Poisoned Power: Table of Contents (Expanded) TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreward to the 1979 Printing Violating the Inalienable Right to Life Revolt of the Guinea Pigs "But we need the power . . ." How to Make Sense of "Millirems" and "Picocuries" Curies, Microcuries, and Picocuries From Curies and Picocuries to Rems and Millirems Summary: The Important Questions Foreword, by Mike Gravel, U.S. Senator from Alaska Introduction: The Nuclear Juggernaut The Poison The Power The Alternatives The Massive Hoax Some Valuable Clues What You Must Do We Are Optimistic Chapter 1: Nuclear Reactors to Generate Electricity Water-Moderated Reactors Breeder Reactors Suggested Reading Chapter 2: How Radiation from Atomic Energy Programs Gets to You --What it Does to You (a) External versus internal radiation (b) Concentration in organs (c) The role of chemical similarity between elements (d) The role of half-life of the radioactive nuclide (e) Whole body radiation versus partial body radiation (f) Age an important factor (g) Other radiations: Alpha particles, "Hot" particles, Plutonium Chapter 3: How Radiation Produces Disease and Hereditary Alterations Hereditary Alterations What Kinds of Genetic Diseases? Chapter 4: Is Any Radiation "Safe"? A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry on a Dangerous Premise Faith Is Not Justified "No Effect Observed" The Careful Studies Required to Observe Effects Chapter 5: Promises, Promises Chapter 6: How Safe Are Nuclear Reactors? Routine Operations Accidents In Present-Day Reactors Accidents In Fast-Breeder Reactors Chapter 7: Nuclear Electricity and The Citizen's Rights The Constitutionally Questionable Price-Anderson Act Chapter 8: The Nuclear Legacy--Radioactive Wastes and Plutonium Waste disposal practices "Everything But the Squeal" Plutonium: The Ultimate Hazard The Safeguards Problem Chapter 9: Alternatives Available to Us The Fundamental Question: How Much Power? Clean Fossil-Fuel Plants Power Sources for the Future Energy Efficiency: Our Largest Energy Supply Chapter 10: What Can Citizens Do About Nuclear Electricity? Recommendation for a Moratorium On New Nuclear Electricity Plants The Fastest Way to a Moratorium Chapter 11: Must We Hold Out for The "Cold Corpses"? Radiation Standards: How They Should Have Been Handled Chapter 12: Toward An Adversary System of Scientific Inquiry Chapter 13: The Ultimate Issue -- Conversion or Ecocide The Promotional-Profit Incentive Limited Victories Conversion Appendix I: Nuclear Power Questions and Answers Setting Permissible Doses of Radiation Natural Radiation The Linear Theory--Damage Is Directly Proportional To The Dose Disparity of Estimates on Radiation Risks Safety Factor in Reactors Price-Anderson Act--Insurance Against Personal and Property Damage from Nuclear Accident "Clean" Nuclear Plants vs. "Dirty" Fossil Fueled Plants Scientific Objectivity and Radiation Damage Why So Much Fuss Over Such a Little Radiation from Nuclear Plants? Is Nuclear Power the Only Answer to Future Needs? Environmental Considerations with Nuclear Power Plants Informing the Public on Nuclear Power Who Are the Critics of Nuclear Power? Appendix II: Moratorium Activists Moratorium Proposals Appendix III: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Appendix IV: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Appendix V: When Experts Disagree, Which Ones Shall We Believe? Proposed: A Public Radiation Debate The Proposal The Need Appendix VI: Nuclear Power and Alternatives Appendix VII: Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors in the United States Index