegen das MAI, Germany * L' ALTRACITTA', giornale della periferia - Firenze, Italy * Lanao United Peasant Association (LUPA), Mindanao, Philippines * Latin America Center Social Ecology (CLAES), Uruguay * Leadership Council of Peace Action of San Mateo County CA, USA * LEGAMBIENTE - Firenze, Italy * LES ALTERNATIFS (France) * Les Peripheriques Vous Parlent, France * LETS Victoria, BC, Canada * LightHawk, Seattle, WA, USA * Ligne Blanche, France * Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire (LRC), France * London Human Rights Forum, UK * Lookat/Watchdog * Los Verdes, España * LUNDUAN, Iligan City, Philippines * MAGIC, Stanford, CA, US * MAI niet gezien! anti-MAI campaign, the Netherlands * MAID, the Netherlands * Manitoba MAI Awareness Coalition, Canada * Mama Cash, Funding Organisation for Women, the Netherlands * MANI TESE - Firenze, Italy * Memphis Audubon Society, TN, USA * Menorah Jewish Network, Albury Australia * Metro-Detroit Alliance for Democracy, USA * Mesa Nacional Campesina de Costa Rica, Costa Rica * Mexican Action Network on Free Trade (Mexico) * Minnesota Fair Trade Coalition, USA * ML-gruppa Revolusjon (Revolution), Norway * MoKan Alliance for Democracy, Kansas City, USA * Moviment ghalt Ambjent, Friends of the Earth (Malta) * Movimiento AgroEcologico Chileno, Chile * Movimiento Contra la Europa da Maastricht y la Globalizacion Economica, Spain * National Association of Consumers from Venezuela (ANC), Venezuela * National Centre for Sustainability, Canada * National Union of Third Worldshops Region Schagen, the Netherlands * Native Forest Council, USA * Native News Network of Canada * Nature and Youth (Friends of the Earth, Youth Branch), Norway * NCOS (National Centre for Development Corporation), Belgium * Nea Ecologia / Friends of the Earth - Greece * Nei til EU, Norway * Netherlands Committee for IUCN, the Netherlands * Network for Environment and Economic Responsibility of the United Church, USA * New Raza Left - Los Angeles, USA * New Economics Foundation, UK * New Paltz Green Party, USA * New York Metro Chapter of the Labor Party, USA * New York State Greens / Green Party of New York State, USA * NEWS! the Network of European World Shops, Europe * Norsk Bonde-og Småbrukarlag (Norwegian farmers' and smallholders' union), Norway * Northwest Environmental Defense Center of Portland, USA * Northwest International Health Action Coalition, Seattle, Washington, USA * Norwegian Committee for Solidarity with Latin America, Norway * Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group, Canada * Novalis Institute, Cape Town, South Africa * Obiettori di coscienza alle spese militari - Firenze, Italy * Observatoire de la Mondalisation, France * Observe Respect & Compassion for Animals (ORCA),Pacifica, CA, US * Ocean Watch Bahamas Nassau The Bahamas * Odhikar: A Coalition for Human Rights, Bangladesh * Oesterreichische Bergbauernvereinigung, Austria * ÖGB -Bezirkstelle Lienz, Austria * Ohio Fair Trade Campaign, USA * Oikos. Journal for Politics, Environment and Culture (Belgium) * Oilwatch Mesoamerica, Guatemala * Okayama Grassroot Movement Citizen's Center (OGMCC), Japan * OOe Plattform gegen Atomgefahr, Linz, Austria * OtherWise, Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Sustainable * Development, the Netherlands * Oxfam-Solidarity, Belgium * Oxfam-Wereldwinkels, Belgium * Oxfam-Solidarity, Belgium * Pacific Environment and Resources Center, Oakland, CA, USA * Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC), Tokyo, Japan * Pacific Environment and Resource Center, CA, USA * Pacifist Socialist Party '92, the Netherlands * Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Forest Protection Group in Japan (PSFPGJ), Japan * PCPE (Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de Espanya), Spain * PAN (Pesticide Action Network), Indonesia * PAN-AP (Pesticide Action Network, Asia and the Pacific), Malaysia * Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers' Union, AFL-CIO, CLC (PACE), USA * PAX CHRISTI - Firenze, Italy * Pax Christi, Victoria, Australia * Pax Romana ICMICA (Thailand) * Peace and Justice Centre of Southern California, USA * Peace and Justice Task Force, United Church of Christ, Rocky Mountain Conference, USA * Pennsylvania Consumer Action Network, USA * People Against Racist Terror (PART), USA * People and Planet network, UK * People to People Aid, Japan * People's Movement, Australia * People's Forum 2001, Japan * Pericles, France * Pesticide Action Network, North America * Pesticide Trust, UK * Pestizid Aktions- Netzwerk e.V. (PAN Germany) * Philippine Greens, Philippines * Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM), Philippines * PLADES, Peru * Play Fair Europe!, European Union * Polaris Institute (Canada) * Positive Futures Network, USA * Preamble Center, United States * PRESS, Save the Children youth, Norway * PRLDEF Institute for Puerto Rican Policy Inc, USA * PROGETTO CONTATTO - Firenze, Italy * Programa Semillas (Fundacion Swissaid - Colombia) * Progressive Bookshop Rosa, the Netherlands * Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty and Genocide, GA, USA * Pryority One Carpentry - Australia * Public Interest Research Group, India * Public Citizen, USA * Radical Routes, coops for social change, UK * Rainforest Action Network, San Francisco, CA, USA * RAPALMIRA, PAN - Colombia * RAPAM Coordinator Mexico * Reclaim Australia * Red de Accion en Alternativas al Uso de Agroquimicas, Lima, Peru * Red de Permacultura Mexico * Red Electoral Alliance, Norway * Red Green Alliance, Denmark * Red Interamericana de Agriculturas y Democracia (RIAD), Ecuador * Rede Dia Mundial da Alimentação- Povos de lïngua Portuguesa.Ponto Focal Global, Brazil * REDES Amigos de la Tierra - Friends of the Earth Uruguay * reEarth Nassau, The Bahamas * Reform Party of Rancho Mirage, USA * Regenwaldforum Nordbayern e.V., Germany * Regional Environmental Action League, MN, USA * Resource Center of the Americas, USA * Rethinking Tourism Project, MN, USA * Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, India * Resource Centre of the Americas, USA * Revolution, Norway * Rhode Island Chapter of the Alliance for Democracy, USA * Rights for all that live, the Netherlands * RMALC (Mexican Network for Action on Free Trade), Mexico * Rural Education Action Project: Rural Vermont, USA * Salzburg Forum Against the MAI, Austria * San Diegans Against Biotechnology (SAB), USA * San Diego Environmental Coalition, USA * San Mateo County Peace Action - USA * Sarawak Campaign Committee, Japan * Save The Exuma Sea Park Exuma Bahamas * Secretariat of the Clean Cloths Campaign in Amsterdam, the Netherlands * Shimin Gaikou Centre/Citizens' Diplomatic Centre for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Japan * Shuswap Barter Network, Canada * Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, USA * Sindicato Labrego Galego, Spain * Sisters of Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Tokyo-Shinjuku community), Japan * Sisters of the Holy Names CA Justice and Peace Committee, USA * Sisters of the Holy Names, CA Leadership Team, USA * Sisters of Benedict, Oklahoma, USA * Site for Social Action-USA * Social Justice Committee of the Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation, WA, USA * Socialist Party of Labor, Philippines * Socialist Workers Party, the Netherlands * Society for the Peoples of the Rainforest, Switzerland * Socio-Ecological Union International, international network * SOLIFONDS (Solidarity fund for the social struggles for liberation in the third world), Switzerland * South Asia Community Center for Education and Research, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India * South Australian Genetic Food Information Network, Australia * Southampton Animal Concern, UK * St Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA), MO, USA * Stichting De Brandnetel, the Netherlands * Stichting Promotie, Arabic and Turkish Woman and Family, the Netherlands * Stichting Aarde, the Netherlands * Supportgroup for Jobless People Wageningen, the Netherlands * Sussex Society for the Public Interest, Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada * Sustainable Alternatives to the Global Economy (SAGE) * Sustainable Economics (magazine of the Green Party, UK) * Swedish Consumer Coalition, Sweden * Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Sweden * Swiss Coalition of Development Organizatons, Switzerland * Take Back Georgia, Inc, USA * Targetti Sandro, presidente Commissione Pace Comune di Firenze, Italy * Tartu Student Nature Protection Group, Estonia * Tebtebba Foundation (Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education), the Philippines * Tenessee Industrial Renewal Network (TIRN), USA * TERRA E LIBERTÀ - Campi Bisenzio (Fi), Italy * TESTIMONIANZEAssociazione Culturale - Firenze, Italy * Third World Network * Towards a Different Europe * TRANET, US * Trans Intelligence Internationale Newsletter, Australia * Transnational Institute, Amsterdam * Transnational Resource and Action Center, USA * TRIKONT Verein Lienz, Austria * Tri-people Partnership for Peace and Development (TRIPEACDEV), Ozamiz, Mindanao Philippines * TRIPEACEDEV-ZN, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines * TRIPEACEDEV-LS, Lanao del Sur, Philippines * TRIPEACEDEV-ZS,Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines * TRIPEACEDEV-LN, Lanao del Norte, Philippines * Trinity College Dublin One World Society, Ireland * TUC Radio, San Francisco, USA * Umweltreferat der Diözese Gurk/Ecological comittee of diocese Gurk/Carinthia, Austria * Umvelt-und Projektwerkstatt Freiburg, Germany * United Church of Christ Network for Environmental and Economic Responsibility, USA * Union Amsterdam Different, the Netherlands * Union for people on the Dole Amsterdam, the Netherlands * United for a Fair Economy, USA * United Steelworkers of America, Los Angeles/Orange Countries Legislative Committee, USA * University of New England Environment Group, Australia * University of Wisconsin - Madison Greens, USA * University-Young Women (U-YW), MN, USA * Urgeworld, Germany * V.P. Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity, Kansas City, USA * Vancouver Chapter Council of Canadians, Canada * Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group, Canada * VENA Library and Information Services on Gender, Social Change and Development, the Netherlands * Verdener Umveltwerkstatt e.V., Germany * Verein "Lebenswertes Pustertal", Lienz, Austria * Verein zum Schutz der Erholungslandschaft Osttirol, Lienz, Austria * Victoria MAI-DAY Network of BC, Canada * Visaya Management Consultancy Inc, Cebu City, Philippines * Visions in Action, Washington DC, USA * Volksschule Neufelden, Austria * Vorarlberger Forum against the MAI, Austria * WALHI / Friends of the Earth Indonesia * Waterview Publishing, Canada * Weltladen-Dachverband, Germany * Weltladen Lienz, Austria * West Coast Raging Grannies, Vancouver, Canada * Windsor Area MAI-day Coalition for Human Rights, Canada * Windsor and Area Coalition for Social Justice, Canada * Wisconsin Fair Trade Campaign, USA * Wisconsin Coordinating Council on Nicaragua, USA * Women For Peace International Department, the Netherlands * Women's Intercultural Network (WIN), San Fransisco, USA * Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), BC, Canada * Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), France * Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), International * Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), USA * Women's Information Centre Nicaragua, the Netherlands * Women's Resource Centre, Pakistan * Women's World Summit Foundation, Switzerland * Working Group Against the MAI and Globalisation - Turkey * Workinggroup North-South FNV Labour Union Groningen, the Netherlands * Workinggroup Towards A Feminist Europe, the Netherlands * WorkSafe! South - Los Angeles, USA * World From Himeji, Japan * World Rainforest Movement, Uruguay * World Economy, Ecology and Development (WEED), Germany * W.W.F. - Toscana, Italy * Youth Approach for Development and Cooperation (YADC), Bangladesh * Youth Environment Active, the Netherlands Drafted: 21 March 1999 First circulated: 24 March 1999 Last updated: 3 May 1999 Current number of signatories: 544 Countries represented: 63+ - Argentina, Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lativa, Lebanon, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, the Middle East (two regional networks), Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Senegal, Spain, South Africa, the Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela, Zimbabwe Contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------