THE TRIPS AGREEMENT

                          Wednesday, December 1st
                       Plymouth Congregational Church
                     12176 6th Ave., Seattle WA  98101

                               Sponsored by:

                 The Council for Responsible Genetics (CRG)
                   5 Upland Rd., #3, Cambridge, MA 02140

           The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
                  2105 1st Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55404

                       The Third World Network (TWN)
                 28 Macalister Rd., 10400 Penang, Malaysia

                            Tebtebba Foundation
                P.O. Box 1993, 2600 Baguio City, Philippines

             Washington Biotechnology Action Council (WashBAC)


          (Some of the speakers are subject to final confirmation)

                       8:50am: Street Theater welcome

                            9:00-9:15am: Opening

     Welcome: Phil Bereano
     Opening Words:Tony Mazocchi: Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and
                   Energy Workers (PACE)

                I.    9:15-10:15am: THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT:
                         FROM CHAKRABARTY TO TRIPS

                       Jonathan King, CRG, Moderator

       A. What's a patent? Who was Chakrabarty? - Maggie Chon, Seattle
       B. History of plant patenting - Doreen Stabinsky, CRG
       C. Farmers' Rights: the International Undertaking - Kristin
          Dawkins, IATP
       D. Indigenous Peoples' Rights: - Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous
          Environmental Network
       E. TRIPs negotiations: The story of the Uruguay Round - Carlos
          Correa, Argentina
       F. TRIPs'99 review: What's at stake in Seattle - Cecilia Oh, TWN

               II.  10:30-11:45am: THE PROBLEMS WITH PATENTS:
                           WHY WE ARE CAMPAIGNING

                      Doreen Stabinsky, CRG, Moderator

       A. Biopiracy: Raping and Pillaging the South - Vandana Shiva,
          The Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology
       B. Impact on Farmers - Michael Sligh, Rural Advancement
          Foundation International (RAFI)
       C. The flawed ethics of human genetics research - Debra Harry,
          Indigenous Peoples' Council on Biocolonialism (IPCB)
       D. How patents stifle scientific research - Kim Wilson, CRG
       E. The cost of essential drugs - Toby Kasper, Doctors Without

                III.  12:00-1:00pm ALTERNATIVES TO PATENTS:
                        WHAT WE ARE CAMPAIGNING FOR

                        Debra Harry, IPCB, Moderator

       A. Community Rights - Vicky Tauli-Corpuz, Tebtebba Foundation
       B. ILO 169: Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Tony Gonzalez
       C. Geographical Indications: The Case of Basmati Rice - Shalini
          Bhutani, Diverse Women for Diversity
       D. CBD, FAO, and TRIPs - Tewolde Berhen Gebre Egziabher,
          Institute for Sustainable Development

                             1:00-2:00pm Lunch

           Lunch will be available; a small donation is requested

                  Street Theater Music by "Seize the Day"

                      IV.  2:00-2:30pm KEYNOTE SPEECH:
                         THE PRIVATIZATION OF LIFE

                        Ralph Nader, Public Citizen

                  V.  2:30-3:30: IMPOSING A PATENT SYSTEM
                                ON THE WORLD

                        Phil Bereano, CRG, moderator

       A. Brazil - David Hathaway, AS-PTA
       B. Canada - Michelle Swenarchuk, Canadian Environmental Law
       C. EU - Christine von Weisacker, Ecoropa
       D. India - Shalini Bhutani, Diverse Women for Diversity
       E. Ecuador - Elizabeth Bravo, Acción Ecológica (AE)

                   VI.  3:30-5:00 POST-SEATTLE STRATEGIES


       A. Renegotiating TRIPS - Cecilia Oh, TWN
       B. Mobilizing the Public - Jonathon King, CRG

                            Strategy Workshops:

       A. Student and Youth Campaigns
       B. Campaigning in the U.S.
       C. Campaigning in Latin America
       D. Campaigning in Africa
       E. Campaigning with Indigenous Peoples
       F. Campaigning in Asia
       G. Campaigning in Europe and Achim Seiler, Ecoropa