---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure, An Independednt Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 36 has its own Reference List Alex88a Alexander, Robert E., February 1988. "Health Effects from Radiation," ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 22 No.2: 144-145. Alex88b Alexander, Robert E., June 1988. "A New Intellectual Atmosphere," guest editorial by the 1988-89 president of the Health Physics Society, HEALTH PHYSICS 54, No.6: 589-595. Alex89 Alexander, Robert E., January 1989. "More on Very Low Radiation Doses," HEALTH PHYSICS 56, No.1: 117. And88 Anderson, R.E. + W.L. Williams + S. Tokuda, 1988. "Effect of Low-Dose Irradiation upon T Cell Subsets Involved in the Response of Primed A/J Mice to SaI Cells," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 53, No.1: 103-118. Ansp88 Anspaugh, Lynn R. + Robert J. Catlin + Marvin Goldman, Dec. 16, 1988. "The Global Impact of the Chernobyl Reactor Accident," SCIENCE 242: 1513-1519. As89 ASSOCIATED PRESS, series of reports filed from Moscow. July 30, 1989: "Larger Chernobyl-Area Evacuation Urged." August 9, 1989: "3,000 Told to Flee Chernobyl Area." August 15, 1989: "Radiation Study Based in Chernobyl Area." Bar85 Barendsen, G.W., 1985. "Do Fast Neutrons at Low Dose Rate Enhance Cell Transformation IN VITRO? A Basic Problem of Microdosimetry and Interpretation," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 47: 731-744. Bara77 Baral, E. + L. Larsson + B. Mattson. 1977. "Breast Cancer Following Irradiation of the Breast." CANCER 40: 2905-2910. Bau73 Baum, J.W., 1973. "Population Heterogeneity Hypothesis on Radiation Induced Cancer," HEALTH PHYSICS 25: 97-104. Bav81 Baverstock, K.F. + D. Papworth + J. Vennart, Feb. 21, 1981. "Risk of Radiation at Low Dose Rates," LANCET 1981, 1: 430-433. Bav83 Baverstock, K.F. + J. Vennart, 1983. "A Note on Radium Body Content and Breast Cancers in U.K. Radium Luminisers," HEALTH PHYSICS 44, SUPPL. No. 1: 575-577. Bav85 Baverstock, K.F., September 1985. "UK Luminizer Survey Misrepresented," letter in JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 27, No.9: 613. Bav87 Baverstock, K.F. + D.G. Papworth, 1987. "The UK Radium Luminizer Survey," BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY, Supplemental BIR Report 21, 71-76. (BIR = British Institute of Radiology.) Bav89 Baverstock, K.F. + R.B. Cundall, 1989. "Are Solitons Responsible for Energy Transfer in Oriented DNA?", letter in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 55, No.1: 151-153. Bav89b Baverstock, K.F. Search of INDEX MEDICUS through November 1989 shows no updated follow-up reports on the UK Luminizer series since 1981 from Baverstock, Papworth, or Vennart. Bee70 is also TR-11-70. Beebe, Gilbert W. + Hiroo Kato + Charles E. Land, 1970. JNIH-ABCC LIFE SPAN STUDY, HIROSHIMA-NAGASAKI, REPORT 5. MORTALITY AND RADIATION DOSE, OCTOBER 1950-SEPTEMBER 1966. Technical Report TR-11-70. (Current source today, Hiroshima: RERF.) Bee71 is also TR-11-70, abbreviated. Beebe, Gilbert W. + Hiroo Kato + Charles E. Land, 1971. "Studies of the Mortality of A-Bomb Survivors 4. Mortality and Radiation Dose, 1950-1966" (TR-11-70). RADIATION RESEARCH 48: 613-649. Bee77 is also TR-1-77, abbreviated. Beebe, Gilbert W. + Hiroo Kato + Charles E. Land, 1977. LIFE SPAN STUDY REPORT 8. MORTALITY EXPERIENCE OF ATOMIC BOMB SURVIVORS, 1950-1974. RERF Technical Report TR-1-77. (Hiroshima: RERF.) Bee78 is also TR-1-77, abbreviated. Beebe, Gilbert W. + Hiroo Kato + Charles E. Land, 1978. "Studies of the Mortality of A-Bomb Survivors: 6. Mortality and Radiation Dose, 1950-1974" (RERF TR-1-77). RADIATION RESEARCH 75: 138-201. Bee80 Beebe, Gilbert W., March 11, 1980. "What Knowledge Is Considered Certain Regarding Human Somatic Effects of Ionizing Radiation?" Issue Paper #1 delivered at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Beir72 BEIR Committee, 1972. THE EFFECTS ON POPULATIONS OF EXPOSURE TO LOW LEVELS OF IONIZING RADIATION (also known as the BEIR-1 Report). Report prepared by the Advisory Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (Washington, DC 20418: National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue.) No index. Beir80 BEIR Committee, 1980. THE EFFECTS ON POPULATIONS OF EXPOSURE TO LOW LEVELS OF IONIZING RADIATION (also known as the BEIR-3 Report). This report was issued by the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations, Division of Medical Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (Washington, DC 20418: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW.) No index. This report was issued in two formats, a large book (typewriter edition) and later in the year, a small book (typeset edition). Page numbers cited in Go81 refer to pagination in the large format, whereas pages cited in this book refer to the small format. Beir90 BEIR Committee, December 19, 1989. HEALTH EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO LOW LEVELS OF IONIZING RADIATION (also known as the BEIR-5 Report). This report was issued by the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations, Board on Radiation Effects Research, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (Washington, DC 20418: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW.) Indexed. Ben82 Bender, Michael A. + R.J. Preston, 1982. "Role of Base Damage in Aberration Formation: Interaction of Aphidicolin and X-Rays," in PROGRESS IN MUTATION RESEARCH, VOLUME 4: pp. 37-46. Edited by A.T. Natarajan, G. Obe, and H. Altmann. (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Biomedical Press.) Ben84 Bender, Michael A., 1984. "Significance of Chromosome Abnormalities," pp.281-289 in Boice84. Ber85 Beral, Valerie + Hazel Inskip + Patricia Fraser + Margaret Booth + Derek Coleman + Geoffrey Rose, Aug. 17, 1985. "Mortality of Employeels of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 1946-1979," BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 291: 440-447. Ber87 Beral, Valerie + Patricia Fraser + Margaret Booth + Lucy Carpenter, 1987. "Epidemiological Studies of Workers in the Nuclear Industry," Chapter 8, pp.97-106 in Jones87. Berry87 Berry, Roger J., 1987. "The International Commission on Radiological Protection -- A Historical Perspective," Chapter 10, pp.117-123 in Jones87. Boice77 Boice, J.D., Jr. + R.R. Monson, 1977. "Breast Cancer in Women after Repeated Fluoroscopic Examinations of the Chest," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 59: 823-832. Boice78 Boice, John D. + Marvin Rosenstein + E. Dale Trout, 1978. "Estimation of Breast Doses and Breast Cancer Risk Associated with Repeated Fluoroscopic Chest Examinations of Women with Tuberculosis," RADIATION RESEARCH 73: 373-390. Boice79 Boice, John D., Jr. + Charles E. Land + Roy E. Shore + J.E. Norman + Masayoshi Tokunaga, 1979. "Risk of Breast Cancer Following Low-Dose Radiation Exposure," RADIOLOGY 131: 589-597. Boice81 Boice, John D. Jr., + Richard R. Monson + Marvin Rosenstein, 1981. "Cancer Mortality in Women after Repeated Fluoroscopic Examinations of the Chest," JOURNAL OF THE NAT'L CANCER INSTITUTE 66: 863-867. Boice84 Boice, John D. Jr. and Joseph F. Fraumeni (editors), 1984. RADIATION CARCINOGENESIS: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE. (New York, NY: Raven Press.) Boice85 Boice, J.D. + N.E. Day + A. Anderson + 33 others, 1985. "Second Cancers Following Radiation Treatment for Cervical Cancer; An International Collaboration among Cancer Registries," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 74: 955-975. Bon78 Bond, Victor P. + Charles B. Meinhold + Harald H. Rossi, May 1978. "Low-Dose RBE and Q for X-Ray Compared to Gamma Radiations," HEALTH PHYSICS 34: 433-438. Bon84 Bond, Victor P., 1984. "Stochastic Basis for Dose-Response Curves, RBE, and Temporal Dependence," in Boice84, pp.387-402. Bov14 Boveri, Theodore, 1914. English-language edition: 1929. THE ORIGIN OF MALIGNANT TUMORS. (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Williams and Wilkins.) Brack88 Brackenbush, L.W. and L.A. Braby, 1988. "Microdosimetric Basis for Exposure Limits," HEALTH PHYSICS 55: 251-255. Br83 Brent, R.L., 1983. "Cancer Risks Following Diagnostic Radiation Exposure," PEDIATRICS 71: 288-289. Bro78 Brodsky, Allen B. (editor), 1978. CRC HANDBOOK OF RADIATION MEASUREMENTS AND PROTECTION. SECTION A, VOLUME I: PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DATA. (West Palm Beach, Florida: CRC Press.) Burns81 Burns, Frederic J. + Edward V. Sargent, 1981. "The Induction and Repair of DNA Breaks in Rat Epidermis Irradiated with Electrons," RADIATION RESEARCH 87: 137-144. Chris87 Christy, Robert F. + Eizo Tajima, 1987. "Executive Summary,", pp.14-25 in Roes87. Co56 Cooperative Study of Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis, Oct. 1956. "Evaluation of Serum Lipoprotein and Cholesterol Measurements as Predictors of Clinical Complications of Atherosclerosis," CIRCULATION 1956, VOL XIV, No. 4, Part 2: 691-742. The four participating laboratories were from University of California (Berkeley), The Cleveland Clinic, Harvard University, and University of Pittsburgh. Cohen87 Cohen, Jerry J., May 1987. "Conference on Radiation Hormesis: An Overview," HEALTH PHYSICS 52, No.5: 519. Cong87 Congdon, Charles C., May 1987. "A Review of Certain Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Studies in Mice and Guinea Pigs," HEALTH PHYSICS 52, No.5: 593-597. Dar87 Darby, S.C. + R. Doll + S.K. Gill + P.G. Smith, 1987. "Long Term Mortality after a Single Treatment Course with X-Rays in Patients Treated for Ankylosing Spondylitis," BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 55: 179-190. Davis87 Davis, Faith G. + John D. Boice, Jr. + Jennifer L. Kelsey + Richard R. Monson, April 1987. "Cancer Mortality after Multiple Fluoroscopic Examinations of the Chest," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 78, No.4: 645-652. Des89 DeSaia, Philip J. and William Creasman, 1989. CLINICAL GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, THIRD EDITION. (St. Louis, Missouri: C.V. Mosby Co.) Doe87 U.S. Department of Energy, June 1987. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER POWER PLANT ACCIDENT. DOE/ER-0332. Prepared by the Committee on the Assessment of Health Consequences in Exposed Populations: Marvin Goldman (Chairman) + Lynn Anspaugh + Robert J. Catlin + Jacob I. Fabrikant + Paul Gudiksen. (Washington, DC 20545: U.S. Dept. of Energy Office of Energy Research.) No index. Doe88 (U.S.) Department of Energy, 1988. Doe88 is the same as Ansp88. Dor51 Dorland, W.A. Newman, 1951. THE AMERICAN ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL DICTIONARY. (Philadelphia and London: W.B. Saunders Company.) Elias78 Elias, H. + J.E. Pauly + E.R. Burns, 1978. HISTOLOGY AND HUMAN MICROANATOMY. (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.) Elle87 Ellett, William H. (editor), 1987. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE NEW DOSIMETRY FOR A-BOMB SURVIVORS, by the Panel on Reassessment of A-bomb Dosimetry, Advisory Committee on the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council. (Washington, DC 20418: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue.) Ev55 Evans, Robley D., 1955. "Stopping of Electrons by Thick Absorbers", Chapter 21 in THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS. (New York: McGraw Hill.) Eva79 Evans, H.J. + K.E. Buckton + G.E. Hamilton + A. Carothers, 1979. "Radiation-Induced Chromosome Aberrations in Nuclear-Dockyard Workers," NATURE 277: 531-534. Eva87 Evans, H.J., 1987. "Cytogenetic Damage: Threshold Effects and Sensitivities," Chapter 14, pp.179-189, in Jones87. Evans85 Evans, John S., 1985. See Nrc85. Evans86 Evans, John S. + John E. Wennberg + Barbara J. McNeil, Sept. 25, 1986. "The Influence of Diagnostic Radiography on the Incidence of Breast Cancer and Leukemia," NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 315: 810-815. Fein87 Feinendegen, L.E. + H. Muhlensiepen + Victor P. Bond + C.A. Sondhaus, May 1987. "Intracellular Stimulation of Biochemical Control Mechanisms by Low-Dose, Low-Let Radiation," HEALTH PHYSICS 52, No.5: 663-669. Fein88 Feinendegen, L.E. + Victor P. Bond + J. Booz + H. Muhlensiepen, 1988. "Biochemical and Cellular Mechanisms of Low-Dose Effects, " INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 53, No.1: 23-37. Free87a Freeman, Gordon R. (editor), 1987. KINETICS OF NONHOMOGENEOUS PROCESSES. (New York: John Wiley and Sons.) Free87b Freeman, Gordon R., 1987. "Stochastic Model of Charge Scavenging in Liquids under Irradiation by Electrons or Photons," Chapter 6, pp.277-304, in Free87a. Frig76 Frigerio, N.A. + R.S. Stowe, 1976. "Carcinogenic and Genetic Hazard from Background Radiation," in BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF LOW-LEVEL RADIATION, pp. 385-393. (Vienna, Austria: Internat'l Atomic Energy Agency.) Fry81 Fry, R.J.M., 1981. "Experimental Radiation Carcinogenesis: What Have We Learned?", RADIATION RESEARCH 87: 224-239. Fry87 Fry, R.J.M. + Warren K. Sinclair, 1987. "New Dosimetry of Atomic Bomb Radiations," LANCET, Oct. 10, l987, 845-848. Gar76 Gardner, D.L. + T.C. Dodds, 1976. HUMAN HISTOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF HISTOPATHOLOGY. (Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.) Gilb85 Gilbert, Ethel, July 1985. "Late Somatic Effects," Chapter 2 of Part 2 in HEALTH EFFECTS MODEL FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS, NUREG/CR-4214. (See Nrc85). Gilb89 Gilbert, Ethel, May 1989. "Late Somatic Effects," Chapter 3.0 in HEALTH EFFECTS MODELS FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS, NUREG/CR-4214, Rev.1, Part 2. (See Nrc89). Gilm88 Gilman, E.A. + George W. Kneale + E.G. Knox + Alice M. Stewart, 1988. "Pregnancy X-Rays and Childhood Cancers: Effects of Exposure Age and Radiation Dose," JOURNAL RADIOL. PROTECTION 8: 3-8. Go50a Gofman, John W. + Frank Lindgren + Harold Elliott + William Mantz + John Hewitt + Beverly Strisower + Virgil Herring, 1950. "The Role of Lipids and Lipoproteins in Atherosclerosis," SCIENCE 3: 166-171, 186. Go50b Gofman, John W. + Hardin B. Jones + Frank T. Lindgren + Thomas P. Lyon + Harold A. Elliott + Beverly Strisower + the Ultracentrifugal Laboratory Group, 1950. "Blood Lipids and Human Atherosclerosis," CIRCULATION 2, No.2: 161-177. Go54 Gofman, John W. + J.W. Glazier + Arthur R. Tamplin + Beverly Strisower + Oliver DeLalla, July 1954. "Lipoproteins, Coronary Heart Disease, and Atherosclerosis," PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS 34 (3): 589-607. Go69 Gofman, John W. + Arthur R. Tamplin, Oct. 29, 1969. "Low Dose Radiation and Cancer," paper presented at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Francisco. In IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, Vol. NS-17 Number 1, Feb. 1970: 1-9. (New York, NY: Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.) Go71 Gofman, John W. + Arthur R. Tamplin, July 20, 1971. "Epidemiologic Studies of Carcinogenesis by Ionizing Radiation," in PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH BERKELEY SYMPOSIUM ON MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY: VOLUME 6: EFFECTS OF POLLUTION ON HEALTH: pp. 235-277. Edited by L.M. Lecam, J. Neyman, and E. Scott, 1972. (Berkeley, CA 94720: University of California Press.) Go72 Gofman, John W. + John D. Gofman + Arthur R. Tamplin + Erma Kovich, 1972. "Radiation As an Environmental Hazard," in ENVIRONMENT AND CANCER (papers presented at the 24th Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research, 1971, at the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute at Houston) pp. 157-186. (Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins.) Go79 Gofman, John W., November 1979. "The Question of Radiation Causation of Cancer in Hanford Workers," HEALTH PHYSICS 37: 617-639. Go81 Gofman, John W., October 1981. RADIATION AND HUMAN HEALTH. (San Francisco, CA 94109: Sierra Club Books, 730 Polk Street.) Available also from CNR Books, pob 11207, San Francisco, CA 94101, USA. Price is U.S. 30 dollars. Orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars. No extra fee for worldwide shipping by surface mail. Go83 Gofman, John W. May 30, 1983. "The Cancer-Leukemia Risk from Ionizing Radiation: Let's Have a Closer Look," presentation as a panelist at the Symposium on Radiation Risk: Assessment and Applications (Charles B. Meinhold, presiding), Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Detroit, Michigan. Go85 Gofman, John W. + Egan O'Connor, Sept. 1985. X-RAYS: HEALTH EFFECTS OF COMMON EXAMS. (San Francisco, CA 94109: Sierra Club Books.) Available also from CNR Books for U.S. 25 dollars. See Go81 above. Go86 Gofman, John W., Sept. 9, 1986. "Assessing Chernobyl's Cancer Consequences: Application of Four `Laws' of Radiation Carcinogenesis," presentation as a panelist at the Symposium on Low-Level Radiation, 192nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, held in Anaheim, California. Go87 Gofman, John W., May 1987. "Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Dr. Sagan's Paradigms," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 52: 679-680. Go88a Gofman, John W., February 1988. "Did You Write It, Len? Reply to Dr. Sagan," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 54, No.2: 226. Go88b Gofman, John W., September 1988. "A Proposal Concerning `the New Dosimetry'", letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 55, No.3: 580-581. Go88c Gofman, John W., June 1988. "Cancer-Risk among A-Bomb Survivors in Both the `Old' and `New' Dosimetries" ("Das Krebsrisiko unter den Ueberlebenden der Atombombenabwuerfe auf Grund der `Alten' und `Neuen' Dosimetrieberechnungen," pp.57-73 in DIE WIRKUNG NIEDRIGER STRAHLENDOSEN: BIOLOGISCHE UND MEDIZINISCHE ASPEKTE. Edited proceedings of a symposium, "Effects of Low-Level Radiation on Humans," sponsored by the Institute for Radiobiology of the Westfaelischen Wilhelms-Universitaet and the Institute for Nuclear Medicine of the Staedtischen Kliniken Kassel, and held 26-27 February 1988. Papers edited by Wolfgang Koehnlein, Horst Traut, and Manfred Fischer, printed 1989. (Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag.) Go89a Gofman, John W., January 1989. "Warning from the A-Bomb Study about Low and Slow Radiation Exposures," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 56, No.1: 117-118. Go89b Gofman, John W., December, 1989. "Supra-Linear Dose-Response in the A-Bomb Study," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 57, No.6: 1037-1038. Gold87 Goldman, Marvin + Lynn Anspaugh + Robert J. Catlin + Jacob I. Fabrikant + Paul Gudiksen, June 1987. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACCIDENT, DOE/ER-0332. See Doe87. Goldsc85 Goldschmidt, Herbert + William K. Sherwin, 1985. "Dermatologic Radiation Therapy," in Chapter 38 of DERMATOLOGY, Volume 2, edited by Samuel L. Moschella and Harry J. Hurley. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.) Good88 Goodhead, D.T., 1988. "Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Energy," HEALTH PHYSICS 55: 231-240. Ha81 Hall, Eric J. + Richard C. Miller, 1981. "The How and Why of In Vitro Oncogenic Transformation," RADIATION RESEARCH 87: 208-223. Ham85 Hammersen, F., 1985. SOBOTTA/HAMMERSEN HISTOLOGY; COLOR ATLAS OF MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY. (Baltimore, MD: Urban & Schwarzenberg.) Har83 Harvey, E. + J. Boice + M. Honeyman + J. Flannery, 1983. "Prenatal X-Ray and Childhood Cancer in Twins," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 118: 424-425. Har85 Harvey, Elizabeth B. + John D. Boice Jr. + Merton Honeyman + John T. Flannery, Feb. 28, 1985. "Prenatal X-Ray Exposure and Childhood Cancer in Twins," New England Journal of Med. 312 (No.9): 541-545. Harpe57 Harper, Floyd Arthur, 1957. "To Shoot a Myth," (essay, Nov. 1957), pp.537-542 in THE WRITINGS OF F.A. HARPER, VOLUME 2: SHORTER ESSAYS, 1979. (Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University: Fairfax, Virginia, USA.) Hay87 Hayek, L. + A. Cheetham, May 1987. "Curvilinear Regression, in Release 2," LOTUS: COMPUTING FOR MANAGERS AND PROFESSIONALS: (May) 78. Hi84 Hill, C.K. + A. Han + M.M. Elkind, 1984. "Fission-Spectrum Neutrons at Low Dose Rate Enhance Neoplastic Transformation in the Linear, Low Dose Region (0-10 Gy)," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 46: 11-15. Hic81 Hickey, Richard J. + E.J. Bowers + D.E. Spence + B.S. Zemel + A.B. Clelland + R.C. Clelland, 1981. "Low Level Ionizing Radiation and Human Mortality: Multi-Regional Epidemiological Studies. A Preliminary Report," HEALTH PHYSICS 40: 625-641. Hic85 Hickey, Richard J., November, 1985. "Risks Associated with Exposure to Radiation: Science, Pseudoscience, and Opinion," HEALTH PHYSICS 49, No.5: 949-952. Hic88 Hickey, Richard J., May 23, 1988. "Health and Nuclear Power Plants," letter in CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS, May 23, 1988, p.2,47. High80 High Background Radiation Research Group (China), 1980. "Health Survey in High Background Radiation Areas in China," SCIENCE 209: 877-880. Hild83 Hildreth, Nancy G. + Roy E. Shore + Louis H. Hempelmann, July 30, 1983. "Risk of Breast Cancer among Women Receiving Radiation Treatment in Infancy for Thymic Enlargement," LANCET, July 30, 1983, 273. Hild85 Hildreth, N.G. + R.E. Shore + L. Hempelmann + M. Rosenstein, 1985. "Risk of Extrathyroid Tumors Following Radiation Treatment in Infancy for Thymic Enlargement," RADIATION RESEARCH 102: 378-391. Hild89 Hildreth, Nancy G. + Roy E. Shore + Philip M. Dvoretsky, November 9, 1989. "The Risk of Breast Cancer after Irradiation of the Thymus in Infancy," NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 321, No.19: 1281-1284. Hoff85 Hoffman, Daniel A. and Edward P. Radford, April 1985. A REVIEW OF THE CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS OF LOW DOSES OF IONIZING RADIATION. (Philadelphia, PA 19103: Three Mile Island Public Health Fund, 1622 Locust Street.) Hogue89 Hogue, Mark G., September 26, 1989. "Radiation Exposure: A Little Might Be Good," letter to the editor in the WALL STREET JOURNAL, September 26, 1989. Hol75 Holford, R.M., 1975. "The Relationship between Juvenile Cancer and Obstetric Radiography," HEALTH PHYSICS 28: 153-156. Holm80a Holm, Lars-Erik + Goran Lundell + Gunnar Walinder, May 1980. "Incidence of Malignant Thyroid Tumors in Humans after Exposure to Diagnostic Doses of Iodine-131. (1) Retrospective Cohort Study," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 64, No.5: 1055-1059. Holm80b Holm, Lars-Erik + Gunnar Eklund + Goran Lundell, December 1980. "Incidence of Malignant Thyroid Tumors in Humans after Exposure to Diagnostic Doses of Iodine-131. (2) Estimation of Thyroid Gland Size, Thyroid Radiation Dose, and Predicted versus Observed Number of Malignant Thyroid Tumors," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 65, No.6: 1221-1224. Holm88 Holm, L.E. and eleven co-workers, 1988. "Thyroid Cancer after Diagnostic Doses of Iodine-131: A Retrospective Cohort Study," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 80: 1132-1138. Howe84 Howe, Geoffrey R., 1984. "Epidemiology of Radiogenic Breast Cancer," pp.119-129 in Boice84. Hru89 Hrubec, Zdenek + J. D. Boice, Jr. + R. R. Monson + M. Rosenstein, 1989. "Breat Cancer after Multiple Chest Fluoroscopies," CANCER RESEARCH 49: 2290234. Icrp77 International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1977. "Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection," adopted January 17, 1977, Individual members of the Main Commission are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. In ANNALS OF THE ICRP, Vol.1, No.3, 1977. (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press Ltd.) Ilyin87 Ilyin, L.A. + O.A. Pavlovski, Sept. 1987. Ilyin87 is the same as Ussr87b. "Radiological Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident in the Soviet Union and Measures Taken to Mitigate Their Impact," pp. 149-166 in PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR POWER PERFORMANCE AND SAFETY, VOLUME 3, Sept.2-October 2, 1987, Vienna. IAEA-CN-48/33. (Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.) Ilyin88 Ilyin, L.A., May 13, 1988. "The Chernobyl Experience and the Contemporary Problems of Radiation Protection," in PROCEEDINGS OF THE SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON THE MEDICAL ASPECTS OF THE CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT, May 11-13, 1988 in Kiev. (Moscow: USSR Ministry of Public Health.) Ins87 Inskip, Hazel + Valerie Beral + Patricia Fraser + Margaret Booth + D. Coleman + Ann Brown, 1987. "Further Assessment of the Effects of Occupational Radiation Exposure in the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Mortality Study," BRITISH J. OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE 44: 149-160. Jab63 is also TR-15-63. Jablon, Seymour + M. Ishida + M. Yamasaki, 1963. JNIH-ABCC LIFE-SPAN STUDY, HIROSHIMA-NAGASAKI. REPORT 3, MORTALITY OCTOBER 1950-SEPTEMBER 1960. Technical Report TR-15-63. (Current source today, Hiroshima: RERF.) Jab65 is also TR-15-63. Jablon, Seymour + M. Ishida + M. Yamasaki, 1965. Same as Jab63, but published in RADIATION RESEARCH 25: 25-52. Jab71 is also TR-10-71. Jablon, Seymour + Hiroo Kato, 1971. JNIH-ABCC LIFE SPAN STUDY, REPORT 6: MORTALITY AMONG ATOMIC BOMB SURVIVORS, HIROSHIMA-NAGASAKI 1950-1970. Technical Report TR-10-71. (Current source today, Hiroshima: RERF.) Jab72 is also TR-10-71. Jablon, Seymour + Hiroo Kato, 1972. "Studies of the Mortality of A-Bomb Survivors 5. Radiation Dose and Mortality, 1950-1970" (TR-10-71). RADIATION RESEARCH 50: 649-698. Jab80 Jablon, Seymour + John C. Bailar III, 1980. "The Contribution of Ionizing Radiation to Cancer Mortality in the United States," PREVENTIVE MED 9: 219-226. James88 James, S.I. + T. Makinodan, 1988. "T Cell Potentiation in Normal and Autoimmune-Prone Mice after Extended Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation and/or Caloric Restriction," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 53, No.1: 137-152. Jo85 Johannessen, J.V. (editor), 1985. ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IN HUMAN MEDICINE. In twelve volumes through 1985. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill International Book Co.) Jones87 Jones, Robin Russell and Richard Southwood (editors), 1987. RADIATION AND HEALTH: THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF LOW-LEVEL EXPOSURE TO IONIZING RADIATION. Edited proceedings of a symposium, "The Biological Effects of Radiation," sponsored by Friends of the Earth U.K. and Greenpeace International, and held 24-25 November 1986 at the Hammersmith Hospital, London; Sir Richard Southwood, Chairman. (London: John Wiley & Sons.) Kato80 is also TR-12-80. Kato, Hiroo + William J. Schull, 1980. LIFE SPAN STUDY REPORT 9, PART 1. CANCER MORTALITY AMONG ATOMIC BOMB SURVIVORS, 1950-1978. RERF Technical Report TR-12-80. (Hiroshima: RERF.) Kato82 is also TR-12-80. Kato, Hiroo + William J. Schull, 1982. "Studies of the Mortality of A-Bomb Survivors, 7. Mortality, 1950-1978: Part I, Cancer Mortality" (RERF TR-12-80). RADIATION RESEARCH 90: 395-432. Kato82b Kato, H. + C.C. Brown + D.G. Hoel. 1982. "Life Span Study Report 9, Part2: Mortality from Causes Other Than Cancer among A-Bomb Survivors, 1950-1978. RADIATION RESEARCH 91 : 243-264. Kato87 Kato, Hiroo + William J. Schull + Akio Awa + Mitoshi Akiyama + Masanori Otake, May 1987. "Dose-Response Analyses among Atomic Bomb Survivors Exposed to Low-Level Radiation," HEALTH PHYSICS 52, No.5: 645-652. Kau87 Kaul, Dean C. + Stephen D. Egbert + Mark D. Otis + Thomas Kuhn + George D. Kerr + Keith F. Eckerman + Mark Cristy + Takashi Maruyama + Jeffrey C. Ryman + Jabo S. Tang, 1987. "Organ Dosimetry" Chapter 8,pp.306-404 in Roes87. Kelle87 Kellerer, Albrecht M., 1987. "Models of Cellular Radiation Action," Chapter 7, pp.305-375, in Free87a. Kelle88 Kellerer, Albrecht M., 1988. "Die neue Bewertung der Strahlenrisiken: Folgerungen aus der Revision der Dosimetrie in Hiroshima und Nagasaki," pp.37-56 in DIE WIRKUNG NIEDRIGER STRAHLENDOSEN: BIOLOGISCHE UND MEDIZINISCHE ASPEKTE. Edited proceedings of a symposium, "Effects of Low-Level Radiation on Humans," sponsored by the Institute for Radiobiology of the Westfaelischen Wilhelms-Universitaet and the Institute for Nuclear Medicine of the Staedtischen Kliniken Kassel, and held 26-27 February 1988. Papers edited by Wolfgang Koehnlein, Horst Traut, and Manfred Fischer, printed 1989. (Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag.) Kenn78 Kennedy, A.R. + G. Murphy + S. Mondal + C. Heidelberger + J.B. Little, 1978. "Enhancement of X-Ray Transformation by 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate in a Cloned Line of C3H Mouse Embryo Cells," CANCER RESEARCH 38: 439-443. Kerr79 Kerr, George D., 1979. "Organ Dose Estimates for the Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivors," HEALTH PHYSICS 37: 487-508. Kerr87a Kerr, George D. + Tadashi Hashizume + Charles W. Edington, 1987. "Historical Review," pp.1-13 in Roes87. Kerr87b Kerr, George D. + eleven others, 1987. "Transport of Initial Radiations in Air over Ground," Chapter 3, pp.66-142 in Roes87. Kerr88 Kerr, George D., August 1988. "Quality Factors," HEALTH PHYSICS 55, No.2: pp.241-249. Kean86 Kneale, George W. + Alice M. Stewart, 1986. "Prenatal X-Rays and Cancers: Further Tests of Data from the Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancers," HEALTH PHYSICS 51: 369-376. Knea87 Kneale, George W. + Alice M. Stewart, 1987. "Childhood Cancers in the UK and Their Relation to Background Radiation," Chapter 16, pp.203-219, in Jones87. Knox87 Knox, E.G. + Alice M. Stewart + George W. Kneale + E.A. Gilman, 1987. "Prenatal Radiation and Childhood Cancer," J. Soc. Radiol. Prot. 8: 3-8. Kondo75 Kondo, Sohei, 1975. "DNA Repair and Evolutionary Considerations," pp.91-162 in ADVANCES IN BIOPHYSICS, VOLUME 7. Edited by M. Kotani. (Tokyo/Baltimore: University of Tokyo Press/University Park Press.) Kondo84 Kondo, Sohei + H. Ryo + K. Fujikawa + A. Fukunaga, 1984. "The Threshold Effect in Mutagenesis by Radiation and Chemicals in Relation to DNA Repair and Cell Replacement," pp.121-131 in PROBLEMS OF THRESHOLD IN CHEMICAL MUTAGENESIS. Edited by Y. Tazima + S. Kondo + Y.Kuroda. (Mishima: Environmental Mutagen Society of Japan.) Kondo88 Kondo, Sohei, 1988. "Altruistic Cell Suicide in Relation to Radiation Hormesis," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 53, No.1: 95-102. Ku88 Kusunoki, Yoichiro + Mitoshi Akiyama + Seishi Kyoizumi + Eda T. Bloom + Takashi Makinodan, 1988. "Age-Related Alteration in the Composition of Immunocompetent Blood Cells in Atomic Bomb Survivors," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 53, No.1: 189-198. Lanc89 LANCET, anonymous. August 26, 1989. "Who's for Hormesis," in the "Notes and News" Section of the LANCET, August 26, 1989, p.518. Land79 Land, Charles E. + Douglas H. McGregor, 1979. "Breast Cancer Incidence among Atomic Bomb Survivors: Implications for Radiobiologic Risk at Low Doses," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 62: pp.17-21. Land80 Land, Charles E. + John D. Boice, Jr. + Roy E. Shore + J.E. Norman + Masayoshi Tokunaga, 1980. "Breast Cancer Risk from Low-Dose Exposures to Ionizing Radiation: Results of Parallel Analysis of 3 Exposed Populations of Women," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 65: 353-376. Land80b Land, Charles E., 1980. "Estimating Cancer Risk from Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation," SCIENCE 209: 1197-1202. Land84 Land, Charles E. + Masayoshi Tokunaga, 1984. "Induction Period,", pp.421-436 (esp. Figs. 3, 5, 6) in Boice84. Land88 Land, Charles E., 1988. "New Understanding from Epidemiology -- The Next 25 Years," HEALTH PHYSICS 55: 269-278. Lang71 Langley, Russell, 1971. "Significance Tests", Chapter 6, in "Practical Statistics, Simply Explained" (New York, N.Y.: Dover Publications.) Le65 Lesher, S. + George A. Sacher + Douglas Grahn + K. Hamilton + A. Gallese, 1965. "Survival of Mice under Duration-of-Life Exposure to Gamma Rays," RADIATION RESEARCH 24: 239-277. Lee82 Lee, W. + R.P. Chiaccierini + B. Shleien et al, 1982. "Thyroid Tumours Following Iodine-131 or Localized X-Irradiation to the Thyroid and Pituitary Glands in Rats," RADIATION RESEARCH 92: 307-319. Li81 Little, John B., 1981. "Influence of Noncarcinogenic Secondary Factors on Radiation Carcinogenesis," RADIATION RESEARCH 87: 240-250. Lie60 Liebhafsky, H.A. + H.G. Pfeiffer + E.H. Winslow + P.D. Zemany, 1960. "Reliability of X-Ray Emission Spectrography," Chapter 10 in X-RAY ABSORPTION AND EMISSION IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. (New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.) Lin80 Linos, Athena + Joel E. Gray + A.L. Orvis + R.A. Kyle + W.M. O'Fallon + L.T. Kurland, 1980. "Low Dose Radiation and Leukemia," NEW ENGLAND J. OF MED. 302: 1101-05. Linde89 Lindell, Bo, July 1989. "Comments on Various Views on the Concept of `de Minimis'," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 57, No.1: 211-212. Liu87 Liu, Shu Zheng + W.H. Liu + J.B. Sun, May 1987. "Radiation Hormesis: Its Expression in the Immune System," HEALTH PHYSICS 52, No.5: 579-583. Lloyd80 Lloyd, D.C. + R.J. Purrott + E.J. Reeder, 1980. "The Incidence of Unstable Chromosome Aberrations in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from Unirradiated and Occupationally Exposed People," MUTATION RESEARCH 72: 523-532. Lloyd88 Lloyd, D.C. + A.A. Edwards + A. Leonard + Gh. Deknudt + A. Natarajan + G. Obe + F. Palitti + C. Tanzarella + E.J. Tawn, 1988. "Frequencies of Chromosomal Aberrations Induced in Human Blood Lymphocytes by Low Doses of X-Rays," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 53, No.1: 49-55. Lo80 Loewe, William E. + Edgar Mendelsohn, 1980. "Revised Estimates of Dose at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Possible Consequences for Radiation Induced Leukemia (Preliminary)", Report D-80-14. (Livermore, CA: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.) Lo81 Loewe, William E. + Edgar Mendelsohn, October 1981. "Revised Dose Estimates at Hiroshima and Nagasaki," HEALTH PHYSICS 41, No.4: 663-666. Lo82 Loewe, William E. + Edgar Mendelsohn, 1982. "Neutron and Gamma-Ray Doses at Hiroshima and Nagasaki," NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 81: 325-350. Loken87 Loken, Merle K., August 7, 1987. "Physicians' Obligations in Radiation Issues," a Commentary article in JOURNAL OF THE AMER. MEDICAL ASSN. 258 (5): 673-676. Lor55 Lorenz, Egon + J.W. Hollcroft + E. Miller + Charles C. Congdon + R. Schweisthal, 1955. "Long-Term Effects of Acute and Chronic Irradiation in Mice. I. Survival and Tumor Incidence Following Chronic Irradiation of 0.11 R per Day," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 15: 1049-1058. Luc80 Luckey, Thomas D., 1980. HORMESIS WITH IONIZING RADIATION. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.) Luc82 Luckey, Thomas D., 1982. "Physiological Benefits from Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation," HEALTH PHYSICS 43: 771-789. Mac62 MacMahon, Brian, 1962. "Prenatal X-Ray Exposure and Childhood Cancer," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 28: 1173-1191. Magee87 Magee, John L. + Aloke Chatterjee, 1987. "Track Reactions of Radiation Chemistry," Chapter 4, pp.171-214, in Free87a. Maki68 is also TR-24-68. Maki, H. + T. Ishimaru + Hiroo Kato + T. Wakabayashi, 1968. CARCINOGENESIS IN ATOMIC BOMB SURVIVORS. Technical Report TR-24-68. (Hiroshima: RERF, today.) Mart70 Martin, H. + E. Strong + R.H. Spiro, January 1970. "Radiation-Induced Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck," CANCER, January 1970, 61-71. Marte88 Martell, Edward A., 1988. "Evidence that Most Natural Mutations and Spontaneous Tumors Are Attributable to Primordial and Cosmogenic Radionuclides." Submitted for publication. McGr77 McGregor, Douglas H. + Charles E. Land + K. Choy + S. Tokuoka + P.I. Liu + T. Wakabayashi + Gilbert W. Beebe, 1977. "Breast Cancer Incidence among Atomic Bomb Survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1950-1969," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 59: 799-811. McTier84 McTiernan, Anne M. + Noel S. Weiss + Janet R. Daling, Sept. 1984. "Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Women in Relation to Previous Exposure to Radiation Therapy and History of Thyroid Disease," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 73, No.3: 575-581. Mi89 Miller, Anthony B. + Geoffrey R. Howe + Gregory J. Sherman + Joan P. Lindsay + Martin J. Yaffe + Paul J. Dinner + Harvey A. Risch + Dale L. Preston, Nov. 9, 1989. "Mortality from Breast Cancer after Irradiation during Fluoroscopic Examinations in Patients Being Treated for Tuberculosis," NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 321, No.19: 1285-1289. Modan77 Modan, B + E. Ron + A. Werner, 1977. "Thyroid Cancer Following Scalp Irradiation," RADIOLOGY 123: 741-744. Modan89 Modan, Baruch + Angela Chetrit + Esther Alfandary + Leah Katz, March 25, 1989. "Increased Risk of Breast Cancer after Low-Dose Irradiation," LANCET 1, 1989: 629-631. Mog89 Moghissi, A. Alan + Dixy Lee Ray, Nov. 1989. "Reply to Radiation Cancer Risk Series," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 57, No.5: 841-842. Mole74 Mole, Robin H., 1974. "Antenatal Irradiation and Childhood Cancer; Causation or Coincidence?" BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 30: 199-208. Mole78 Mole, Robin H., June 1978. "Review Article. The Sensitivity of the Human Breast to Cancer Induction by Ionizing Radiation," BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 51 No.606: 401-405. Mole79 Mole, Robin H., 1979. "Radiation Effects on Pre-Natal Development and Their Radiological Significance," BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY 52: 89-101. Mole87 Mole, Robin H., December 12, 1987. "Radiation, Cancer Risk, and the New Dosimetry," letter in LANCET, Dec. 12, 1987, 1403-4. Mole88 Mole, Robin H., March 5, 1988. "Assessing Radiation Risks," letter in LANCET 1, 1988: p.531. Mon84 Monson, R.R. + Brian MacMahon, 1984. "Prenatal X-Ray Exposures and Cancer in Children," pp.97-106 in Boice84. Mu89 Muirhead, Colin R. + Barbara K. Butland, December, 1989. "Dose-Response Analyses for the Japanese A-Bomb Survivors," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 57, No.6: 1035-1036. My69 Myrden, J.A. + Hiltz, J.E., 1969. "Breast Cancer Following Multiple Fluoroscopies during Artificial Pneumothorax Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis," CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 100: 1032-1034. Naor87 Naor, D., 1987. "Suppressor Cells and Human Malignancy," CLINICAL IMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 8, No.5: 65-69. Nas80 See Beir80. Ncrp80 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1980. INFLUENCE OF DOSE AND ITS DISTRIBUTION IN TIME ON DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIPS FOR LOW-LET RADIATIONS. NCRP Report 64. Prepared by NCRP's Scientific Committee 40. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (Bethesda, Maryland, USA: NCRP.) Indexed. Ncrp85 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1985. INDUCTION OF THYROID CANCER BY IONIZING RADIATION. NCRP Report 80. (Bethesda, Maryland, USA: NCRP.) New71 Newcombe, H.B. + McGregor, J.F., 1971. "Childhood Cancer Following Obstetric Radiography," LANCET 1971, 2: 1151-1152. Nih85 National Institutes of Health, January 4, 1985. REPORT OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH AD HOC WORKING GROUP TO DEVELOP RADIOEPIDEMIOLOGICAL TABLES. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. NIH Publication No. 85-2748. (Washington, DC 20402: U.S. Government Printing Office.) No Index. Nova88. "Do Scientists Cheat?", a one-hour broadcast of the PBS science series NOVA, October 25, 1988. Transcript # 1517. (Boston, MA 02134, USA: WGBH Educational Foundation, 125 Western Ave.) Nrc85 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, July 1985. HEALTH EFFECTS MODEL FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS. NUREG/CR-4214. The report was prepared by the Harvard School of Public Health under sub-contract to the Sandia National Laboratories. Principal investigators: John S. Evans + Dade W. Moeller + Douglas W. Cooper. (Washington, DC 20555: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Risk Analysis and Operations.) No index. Nrc87 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January 1987. REPORT ON THE ACCIDENT AT THE CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER STATION. NUREG-1250. The report was prepared by: Department of Energy. Electric Power Research Institute (industry group). Environmental Protection Agency. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (industry group). Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The section on Health and Environmental Consequences was prepared by J. Pushkin + C. Nelson + D. Janes + S. Myers of the Environmental Protection Agency. No index. Nrc89 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 1989. HEALTH EFFECTS MODELS FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS. NUREG/CR-4214, Rev.1, Part 2, "Scientific Bases for Health Effects Models." This revision was prepared under contract with the Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Washington, DC 20555: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.) NUREG-1250 is the same as Nrc87. NUREG/CR-4214 is the same as Nrc85. Nyt82 NEW YORK TIMES, September 26, 1982. "Peking Is Ready to Negotiate but Hong Kong Is Still Jittery," by Steve Lohr. Filed from Hong Kong. Page E-3. Nyt88 NEW YORK TIMES, July 14, 1988. Wald, Matthew L., "Cleanup Estimate for A-Bomb Plants Is Called Low," p.A16. Nyt89a NEW YORK TIMES, February 25, 1989. Associated Press, "Rise in Cleanup Cost Seen." Nyt89b NEW YORK TIMES, April 27, 1989. "Soviets Curb News about Disasters: Reporting Nuclear Accidents To Be Restricted by Ruling Given by Energy Chief," by Esther B. Fein, filed from Moscow. Nyt89c NEW YORK TIMES, June 6, 1989. "Errors Prompt Proposals to Improve `Peer Review' at Science Journals," by Lawrence K. Altman, M.D. Page C-3. Ober89 Oberfield, Richard A. + Glenn Steele, Jr. + John L. Gollan + David Sherman, July/Aug. 1989. "Liver Cancer," CA - A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS 39 (No.4): 206-218. Oka87 Okajima, Shunzo + Shoichiro Fujita (+ John H. Harley, consultant), 1987. "Radiation Doses from Residual Radioactivity," Chapter 6, pp.205-226 in Roes87. Oli84 Olivieri, Gregorio + Judy Bodycote + Sheldon Wolff, February 10, 1984. "Adaptive Response of Human Lymphocytes to Low Concentrations of Radioactive Thymidine," SCIENCE 223: 594-597. Par87 Paretzke, Herwig G., 1987. "Radiation Track Structure Theory," Chapter 3, pp.89-169, in Free87a. Phs80 Public Health Service, 1980. "X-Rays: Get the Picture on Protection." Folder published by the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Public Health Service, in cooperation with the American College of Radiology and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. HHS Publication (FDA) 80-8088. Pier87 Pierce, Donald A., October 1987. "A Summary of Some Results of the Dosimetry Revisions for the Atomic Bomb Survivors," paper presented at the OECD Workshop on Epidemiology and Radiation Protection, Paris. Pier88 Pierce, Donald A. August 11, 1988. Letter from Donald A. Pierce, Chief of the Department of Statistics at RERF, to John W. Gofman, in reply to a request for additional data. Poh83 Pohl-Ruling, J. and 17 co-authors, 1983. "Effect of Low-Dose Acute X-Irradiation on the Frequencies of Chromosomal Aberrations in Human Peripheral Lymphocytes IN VITRO," MUTATION RESEARCH 110: 71-82. Pr85 Preston, Dale L., March 1985. Report presented at the Third U.S.-Japan Joint Workshop for Reassessment of Atomic Bomb Radiation Dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, March 12-14, 1985, Pasadena, California. Pr86 is also TR-1-86. Preston, Dale L. + Hiroo Kato + Kenneth J. Kopecky + Shoichiro Fujita, 1986. LIFE SPAN STUDY REPORT 10, PART 1, CANCER MORTALITY AMONG A-BOMB SURVIVORS IN HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI, 1950-1982. RERF Technical Report TR-1-86. (Hiroshima: RERF.) Pr87a is TR-1-86 abbreviated. Preston, Dale L. + Hiroo Kato + Kenneth J. Kopecky + Shoichiro Fujita, 1987. "Studies of the Mortality of A-Bomb Survivors, Report 8; Cancer Mortality 1950-1982" (RERF TR-1-86). RADIATION RESEARCH 111: pp.151-178. Pr87b is also TR987. Preston, Dale L. + Donald A. Pierce, 1987. THE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN DOSIMETRY ON CANCER MORTALITY RISK ESTIMATES IN THE ATOMIC BOMB SURVIVORS. RERF Technical Report TR-9-87. (Hiroshima: RERF.) Pr88 is TR-9-87 abbreviated. Preston, Dale L. + Donald A. Pierce, 1988. "The Effect of Changes in Dosimetry on Cancer Mortality Risk Estimates in the Atomic Bomb Survivors" (RERF TR-9-87). RADIATION RESEARCH 114: 437-466. Pre87 Preston-Martin, S. + L. Bernstein + M.C. Pike + A.A. Maldonado + B.E. Henderson, February 1987. "Thyroid Cancer among Young Women Related to Prior Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy History," BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 55, No.2: 191-195. Pres73 Preston, R.J. + J.G. Brewen, 1973. "X-Ray Induced Translocation in Spermatogonia. I. Dose and Fractionation Responses in Mice," MUTATION RESEARCH 19: 215-223. Pres80 Preston, R.J., 1980. "The Effect of Cytosine Arabinoside on the Frequency of X-Ray-Induced Chromosome Aberrations in Normal Human Leukocytes," MUTATION RESEARCH 69: 71-79. Rad82 Radford, Edward P., Sept. 26, 1982. In "A Roundtable: With Radiation, How Little Is Too Much?" NEW YORK TIMES, WEEK IN REVIEW, SECTION 4: p. EY 19. Ras74 Rasmussen, Norman C., August 1974. Rasmussen was director of the Atomic Energy Commission's study, in 14 volumes: AN ASSESSMENT OF ACCIDENT RISKS IN U.S. COMMERCIAL NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, WASH-1400, widely called "The Rasmussen Report." Ras89 Rasmussen, Norman C., April 1989. Quoted at p.411 in "Living with Radiation," by Charles E.Cobb, Jr., in NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 175, No.4: pp.403-437. Ray86 Ray, Dixy Lee, October 27, 1986. Book review by Ray of UNDER THE NUCLEAR CLOUD: THE DECADES OF NUCLEAR TESTING (by Richard L. Miller). In the newspaper THE WASHINGTON TIMES (Washington, D.C.), Section M, p.1, 4. Ray87 Ray, Dixy Lee, April 30, 1987. Quoted by Joel Connelly in "Dixy: Chernobyl Accident `Was Not a Catastrophe'," in the newspaper SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER, April 30, 1987, p.A9. Renn86 Rennie, Drummond, November 7, 1986. "Guarding the Guardians: A Conference on Editorial Peer Review," JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 256, No.17: 2391-2392. Renn88 Rennie, Drummond + Elizabeth Knoll, August 1, 1988. "Investigating Peer Review," ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 109, No.3: 181. Roes68 Roesch, William C., 1968. "Mathematical Theory of Radiation Fields," Chapter 5, pp.229-274 in RADIATION DOSIMETRY, Vol. 1. (New York: Academic Press.) Roes87 Roesch, William C. (editor), 1987. U.S.-JAPAN JOINT REASSESSMENT OF ATOMIC BOMB RADIATION DOSIMETRY IN HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI: FINAL REPORT, VOL. 1., DS86 DOSIMETRY SYSTEM 1986. (Hiroshima: RERF.) No index. Ron87 Ron, Elaine + Ruth A. Kleinerman + John D. Boice, Jr. + Virginia A. LiVolsi + John T. Flannery + Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., July 1987. "A Population-Based Case-Control Study of Thyroid Cancer," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 79, No.1: 1-12. Ron88 Ron, E. + Baruch Modan + J.D. Boice, Jr., 1988. "Mortality after Radiotherapy for Ringworm of the Scalp," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 127: 713-725. Rossi84 Rossi, Harald + E.J. HAll, 1984/ "The Multicellular Nature of Radiation Carcinogenensis," pp. 359-367 in Boice84. Ru66 Rust, J.H. + R.J. Robertson + E.F. Staffeldt + George A. Sacher + Douglas Grahn + R.J.M. Fry,1966. "Effects of Lifetime Periodic Gamma-Ray Exposure on the Survival and Pathology of Guinea Pigs," in RADIATION AND AGING, edited by P.J. Lindop and George A. Sacher. (London: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.) Run85 Runyon, R., 1985. FUNDAMENTALS OF STATISTICS IN THE BIOLOGICAL, MEDICAL, AND HEALTH SCIENCES. (Boston, MA: Duxbury Press.) Sa64 Sacher, George A. + Douglas Grahn, 1964. "Survival of Mice under Duration-of-Life Exposure to Gamma Rays," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 32: 277-321. Sag87 Sagan, Leonard A., May 1987. "Reply to Dr. Gofman's Comments on the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation," letter in HEALTH PHYSICS 52, No.5: 680. Sag89 Sagan, Leonard, August 11, 1989. "On Radiation, Paradigms, and Hormesis," in the Policy Forum Section, SCIENCE 245: 574, 621. Sas68 Sasaki, M.S. + H. Miyata, 1968. "Biological Dosimetry in Atomic Bomb Survivors," NATURE 220: 1189. Shad87a Shadley, Jeffery D. + Sheldon Wolff, 1987. "Very Low Doses of X-Rays Can Cause Human Lymphocytes to Become Less Susceptible to Ionizing Radiation," MUTAGENESIS 2, No.2: 95-96. Shad87b Shadley, Jeffery D. + Veena Afzal + Sheldon Wolff, 1987. "Characterization of the Adaptive Response to Ionizing Radiation Induced by Low Doses of X Rays to Human Lymphocytes," RADIATION RESEARCH 111: 511-517. Shi87 is also TR-12-87. Shimizu, Yukiko + Hiroo Kato + William J. Schull + Dale L. Preston + Shoichiro Fujita + Donald A. Pierce, 1987. LIFE SPAN STUDY REPORT 11, PART 1. COMPARISON OF RISK COEFFICIENTS FOR SITE-SPECIFIC CANCER MORTALITY BASED ON THE DS86 AND T65DR SHIELDED KERMA AND ORGAN DOSES. RERF Technical Report TR-12-87. (Hiroshima: RERF.) Shi88 is also TR-5-88. Shimizu, Yukiko + Hiroo Kato + William J. Schull, 1988. LIFE SPAN STUDY REPORT 11, PART 2. CANCER MORTALITY IN THE YEARS 1950-1985 BASED ON THE RECENTLY REVISED DOSES (DS86). RERF Technical Report TR-5-88. (Hiroshima: RERF.) Sho77 Shore, R.E. + L.H. Hempelmann + E. Kowaluk + P.S. Mansur + B.S. Pasternack + R.E. Albert + G.E. Haughie, 1977. "Breast Neoplasms in Women Treated with X-Rays for Acute Postpartum Mastitis," JOURNAL OF THE NATL. CANCER INST. 59: 813-822. Sho80 Shore, R.E. + E.D. Woodard + L.H. Hempelmann + B.S. Pasternack, 1980. "Synergism between Radiation and Other Risk Factors for Breast Cancer," PREV. MED. 9: 815-822. Sho84 Shore, R.E. + R.E. Albert + M. Reed + N. Harley + B.S. Pasternack, 1984. "Skin Cancer Incidence among Children Irradiated for Ringworm of the Scalp," RADIATION RESEARCH 100: 192-204. Sho85 Shore, R.E. + E. Woodard + N. Hildreth + P. Dvoretsky + L. Hempelmann + B. Pasternak, 1985. "Thyroid Tumors Following Thymus Irradiation, " JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 74: 1177-1184. Sho86 Shore, R.E. + N. Hildreth + E. Woodard + P. Dvoretsky + L. Hempelmann + B. Pasternak, 1986. "Breast Cancer among Women Given X-Ray Therapy for Acute Postpartum Mastitis," JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE 77: 689-696. Sies85 Sies, Helmut (editor), 1985. OXIDATIVE STRESS. (New York: Academic Press.) Silver90 Silverberg, Edwin + Catherine C. Boring + Teresa S. Squires, Jan-Feb. 1990. "Cancer Statistics 1990," CA - A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS 40, No.1: 9-26. Sin85 Sinclair, Warren K., 1985. "Experimental RBE Values of High LET Radiations at Low Doses and the Implications for Quality Factor Assignment," RADIATION PROTECTION AND DOSIMETRY 13: 319-326. Sin88 Sinclair, Warren K., August 1988. "Trends in Radiation Protection - A View from the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP)", HEALTH PHYSICS 55, No.2: 149-157. Smith79 Smith, P.G. and R. Doll, 1979. "Age- and Time-Dependent Changes in the Rates of Radiation-Induced Cancers in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis Following a Single Course of X-ray Treatment," in LATE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION, VOLUME 1. (Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency.) Smith84 Smith, P.G., 1984. "Late Effects of X-ray Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis," in RADIATION CARCINOGENESIS: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: pp. 107-118. Edited by J.D. Boice, Jr. and J.F. Fraumeni. (New York, NY: Raven Press.) So81 Society for Promotion of Cancer Research, 1981. FIGURES ON CANCER IN JAPAN. Data from Japan Vital Statistics, Ministry of Health and Welfare. (Tokyo, Japan: Society for Promotion of Cancer Research.) South87 Southwood, Richard, 1987. "Opening Remarks," [for the conference], pp.3-6 in Jones 87. Spen83 Spengler, R.F. + D.H. Cook + E.A. Clarke + P.M. Olley + A.M. Newman, 1983. "Cancer Mortality Following Cardiac Catheterization: A Preliminary Follow-Up Study on 4,891 Irradiated Children," PEDIATRICS 71: 235-239. Steer73 is also TR-16-73. Steer A. + I.M. Moriyama + K. Shimizu, 1973. ABCC-JNIH PATHOLOGY STUDIES, HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI. REPORT 3. THE AUTOPSY PROGRAM AND THE LSS STUDY: JANUARY 1951-DECEMBER 1970. Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission Technical Report TR-16-73. (Hiroshima: RERF.) Stew56 Stewart, Alice M + J.W. Webb + B.D. Giles + D. Hewitt, 1956. "Preliminary Communication: Malignant Disease in Childhood and Diagnostic Irradiation In-Utero," LANCET 1956, 2: 447. Stew58 Stewart, Alice M. + J.W. Webb + D. Hewitt, 1958. "A Survey of Childhood Malignancies," BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 1958, 2: 1495-1508. Stew70 Stewart, Alice M. + George W. Kneale, 1970. "Radiation Dose Effects in Relation to Obstetric X-Rays and Childhood Cancers," LANCET 1970, 1: 1185-1188. Strom58 Strominger, D. + J.M. Hollander + Glenn T. Seaborg, April 1958. "Table of Isotopes," REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 30, No.2, Part 2: 585-904. Sz78 Sztanyik, L.B., 1978. "Late Radiobiological Effects of A-Bombing in Japan," in LATE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION, VOL I. (Vienna, Austria: Internatl. Atomic Energy Agency.) Tay80 Taylor, Lauriston S., 1980. "Some Nonscientific Influences on Radiation Protection Standards and Practice. The 1980 Sievert Lecture," HEALTH PHYSICS 39: 851-874. Terz76 Terzaghi, M. + J.B. Little, 1976. "X-Radiation-Induced Transformation in a C3H Mouse Embryo-Derived Cell Line," CANCER RESEARCH 36: 1367-1374. Time89 TIME MAGAZINE, November 13, 1989, p.73. "The Chernobyl Cover-Up: Are Soviet Officials Still Concealing the Truth about the Disaster?" Written by Michael Lemonick. Reported by Glenn Garelik (Washington DC) and Paul Hofheinz (Moscow). Toku84 Tokunaga, Masayoshi + Charles E. Land + Tsutomu Yamamoto + Mashahide Asano + Shoji Tokuoka + Haruo Ezaki + Issei Nishimora + T. Fujikura,1984. "Breast Cancer among Atomic Bomb Survivors," pp.45-56 (esp. Fig.2 p.49), in Boice84. Toku85 Tokunaga, Masayoshi + C.E. Land + T. Yamamoto + M. Asano + S. Tokuoka + H. Ezaki + I. Nishimori, October 1985. INCIDENCE OF FEMALE BREAST CANCER AMONG A-BOMB SURVIVORS, HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI, 1950-1980. RERF Technical Report TR-15-84. (Hiroshima: RERF.) TR-15-63. See Jab63. TR-15-63. See Jab63. TR-24-68. See Maki68. TR-11-70. See Bee70 and Bee71. TR-10-71. See Jab71 and Jab72. TR-16-73. See Steer73. TR-1-77. See Bee77 and Bee78. TR-12-80. See Kato80 and Kato82. TR-15-84. See Toku85. TR-1-86. See Pr86 and Pr87a. TR-9-87. See Pr87b and Pr88. TR-12-87. See Shi87. TR-5-88. See Shi88. Tusc80 Tuschl, Helga + Hans Altmann + Rozi Kovac + Alexander Topaloglou + Dietmar Egg + Robert Gunther, 1980. "Effects of Low-Dose Radiation on Repair Processes in Human Lymphocytes," RADIATION RESEARCH 81: 1-9. Un77 UNSCEAR or United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 1977. SOURCES AND EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (New York, NY: United Nations.) No index. Un82 UNSCEAR or United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 1982. IONIZING RADIATION: SOURCES AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (New York, NY 10017: United Nations.) No index. Un86 UNSCEAR or United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 1986. GENETIC AND SOMATIC EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (New York, NY 10017: United Nations.) No index. Sales Number E.86.IX.9. ISBN 92-1-142123-3. 004800P. Un88 UNSCEAR or United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 1988. SOURCES, EFFECTS AND RISKS OF IONIZING RADIATION. Individual authors are acknowledged in our Chapter 37. (New York, NY 10017: United Nations.) No index. Sales Number E.88.IX.7. ISBN 92-1-142143-8. 09000P. Undemo86 United Nations Statistical Office of the Dept. of International & Social Affairs, 1986. DEMOGRAPHIC YEARBOOK 1984. (New York, NY 10017: United Nations.) Uni89 University of California Academic Senate, November 1989. "Science Wrestling with Question of Fraudulent Research," NOTICE: NEWS FOR THE UC FACULTY, Volume 14, No.2: 1-4. Up87 Upton, Arthur C., 1987. "Prevention of Work-Related Injuries and Diseases: Lessons from Experience with Ionizing Radiation," AMER. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MED. 12: 291-309. Up88 Upton, Arthur C., 1988. "Evolving Perspectives on the Concept of Dose in Radiobiology and Radiation Protection," HEALTH PHYSICS 55: 605-614. Up89 Upton, Arthur C., April 1989. As quoted in "Living with Radiation" (at pages 418, 420), by Charles E. Cobb, Jr. in NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 175, No.4: 403-437. Ussr86 U.S.S.R. State Committee for Using the Atomic Energy. THE ACCIDENT AT THE CHERNOBYL ATOMIC ENERGY STATION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES; DATA PREPARED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY EXPERT CONFERENCE 25-29 AUGUST 1986 IN VIENNA. (Translated by U.S. Dept. of Energy.) Ussr87a U.S.S.R. Ministry of Health, May 1987. ANALYSIS OF THE RADIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE ACCIDENT AT THE CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER PLANT FOR THE POPULATION OF THE EUROPEAN REGIONS OF THE USSR. (Moscow: Ministry of Health. Also [U.N] World Health Organization Information Document A40/INF.DOC./9, May 1987.) Ussr87b See Ilyin87. Ussr88 See Ilyin88. Vir82 Virsik, R.P. + R. Blohm + K.P.Herman + H. Modler + D. Harder, 1982. PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH SYMPOSIUM ON MICRODOSIMETRY, edited by J. Booz and H.G. Ebert, pp.409-422. (Luxembourg 8395: Euratom.) Wag89 Wagner, Henry N., Jr., and Linda E. Ketchum, 1989. LIVING WITH RADIATION: THE RISK, THE PROMISE. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.) Waka83 Wakabayashi, T. + Hiroo Kato + T. Ikeda + William J. Schull, 1983. "Studies of the Mortality of A-Bomb Survivors, Report 7, Part 3. Incidence of Cancer in 1959-1978, Based on the Tumor Registry, Nagasaki," RADIATION RESEARCH 93: 112-146. Wat89a Watkins, James, June 28, 1989. Quoted in "Energy Chief Raps Nuclear Waste Setup," WASHINGTON POST NEWS SERVICE, as published in the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, June 28, 1989, page A-14. Wat89b Watkins, James, December 13, 1989. Quoted in "Problems Plague U.S. Bomb Plants," by Matthew L. Wald, NEW YORK TIMES NEWS SERVICE, as published in the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, Briefing Section, page 8, December 13, 1989. Webs81 Webster, Edward W., 1981. "On the Question of Cancer Induction by Small X-Ray Doses," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY 37: 647-666. Webs82 Webster, Edward W., September 26, 1982. Quoted in 3-way colloquium (John Gofman, Edward Radford, Edward Webster) entitled "A Roundtable: With Radiation, How Little Is Too Much?", NEW YORK TIMES Week in Review Section (4), September 26, 1982, p.EY-19. Webs87 Webster, Edward W., April 1987. "Chernobyl Predictions and the Chinese Contribution," in the Newsline Section, "Commentary" feature, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 28, No.4: 423-425. Based on an invited paper delivered at the 4th World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Nov. 6, 1986, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Wien86 Wiencke, John K. + Veena Afzal + Gregorio Olivieri + Sheldon Wolff, 1986. "Evidence that the [3H]thymidine-induced Adaptive Response of Human Lymphocytes to Subsequent Doses of X-rays Involves the Induction of a Chromosomal Repair Mechanism," MUTAGENESIS 1, No.5: 375-380. Wolfe86 Wolfe, Bertram, Sept. 27, 1986. "Public Has Exaggerated Fears of Exposure to Radiation," article in THE DENVER POST, Sept. 27, 1986, p.4-B. Wolff84 Wolff, Sheldon, June 1984. As quoted in "Low Doses of Radiation May Protect against Later Damage," by Robert Sanders, in UCSF MAGAZINE 7, No.2: 52. (San Francisco: University of California at San Francisco, Medical Center.) Wolff88 Wolff, Sheldon + Veena Afzal + J.K. Wiencke + Gregorio Olivieri + A. Michaeli, 1988. "Human Lymphocytes Exposed to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiations Become Refractory to High Doses of Radiation As Well As to Chemical Mutagens That Induce Double-Strand Breaks in DNA," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY 53, No.1: 39-48. Wolff89 Wolff, Sheldon, August 11, 1989. "Are Radiation-Induced Effects Hormetic?" in the Policy Forum section, SCIENCE 245: 575, 621. Woo87 Woolson, William A. + Stephen D. Egbert + Michael L. Gritzner, 1987. "Dosimetry System 1986," Chapter 9, pp.405-431 in Roes87. Wsj87 WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 13, 1987. "Few in Hong Kong Still Trust Promises of Britain and China," by June Kronholz, filed from Hong Kong. Pages A-1 and A-15. Wsj89 WALL STREET JOURNAL, March 6, 1989. "Villagers Suffering Chernobyl's Fallout Face Soviet Silence," by Peter Gumbel, filed from Kiev. Pages A-1 and A-8. Ya80 Yalow, Rosalyn S., March 9, 1980. "Science: Our Hope, Not Our Foe," in the Long Island newspaper NEWSDAY, "Idea" Section, p.1, March 9, 1980. Ya81 Yalow, Rosalyn S., February 24, 1981. Quoted in story by Linda Sillitoe, "A-tests and Cancer: Nobelist Objects to Link," DESERET NEWS (Salt Lake City), p.2-B. Ya82 Yalow, Rosalyn S., December 1982. "Psychology Tomorrow," in PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, December 1982, p.26. Ya83 Yalow, Rosalyn S., 1983. "Reply to K.Z. Morgan's Comments," COMMENTS MOL. CELL BIOPHYSICS 2: 49-55. Ya84 Yalow, Rosalyn S., April 1984. "Nuclear Nonsense," in SAVVY magazine, April 1984, p.21. Ya88 Yalow, Rosalyn S., June 13, 1988. "Unwarranted Fear about the Effects of Radiation Leads to Bad Science Policy," in THE SCIENTIST ("The Newspaper for the Science Professional," Philadelphia) June 13, 1988, pp.11-12. Ya89 Yalow, Rosalyn S., March/April 1989. "The Contributions of Medical Physicists to Radiation Phobia," a guest editorial invited by John S. Laughlin, in MEDICAL PHYSICS 16, No.2: 159-161. Yoshi88 Yoshimoto, Yasuhiko + Hiroo Kato + William J. Schull, Sept. 17, 1988. "Risk of Cancer among Children Exposed In-Utero to A-Bomb Radiations, 1950-84," LANCET, Sept. 17, 1988, pp.665-669. Zu86 Zufan, Tao + Wei Luxin, 1986. "An Epidemiological Investigation of Mutational Diseases in the High Background Radiation Area of Yangjiang, China," in JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH (JAPAN) 27: 141-150. Presented by Tao Zufan at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society, Oct. 16, 1985, Nara City. # # # # #