APPENDIX II MORATORIUM ACTIVISTS March, 1971 The California moratorium effort: Contact: The People's Lobby, Inc. Attn: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Koupal 1524 N. Western Avenue Hollywood, California 90027 Tel: (213) 461-3071 The People's Lobby has undertaken an anti-pollution initiative for the 1972 ballot which includes pesticides, off-shore oil, automobile emissions, and a 5-year moratorium on construction of nuclear power plants in California (section # 16 of the initiative). The Minnesota moratorium effort: Contacts: Minnesota Environmental Control Citizens Assn. (MECCA) Exchange Manor 26 E. Exchange St. St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Tel: (612) 222-2998 or: Russell Hatling 144 Melbourne Ave., S.E. Minneapolis, Minn. 55414 State Senator Niclolas Coleman is introducing a bill to enact a moratorium on new construction of nuclear plants in Minnesota until such time as they are safe. The Oregon moratorium effort: Contacts: Oregon Environmental Council Attn: Larry Williams 1238 N.W. Glisan Street Portland, Oregon 97209 or: Citizens for Safe Power Attn: Joan Reitz and Beulah Hand 4816½ S.E. Bybee Portland, Oregon 97206 There are two bills under consideration in the Oregon state senate (SB 51 and SB 218) which would prevent nuclear power plant construction anywhere in the state for four or five years. In addition, in May 1970, the citizens of Eugene, Oregon voted in favor of a four-year nuclear moratorium in their area by an initiative petition (Ballot Measure 52). Contact: Eugene Future Power Committee, Inc. POB 5274 Eugene, Oregon 97405 Joseph A. Holaday, President New York City moratorium effort: Contacts: Mrs. Ann Margotson 515 West 122nd St. New York City 10027 or: Hon. Theodore Weiss, chairman Environmental Protection Committee The City Council City Hall New York City 10007 On February 17, 1970, City Councilman Theodore Weiss and 27 additional members of the Council introduced a bill banning nuclear reactors from the city. This was later amended to a moratorium. No action has been voted yet. International moratorium effort: In November, 1970, a petition began circulating to mobilize biological scientists against environmental degradation. One provision of the petition says: "Because the crisis is so pressing, we urge that the following actions be taken even while research is going on. We do not offer these as panaceas, but as holding actions to keep our situation from deteriorating past the point of no return: (1). A moratorium on technological innovations the effects of which we can not foretell and which are not essential to human survival. This would include . . . the establishment of vast new nuclear power projects." Contact: The Fellowship of Reconciliation Box 271 Nyack, New York For additional information, write to: Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, Suite 1100, 111 East 58th St., New York, N.Y. 10022 or: Moratorium on Nuclear Power Plants Environmental Action Bulletin Emmaus, Pa. 18049 MORATORIUM PROPOSALS (Below are descriptions as well as some excerpts from moratorium proposals initiated in several states to illustrate the wording and intent of such legislation on a state-wide level.) THE COLEMAN BILL: A MORATORIUM ON NEW CONSTRUCTION OF NUCLEAR PLANTS IN MINNESOTA UNTIL THEY ARE SAFE. State Senator Nicholas Coleman introduced a bill in the Minnesota State Legislature to enact a moratorium on new construction of nuclear plants in Minnesota until such time as they are safe. Sen. Coleman has been explicit in his wish that "whenever the power industry reaches the point of competence that there is no exposure to the public from radioactive discharges, whether that time is six months or a year, the industry should be allowed to proceed on construction of new nuclear plants. But until this point of competence is reached, the public has every right to expect its state legislators to protect it from the known hazards of radioactive discharges." The provisions of the Coleman bill define the period of the moratorium as being: PROVISION A: "When there is no public exposure to radioactive effluents or waste discharges, whether accidental or intentional, from the operation of such nuclear plants." PROVISION B: "When the radioactive wastes from such nuclear plants can be contained and stored with no possibility of accidental or intentional leakage or discharge into the global environment or surrounding area of said storage site." PROVISION C: "When obsolete and non-operable nuclear power plants are decontaminated, disassembled and removed, including mechanical removal of radioactive soil, contaminated surfaces, and shielding material." PROVISION D: "When such person (including the directors of any corporation) can provide private insurance to cover total costs and liability resulting from the nuclear power plant's loss of coolant and major meltdown of the fuel rods within the reactor core." OREGON: SENATE BILL 218 Oregon Legislative Assembly-1971 Regular Session (Sponsored by Committee on Environmental Affairs at the request of the Oregon Environmental Council.) Summary: Prohibits construction or operation of thermal power plants until July 1, 1975. Requires Environmental Quality Commission to conduct study of ecological and other aspects of thermal power plants and report back to legislature by February 1, 1973. Provides penalties. ("`Thermal power plant' means any facility, including but not limited to electrical generation plants, using nuclear energy.")