Certificate of Dissolution Revocation of Weyerhaueser Corporate Charter The Weyerhaeuser company is guilty of gross felony criminal conduct. Weyerhaeuser is licensed in the name of the citizens of Washington. The company is mandated to operate within the bounds of law, and for the long term interests and well being of the people and communities of the state. Instead they have repeatedly violated state, local, and federal law, irreparably degrated the environment of the Northwest, Canada, Asia, and other areas world-wide, are one of the major causes in the irretrievable and impending extinction of numerous salmon-runs, are responsible for repeated releases of carcinogens and toxic pollutants, have violated Native sovereignty claims, treaty rights, and destroyed numerous Native sacred sights, illegally obtained much of their lands through fraudulent railroad land grant schemes, have played a dominant role in the corporate control and corruption of Congress and the American political systems through corporate financing/buying politicians, have consistently deceived the public (re; "the tree growing company") to hide the fact that they have clear cut over 4 million acres and continue to profit from the exportation of the ecological heritage of the Northwest while mills and communities suffer the economic consequences, are one of the responsible parties for the continuing decline and imperilment of the spotted owl, marbled murrlett, goshawk, pine marten, fisher, bull trout, rainbow trout, stealhead, salmon, and numerous other wildlife and aquatic species. The Weyerhaeuser corporation is in violation of Washington criminal codes 9A.08.030. and 9A.28.040. The requirements of these laws and the decrees of Washington State laws: 23B.14.300, 24.03.265, 24.03.250, 23B14.330 provide for the involuntary dissolution and the seizure of its assets. These assets are to be used to provide for the restoration of the degraded lands (providing employment for generations), the economic well being of affected dependent communities, restitution to Native peoples--including the return of Native lands, and compensation to peoples of other countries for irreparable damages incurred by the company in their illegal destructive quest for profits. The people of the U.S. retain the unalterable right to revoke the charter of corporations which violate the common good. Originally, after the American Revolution, charters were rarely granted, and often revoked-with their assets distributed to compensate for damages and the corporate owners held accountable for their criminal acts. Today we are re-invoking this right. In addition, the inalienable rights of the existence of numerous species of life upon this earth demand this revocation. Therefore be it ordained by the powers of the laws of Washington State, and the higher laws of Nature, that the corporate charter of Weyerhaeuser be revoked and the said company dissolved. Dated this 18th of April, 1995. [Earth's Creatures Signatures] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEYERHAEUSER ENVIRONMENTAL, ANTI-TRUST, SAFETY & LABOR VIOLATIONS AND SUBSIDIES RECEIVED: * Conversion of forest into tree farms & urban uses: By its own estimate, since 1900 Weyerhaeuser has clearcut four million acres; 600,000 acres of that has not been replanted. * Raw log exports: speeding deforestation while sending jobs overseas. $250 mililon worth in 1989. Receives tax breaks to do so (worth $19 million in 1992). * Mt. St. Helena: Toutle River salvage logging. Washington State Assistant Attorney General called it "the largest and most blatant violation of the State Shoreline Act." * Infamous Clearcutting In Snoqualmie Pass, WA: Weyerhaeuser owns the west side; Plum Creek owns the east side. * Asia: two million acres clearcut. Weyerhaeuser has or has had subsidiaries in the PhilippTnes, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Weyerhaeuser's Pacific Hardwoods is the forth-largest saw timber and fifth-largest plywood exporter from Malaysla. * Wetlands and Weyerhaeuser: Saddle Swamp at Beaver Lake on East Sammamish Plateau, Washington threatened by Weyerhaeuser housing development; Quadrant president Jim Fitzgerald quoted as saying that "we're not in the business of maintaining swamps." * Dioxin cancer risk noted in four plants' in 1988 EPA study and 1990 EPA listing. * Potentially responsible party at 13 superfund sites, ranks fourth-worst in the Industry. * For occupational safety and health violations--ranked third of all companies. * From 1985 to 1991, the WA Department of Ecology recorded 137 pollution notices, orders, and/or penalties against Weyerhaeuser. * De Queen, Arkansas wood treating plant leaked pentachlorophenol & other chemicals into groundwater. * Cosmopolis/Aberdeen violated the Clean Water Act water discharge violations, for paint waste and washwater dumped into Shannon Slough for nine years. * Longview pollution violations include -- unlabeled leaking drums of toxic waste. * Operations in 44 states and 19 countries, ranking number 7 out of 20 timber companies in raw toxic releases. * Longview, they paid the largest penalty assessed for dangerous waste violations (Unlabeled tanks and drums, and pentachlorophenol "spilling onto the ground" with "a potential for the material to get into the Columbia River.") * Kamloops, British Columbla chlorine gas leak. * Aberdeen, Washington lawsuits over health effects of pulp mill waste ponds; 241 residents sought damages in individual suits, with nose bleeds, sore throats, lung disease, and cancer caused by hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid, and chloroform. * Raw exports, speeding deforestation while sending jobs overseas, resulting in: mill closures: Snoqualmie, WA mill-1989, Longvlew, WA B mill, Springfield, OR mill-1991, Klamath Falls mill-1992, cutbacks in 1990 (390 jobs lost), WA pulp mill closure, 285 jobs lost due to low pulp prices, high chip prices, and to avoid $40 million in air and water pollution control investments. * Acquired most of its land in the N.W. through railroad land grant fraud (political connections). * Weyerhaeuser heir Booth Gardner Gov. of WA 1980's (U.S. ambassador to GATT 1993) * W. Ruckleshaus, company director since 1976 was administrator of the EPA. * R. Ingersoll (company director) ambassador to Japan and deputy Sec. of State. * Potlatch and Boise Cascade incorporated by and remain linked to Weyerhaeuser. * Political contributions ranked 51 out of 100 companies (1992). * Gave $50,000 to anti-environmental candidates for the WA DNR. * Involved in monopolistic bid rigging and price fixing from the 1880's on. * Court order for monopolistic dissolution in 1906. * Indicted In 1940 with Boise Cascade and Potlatch for anti-trust. * Convicted and fined for price fixing in 1978 (along with Boise Cascade and Potlatch). * 1992- Investigated for price gouging in FL, profiteering off of hurricane Andrew. * Fined $54 million n 1978 tor price fixing. * 1986 Longview speech, Weyerhaeueer said "the growth of small independent mills had dramatically lowered the cost of lumber and plywood production and intensified price competion throughout the industry. The large private companies, with the help of congress and the (Bush) administration, may now have an opportunity to drive those small independents out of business." * Profited from numerous public taxpayer subsidized buy backs of public lands (after they were logged) which were originally stolen by the company. * Public subsidized dredging to allow export vessels to reach the company docks on the Chehalis river ($43.6 million) and the Coos Bay channel to facilitate exporting. * Received $240,000 from the Dept. of Labor to retrain workers and received $700,000 in a Federal grant to study whether straw could be made into paper. * And too many more to fit on thla page! . . . (Why wait tor more violations, accountability for consistent criminal actions is long overdue.)