As Oren Lyons speaks of the power of the good minds, William Commanda of honour, respect and responsibility for The Sacred Instructions, Elizabeth Sahtouris of how the principles essential to the health of living systems are empowered participation of all parts and continual negotiation of self-interest at all levels of organization, and Tom Atlee of co-intelligence, so we begin devoting this space to the challenges we face in creating a globalized world that cares for all of Gaia's children. |
It is not enough to resist and protest the call and lure of The Song of Money. Renewal is the essential complement to resistance. We must rededicate our selves, listening anew with all our attention, to the Song of Life. Equally essential is to define what kind of world do we want? The group mind that manifested in Seattle during the fall of 1999 was listening to the Song of Life. Nurturing this group mind, that champions and supports the furtherance of all life on earth (including the human species), will help into being the co-globalizing of gaia's children.
Indigenous peoples, undoubtedly, are the ones most adversely
affected by globalization and by the WTO Agreements. However, we
believe that it is also us who can offer viable alternatives to
the dominant economic growth, export-oriented development model.
Our sustainable lifestyles and cultures, traditional knowledge,
cosmologies, spirituality, values of collectivity, reciprocity,
respect and reverence for Mother Earth, are crucial in the search
for a transformed society where justice, equity, and
sustainability will prevail.
Indigenous Peoples' Seattle Declaration,
11/30-12/3 1999
Essential Reading
- The Third Freedom, January 2025
- Ending the Doctrine of Domination, David Ratcliffe, 3 July 2023
- Losing Earth? Realign with Original Free Peoples’s Great Law and Find Her Again, by David Ratcliffe, November 2018
- Toward a Paradigm Change for Mother Earth
Understanding the Empire Domination Model of Christianity: A Way of Liberation
Keynote by Steven Newcomb on Original Free Nations and Peoples, Spotlight of Indigenous Peoples Plenary
2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions (08:49)
- Steven Newcomb Intervention At U.N. High Level Plenary Meeting, World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
Twelfth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 20-31 May 2013 (5:05)
- Steve Newcomb: Pagans In The Promised Land
Annotated transcript of 2009 talk in NYC covering some of the elements in his 2008 book, Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery (14:48)
- Original Nations Anthem
is dedicated to Standing Rock and their supporters, as well as our ancestors and “All Our Relations.” Our video is a tribute to the Oceti Ṡakowin (Seven Council Fires of the Great Sioux Nation). It is intended as poignant opposition to the domination and dehumanization that has been happening to our Nations for more than five hundred years as a result of the doctrine of Christian discovery, and as opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline.
- GATT - The Environment and the Third World, A Resource Guide
PDF, raw text, raw msword
Has the WTO, as global bill of rights for corporations, empowered them to destroy the earth? Giving corporations a global bill of rights led directly to climate collapse. The GATT/WTO dates match up exactly with the CO2 emissions.
- Table of Contents: Global Transformation: Why We Need It And How We Can Achieve It, by Richard K. Moore, 2004
- Model Amici Curiae Brief to Eliminate Corporate Rights,
by Thomas Alan Linzey, Daniel E. Brannen, and Richard L. Grossman, 9/23/03
- Oren Lyons:
- The Peacemaker & the Tadadaho, 2015
- Doctrine of Discovery, 2015
- Oren Lyons: The Indigenous View of the World, 2006
- Ethics, Spiritual Values, and Promotion of Environmentally Sustainable Development, World Bank, 3 Oct 1995
- Citizen's Summit: Agenda for the Earth, speaking at Rio De Janeiro, 9 Jun 1992
- 1991 Interview - Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Onondaga Council of Chiefs of the Hau de no sau nee
- ratitor's corner:
- Moving Toward Thinking "like a mountain", 2004 September Equinox
- We're All In Prison, And Most Of Us Don't Know The Door Is Unlocked, 2003 September Equinox
- The New Myth For Our Species: The Creation of Consciousness, 2001 september equinox
- Palestine and Israel
- The Al Aqsa Intifada and International Law, Francis A. Boyle, Nov 2000
- Palestine, Palestinians and International Law, by Francis Boyle, 31 Mar 2002
- The campaign for Israeli divestment and the charge of anti-Semitism, by Joseph Kay, 10 Apr 2003
- Law and Disorder in the Middle East, by Francis Boyle, Jan 2002
- The Death of the Oslo Accords, by Francis Boyle, 3 Jul 2002
- Elizabeth Sahtouris:
- Vistas - Evolving Our Beliefs to Evolve Our Lives, 2004
- Discovering the Living Universe Scientific Spirituality for a Global Family, 2003
- What the Human Genome Tells Us, May 2001
- Living Systems, the Internet and the Human Future, 13 May 2000
- The Big Picture, 12 Aug 1999
- The Biology of Globalization, Oct 1998
- Expressing Life's Wisdom: Nurturing Heart-Brain Development
Starting With Infants, Joseph Chilton Pearce 1999 Interview
- Wendell Berry:
- A Citizen's Response to the National Security Strategy of the United States of America, 9 February 2003
- Thoughts in the Presence of Fear, 26 Sept 2001
- Benjamin Ferencz: Interview on Crimes Against Humanity 19 Sept 2001
- Sr. Joan Chittister: The Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders, 7 Oct 2002
- Susan Witt: Letter on 10/12/02 Demiurgus Peace International Gathering
- Terry Tempest Williams: The power of non-violence and the violence of "Homeland Security", 30 March 2003
- Tom Atlee:
- Revenge, listening and deep democracy, 24 March 2003
- Reaching from NO towards a transformational YES, 20 March 2003
- Indigenous Peoples Peace Initiative, Year 4 Reed, Day Two Crocodile, 12 March 2003
- John Judge:
- Kean and failure on 9/11, 12/19/03
- 9/11 Commission - Status of Investigation, 10/20/03
- Questions About 9-11 Terrorists, by John Judge, 7/9/03
- In Our Name, 20 Dec 2001
- A New War or a New World?, 23 Sep 2001
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
- Commencement Address at American University in Washington, 10 Jun 1963
- Address to the American People on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 26 Jul 1963
- John Spritzler: No, Voting Won't Work, November 2000
- Bill Ellis: Book Review: The Hidden Connections, 1 May 2003
- William Clough: Moving Forward: Clash of Civilizations, December 2002
- Arundhati Roy:
- Confronting Empire, 27 Jan 2003
- The algebra of infinite justice, 29 Sept 2001
- `Brutality smeared in peanut butter'
--Why America must stop the war now, 23 Oct 2001
- Walden Bello:
- The American Way Of War, 12/30/01
- From Melbourne to Prague:
the Struggle for a Deglobalized World, Sept 2000
- Vandana Shiva:
- Poverty & Globalisation, part 5 of BBC Reith Lectures 2000, 27 Apr 2000
- The Historic Significance of Seattle, 12 Dec 1999
- The Global Campaign Against Biopiracy and Changing the Paradigm of Agriculture, IFG Seattle Teach-In, 26 Nov 1999
- Who Is Afraid Of Biosafety?, Fall 1998 (response to Jimmy Carter's, "Who's Afraid of Genetic Engineering?", NYT Corporation, 8/28/98)
- Monocultures, Monopolies, Myths and the Masculinisation of Agriculture,
27 June 1998 - Bioethics: A Third World Issue, 1997
- Winona LaDuke: Fighting Bad Guys and Trying to Do The Right Thing:
A Vision For Change, 28 Aug 2000
- David Korten:
- Civilizing Society, FEASTA annual lecture, Dublin, Ireland, 4 Jul 2000
- Civilizing Societies - new paper based on the above.
- One World--One World Government; Bretton Woods or The United Nations?,
IFG Washington - World Bank/IMF Teach-In, 14 Apr 2000- ....After Seattle? Taking on the Corporate and Financial Rulers:
Our Goal is Political and Economic Democracy,
Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Seattle, 3 Dec 1999
- A Planetary Alternative to the Global Economy,
Winter 2000 issue of Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of Green Social Thought- Book Review
We Are the Capitalists. You Will Be Assimilated. Resistance Is Futile
TIKKUN, July/August 1999, Vol. 14, No 4
- Ecological Design
- John Todd: The New Alchemists from Design Outlaws, 1997
- William McDonough:
- Sustainable Design - How We Can Give More Back to the Environment than We Take, Fall 2002
- Waste Equals Food - Our Future and the Making of Things, 1998
- The NEXT Industrial Revolution, with Michael Braungart, 1998
- Selected Works of Mae-Wan Ho including:
- Sept 2001: Note the 53 new papers mirrored from the ISIS site including:
- The Organic Revolution in Science and Implications for Science and Spirituality,
"Future Visions" State of the World Forum, 4-10 Sep 2000- The Biology of Free Will, 1996
- Taking Science Seriously in the GM Debate, 16 Apr 2001
- Human Genome - The Biggest Sellout in Human History, 18 Oct 2000
- Evolution, 1998
- The Unholy Alliance, 1997
- Can biotechnology help fight world hunger?, 29 Jun 2000
- Turning the Tide on the Brave New World, Feb 2000
- Why Biotech Patents Are Patently Absurd, Feb 2000
- Organism and Psyche in a Participatory Universe, 1998
- Towards a New Ethic of Science, Spring 2000
- Natural Being and a Coherent Society, 1996
- The Organic Revolution in Science, 29 Oct 1999
- David Orr:
- Four Challenges Of Sustainability, by David W. Orr, April 2003
- Walking North on a Southbound Train, by David W. Orr, April 2003
- Robert McChesney:
- Global Media and Democracy, IFG Washington - World Bank/IMF Teach-In, 4/14/00
- The Mythology of Commercial Broadcasting and the Contemporary Crisis
of Public Broadcasting, 1997 Spry Memorial Lecture, Canada- Corporate Concentration: A Threat to the Right to Communicate?, May 1998
- Moving the Media Revolution Forward, Indy Media Center Interview, Aug 2000
- Robert Rabbin: Mr. Bush: I'm Coming for You with Love, 17 February 2003
- Hal and Sidra Stone: Open Letter to President George W. Bush, 18 February 2003
- Francis Boyle:
- George Bush, Jr., September 11th and the Rule of Law, 1 Feb 2002
- Draft Impeachment Resolution Against George W. Bush, 1/17/03
- Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons, 4/18/02
- The Rogue Elephant, The Bush Jr Administration has become a `threat to the peace' within the meaning of UN Charter Article 39, Jul 2002
- The American Empire: A Banana Republic?, 25 Jan 2002
- Rush Bimbo & Guantanamo, 8 Feb 2002
- A Coup against the American Constitution, Interview, 14 Nov 2001
- Kangaroo Courts: Boyle v Gonzales, Francis Boyle, 30 Nov 2001
- Boyle Interview: In Name of Security, Thousands Denied Constitutional Rights, Nov 2001
- Catherine Austin Fitts:
- Saving Tennessee - There is $3.3 Trillion Missing
From HUD & DOD in FYs1998-2001, Jul 4 2002- Solari Rising, 15 Nov 2001
- Narco-Dollars for Beginners
"How the Money Works" in the Illicit Drug Trade, 2001- The Myth of the Rule of Law, Nov 2001
- A Conversation About The Popsicle Index, 26 Jan 2003
- The American Tapeworm, Part I, 4/30/03
- Tapeworm, Part II - The Solari Solution, 5/1/03
- Cynthia McKinney: Archived replica of her house.gov website, 1992-2002
- Thom Hartmann:
- The Empire Needs New Clothes, 11 Mar 2003
- When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History, 16 Mar 2003
- How To Take Back America, 25 Mar 2003
- Now Corporations Claim The "Right To Lie", 1 Jan 2003
- Americans Revolt in Pennsylvania - New Battle Lines Are Drawn, 12 Dec 2002
- Granny D: A Call To Action, 27 July 2002
- United States Constitution: The Bill of Rights
- 19 June 2001 - Forward Widely:
USTrade Coalition--New TNC Group to Push FFTA/WTO/Fast Track
- Noam Chomsky: Taking Control of Our Lives:
Freedom, Sovereignty, and Other Endangered Species, 26 Feb 2000
- Peter Montague writing on by Paul Ray's and Sherry Ruth Anderson's new book:
The Cultural Creatives, in Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly #711, 9 Nov 2000
- Ralph Nader:
- Challenging Autocratic Governance
That Serves The Interests Of Global Corporations, 4/14/00- Wasting Your Vote, Wasting Our Democracy, 8/23/00
- Reclaiming Civic Power to Reverse
the Corporate Erosion of Civil Rights, 7/11/00- Acceptance Speech Statement
for Green Party 2000 Nomination for President, 6/25/00- The Central Contention of Politics Should be the Distribution of Power, 3/1/00
- Plutocracy and the Citizen Agenda for '92 and beyond, 1/15/92
- The Concord Principles--An Agenda For a New Initiatory Democracy, 2/1/92
- The Decline of Democracy & The Concord Principles, 5/9/92
- Michael Ruppert: The F Word, on Fascism's move to center-stage in the U.S., 20 Nov 2001
- Paul Hawken: N30, What Skeleton Woman Told the WTO in Seattle, 1/6/00
- Susan George: Seattle Turning Point: Fixing or nixing the WTO
Le Monde diplomatique, January 2000
- Robert Theobald:
4/14/00 IFG Washington D.C. Teach-In Speech Transcripts
Robert McChesney: Global Media and Democracy ![]()
Randall Forsberg: Monopoly Militarism and the U.S. Monopoly on the Militarization of the World ![]()
David Korten: One World -- One World Government; Bretton Woods or The United Nations? ![]()
Ralph Nader: Challenging Autocratic Governance That Serves The Interests Of Global Corporations
11/26-27/99 IFG Seattle Teach-In Speech Transcripts
The economies of the 21st century were being built on a metaphysics that has died in the 17th: That matter is dead, and life forms are merely atomistic constitutions of dead matter. It is not an accident that there is constant regression in this period where the one reference, where the one phrase that is constantly used in debates on genetic engineering, particularly from the U.S., is the need for "Sound Science". Vandana Shiva, IFG Teach-In, 11/26/99
People's Declarations Presented in Seattle
- Indigenous Peoples' Seattle Declaration
- Women's Caucus Seattle Declaration
- Via Campesina Seattle Declaration
- Diverse Women for Diversity Seattle Declaration
- Farmers' Declaration on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
- Environmental Justice Statement on "Free Trade"
- Seattle Food Safety Declaration
Biopiracy is the rape of our biodiversity, our intellectual and cultural heritage. It is a rape of a very very fundamental kind that goes back into the past, exists in the present and goes into the future. The WTO rules legitimize this rape. . . . The present rules are basically high-tech rules for slavery. It's just new kinds of slavery. But it is worse than the slavery on which this nation's prosperity was built. It is worse because this time it is enslaving all life -- not just human. Vandana Shiva, IFG Teach-In, 11/26/99
Analysis of & Responses to the Impacts of
Corporate Globalization on Living CommunitiesWater
- Global Water Grab: How corporations are planning to take control of local water services, local copy from the Polaris Institute, January 2003
- Going Down the Road - The Water Profiteers, by Jim Hightower, 9/2/02
- Who Owns Water? by Maude Barlow and Tony Clark, 2/2/02
- BLUE GOLD, The Global Water Crisis And The Commodification Of The World's Water Supply, by Maude Barlow Chair, IFG Committee on the Globalization of Water, National Chair, Council of Canadians
- Water-A Trillion Dollar A Year Privatization Grab, by Boudewijn Wegerif, 4/19/01
- Our New Resource Crisis: Global Drinking Water, by Peter Phillips, March 2001
- IMF Forces Water Privatization on Poor Countries, by Sara Grusky, February 2001
- Soaking the poor S.F.'s Bechtel wants the Bolivian people to pay for its bad water investment,
by Daniel Zoll, 12/13/00- Cochabamba Declaration, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 12/8/00
- The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply,
by Maude Barlow, IFG Seattle Teach-In Transcript, 11/26/99General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
The Last Frontier - Maude Barlow on the GATS Treaty, The Ecologist, May 2001
Necessity test is mother of GATS intervention, Observer (London), 4/15/01
"Article VI.4 of GATS . . . may one day be seen as the post-democratic Magna Carta. . . . As a practical matter, this means nations will have to shape laws protecting the air you breathe, the trains you travel in and the food you chew by picking not the best or safest means for the nation, but the cheapest methods for foreign investors and merchants."- Stop the GATS Attack, 2/25/01
- GATS: How the WTO's new "services" negotiations threaten democracy,
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 9/00- See Also:
- Council of Canadians' GATS Municipal Resolutions Kit + Background Info
- GATSwatch , a joint initiative of Corporate Europe Observatory and the Transnational Institute
- Public Citizen's WTO and Services (GATS)
Stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
-- Democracy Before Trade:
- The Right and US Trade Law: Invalidating the 20th Century, by William Greider, 11/17/01
- NAFTA's Investor "Rights" A Corporate Dream, A Citizen Nightmare, Multinational Monitor, April 2001
- NAFTA AT SEVEN - Its impact on workers in all three nations
Extensive Report by the Economic Policy Institute, April 2001- Groups Gear Up to Battle Hemispheric Pact, LAT, 3/25/01
- The Free Trade Area of the Americas and the Threat to Social Programs,
Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice
in Canada and the Americas, by Maude Barlow- Maude Barlow speaking at the World Social Forum Panel on "Future of Nation States", 1/28/01
- What The World Wants And How To Pay For It Using Military Expenditures,
from The World Game Institute- The American Way Of War, by Walden Bello, 12/30/01
- The Globalization of Repression:
A Special Report to the European Parliament, Dec 2001- How War and Globalization Support American Business
Billions Flow to Oil and Defense Companies - Bombing Of Baghdad Staves Off Financial Uncertainty
by Michel Chossudovsky 2/19/01- Climate Change: Washington's New World Order Weapons
by Michel Chossudovsky 11/26/00
- Background on the HAARP Project by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, 11/5/96
- The World Trade Organization and War: Making the Connection
- Program for WTO and the Global War System Forum
- Proceedings: WTO and the Global War System Forum
- Why We Should Reject Biotech Patents from TRIPS, by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Dr. Terje Traavik
- Campaign Against Biopiracy / Local Action for Living Democracy
- Citizens of India and Members of Gram Sabhas of Villages Respond to
Biopiracy and the WTO :
- Citizens of India and members of Gram Sabhas of villages Letter To Mike Moore, 9/99
- Biopiracy Patents Based on Indigenous Knowledge of India
- Mike Moore Response to Citizens of India and members of Gram Sabhas of villages, 10/28/99
- Abdication of Responsibility for Biosafety in the Name of Free Trade
by Dr. Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher- Patenting Life? A Primer on the TRIPs Review (PDF)
by MASIPAG (Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development), TEBTEBBA Foundation, Inc (Indigenous Peoples' International Centre for Policy Research and Education), and GRAIN (Genetic Resources Action International)- No Patents On Life: A Workshop About The TRIPs Agreement
- See Also: Special Section on Biological koyaanisqatsi
- India's New Farm Policy--Serving The American Interest by Devinder Sharma
- National Family Farm Coalition Press Release:
Family Farmers Join Allies in Seattle for World Trade Organization events- What many farmers have found about genetic engineering
- Squeezing the Poor--What Globalization Is Really About, William E. Rees, 4/22/02
- The Corporate Takeover of Childhood, by George Monbiot, 1/8/02
- Shall We Leave It to the Experts?, Enron's Power Project in India Demonstrates
Who Benefits from Globalization, by Arundhati Roy, 2/18/02- Doha: Saving the WTO, Killing Democracy, by Vandana Shiva, 12/4/01
- The Poor Can Buy Barbie Dolls, Removal of QRs and the fate of the poor,
by Vandana Shiva, 4/2/01- Stiglitz vs. The Bloodsuckers -- IMF'S Four Steps to Damnation,
by Gregory Palast, 4/29/01- WTO and the Third World: On a Catastrophic Course,
An Interview with Martin Khor, 10/99- Impacts of WTO On The Environment, Cultures and Indigenous Peoples
- The Chilean Alliance for a Fair and Responsible Trade
WTO: Civil society will not accept more commercial liberalizationLocal copies of Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly:
- #586: The Precautionary Principle, 2/19/98
- #673: The WTO and Free Trade, 10/21/99
- #674: The WTO and Free Trade--Part 2, 10/28/99
- #675: The WTO Turns Back the Clock, 11/4/99
- #677: Corporate Rights vs. Human Need, 11/18/99
- #725: The Enemies Of Democracy, 5/24/01 (PR mgmt of perception of reality)
I suggest we be clear that our goal is not to reform global corporate and financial rule -- it is to end it. The publicly traded, limited liability corporation is a pathological institutional form and financial speculation is inherently predatory. As a first step both must be regulated. The appropriate longer term goal is to rid our economic affairs of these institutional pathologies -- much as our ancestors eliminated the institution of monarchy.
Holistic, Ecological Science - Sustainable Stewardship
- The Potential of Agroecology to Combat Hunger in the Developing World,
by Miguel Altieri, Peter Rosset and Lori Ann Thrupp, 1998
- Selected Works by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (from the Institute of Science in Society)
- Sept 2001: Note the 53 new papers mirrored from the ISIS site including:
- The Organic Revolution in Science and Implications for Science and Spirituality,
"Future Visions" State of the World Forum, 4-10 Sep 2000- The Biology of Free Will, 1996
- Human Genome - The Biggest Sellout in Human History, 18 Oct 2000
- Evolution, 1998
- The Unholy Alliance, 1997
- Thinking again of lifes miracle, 10 Apr 2000
- Turning the Tide on the Brave New World, Feb 2000
- Why Biotech Patents Are Patently Absurd, Feb 2000
- Bioenergetics and Biocommunication, 1996
- One Bird - Ten Thousand Treasures,
How the Duck in the Paddy Fields Can Feed the World, 1999- Organism and Psyche in a Participatory Universe, 1998
- Towards a New Ethic of Science, Spring 2000
- Natural Being and a Coherent Society, 1996
- The Organic Revolution in Science, 10/29/99
- Genetic Engineering Biotechnology - Challenges & Opportunities, 5/28/99
- No to GMO's -- Civil Society vs Corporate Empire, 9/11/99
- Why We Should Reject Biotech Patents from TRIPS, 1999
- The Biotechnology Debate has United the World against Corporate Rule, 11/27/99
- by David Korten:
- ...After Seattle? Taking on the Corporate and Financial Rulers:
Our Goal is Political and Economic Democracy, 12/3/99- A Planetary Alternative to the Global Economy,
Winter 2000 issue of Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of Green Social Thought- Book Review
We Are the Capitalists. You Will Be Assimilated. Resistance Is Futile
TIKKUN, July/August 1999, Vol. 14, No 4- Seeing The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism
- by Elisabet Sahtouris:
- Living Systems, the Internet and the Human Future, 5/00
- The Biology of Globalization, 10/98
- Living Systems in Evolution, Capetown, 12/99
- From Mechanics to Organics - Scott London Interview, 2/99
- Replace Biopiracy with Biodemocracy, by Andrew Kimbrell, 1996
- Local copies of Rachel's Environment & Health News:
- #624: Sustainable Development--Part 1, 11/12/98
- #625: Sustainable Development--Part 2, 11/19/98
- #626: Sustainable Development--Part 3, 11/26/98
- #627: Sustainable Development--Part 4, 12/03/98
- #628: Sustainable Development--Part 5: Emissions Trading, 12/10/98
- #629: When Growth Stops -- Sustainable Development--Part 6, 12/17/98
- #667: The Meaning of Sustainability--Part 1, 9/9/99
- #668: The Meaning of Sustainability--Part 2, 9/16/99
- #672: Taxes for Sustainability, 10/14/99
- #686: Sustainability and Ag Biotech, 2/10/00
- #711: The Cultural Creatives, 11/9/00
Related Information, News and Analysis
- War Times, new biweekly newspaper opposing the "war on terrorism", 1/30/02
- Dirty Tactics at Fourth WTO Ministerial Conference, by Tetteh Hormeku, 11/12/01
- The WTO's Hidden Agenda, by Gregory Palast, 11/9/01
- 19 June 2001 - Forward Widely:
USTrade Coalition--New TNC Group to Push FFTA/WTO/Fast Track- Seattle National Lawyers Guild Releases Draft Report on WTO Ministerial, 7/7/00
- Sign-On: Alternative Biosafety Protocol To Prevent Harm To Human Health, Biodiversity and the Environment, 1/19/00
- Consumers Union of Japan Open Letter to American Farmers & Agribusiness, 10/6/99
- Statement From Members of International Civil Society Opposing a Millennium Round or a New Round of Comprehensive Trade Negotiations
- Local copies of Rachel's Environment & Health News:
- #715: A Textbook For Whistle-Blowers, 1/5/01
- ratitor's corner, December Solstice: Seattle Journal, November 26 - December 3, 1999
WTO rules runs roughshod over local laws and regulations. It relentlessly pursues the elimination of any strictures on the free flow of trade, including how a product is made, by whom it is made, or what happens when it is made. By doing so, the WTO is eliminating the ability of countries and regions to set standards, to express values, or to determine what they do or don't support. Child labor, prison labor, forced labor, substandard wages and working conditions cannot be used as a basis to discriminate against goods. Nor can environmental destruction, habitat loss, toxic waste production, and the presence of transgenic materials or synthetic hormones be used as the basis to screen or stop goods from entering a country. Under WTO rules, the Sullivan Principles and the boycott of South Africa would not have existed. If the world could vote on the WTO, would it pass? Not one country of the 135-member states of the WTO has held a plebiscite to see if their people support this concept.
Concentrated Information
- from The Institute of Science in Society
- World Scientists Statement - signed by 229 scientists from 27 countries, 12/15/99
We, the undersigned scientists, call for the immediate suspension of all environmental releases of GM crops and products; for patents on life-forms and living processes to be revoked and banned; and for a comprehensive public enquiry into the future of agriculture and food security for all.
- The Lugano Report, On Preserving Capitalism In The 21st Century by Susan George
- The Ecologist, the World's leading environmental magazine
- War Resistor's League: Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes
- On the Benefits of Small Farms, by Peter Rosset, Executive Director, Food First (PDF)
The above is a condensed version of the following Policy Brief #4:- The Multiple Functions and Benefits of Small Farm Agriculture,
In the Context of Global Trade Negotiations, by Peter Rosset, September 1999, Food First (PDF)
- When I was growing up... by Susan George, Conference on Speed, Amsterdam, 11/96
What marched in the streets of Seattle? Slower time strode into the WTO. Ancient identity emerged. The cloaks of the forgotten paraded on the backs of our children. It is not the fast things that will prevail. In the end, that which is slow is powerful.
WTO-Specific Focus
- The Progress Project, Rethinking Progress and Human Development
- November 30th Public Debate on Globalization and the WTO Town Hall, Seattle
- Netwar in the Emerald City: WTO protest strategy and tactics by Paul de Armond
- The Kids Are All Right by Jeff Crosby,
President of IUE Local 201 and North Shore Labor Council, Lynn, Ma
Expansive perspective from a trade unionist who was in Seattle during the WTO events.
- Articles from the Third World Network :
- Follow-up To a Ministerial meeting that never (formally) was?, by Chakravarthi Raghavan, 12/14/99
- Moore puts more spin on Seattle debacle, by Someshwar Singh, 12/8/99
- The Revolt of the Developing Nations, by Marin Khor, 12/6/99
- A theatre of the absurd at Seattle, by Chakravarthi Raghavan, 12/5/99
- US, Moore rebuffed, WTO Ministerial ends in failure, by Chakravarthi Raghavan, 12/4/99
- No legitimacy or credibility in Seattle process and results - Third World Groups Denounce Undemocratic and Bullying Tactics at Seattle, TWN statement, 12/3/99
- WTO hijacked by big corporations, South countries the victims, by Martin Khor, 8/99
Janine Benyus, author of a wonderful book called Biomimicry, pointed out that humans assigned one group of people called biologists to study how other species make a living, while a totally separate group of people called economists were to figure out how humans make a living. Now we have the opportunity to look at economics in terms of biology -- to look at the experience of four-and-half billion years of self-organization, to see how young species are acquisitive and territorial and grabby, and mature species co-operate, as in a rainforest. Where is the leadership? Distributed leadership. Everything shared and recycled. What a great economic model! The Big Picture, Elisabet Sahtouris, 8/12/99
- Press Releases from Congresswoman Maxine Waters (Democrat, California):
- Opposes WTO Decisions That Harm Health and the Environment, 11/29/99
- Commends Jubilee 2000 Movement for Efforts In Support of Debt Relief for World's Poorest Countries, 11/29/99
- Holds World AIDS Day National Town Hall Meeting, 11/30/99
- Cautions Against Invisible Government of the World Trade Organization, 12/3/99
- Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC), South Africa
- WTO coverage from Democracy Now
- WTOWatch.org - The global information center on the WTO and trade
- Working Together After Seattle
message from Mark Ritchie, President, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy- WTO summit ends in failure, 12/4/99
- WTO Ends Conference Well Short Of Goals, 12/4/99
- US tactics lead to collapse of talks, 12/4/99
- Collapse of WTO talks a setback for Clinton, 12/4/99
- Delegates Say WTO Talks Fail, 12/4/99
. . . Intentionally or not, people like Friedman serve as cheerleaders for injustice when they ridicule all who dare to dream of the world that might be. In the name of realism, he contributes to a sense of powerlessness among those inclined to work for change -- thus making it possible for a small elite, acting in secret beyond democratic accountability, to shape the institutions of power to serve their narrow and exclusive ends. Book Review of Thomas Friedman's
The Lexus and the Olive Tree,
by David Korten, 7/99
- Selections from the Transnational Institute (TNI)
- The Iron Cage: The WTO, The Bretton Woods Institutions And The South by Walden Bello, paper presented at IFG Teach-In, published in Views from the South.
- Debacle In Seattle, A Blow-By-Blow Account by Walden Bello,
Business World, 6 December 1999- What's Next For Asia And The WTO? by Walden Bello,
Far Eastern Economic Review, December 1999- NGOs Take On WTO In The Battle Of Seattle by Walden Bello,
Business World, 22 November 1999- Trade Before Freedom: Seattle Prepares for Battle by Susan George,
Le Monde diplomatique, November 1999- Globalization: A Challenge For Peace Solidarity Or Exclusion? by Susan George
Instituto Internazionale Jacques Maritain Milano, 29-31 October 1999- Power, Timidity, And Irresponsibility In Global Finance by Walden Bello,
Focus-on-Trade, No. 37, August 1999- Deconstructing Harry: What The New Man At Treasury Has In Store For Asia by Walden Bello,
Business World (Manila), 26 July 1999, The Nation (Bangkok), 28 July 1999- Globalising Designs Of The WTO, State Sovereignty Under Threat by Susan George,
Le Monde diplomatique, July 1999- Address To The Executive Committee Of The World Alliance by Susan George,
Geneva, 19 June 1999- Public Institutions and Civil Society
Strengthening Participatory Democracy and Responsible Citizenship by Susan George
Contribution to the Council of Europe Conference, Strasbourg, 31 May - 1 June 1999- A MEETING OF MINDS, Interview with Walden Bello and Hazel Henderson by Sanitsuda Ekachai and Atiya Achakulwisut,
Bangkok Post, 3 April 1999- A Short History of Neo-Liberalism, Twenty Years of Elite Economics,
and Emerging Opportunities for Structural Change by Susan George
Conference on 'Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World', Bangkok, 24-26 March 1999- TNCs: Employment Is Not The Point by Susan George
February 1999
From the author: This short piece has never been published, despite my best efforts. I think it's worth a look, if only because I can't see dozens of other people having the patience to add up all the figures for the top 100 Transnationals contained in the World Investment Report in order to make some sense out of the data. Shedding workers is a way of life for TNCs which are clearly never going to solve anyone's employment problems.- Asian Financial Crisis: The Movie by Walden Bello,
Focus-on-Trade, No. 31, November-December 1998- Economy and Ecology, Ways of Looking at the World by Susan George
Documenta X: One Hundred Days, One Hundred Guests, Kassel, 15 July 1997- Why Stop Now? A Contribution To The Right To Hope by Susan George,
from The Right to Hope: Global Problems, Global Visions, Earthscan, 1995
- from the Third World Network :
- The WTO, Agriculture and Food Security, 12/98
- Agriculture: Shadow-boxing for 2000? by Chakravarthi Raghavan
- Agriculture: India for a "market- plus" approach by Chakravarthi Raghavan
- The "Big Bang" in agriculture in the WTO by Bhagirath Lal Das
- The AOA: an imbalanced, inequitable agreement by Bhagirath Lal Das
- Proposed specific changes needed in WTO Agriculture Agreement by Bhagirath Lal Das
- Macroeconomic policies that affect the South's agriculture by Martin Khor
- Direct Action Network Against Corporate Globalization
- What is the WTO? by Stephanie Guiloud and Chris Dixion
- Resist the WTO Products
At the heart of the WTO is an assault on everything left standing in the commons, in the public realm. Everything is now for sale. Even those areas of life that we once considered sacred like health and education, food and water and air and seeds and genes and a heritage. It is all now for sale. Economic freedom -- not democracy, and not ecological stewardship -- is the defining metaphor of the WTO and its central goal is humanity's mastery of the natural world through its total commodification.
I want to take my few minutes here tonight to sound the alarm about one aspect of this. You're going to hear so many different areas of concern around the WTO. What I want to address is the potential impact of the WTO on the very source of life which is water. The destruction of aquatic ecosystem health, of the increasing water scarcity, are in my opinion the most pressing environmental problems facing human kind.Maude Barlow, IFG Teach-In, 11/26/99
Information on Genetic Engineering
- Get this book: Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature
by Martin Teitel, Ph.D., and Kimberly Wilson, Forward by Ralph Nader
- Dr. Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher On the Biosafety Protocol:
- Our Planet - "UNEP - Looking Forward":
Safety Denied, Dr. Egziabher wonders whether the North is serious about negotiating a Biosafety Protocol, 6/99- Outstanding Issues of the Biosafety Negotiations
- Power Affirmed to Men and of Safety Denied to Life
- from the Third World Network :
- The Future of Genetic Resources: South faces critical choices, 6/99
- The TRIPS Agreement of the WTO and the Convention on Biological Diversity: The need for coordinated action by the South by Tewolde Egziabher
- Article 27.3(b) of the TRIPS Agreement: Review options for the South by Cecilia Oh
- Patenting life is owning life by Tewolde Egziabher
- No scientific basis for patenting under TRIPS Article 27.3(b) by Dr Mae-Wan Ho & Dr Terje Traavik
- Legal and practical perspectives on sui generis options by Gurdial Singh Nijar
- Time period for enacting sui generis laws on plant variety protection by Gurdial Singh Nijar
- The OAU draft law and convention: A model for protecting community rights and access by Cecilia Oh
- Declaration by the OAU/STRC task force on community rights and access to biological resources
- Of power affirmed to men and of safety denied to life by Tewolde Egziabher
- LARGE resource list on Biotechnology/Biosafety
- Sign Council on Responsible Genetics (CRG) Petition: No Patents on Life!
- Join the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) -- support it's goals:
Promote Organic! Preserve strict organic standards. 30% organic by 2010 Global Moratorium on Genetically Engineered Foods and Crops.
-> Sign the OCA Petition to Support Food Agenda 2000 Stop Factory Farming and Phase Out Industrial Agriculture.
- Halt the trade of Bt crops - Bt Corn Petition for WTO
- from Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism :
- Indians, Genes and Genetics: What Indians Should Know About the New Biotechnology (PDF)
- 13 Myths About Genetic Engineering
- Glossary of Genetic Terminology
- Where It All Started: Diamond v. Chakrabarty,(1980) - First patent on life
Everything in globalization and trade liberalization could have been achieved by the kind of coercion that's built into the IMF and the World Bank. I believe the one aspect that the IMF and World Bank could never have achieved is establishing this new form of empire-over-life through genetic engineering and patenting. Vandana Shiva, IFG Teach-In, 11/26/99
- Northwest Resistance Against Genetic Engineering
- FDA taking comments on bioengineered foods thru 1/13/99
FDA Docket Number 99N-4282, Biotechnology in the Year 2000 and Beyond
See also http://www.nwrage.org/
- Resistance is Fertile, a global week of activities (4/1-8/00) against genetically engineered foods to celebrate the diversity of local agriculture
- Ag BioTech InfoNet
- from In Motion Magazine :
- U.S. family farm leader Bill Christison details negative impacts of GMOs, 10/29/99
Detrimental effects to health, the environment, the social order and the economy- Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods and Crops:
Why We Need A Global Moratorium, Ronnie Cummins, 8/29/99- An interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva, 8/14/98
"The deeper you can manipulate living structures the more you can control food and medicine."- Family Farms and U.S. Trade Policy, March 1998
U.S. family farm leader speaks to European farmers- Other In Motion Articles on Genetic Engineering
Petitions, Support Ecology, Feeding People
Please send dave other worthy petition/click-to-help links
- Petitions:
The Blue Planet Project: The Cochabamba Declaration
On December 8, 2000 several hundred people gathered in Cochabamba, Bolivia for a seminar on the global pressure to turn water over to private water corporations. For many of those who attended it was the first time they had come together since the mass uprising at the beginning of the year when the people of Cochabamba took back their water from the private water company. Also in attendance was an international delegation of water activists. The result of that meeting was the following declaration that captures the essence of their struggle and the struggle of more and more communities around the world. If you agree please sign on below. This declaration is a rallying call to join the struggle to protect the planet and human rights.- Depleted Uranium Weaponry Ban
- Petition to the US Congress Regarding The Price Anderson Act
Aging reactors -- high probability of nuclear accidents. Will your homeowners insurance cover the damages?
- No insurance policy, whether homeowners or vehicle insurance, will cover damages to your property or health in case of a nuclear accident.
- This is due to the Price Anderson Act, passed in 1957 to protect the nuclear industry from financial responsibility in the event of an accident.
- Sign the petition to repeal this archaic law which protects the nuclear industry and denies adequate protection to citizens.
- Sign REMONSTRANCE to end Illegal Operations of the IRS from We The People
- No Patents on Life! from the Council on Responsible Genetics
- Climandate - mandate better US rep. for Climate Treaty negotiations
- No Star Wars/No BMD Petition
- Stop Star Wars
- Nuclear Threat Reduction Campaign - For Our Kids Future, Make Nuclear Weapons a Thing of the Past
- Abolish Nuclear Weapons Petition
- Demand Clemency for Leonard Peltier
- UNESCO: Manifesto 2000 for a Culture of peace and Non-violence
- Click once-a-day to:
- Donate Food for Free to Give to Feed Hungry People in the World
- The Rainforest Site: Donate Land For Free
- Save the Rain Forest - generate donation through The Nature Conservancy
The other great myth about the World Trade Organization is that it's supposed to end protectionism. For me, the rules of WTO are the highest form of protectionism because they are giving protection to activities and entities that should not exist. In fact the one thing that has been achieved through the WTO is the protection of the biotech corporations, which now call themselves the "life sciences" corporations -- though every thing they do is anti-life. The entire empire over life that the life sciences corporations are building is based on a protectionism in the form of monopoly rights of ownership through patenting and intellectual property rights over life. It's also protectionism in the form of protecting the corporations from bearing the responsibility and liability of the costs they generate for people and the environment. Vandana Shiva, IFG Teach-In, 11/26/99
Significant Organizations
- Office of the Americas
- Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (New Delhi, India)
- Abya Yala Fund for Indigenous Self-Development in South & Meso America (Oakland, CA)
- The People-Centered Development Forum
- International Forum on Globalization (San Francisco)
The goal of the IFG is twofold: (1) Expose the multiple effects of economic globalization in order to stimulate debate, and (2) Seek to reverse the globalization process by encouraging ideas and activities which revitalize local economies and communities, and ensure long term ecological stability.- Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism (Nevada)
- The Institute of Science in Society (U.K.)
- Global Action to Prevent War
A Coalition-Building Effort To Stop War, Genocide, & Internal Armed Conflict- The Institute of Defense and Disarmament Studies (Massachusetts)
- Independent Media Center (global)
- Program on Law, Corporations and Democracy (Massachusetts)
- The Center for Voting and Democracy (Maryland)
- Project Underground (Berkeley)
supporting the human rights of communities resisting mining and oil exploitation- International Society for Ecology and Culture (UK)
- Institute for Agricultural and Trade Policy (Minneapolis, MN)
- Third World Network (Malaysia)
- Direct Action Network (Turtle Island)
- Biodemocracy and the Organic Consumers Association
(Minnesota, formerly called Campaign for Food Safety)- End the Arms Race (Vancouver)
- The Council for Responsible Genetics (Cambridge, MA)
- FOCUS on the Global South (Thailand)
- Institute for Food and Development Policy - Food First (Oakland, CA)
- Council of Canadians (Ottawa)
- International Network on Disarmament and Globalization
- (UNPLUG) - The Center For Commercial-Free Public Education (Oakland, CA)
- Center for Food Safety (Washington, DC)
- International Center for Technology Assessment (Washington, DC)
- Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch (Text Only version) (Washington, DC)
- Institute for Local Self-Reliance (Minneapolis, MN)
. . . We do not yet know how to cope with the fact that there is no master map of reality. If each of us carries our own picture, and the pictures are necessarily incompatible, how do we work together at all scales from the personal to the global? Fortunately, we do have an image which can help us grasp the issues with reasonable clarity. We can think in terms of holographs. These provide three dimensional images of reality. Their most remarkable quality is that a portion of the holograph produces the same overall picture as the whole but the quality of the resolution gets steadily worse as the amount of the originating film is reduced.
We can therefore think in terms of each of us having a holographic perception of the universe. This perception is inevitably fuzzy because we cannot have all the material necessary to get a clear picture. Each one of us can, and will, use different ways to improve the clarity of this picture. Some will use meditation and prayer. Some will use conversation and dialogue. Some will study. Some will find knowledge and wisdom through various religions and spiritual paths. This holographic model opens up considerable space for looking at the process of fundamental change from a very different point of view.The Fourth Story; Seeing the World
From a Profoundly Different Viewpoint,
by Robert Theobald, 9/26/99
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