---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 11 Achievement of Age- and Sex-Matching across RERF's Eight Dose-Groups ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Importance of Matching : ---------------------------- When analysts approach the A-Bomb Survivor database for the purpose of learning how cancer-risk varies with radiation-dose, they need reasonable assurance that persons in each of RERF'S Dose-Groups are alike in their cancer-risk -- except for radiation dose. In other words, analysts need a sound basis for thinking that the SPONTANEOUS cancer-rates would be the same in all eight RERF Dose-Groups in the ABSENCE of any radiation exposure from the bomb. Age and sex are features having a profound influence on spontaneous cancer-rates. Age and sex can also affect spontaneous cancer-rates indirectly, by affecting rates at which the NON-cancer causes of death compete with cancer. Therefore, we must ask, "Are the Dose-Groups in the A-Bomb Study alike in the age and sex of their members?." A Possible Misinterpretation: ----------------------------- Analysts must avoid misinterpreting RERF allusions to "comparability" of age and sex between heavily and lightly irradiated survivors (Bee71, p.615), and to "sex-and age-matched" samples in the A-Bomb Study (Pr87a, p.153). Given the history of the study (Chapter 5), it is understandable that there are important differences across the eight RERF Dose-Groups in both age-distribution at the time of bombing (ATB) and in male-female ratios. These differences mean that it would be FALSE to assume that the observed cancer-rates in the eight Dose-Groups incorporate comparable spontaneous rates, and therefore it would be FALSE to assume that the differences in observed cancer-rates are exclusively due to radiation. Unfortunately, the dissimilar distributions of age and sex in RERF's eight Dose-Groups may not be evident, to outside analysts, from RERF reports. As noted in Chapter 7, RERF was very cooperative about supplying the necessary data, and those data are incorporated into our Master Table 26-A,B,C,D and all the tables derived therefrom. Illustration of the Need for Matching : --------------------------------------- We will use some entries in Table 11-B to illustrate that problems would arise from using the RAW data, unmatched for age and sex. (Table 11-B comes from Master Table 26-A,B for males; column-headings are more fully described there.) In Table 11-B, Column C identifies the RERF Dose-Group. Columns A and B show that every Dose-Group is composed of persons in five age-bands, according to age at the time of bombing (ATB); the age-bands are described in Table 11-A. For brevity, the RERF diskette named each age-band by the midpoint of its age-range (Column A). In Table 11-B, Column F tells the number of persons initially in each age-band when the follow-up began in 1950, and the total initial persons in each Dose-Group. The number of persons in an age-band over the total persons in its Dose-Group is the fraction entered in Column G. For instance, the entry G17 is entry F17 divided by entry F23. Now, if we compare the fractions in G17-G21 with the fractions in G41-G45, we see that the age-distribution in the male Reference Group (Dose-Groups 1+2) is quite different from the age-distribution in Dose-Group 5. This means that at the end of the 1982 follow-up, these two groups of persons are bound to have different cancer-rates per 10,000 initial persons, even if BOTH groups were unexposed by the bombing, simply because their age-distributions differ. In other words, the cancer-risk of these two groups is NOT alike, except for radiation dose. When we turn to Table 11-D and make the same comparison for the females (entries G17-G21 versus G41-G45), we find that their distribution of ages is also NOT alike across Dose-Groups. Nor is it like the male distribution. The problem is compounded when we discover that the male-female ratio is not the same across Dose-Groups either. For instance, in the Reference Group, the ratio is (27585 males /38443 females), or 0.7176, whereas in Dose-Group 5, the ratio is (1386 males/ 1742 females), or 0.7956. Conclusion about the Need : --------------------------- Dissimilarities like this pervade the database. Therefore we can be certain that the eight RERF Dose-Groups do NOT share the same spontaneous cancer death-rate, and that the eight groups would show different cancer death-rates during the follow-up even if no group had been exposed to bomb radiation at all. Therefore, it is imperative for every analyst to develop some method to overcome these confounding variables. Otherwise, it would be impossible to distinguish the age and sex effect on cancer death-rate from the radiation effect. Our Method of Matching for Age and Sex : ---------------------------------------- Combination of Dose-Groups : ---------------------------- Like many other analysts, we combine Dose-Groups 1+2 to make the Reference Group. The reasons were discussed earlier: Realism about hidden doses from residual radioactivity, and achievement of a statistically more reliable control group (see Chapters 8 and 9). We make another combination of Dose-Groups at the outset: Dose-Groups 6+7+8. If readers look again at Table 4-A, Column F, they will see that very few persons are in the three highest Dose-Groups. Death from acute radiation sickness probably accounts for the sparsity. It should be remembered that the Lifespan Study, of potential delayed radiation effects, did not begin until 1950 -- after the acute effects from radiation had already occurred. By combining Dose-Groups 6+7+8, we achieve a Dose-Group almost comparable to Dose-Group 5 in size and statistical reliability, and we reduce the hazard of attributing biological meaning to the random fluctuations of small numbers. Guiding Principles : -------------------- Our method of matching the Dose-Groups for age and sex distribution follows two principles. 1. We want to achieve a database in which all Dose-Groups enter the lifespan follow-up in 1950 as directly comparable cohorts, alike in both age-distribution and sex-distribution. In other words, all Dose-Groups must be alike in the fraction of their total Initial persons who are males age-5-ATB, alike in the fraction of their total initial persons who are females age-5-ATB, alike in the fraction of their total initial persons who are males age-15-ATB, females age-15-ATB, and so forth. 2. We want to stay as close to the original raw numbers as possible. The result is achieved by taking care of the age-normalization first, and then the sex-normalization. The notes of Tables 11-A through 11-H explain the logic and process step by step. Net Result of Proper Matching : ------------------------------- Table 11-H presents the data after both age and sex matching have been achieved, and male and female observations have been combined. Spontaneous cancer-rates, in-so-far as they are affected by age-distribution and sex-ratio, have been rendered identical from Dose-Group to Dose-Group by the normalization process. Moreover, age- or sex-related sensitivity to induction of cancer by radiation itself will not differ across Dose-Groups, because age-distribution and sex-ratio across Dose-Groups have been rendered the same. The cancer death-rates labeled "observed" in this book are the values from Table 11-H. Comparison of Raw and Normalized Observations : ----------------------------------------------- Comparison of the raw and normalized observations is readily made by a comparison of data from Table 4-A with those of Table 11-H. The number of initial persons in each dose-group is the same in both tables. The doses remain very nearly the same. The comparison is made in the tabulation which follows. ------------------------------------------------------------ | | | Observed Observed Change | | Cancer Cancer in Ca- | | Dose- Initial Deaths Deaths Deaths Percent | | Group Persons (Raw) Normalized Change | | | |----------------------------------------------------------| | | | Ref 1+2 66,028 4,155 4,297.1 +142.1 + 3.42% | | Exposed 25,203 1,895 1,918.7 + 23.7 + 1.25% | | | | SUM 91,231 6,050 6,215.8 | | | |----------------------------------------------------------| | | | 1+2 66,028 4,155 4,297.1 +142.1 + 3.42% | | 3 14,943 1,055 1,064.0 + 9.0 + 0.85% | | 4 4,225 314 305.8 - 8.2 - 2.55% | | 5 3,128 253 261.6 + 8.6 + 3.40% | | 6-8 2,907 273 287.3 +14.3 + 5.25% | | | | SUM 91,231 6,050 6,215.8 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------ Preventing Overestimation of Radiation-Risk at Low Doses : ---------------------------------------------------------- The two top rows in the tabulation show that the normalized data have resulted in a larger percentage increase in cancer-deaths in the Reference Group (1+2) than in the exposed groups. Since mean doses are virtually unaffected by normalization, this means that there will be a smaller increment in cancer-deaths per centi-sievert (rem) among exposed persons in the normalized database than in the raw database. We have also made the comparison of raw and normalized data for the exposed groups separately, in the tabulation. For Dose-Group 3 (the lowest exposure), normalization has resulted in a far smaller percentage increase in cancer-deaths than in the Reference Group. The net effect will be to lessen the radiation-induction of cancer per rem for that comparison. Chapter 13, Part 3, will show this in detail. Similarly, for Dose-Groups 4 and 5, the effect of normalization will be to lessen the radiation-induction of cancer or to leave it unchanged. For the very high-dose group of exposed (6+7+8), normalization will produce an increase in radiation-induction of cancer per rem. Overall, the effects of matching for age and sex are (A) a decrease in risk-estimates for low-dose exposure, and (B) a decrease in the supra-linear curvature of the dose-response relationship. The Missing Data from RERF : ---------------------------- It should be noted that the ability to do age-sex matching in this manner depended on the cooperation of RERF in supplying the data on initial persons -- data now provided to additional analysts by the tables in this book. While I was still without the extra data from RERF, I used the "raw" database to make some interim estimates of risk (Go88c; Go89a). Where space permitted (Go88c), I warned readers that the missing data might either raise or lower the interim values. Those interim values are now superseded and replaced by the values in this book, which are based upon the data which I sought. After receiving the data from RERF, I developed more than one method for using them to make age and sex adjustments, and the methods produce closely similar results. Results from a method which is not shown in this book assured me that it would be unnecessary to do additional matching for the age-variation across the various Dose-Groups WITHIN each separate age-band. It turns out that such adjustments -- which would alter cancer-observations by small fractions of one case -- are too small to matter and can be neglected. However, a responsible analyst does not leave the issue in doubt. The doubt necessarily persisted in my own mind, until RERF supplied the data I requested, which included the TRUE mean ages ATB instead of the midpoints of the age-ranges. In Table 11-B, for instance, a comparison of entries B17, B25, B33, B41, and B49, shows that the true mean age of males age 5 ATB varies across Dose-Groups from 3.92 years old to 4.64 years old. Readers can see the variation within other age-bands too. Correction-Factor of 1.23 for Underascertainment of Cancer ---------------------------------------------------------- Recent RERF reports (Pr87b, p.35; and Shi88, p.41, pp.49-50) as well as the BEIR-3 Report (Beir80) indicate that, in the Japanese experience, cancer-deaths are underestimated. They use the estimate that measured cancer-deaths in any dose-group -- including Dose-Group 1, of course -- should be multiplied by 1.23. BEIR-3, referring to its own risk-estimates for cancer, says: "Finally, the mortality coefficients were expanded by a factor of 1.23 (derived from comparison of autopsy and death-certificate diagnoses) to adjust for incomplete death-certificate ascertainment of cancer" (Beir80, p.196 at the bottom). BEIR-3 cites the RERF study of this issue, by Steer and co-workers (Steer73). We, too, have applied the underascertainment facto, of 1.23 in this book. Readers will see where we have handled it, in each of our analyses. Site-Specific Errors : ---------------------- Earlier in its report, BEIR-3 states: "Death-certificate diagnoses differ greatly in their accuracy, even within the set of neoplastic diseases: but for the A-bomb survivors, an active autopsy program the period 1961-1969 has provided unusually good information on errors in death-certificate diagnoses" (Beir80, p.154). * Lung-Cancer: "Autopsy studies have also confirmed that in the study population [the A-bomb survivors] lung cancer is misdiagnosed on death certificates in over half the cases, with over 1/3 of cases not even coded as cancer" (Beir80, p.239; see also pp. 313-314). * Esophageal-Cancer: "... esophageal cancer has a 70 % detection rate by death certificate and 70 % of such death certificate diagnoses are confirmed by autopsy in the experience of the ABCC..." (Beir80, p.360). * Pancreatic-Cancer: "... cancer of the pancreas is often poorly diagnosed on death certificates in Japan, and death certificates are commonly completed before autopsy findings become known" (Beir80, p.386). * Urinary Organs: "... the death certificate has a very low detection rate for cancers of urinary organs in the Japanese experience" (Beir80, p.402-403). Site-Specific Risk-Analysis : ----------------------------- It should be noted that underascertainment of cancer as the cause of death is not the same issue as misdiagnosis of the original site of a fatal cancer. Error about original site matters only if an analysis is attempting to determine cancer-risk or dose-response for a single site of cancer (say, lung-cancer) or a group of cancers (say, respiratory cancers). Whenever overall risk of fatal cancer is the information sought by an analysis, subdivision of the cancers by site can be and should be avoided (see Chapter 12). This book contains no site-specific analysis. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-A Notes for Tables 11-B,C,D,E : Age-Normalization of Observations Across Dose-Groups. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOURCE OF THE DATA: In Table 11-B for males, all the data in Columns A through N (other than Col.G) come from Master Tables 26-A for Hiroshima and 26-B for Nagasaki. The Master Tables were rearranged by Dose-Group instead of by age-band. Within a Dose-Group, the dose received by a particular age-band was not the same in the two cities. In combining the cities to make Table 11-B, we weighted each dose by the number of persons who received it. We have combined the observations for Dose-Groups 6+7+8 to lessen the instability of small numbers (see text). We have combined Dose-Groups 1+2 for use as our Reference Group (see text), and also preserved them separately for other purposes. In Table 11-D, female entries come in similar fashion from Master Tables 26-C and 26-D. (In all tables, "per 10K init" means "per 10,000 initial persons" in the row.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. OVERVIEW: We are going to convert Table 11-B into Table 11-C (and Table 11-D into Table 11-E). The purpose of this conversion or normalization is to insure that we will examine groups of people who are truly comparable with respect to their cancer-risk, except for their different radiation doses. To be comparable, RERF's eight Dose-Groups must start the lifespan follow-up with the same distribution of ages in each Dose-Group. We will use the fractions in the raw female Reference Group as the standard to which all other Dose-Groups, both male and female, will conform with respect to age-distribution within a Dose-Group. Those fractions have been calculated in Table 11-D, Col.G, Rows 17-21. The denominator for each calculation was 38,443 persons -- the total number in the Dose-Group. For instance, the fraction entered in Col.G, Row 21, is (6007 / 38443), or 0.156. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE TWO-STEP CONVERSION-PROCESS : For brevity, these notes will describe only the conversion of Table 11-B into 11-C (males). Exactly the same simple process converts Table 11-D into Table 11-E (females). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 1: ====== In each Dose-Group, we are going to keep the total number of initial persons the same as in the raw data. Above, we specified that in each age-normalized Dose-Group, fractions of total persons from each age-band will be like the Female Reference Group: 0.180 from the age-band 5 years ATB (0 through 9 years old ATB); from Table 11-D, entry G17. 0.193 from the age-band 15 years ATB (10 through 19 years old ATB); from Table 11-D, entry G18. 0.241 from the age-band 27 years ATB (20 through 34 years old ATB); from Table 11-D, entry G19. 0.230 from the age-band 42 years ATB (35 through 49 years old ATB); from Table 11-D, entry G20. 0.156 from the age-band 60 years ATB (50 years and older ATB); from Table 11-D, entry G21. In Table 11-C, we fill Col.G with these fractions, and then calculate appropriate new entries for Col.F. EXAMPLE USING MALE DOSE-GROUP 1 : To obtain entry F60 for Table 11-C, we calculate the number which is 0.156 times the total 15,406 male persons initially in Dose-Group 1, and enter 2407.30 initial persons. (Note: our calculations were done with fractions having many more than three decimal places; calculations done without the extra digits will not match the entries exactly. The entry 2407.30 comes from multiplying 15,406 initial persons by the fraction 0.156257316.) Step 1 completes such calculations for Table 11-C, Column F. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 2: ====== The observations in Table 11-B, Cols. H through N, must be adjusted up or down accordingly. The conversion is simply the ratio of (new number of persons / old number of persons) times (old observation). EXAMPLE USING MALE DOSE-GROUP 1, OBSERVED CANCER-DEATHS : The new number of initial persons = 2407.30 persons (from Table 11-C, entry F60). The old number of initial persons = 2946 persons (Table 11-BB, entry F5). The old number of cancer-deaths = 447 cancer deaths (from Table 11-B, entry N5). The new number of cancer-deaths = (2407.30 persons / 2946 persons) x (447 cancer-deaths) = 365.26 cancer-deaths. Thus, 365.26 cancer-deaths is the age-normalized entry N60 for Table 11-C. In that fashion, all the age-normalized entries for Columns H through N were calculated for Table 11-C. Thereafter, all the rates in Columns P through T were newly calculated. For each age-band within a Dose-Group, the observed rates still match the corresponding entries in Table 11-B, and are undistorted by the normalization. The appropriate effect of age-normalization is seen only in a Dose-Group's summary row. In Table 11-C (Rows 62, 70, 78, 86, 94, 102, 110), doses have also been adjusted accordingly. In Table 11-E (females), Row 78 shows no dose change because this group is the standard. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-B Raw Data for Males, by Dose-Groups : Hiroshima + Nagasaki Combined, 1950-1982. ========================================================================================================================================= | ALL | | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R DEATH T | | RBE=2 RBE=20 INIT. | CANC CANC ALL MINUS | | MALE T65DR DS86 PERS [----- VARIOUS CAUSES OF DEATH ------] | DEATHS DEATHS DEATH ALL PYR | | DISK TRUE RERF ORGAN ORGAN MALES OVER PERS. ALL ALL ALL CANC| /10K PER /10K MALIG PER | |Row AGE AGE DOSE- DOSE DOSE INIT. TOTAL YEARS ALL DIS- NEO- ALL LEUK EXCEPT| INIT. 10K INIT. /10K INIT.| |No. ATB ATB GRP (rems) (rems) PERS. PERS. (PYR) CAUSE EASE PLASM MALIG LEUK | PERSONS PYR PERS INIT PERS | |=======================================================================================================================================| | 1 5 4.13 1 0.000 0.082 3787 0.246 119484 178 107 15 14 4 10 | 26.41 0.84 470 433 31.55 | | 2 15 13.99 1 0.000 0.084 3290 0.214 100188 392 263 57 53 4 49 | 148.94 4.89 1191 1030 30.45 | | 3 27 28.20 1 0.000 0.092 1860 0.121 53743 512 470 148 140 7 133 | 715.05 24.75 2753 2000 28.89 | | 4 42 42.57 1 0.000 0.092 3523 0.229 82845 2295 2169 606 581 15 566 | 1606.59 68.32 6514 4865 23.52 | | 5 60 58.18 1 0.000 0.091 2946 0.191 38168 2869 2774 471 450 3 447 | 1517.31 117.11 9739 8211 12.96 | | 6 | | | 7 MALE, RAW 1 0.000 0.088 15406 1.000 394429 6246 5783 1297 1238 33 1205 | 782.16 30.55 4054 3251 25.60 | |=======================================================================================================================================| | 9 5 4.21 2 1.449 1.595 3031 0.249 95555 152 89 19 17 2 15 | 49.49 1.57 501 445 31.53 | |10 15 13.91 2 1.707 2.195 3088 0.254 94585 356 272 73 68 4 64 | 207.25 6.77 1153 933 30.63 | |11 27 27.83 2 1.533 2.149 1433 0.118 41127 372 338 97 94 3 91 | 635.03 22.13 2596 1940 28.70 | |12 42 42.67 2 1.572 2.160 2476 0.203 57506 1672 1582 424 402 5 397 | 1603.39 69.04 6753 5129 23.23 | |13 60 58.10 2 1.502 2.006 2151 0.177 27959 2088 2021 320 304 4 300 | 1394.70 107.30 9707 8294 13.00 | |14 | | |15 MALE, RAW 2 1.559 2.000 12179 1.000 316732 4640 4302 933 885 18 867 | 711.88 27.37 3810 3083 26.01 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |17 5 4.16 1+2 0.644 0.755 6818 0.247 215039 330 196 34 31 6 25 | 36.67 1.16 484 439 31.54 | |18 15 13.95 1+2 0.827 1.106 6378 0.231 194773 748 535 130 121 8 113 | 177.17 5.80 1173 983 30.54 | |19 27 28.04 1+2 0.667 0.987 3293 0.119 94870 884 808 245 234 10 224 | 680.23 23.61 2684 1974 28.81 | |20 42 42.61 1+2 0.649 0.945 5999 0.217 140351 3967 3751 1030 983 20 963 | 1605.27 68.61 6613 4974 23.40 | |21 60 58.14 1+2 0.634 0.899 5097 0.185 66127 4957 4795 791 754 7 747 | 1465.57 112.96 9725 8246 12.97 | |22 | | |23 MALE, RAW 1+2 0.688 0.932 27585 1.000 711161 10886 10085 2230 2123 51 2072 | 751.13 29.14 3946 3177 25.78 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |25 5 4.10 3 10.491 13.323 1547 0.263 48977 64 36 5 3 2 1 | 6.46 0.20 414 394 31.66 | |26 15 14.09 3 11.111 13.918 1112 0.189 34398 106 86 27 25 6 19 | 170.86 5.52 953 728 30.93 | |27 27 28.21 3 11.568 15.341 703 0.119 20191 199 178 57 56 2 54 | 768.14 26.74 2831 2034 28.72 | |28 42 42.73 3 11.470 15.466 1381 0.235 32453 898 849 255 247 7 240 | 1737.87 73.95 6503 4714 23.50 | |29 60 58.16 3 11.055 14.809 1145 0.194 15625 1106 1085 166 160 5 155 | 1353.71 99.20 9659 8262 13.65 | |30 | | |31 MALE, RAW 3 11.076 14.468 5888 1.000 151644 2373 2234 510 491 22 469 | 796.54 30.93 4030 3196 25.75 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |33 5 3.92 4 34.784 39.792 359 0.213 11247 16 8 0 0 0 0 | 0.00 0.00 446 446 31.33 | |34 15 14.55 4 35.238 36.527 342 0.203 10540 38 29 10 10 1 9 | 263.16 8.54 1111 819 30.82 | |35 27 27.30 4 35.539 38.013 237 0.141 6869 63 59 13 12 1 11 | 464.14 16.01 2658 2152 28.98 | |36 42 42.49 4 35.665 40.562 438 0.260 10251 288 278 85 84 2 82 | 1872.15 79.99 6575 4658 23.40 | |37 60 57.14 4 35.662 42.639 308 0.183 4633 293 287 53 51 0 51 | 1655.84 110.09 9513 7857 15.04 | |38 | | |39 MALE, RAW 4 35.372 39.600 1684 1.000 43540 698 661 161 157 4 153 | 908.55 35.14 4145 3213 25.86 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |33 5 3.92 4 34.784 39.792 359 0.213 11247 16 8 0 0 0 0 | 0.00 0.00 446 446 31.33 | |34 15 14.55 4 35.238 36.527 342 0.203 10540 38 29 10 10 1 9 | 263.16 8.54 1111 819 30.82 | |35 27 27.30 4 35.539 38.013 237 0.141 6869 63 59 13 12 1 11 | 464.14 16.01 2658 2152 28.98 | |36 42 42.49 4 35.665 40.562 438 0.260 10251 288 278 85 84 2 82 | 1872.15 79.99 6575 4658 23.40 | |37 60 57.14 4 35.662 42.639 308 0.183 4633 293 287 53 51 0 51 | 1655.84 110.09 9513 7857 15.04 | |38 | | |39 MALE, RAW 4 35.372 39.600 1684 1.000 43540 698 661 161 157 4 153 | 908.55 35.14 4145 3213 25.86 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |41 5 4.64 5 71.647 72.789 189 0.136 5966 8 6 5 4 2 2 | 105.82 3.35 423 212 31.56 | |42 15 15.20 5 71.796 67.754 371 0.268 11368 40 33 7 6 1 5 | 134.77 4.40 1078 916 30.64 | |43 27 27.79 5 71.154 70.735 224 0.162 6307 72 66 28 25 3 22 | 982.14 34.88 3214 2098 28.15 | |44 42 42.26 5 69.453 74.855 368 0.266 8805 233 224 73 73 1 72 | 1956.52 81.77 6332 4348 23.93 | |45 60 56.48 5 72.237 81.509 234 0.169 3061 228 219 43 41 1 40 | 1709.40 130.67 9744 7991 13.08 | |46 | | |47 MALE, RAW 5 71.124 73.130 1386 1.000 35507 581 548 156 149 8 141 | 1017.32 39.71 4192 3117 25.62 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |49 5 3.98 6-8 171.560 185.85 212 0.164 6393 27 21 16 15 9 6 | 283.02 9.38 1274 566 30.16 | |50 15 15.29 6-8 182.896 201.84 363 0.281 10947 54 47 21 20 3 17 | 468.32 15.53 1488 937 30.16 | |51 27 27.96 6-8 171.103 184.68 232 0.179 6752 64 60 27 27 5 22 | 948.28 32.58 2759 1595 29.10 | |52 42 42.31 6-8 183.497 205.62 314 0.243 6822 231 226 76 74 10 64 | 2038.22 93.81 7357 5000 21.73 | |53 60 56.17 6-8 188.681 221.49 173 0.134 2446 167 164 31 30 4 26 | 1502.89 106.29 9653 7919 14.14 | |54 | | |55 MALE, RAW 6-8 179.844 199.69 1294 1.000 33360 543 518 171 166 31 135 | 1043.28 40.47 4196 2913 25.78 | |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| Abbreviations: PERS. = PERSON(s) ; PYR = PERSON-YEARS ; MALIG = MALIGNANCIES ; LEUK - LEUKEMIA ; CANC = CANCER ; INIT. = INITIAL ; /10K = PER 10,000 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-C Age-Normalized Data for Males, by Dose-Groups : Hiroshima + Nagasaki Combined, 1950-1982. ========================================================================================================================================== | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ALL T | | RBE=2 RBE=20 INIT. | CANC CANC ALL DEATH | | MALE T65DR DS86 PERS [----- VARIOUS CAUSES OF DEATH -----] | DEATHS DEATHS DEATH - ALL PYR | | DISK TRUE RERF ORGAN ORGAN MALES OVER PERS. ALL ALL ALL CANC| /10K PER /10K MALIG PER | |Row AGE AGE DOSE- DOSE DOSE INIT. TOTAL YEARS ALL DIS- NEO- ALL LEUK EXCEPT| INIT. 10K INIT. /10K INIT. | |No. ATB ATB GRP (rems) (rems) PERS. PERS. (PYR) CAUSE EASE PLASM MALIG LEUK | PERSONS PYR PERS INIT PERS | |========================================================================================================================================| | 56 5 4.13 1 0.000 0.082 2779.20 0.180 87687 131 79 11 10 3 7.34 | 26.41 0.84 470 433 31.55 | | 57 15 13.99 1 0.000 0.084 2966.75 0.193 90344 353 237 51 48 4 44.19 | 148.94 4.89 1191 1030 30.45 | | 58 27 28.20 1 0.000 0.092 3710.94 0.241 107225 1022 938 295 279 14 265.35 | 715.05 24.75 2753 2000 28.89 | | 59 42 42.57 1 0.000 0.092 3541.82 0.230 83287 2307 2181 609 584 15 569.02 | 1606.59 68.32 6514 4865 23.52 | | 60 60 58.18 1 0.000 0.091 2407.30 0.156 31189 2344 2267 385 368 2 365.26 | 1517.31 117.11 9739 8211 12.96 | | 61 | | | 62 MALE, NORM 1 0.000 0.089 15406.00 1.000 399732 6157 5701 1352 1289 38 1251.16 | 812.13 31.30 3997 3160 25.95 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 64 5 4.21 2 1.449 1.595 2197.05 0.180 69264 110 65 14 12 1 10.87 | 49.49 1.57 501 445 31.53 | | 65 15 13.91 2 1.707 2.195 2345.32 0.193 71837 270 207 55 52 3 48.61 | 207.25 6.77 1153 933 30.63 | | 66 27 27.83 2 1.533 2.149 2933.63 0.241 84195 762 692 199 192 6 186.29 | 635.03 22.13 2596 1940 28.70 | | 67 42 42.67 2 1.572 2.160 2799.94 0.230 65029 1891 1789 479 455 6 448.94 | 1603.39 69.04 6753 5129 23.23 | | 68 60 58.10 2 1.502 2.006 1903.06 0.156 24736 1847 1788 283 269 4 265.42 | 1394.70 107.30 9707 8294 13.00 | | 69 | | | 70 MALE, NORM 2 1.556 2.038 12179.00 1.000 315062 4880 4540 1030 980 20 960.13 | 788.35 30.47 4007 3202 25.87 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 72 5 4.16 1+2 0.644 0.755 4976.25 0.180 156951 241 143 25 23 4 18.25 | 36.67 1.16 484 439 31.54 | | 73 15 13.95 1+2 0.827 1.106 5312.07 0.193 162221 623 446 108 101 7 94.11 | 177.17 5.80 1173 983 30.54 | | 74 27 28.04 1+2 0.667 0.987 6644.57 0.241 191428 1784 1630 494 472 20 451.98 | 680.23 23.61 2684 1974 28.81 | | 75 42 42.61 1+2 0.649 0.945 6341.76 0.230 148370 4194 3965 1089 1039 21 1018.02 | 1605.27 68.61 6613 4974 23.40 | | 76 60 58.14 1+2 0.634 0.899 4310.36 0.156 55922 4192 4055 669 638 6 631.71 | 1465.57 112.96 9725 8246 12.97 | | 77 | | | 78 MALE, NORM 1+2 0.684 0.945 27585.00 1.000 714891 11033 10239 2385 2272 58 2214.08 | 802.64 30.97 4000 3176 25.92 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 80 5 4.10 3 10.491 13.323 1062.18 0.180 33628 44 25 3 2 1 0.69 | 6.46 0.20 414 394 31.66 | | 81 15 14.09 3 11.111 13.918 1133.86 0.193 35075 108 88 28 25 6 19.37 | 170.86 5.52 953 728 30.93 | | 82 27 28.21 3 11.568 15.341 1418.28 0.241 40734 401 359 115 113 4 108.94 | 768.14 26.74 2831 2034 28.72 | | 83 42 42.73 3 11.470 15.466 1353.64 0.230 31810 880 832 250 242 7 235.25 | 1737.87 73.95 6503 4714 23.50 | | 84 60 58.16 3 11.055 14.809 920.04 0.156 12555 889 872 133 129 4 124.55 | 1353.71 99.20 9659 8262 13.65 | | 85 | | | 86 MALE, NORM 3 11.183 14.648 5888.00 1.000 153802 2322 2176 529 511 22 488.80 | 830.16 31.78 3944 3076 26.12 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 88 5 3.92 4 34.784 39.792 303.79 0.180 9517 14 7 0 0 0 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 446 446 31.33 | | 89 15 14.55 4 35.238 36.527 324.29 0.193 9995 36 27 9 9 1 8.53 | 263.16 8.54 1111 819 30.82 | | 90 27 27.30 4 35.539 38.013 405.64 0.241 11756 108 101 22 21 2 18.83 | 464.14 16.01 2658 2152 28.98 | | 91 42 42.49 4 35.665 40.562 387.15 0.230 9061 255 246 75 74 2 72.48 | 1872.15 79.99 6575 4658 23.40 | | 92 60 57.14 4 35.662 42.639 263.14 0.156 3958 250 245 45 44 0 43.57 | 1655.84 110.09 9513 7857 15.04 | | 93 | | | 94 MALE, NORM 4 35.393 39.357 1684.00 1.000 44287 662 626 152 148 4 143.41 | 851.62 32.38 3933 3055 26.30 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 96 5 4.64 5 71.647 72.789 250.03 0.180 7892 11 8 7 5 3 2.65 | 105.82 3.35 423 212 31.56 | | 97 15 15.20 5 71.796 67.754 266.90 0.193 8178 29 24 5 4 1 3.60 | 134.77 4.40 1078 916 30.64 | | 98 27 27.79 5 71.154 70.735 333.85 0.241 9400 107 98 42 37 4 32.79 | 982.14 34.88 3214 2098 28.15 | | 99 42 42.26 5 69.453 74.855 318.64 0.230 7624 202 194 63 63 1 62.34 | 1956.52 81.77 6332 4348 23.93 | |100 60 56.48 5 72.237 81.509 216.57 0.156 2833 211 203 40 38 1 37.02 | 1709.40 130.67 9744 7991 13.08 | |101 | | |102 MALE, NORM 5 71.145 73.162 1386.00 1.000 35927 559 527 156 148 10 138.40 | 998.53 38.52 4036 2968 25.92 | |========================================================================================================================================| |104 5 3.98 6-8 171.56 185.85 233.43 0.180 7040 30 23 18 17 10 6.61 | 283.02 9.38 1274 566 30.16 | |105 15 15.29 6-8 182.90 201.84 249.19 0.193 7515 37 32 14 14 2 11.67 | 468.32 15.53 1488 937 30.16 | |106 27 27.96 6-8 171.10 184.68 311.69 0.241 9071 86 81 36 36 7 29.56 | 948.28 32.58 2759 1595 29.10 | |107 42 42.31 6-8 183.50 205.62 297.49 0.230 6463 219 214 72 70 9 60.63 | 2038.22 93.81 7357 5000 21.73 | |108 60 56.17 6-8 188.68 221.49 202.20 0.156 2859 195 192 36 35 5 30.39 | 1502.89 106.29 9653 7919 14.14 | |109 | | |110 MALE, NORM 6-8 179.05 198.76 1294.00 1.000 32947 567 542 177 172 33 138.86 | 1073.08 42.14 4380 3054 25.46 | |________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| Abbreviations: PERS. = PERSON(s) ; PYR = PERSON-YEARS ; MALIG = MALIGNANCIES ; LEUK - LEUKEMIA ; CANC = CANCER ; INIT. = INITIAL ; /10K = PER 10,000 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-D Raw Data for Females, by Dose-Groups : Hiroshima and Nagasaki Combined, 1950-1982. ========================================================================================================================================= | ALL | | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R DEATH T | | RBE=2 RBE=20 INIT. | CANC CANC ALL MINUS | | Fem. T65DR DS86 FE- PERS [----- VARIOUS CAUSES OF DEATH ------] | DEATHS DEATHS DEATH ALL PYR | | DISK TRUE RERF ORGAN ORGAN MALES OVER PERS. ALL ALL ALL CANC| /10K PER /10K MALIG PER | |Row AGE AGE DOSE- DOSE DOSE INIT. TOTAL YEARS ALL DIS- NEO- ALL LEUK EXCEPT| INIT. 10K INIT. /10K INIT.| |No. ATB ATB GRP (rems) (rems) PERS. PERS. (PYR) CAUSE EASE PLASM MALIG LEUK | PERSONS PYR PERS INIT PERS | |=======================================================================================================================================| | 1 5 4.09 1 0.000 0.082 3842 0.177 122363 102 79 23 20 2 18 | 46.85 1.47 265 213 31.85 | | 2 15 14.95 1 0.000 0.087 4185 0.192 130296 280 233 73 70 4 66 | 157.71 5.07 669 502 31.13 | | 3 27 26.71 1 0.000 0.093 5193 0.239 158651 670 646 227 219 6 213 | 410.17 13.43 1290 868 30.55 | | 4 42 41.70 1 0.000 0.095 5084 0.234 136916 2241 2165 543 515 14 501 | 985.44 36.59 4408 3395 26.93 | | 5 60 59.00 1 0.000 0.091 3463 0.159 53998 3259 3168 393 376 3 373 | 1077.10 69.08 9411 8325 15.59 | | 6 | | | 7 FEMALE, RAW 1 0.000 0.090 21767 1.000 602224 6552 6291 1259 1200 29 1171 | 537.97 19.44 3010 2459 27.67 | |=======================================================================================================================================| | 9 5 4.06 2 1.427 1.584 3093 0.185 98447 91 64 23 22 2 20 | 64.66 2.03 294 223 31.83 | |10 15 14.80 2 1.502 1.721 3218 0.193 100803 196 168 58 51 1 50 | 155.38 4.96 609 451 31.32 | |11 27 26.67 2 1.505 1.903 4067 0.244 123272 563 533 200 188 5 183 | 449.96 14.85 1384 922 30.31 | |12 42 41.71 2 1.475 1.848 3754 0.225 100120 1709 1640 448 431 7 424 | 1129.46 42.35 4552 3404 26.67 | |13 60 59.13 2 1.471 1.815 2544 0.153 39086 2364 2312 258 238 3 235 | 923.74 60.12 9292 8357 15.36 | |14 | | |15 FEMALE, RAW 2 1.478 1.783 16676 1.000 461729 4923 4717 987 930 18 912 | 546.89 19.75 2952 2394 27.69 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |17 5 4.08 1+2 0.637 0.752 6935 0.180 220810 193 143 46 42 4 38 | 54.79 1.72 278 218 31.84 | |18 15 14.88 1+2 0.653 0.797 7403 0.193 231099 476 401 131 121 5 116 | 156.69 5.02 643 480 31.22 | |19 27 26.69 1+2 0.661 0.888 9260 0.241 281923 1233 1179 427 407 11 396 | 427.65 14.05 1332 892 30.45 | |20 42 41.71 1+2 0.627 0.840 8838 0.230 237037 3950 3805 991 946 21 925 | 1046.62 39.02 4469 3399 26.82 | |21 60 59.05 1+2 0.623 0.821 6007 0.156 93084 5623 5480 651 614 6 608 | 1012.15 65.32 9361 8339 15.50 | |22 | | |23 FEMALE, RAW 1+2 0.641 0.824 38443 1.000 1063953 11475 11008 2246 2130 47 2083 | 541.84 19.58 2985 2431 27.68 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |25 5 3.98 3 10.702 13.548 1547 0.171 49157 52 42 13 13 4 9 | 58.18 1.83 336 252 31.78 | |26 15 14.86 3 10.714 13.790 1663 0.184 51876 115 97 27 26 3 23 | 138.30 4.43 692 535 31.19 | |27 27 26.82 3 10.987 14.848 2189 0.242 66414 301 278 131 126 5 121 | 552.76 18.22 1375 799 30.34 | |28 42 41.60 3 10.989 15.224 2291 0.253 61023 1050 1014 287 278 4 274 | 1195.98 44.90 4583 3370 26.64 | |29 60 58.71 3 10.826 14.896 1365 0.151 21653 1279 1247 175 161 2 159 | 1164.84 73.43 9370 8190 15.86 | |30 | | |31 FEMALE, RAW 3 10.864 14.534 9055 1.000 250123 2797 2678 633 604 18 586 | 647.16 23.43 3089 2422 27.62 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |33 5 4.17 4 34.652 39.233 372 0.146 11771 12 11 4 4 1 3 | 80.65 2.55 323 215 31.64 | |34 15 15.16 4 36.457 39.149 543 0.214 17078 30 23 7 7 0 7 | 128.91 4.10 552 424 31.45 | |35 27 26.60 4 35.604 42.377 670 0.264 20277 109 104 42 38 2 36 | 537.31 17.75 1627 1060 30.26 | |36 42 41.64 4 34.654 43.001 582 0.229 15535 276 258 81 79 3 76 | 1305.84 48.92 4742 3385 26.69 | |37 60 58.50 4 35.351 43.680 374 0.147 5770 351 338 44 41 2 39 | 1042.78 67.60 9385 8289 15.43 | |38 | | |39 FEMALE, RAW 4 35.392 41.562 2541 1.000 70431 778 734 178 169 8 161 | 633.61 22.86 3062 2397 27.72 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |41 5 4.34 5 70.310 74.071 213 0.122 6663 11 9 5 5 2 3 | 140.85 4.50 516 282 31.28 | |42 15 15.14 5 72.440 68.103 556 0.319 17255 51 42 22 21 3 18 | 323.74 10.43 917 540 31.03 | |43 27 25.67 5 72.590 75.907 436 0.250 13275 55 52 27 24 2 22 | 504.59 16.57 1261 711 30.45 | |44 42 41.87 5 70.016 78.935 366 0.210 9741 174 169 47 43 1 42 | 1147.54 43.12 4754 3579 26.62 | |45 60 58.15 5 71.744 77.444 171 0.098 2549 157 153 28 28 1 27 | 1578.95 105.91 9181 7544 14.91 | |46 | | |47 FEMALE, RAW 5 71.639 73.979 1742 1.000 49483 448 425 129 121 9 112 | 642.94 22.63 2572 1877 28.41 | |=======================================================================================================================================| |49 5 6-8 180.94 197.66 210 0.130 6503 15 12 9 9 3 6 | 285.71 9.23 714 286 30.97 | |50 15 6-8 166.18 176.34 493 0.306 15168 57 53 27 26 4 22 | 446.25 14.50 1156 629 30.77 | |51 27 6-8 179.41 203.47 447 0.277 13171 95 90 50 48 7 41 | 917.23 31.13 2125 1051 29.46 | |52 42 6-8 175.59 202.90 326 0.202 8532 167 163 58 56 6 50 | 1533.74 58.60 5123 3405 26.17 | |53 60 6-8 171.02 195.56 137 0.085 2035 130 126 24 21 2 19 | 1386.86 93.35 9489 7956 14.86 | |54 | | |55 FEMALE, RAW 6-8 174.08 193.63 1613 1.000 45408 464 444 168 160 22 138 | 855.55 30.39 2877 1885 28.15 | |_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| Abbreviations: PERS. = PERSON(s) ; PYR = PERSON-YEARS ; MALIG = MALIGNANCIES ; LEUK - LEUKEMIA ; CANC = CANCER ; INIT. = INITIAL ; /10K = PER 10,000 ; Fem = FEMALES . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-E Age-Normalized Data for Females, by Dose-Groups : Hiroshima and Nagasaki Combined, 1950-1982. ========================================================================================================================================== | ALL | | A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R DEATH T | | RBE=2 RBE=20 INIT. | CANC CANC ALL MINUS | | Fem. T65DR DS86 FE- PERS [----- VARIOUS CAUSES OF DEATH -----] | DEATHS DEATHS DEATH ALL PYR | | DISK TRUE RERF ORGAN ORGAN MALES OVER PERS. ALL ALL ALL CANC| /10K PER /10K MALIG PER | |Row AGE AGE DOSE- DOSE DOSE INIT. TOTAL YEARS ALL DIS- NEO- ALL LEUK EXCEPT| INIT. 10K INIT. /10K INIT. | |No. ATB ATB GRP (rems) (rems) PERS. PERS. (PYR) CAUSE EASE PLASM MALIG LEUK | PERSONS PYR PERS INIT PERS | |========================================================================================================================================| | 56 5 4.09 1 0.000 0.082 3926.70 0.180 125060 104 81 24 20 2 18.40 | 46.85 1.47 265 213 31.85 | | 57 15 14.95 1 0.000 0.087 4191.69 0.193 130505 280 233 73 70 4 66.11 | 157.71 5.07 669 502 31.13 | | 58 27 26.71 1 0.000 0.093 5243.15 0.241 160183 676 652 229 221 6 215.06 | 410.17 13.43 1290 868 30.55 | | 59 42 41.70 1 0.000 0.095 5004.21 0.230 134767 2206 2131 534 507 14 493.14 | 985.44 36.59 4408 3395 26.93 | | 60 60 59.00 1 0.000 0.091 3401.25 0.156 53035 3201 3112 386 369 3 366.35 | 1077.10 69.08 9411 8325 15.59 | | 61 | | | 62 FEMALE, NORM 1 0.000 0.090 21767.00 1.000 603550 6468 6209 1246 1188 29 1159.05 | 532.48 19.20 2971 2426 27.73 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 64 5 4.06 2 1.427 1.584 3008.30 0.180 95751 89 62 22 21 2 19.45 | 64.66 2.03 294 223 31.83 | | 65 15 14.80 2 1.502 1.721 3211.31 0.193 100593 196 168 58 51 1 49.90 | 155.38 4.96 609 451 31.32 | | 66 27 26.67 2 1.505 1.903 4016.85 0.241 121752 556 526 198 186 5 180.74 | 449.96 14.85 1384 922 30.31 | | 67 42 41.71 2 1.475 1.848 3833.79 0.230 102249 1745 1675 458 440 7 433.01 | 1129.46 42.35 4552 3404 26.67 | | 68 60 59.13 2 1.471 1.815 2605.75 0.156 40035 2421 2368 264 244 3 240.70 | 923.74 60.12 9292 8357 15.36 | | 69 | | | 70 FEMALE, NORM 2 1.478 1.784 16676.00 1.000 460380 5007 4799 1000 942 18 923.81 | 553.97 20.07 3002 2438 27.61 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 72 5 4.08 1+2 0.637 0.752 6935.00 0.180 220810 193 143 46 42 4 38.00 | 54.79 1.72 278 218 31.84 | | 73 15 14.88 1+2 0.653 0.797 7403.00 0.193 231099 476 401 131 121 5 116.00 | 156.69 5.02 643 480 31.22 | | 74 27 26.69 1+2 0.661 0.888 9260.00 0.241 281923 1233 1179 427 407 11 396.00 | 427.65 14.05 1332 892 30.45 | | 75 42 41.71 1+2 0.627 0.840 8838.00 0.230 237037 3950 3805 991 946 21 925.00 | 1046.62 39.02 4469 3399 26.82 | | 76 60 59.05 1+2 0.623 0.821 6007.00 0.156 93084 5623 5480 651 614 6 608.00 | 1012.15 65.32 9361 8339 15.50 | | 77 | | | 78 FEMALE, NORM 1+2 0.641 0.824 38443.00 1.000 1063953 11475 11008 2246 2130 47 2083.00 | 541.84 19.58 2985 2431 27.68 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 80 5 3.98 3 10.702 13.548 1633.49 0.180 51905 55 44 14 14 4 9.50 | 58.18 1.83 336 252 31.78 | | 81 15 14.86 3 10.714 13.790 1743.73 0.193 54394 121 102 28 27 3 24.12 | 138.30 4.43 692 535 31.19 | | 82 27 26.82 3 10.987 14.848 2181.13 0.241 66176 300 277 131 126 5 120.57 | 552.76 18.22 1375 799 30.34 | | 83 42 41.60 3 10.989 15.224 2081.73 0.230 55449 954 921 261 253 4 248.97 | 1195.98 44.90 4583 3370 26.64 | | 84 60 58.71 3 10.826 14.896 1414.91 0.156 22445 1326 1293 181 167 2 164.81 | 1164.84 73.43 9370 8190 15.86 | | 85 | | | 86 FEMALE, NORM 3 10.858 14.504 9055.00 1.000 250369 2755 2637 615 586 18 567.97 | 627.25 22.69 3043 2396 27.65 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 88 5 4.17 4 34.652 39.233 458.39 0.180 14504 15 14 5 5 1 3.70 | 80.65 2.55 323 215 31.64 | | 89 15 15.16 4 36.457 39.149 489.32 0.193 15390 27 21 6 6 0 6.31 | 128.91 4.10 552 424 31.45 | | 90 27 26.60 4 35.604 42.377 612.07 0.241 18523 100 95 38 35 2 32.89 | 537.31 17.75 1627 1060 30.26 | | 91 42 41.64 4 34.654 43.001 584.17 0.230 15593 277 259 81 79 3 76.28 | 1305.84 48.92 4742 3385 26.69 | | 92 60 58.50 4 35.351 43.680 397.05 0.156 6125 373 359 47 44 2 41.40 | 1042.78 67.60 9385 8289 15.43 | | 93 | | | 94 FEMALE, NORM 4 35.339 41.535 2541.00 1.000 70136 791 747 178 169 8 160.58 | 631.95 22.90 3113 2449 27.60 | |========================================================================================================================================| | 96 5 4.34 5 70.310 74.071 314.25 0.180 9831 16 13 7 7 3 4.43 | 140.85 4.50 516 282 31.28 | | 97 15 15.14 5 72.440 68.103 335.46 0.193 10411 31 25 13 13 2 10.86 | 323.74 10.43 917 540 31.03 | | 98 27 25.67 5 72.590 75.907 419.61 0.241 12776 53 50 26 23 2 21.17 | 504.59 16.57 1261 711 30.45 | | 99 42 41.87 5 70.016 78.935 400.48 0.230 10659 190 185 51 47 1 45.96 | 1147.54 43.12 4754 3579 26.62 | |100 60 58.15 5 71.744 77.444 272.20 0.156 4058 250 244 45 45 2 42.98 | 1578.95 105.91 9181 7544 14.91 | |101 | | |102 FEMALE, NORM 5 71.426 75.009 1742.00 1.000 47734 540 517 143 135 9 125.40 | 719.83 26.27 3101 2328 27.40 | |========================================================================================================================================| |104 5 6-8 180.94 197.66 290.98 0.180 9011 21 17 12 12 4 8.31 | 285.71 9.23 714 286 30.97 | |105 15 6-8 166.18 176.34 310.62 0.193 9556 36 33 17 16 3 13.86 | 446.25 14.50 1156 629 30.77 | |106 27 6-8 179.41 203.47 388.53 0.241 11448 83 78 43 42 6 35.64 | 917.23 31.13 2125 1051 29.46 | |107 42 6-8 175.59 202.90 370.83 0.230 9705 190 185 66 64 7 56.88 | 1533.74 58.60 5123 3405 26.17 | |108 60 6-8 171.02 195.56 252.04 0.156 3744 239 232 44 39 4 34.95 | 1386.86 93.35 9489 7956 14.86 | |109 | | |110 FEMALE, NORM 6-8 174.95 195.83 1613.00 1.000 43464 568 545 183 173 23 149.64 | 927.73 34.43 3524 2452 26.95 | |________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| Abbreviations: PERS. = PERSON(s) ; PYR = PERSON-YEARS ; MALIG = MALIGNANCIES ; LEUK - LEUKEMIA ; CANC = CANCER ; INIT. = INITIAL ; /10K = PER 10,000 ; Fem = FEMALES . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-F Male and Females Summary Data, Preparatory to Sex-Ratio Normalization. 1950-1982, Cities Combined. ==================================================================================================================================== | ALL | | A C D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R DEATH T | | RBE=2 RBE=20 | CANC CANC ALL MINUS | | T65DR DS86 [------- VARIOUS CAUSES OF DEATH --------] | DEATHS DEATHS DEATH ALL PYR | | RERF ORGAN ORGAN PERSON ALL ALL ALL CANC | /10K PER /10K MALIG PER | |Row SEX DOSE DOSE DOSE INIT. YEARS ALL DIS- NEO- ALL LEUK EXCEPT | INIT. 10K INIT. /10K INIT. | |No. GRP (rems) (rems) PERSONS (PYR) CAUSE EASE PLASM MALIG LEUK | PERSONS PYR PERS INIT. PERS. | | | | |111 M 1 0.000 0.089 15406 399732 6157 5701 1352 1289 38 1251.16 | 812.13 31.30 3997 3160 25.95 | |112 M 2 1.556 2.038 12179 315062 4880 4540 1030 980 20 960.13 | 788.35 30.47 4007 3202 25.87 | |113 M 1+2 0.684 0.945 27585 714891 11033 10239 2385 2272 58 2214.08 | 802.64 30.97 4000 3176 25.92 | |114 M 3 11.183 14.648 5888 153802 2322 2176 529 511 22 488.80 | 830.16 31.78 3944 3076 26.12 | |115 M 4 35.393 39.357 1684 44287 662 626 152 148 4 143.41 | 851.62 32.38 3933 3055 26.30 | |116 M 5 71.145 73.162 1386 35927 559 527 156 148 10 138.40 | 998.53 38.52 4036 2968 25.92 | |117 M 6-8 179.05 198.76 1294 32947 567 542 177 172 33 138.86 | 1073.08 42.14 4380 3054 25.46 | |118 | | |119 M 1-8 37837 981855 15144 14109 3400 3251 128 3123.54 | | |==================================================================================================================================| |121 F 1 0.000 0.090 21767 603550 6468 6209 1246 1188 29 1159.05 | 532.48 19.20 2971 2426 27.73 | |122 F 2 1.478 1.784 16676 460380 5007 4799 1000 942 18 923.81 | 553.97 20.07 3002 2438 27.61 | |123 F 1+2 0.641 0.824 38443 1063953 11475 11008 2246 2130 47 2083.00 | 541.84 19.58 2985 2431 27.68 | |124 F 3 10.858 14.504 9055 250369 2755 2637 615 586 18 567.97 | 627.25 22.69 3043 2396 27.65 | |125 F 4 35.339 41.535 2541 70136 791 747 178 169 8 160.58 | 631.95 22.90 3113 2449 27.60 | |126 F 5 71.426 75.009 1742 47734 540 517 143 135 9 125.40 | 719.83 26.27 3101 2328 27.40 | |127 F 6-8 174.95 195.83 1613 43464 568 545 183 173 23 149.64 | 927.73 34.43 3524 2452 26.95 | |128 | | |129 F 1-8 53394 1475656 16130 15455 3364 3192 106 3086.59 | | |==================================================================================================================================| |131 M+F 1-8 91231 2457511 31274 29564 6764 6444 233 6210.13 | | |__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-G Sex-Ratio Normalization of Male and Female Data. 1950-1982, Cities Combined. Notes: See Table 11-F. ==================================================================================================================================== | ALL | | A C D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R DEATH T | | RBE=2 RBE=20 | CANC CANC ALL MINUS | | T65DR DS86 [------- VARIOUS CAUSES OF DEATH -------] | DEATHS DEATHS DEATH ALL PYR | | RERF ORGAN ORGAN PERSON ALL ALL ALL CANC | /10K PER /10K MALIG PER | |Row SEX DOSE DOSE DOSE INIT. YEARS ALL DIS- NEO- ALL LEUK EXCEPT | INIT. 10K INIT. /10K INIT. | |No. GRP (rems) (rems) PERSONS (PYR) CAUSE EASE PLASM MALIG LEUK | PERSONS PYR PERS INIT. PERS. | | | | |132 M 1 0.000 0.089 15530.02 402950 6207 5747 1363 1300 38 1261.23 | 812.13 31.30 3997 3160 25.95 | |133 M 2 1.556 2.038 12054.96 311853 4830 4494 1020 970 20 950.36 | 788.35 30.47 4007 3202 25.87 | |134 M 1+2 0.684 0.945 27584.98 714891 11033 10239 2385 2272 58 2214.08 | 802.64 30.97 4000 3176 25.92 | |135 M 3 11.183 14.648 6242.84 163071 2462 2307 561 542 24 518.25 | 830.16 31.78 3944 3076 26.12 | |136 M 4 35.393 39.357 1765.11 46420 694 656 159 155 5 150.32 | 851.62 32.38 3933 3055 26.30 | |137 M 5 71.145 73.162 1306.81 33874 527 497 147 140 9 130.49 | 998.53 38.52 4036 2968 25.92 | |138 M 6-8 179.05 198.76 1214.48 30923 532 508 166 161 31 130.32 | 1073.08 42.14 4380 3054 25.46 | |139 | | |140 M 38114.22 989179 15249 14207 3419 3270 127 3143.46 | | |==================================================================================================================================| |142 F 1 0.000 0.090 21642.98 600112 6431 6174 1239 1181 29 1152.44 | 532.48 19.20 2971 2426 27.73 | |143 F 2 1.478 1.784 16800.04 463804 5044 4835 1007 949 18 930.68 | 553.97 20.07 3002 2438 27.61 | |144 F 1+2 0.641 0.824 38443.02 1063953 11475 11008 2246 2130 47 2083.00 | 541.84 19.58 2985 2431 27.68 | |145 F 3 10.858 14.504 8700.16 240558 2647 2534 591 563 17 545.71 | 627.25 22.69 3043 2396 27.65 | |146 F 4 35.339 41.535 2459.89 67897 766 723 172 163 8 155.45 | 631.95 22.90 3113 2449 27.60 | |147 F 5 71.426 75.009 1821.19 49904 565 541 149 141 10 131.10 | 719.83 26.27 3101 2328 27.40 | |148 F 6-8 174.95 195.83 1692.52 45607 596 572 192 181 24 157.02 | 927.73 34.43 3524 2452 26.95 | |149 | | |150 F 53116.78 1467919 16049 15378 3350 3179 106 3072.28 | | |==================================================================================================================================| |152 M+F 1-8 91231 2457098 31299 29585 6769 6449 233 6215.75 | | |__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes For Conversion Of Table 11-F Into Table 11-G : ---------------------------------------------- 1. Rows 111 through 117 (Males) are simply transfers of Rows 62,70,78,86,94,102,110 from Table 11-C. Rows 121 through 127 (Females) are simply transfers of Rows 62,70,78,86,94,102,110 from Table 11-E. Col. B (Age) is omitted because age-bands are now combined. Col. G (Ratio) is omitted because all the values transferred would be 1.0 . 2. Next, we want to combine the male and female observations. Our objective remains a series of Dose-Groups which are alike in cancer-risk, except for their radiation-doses. Therefore, the proportions of males and females must be normalized to the same ratio in every Dose-Group. These ratios are not the same, in the absence of normalization. For instance, the ratio in the Reference Group is (27585 males / 38,443 females), or 0.717556. The ratio in Dose-Group 3, however, is (5888 / 9055), or 0.650248. In Dose-Group 5, the ratio is (1386 males / 1742 females), or 0.795637. The sex-ratio normalization is a two-step process again. STEP 1: ESTABLISHING THE SEX-NORMALIZED NUMBERS OF PERSONS. ============================================================ We shall normalize to the standard of the Reference Group; therefore, male-female ratio in every Dose-Group will be 0.717556. We shall continue preserving the original total number of persons in every Dose-Group. These totals (males + females) are calculated from Column F directly above (see also Table 4-A). EXAMPLE, USING DOSE-GROUP 1. TOTAL PERSONS = 37,173. (15,406 MALES + 21,767 FEMALES.) Let F = age- and sex-normalized number of females in Dose-Group 1. Then 0.717556 times F is the age- and sex-normalized number of males in Dose-Group 1. F + (0.717556)(F) = 37,173. And (1.717556)(F) = 37,173. And F = (37,173 / 1.717556). And finally, F = 21,642.98 age- and sex-normalized females, for Table 11-G, Col.F, Row 142. Male persons = (37,173) - (female persons). Males = 15,530.02 persons, the entry for Table 11-G, Col.F, Row 132. In this fashion, all the entries for Table 11-G, Col.F, were established. Checking will show that all male-female ratios in Table 11-G are 0.7176 . Dose-Group 4 is an example : (F136 / F146) = (1765.11 / 2459.89) = 0.7176 . STEP 2: SEX-NORMALIZATION OF THE CORRESPONDING OBSERVATIONS. ============================================================= The old observations in Cols. H through N of Table 11-F are normalized by multiplying each one by the ratio of (new persons / old persons). EXAMPLE, USING MALE DOSE-GROUP 1, OBSERVED PERSON-YEARS : The new number of initial persons = 15,530.02 (from Table 11-G, Col.F, Row 132). The old number of initial persons = 15,406 (from Table 11-F, Col.F, Row 111). The old number of Person-Years = 399,732 (from Table 11-F, Col.H, Row 111). The new number of Person-Years = (15530.02 persons / 15406 persons) x (399732 PYR) = 402950 PYR. That is the new entry for Table 11-G, Col.H, Row 132. In that fashion, all the age- and sex-normalized entries for Columns H through N were calculated for Table 11-G. Thereafter, all the rates in Columns P through T were newly calculated, to check that the observed rates still match the corresponding entries in Table 11-F. Mean doses per person (Cols.D,E) remain unchanged. Now the data are ready to combine. The combination is shown in Table 11-H. ========================================================================== Column S, "All Deaths Minus All Malignancies, per 10,000 Initial Persons," is (for each row) : [ (Col.I - Col.L) / Col.F ] times 10,000. All malignancies include leukemia, of course. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 11-H Directly Comparable Dose-Groups, after Combination of Male and Female Data. =============================================================================================================================== | ALL | | C D E F H I J K L M N O P Q R DEATH T | | RBE=2 RBE=20 | CANC CANC ALL MINUS | | T65DR DS86 M + F [------- VARIOUS CAUSES OF DEATH -------] | DEATHS DEATHS DEATH ALL PYR | | RERF ORGAN ORGAN PERSON ALL ALL ALL CANC | /10K PER /10K MALIG PER | |Row DOSE DOSE DOSE INITIAL YEARS ALL DIS- NEO- ALL LEUK EXCEPT | INITIAL 10K INIT /10K INIT | |No. GRP (rems) (rems) PERSONS (PYR) CAUSE EASE PLASM MALIG LEUK | PERSONS PYR PERS INIT PERS | | | | |151 1.0 0.000 0.089 37173 1003062 12638 11920 2602 2481 67 2413.68 | 649.31 24.06 3400 2732 26.98 | |152 2.0 1.511 1.890 28855 775657 9875 9329 2027 1919 38 1881.04 | 651.89 24.25 3422 2757 26.88 | |153 1+2 0.659 0.875 66028 1778844 22508 21247 4631 4402 105 4297.08 | 650.80 24.16 3409 2742 26.94 | |154 3 10.994 14.564 14943 403628 5110 4840 1152 1105 41 1063.97 | 712.02 26.36 3419 2680 27.01 | |155 4 35.361 40.625 4225 114318 1460 1380 331 318 13 305.77 | 723.72 26.75 3456 2702 27.06 | |156 5 71.308 74.238 3128 83778 1092 1037 297 280 19 261.58 | 836.27 31.22 3492 2595 26.78 | |157 6-8 176.66 197.05 2907 76530 1128 1081 358 343 55 287.34 | 988.45 37.55 3882 2703 26.33 | | | | |158 1-8 M + F = 91231 2457098 31299 29585 6769 6449 233 6215.75 | | |=============================================================================================================================| | ADDITIONAL COMBINATIONS OF DOSE-GROUPS. | |=============================================================================================================================| |159 3+4 16.365 20.309 19168 517946 6570 6220 1483 1423 54 1369.74 | 714.60 26.45 3427 2685 27.02 | |160 3-8 41.673 47.388 25203 678254 8790 8338 2138 2046 128 1918.67 | 761.29 28.29 3488 2676 26.91 | |161 4+5 50.653 54.924 7353 198096 2552 2417 628 599 31 567.36 | 771.60 28.64 3471 2657 26.94 | |162 5-8 122.06 133.397 6035 160308 2221 2118 654 623 74 548.93 | 909.57 34.24 3680 2647 26.56 | |=============================================================================================================================| 1. The male and female rows of age-sex normalized data, from Table 11-G, have been combined above in three steps. STEP 1, USING TABLE 11-G : The observations in Columns F through N (excluding Column G) were added according to Dose-Group. For example, in Dose-Group 1, to combine male and female observations in those columns, we added Rows 132 and 142. The sums appear in Row 151 of Table 11-H above. STEP 2, USING TABLE 11-H : We calculated new rates for Columns P through T. ("Per 10,000 initial persons" is abbreviated as "per10K Init Pers" where space is short.) STEP 3, USING TABLE 11-G : We recalculated the mean doses. For instance, entry D154 above is the weighted mean T65DR dose in Dose-Group 3 for males and females. It is calculated as follows from Table 11-G : [(11.183 rems per male x 6242.84 males) + (10.858 rems per female x 8700.16 females)] / 14,943 total persons in Dose-Group 3. 2. It makes a negligible difference whether Dose-Groups are normalized before they are combined, or normalized after they have been combined. For instance, the difference between the entry N153 above (4297.08 cancer-deaths) and the sum of entries N151 and N152 (sum = 4294.72 cancer-deaths) is 2.36 cases -- a difference of about 0.06 of one percent. When Dose-Groups 6,7,8 are normalized separately, before combination, their combined cancer-deaths are 288.12 compared with 287.34 (entry N157 above) -- a difference of 0.78 cancer-death or about 0.27 of one percent. 3. RESULT OF NORMALIZATION : We can be mathematically assured that all Dose-Groups in Table 11-H (including the additional combinations shown in Rows 159-162) are alike in the fraction of their total initial persons who are males age-5-ATB, alike in the fraction of their total initial persons who are females age-5-ATB, and so forth. In other words, all the Dose-Groups above enter the lifespan follow-up in 1950 as directly comparable cohorts, alike in both age-distribution and sex-distribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------