PREVENTING BREAST-CANCER: The story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of This Disease. John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D. 1996. Preface and Acknowledgments, p.vii Section One - Introduction 1. Our Conclusion: A Large Share of Breast-Cancers Need Not Occur, p.1 2. "Incubation Times" for Radiation-Induced Cancer, p.7 3. Early-Onset Breast-Cancer: Evidence on Radiation-Induction, p.11 4. Three Key Concepts in Our Analysis, p.19 5. The Rationale of Our Study: Methods and Materials, p.29 Section Two - Stories of the Exposures in Our Master Table 6. The "Enlarged Thymus" Story: Start of a Long Controversy, p.37 7. Benefits of Thymus Irradiation: Delusion or Reality?, p.43 8. Thymus Irradiation before Age One: Start of Our Master Table, p.55 9. Thymus Irradiation to Reduce Sudden Death in Childhood, p.65 10. Thymus Irradiation before Anesthesia and Surgery in Childhood, p.75 11. Ending of the Era of Radiation Therapy for Enlarged Thymus, p.83 12. Reaching into the Womb: Pre-Birth Breast Irradiation, p.87 13. Treatment of Acute Postpartum Mastitis with X-Rays, p.91 14. A Physician's Dilemma: What to Do about Chronic Mastitis, p.97 15. Management of Tuberculosis: An Eminently Sensible Program, p.105 16. Mass Screening for Tuberculosis, p.111 17. Treatment of Bronchial Asthma with X-Rays, p.113 18. Treatment of Pneumococcal Pneumonia with X-Rays, p.117 19. Treatment of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) with X-Rays, p.121 20. Treatment of Hyper-Thyroidism and Breast Irradiation, p.125 21. Management of Adolescent Scoliosis (Curvature of the Spine), p.133 22. Chiropractic Examinations and Breast Irradiation, p.139 23. Major Diagnostic Radiological Contributions to Breast Dose, p.143 24. Occupational Sources of Breast Irradiation, p.155 25. Weapons-Test Fallout, Pre-1960, and Breast Dose, p.161 Section Three - Stories of Exposures Not in Our Master Table 26. The Beauty Shop as a Source of Breast Irradiation, p.163 27. Yes, We Do Have Your Size: Shoe-Fitters and Breast Irradiation, p.165 28. Mammography: Past and Present, p.171 29. Major Surgical Advances and Irradiation of the Breast, p.183 30. Pre-Employment Fluoroscopic Exams for Pulmonary Tuberculosis, p.189 31. Fluoroscopy: Source of a Big Underestimate in Our Breast-Dose Finding, p.193 32. Hard-to-Find Doses from Fluoroscopy and Other Sources, p.207 33. Dermatology: More Underestimation in Our Finding, p.219 34. Treatment of Skin Disorders: Overview by Dr. MacKee, p.227 35. Breast-Exposure by Radium: More Underestimation in Our Finding, p.235 36. Radiotherapy of Benign Diseases: Overview by Dr. Dewing, p.243 37. Recent Concerns: Intensive Care Units, Insurance Cases, p.255 38. Summary on Underestimation of Dose in Our Study, p.261 Section Four - Our Finding and Recommendations for Action 39. Bottom Line: The Master Table, p.265 40. Conversion-Factors: The Basis of Column "V", p.273 41. Some of the Uncertainties and Certainties of Our Finding, p.285 42. Prevention of Breast-Cancer, Starting Now, p.291 Section Five - Response to Critiques of the First Edition 43. The Process of Genuine Peer-Review, p.301 44. Criticisms in the Journal of the American Medical Assn., p.309 45. Three Remarkably Similar Reports on the Safe-Dose Fallacy, p.317 46. "War in Britain": The Natl. Radiological Protection Board, p.329 47. Seven Short Objections from Other Sources, p.345 48. Susan M. Love, M.D.: Is Radiation Overdosing a Past Problem?, p.353 49. What Happens Next?, p.373 Table 1, Annual Breast-Cancer Cases in USA, 1960-1994, p.377 Table 2, Growth of Population in USA, 1850-1994, p.378 Information about the Author, p.379 References, p.383 Index and Glossary, p.403