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The publisher takes great pleasure in thanking the following
individuals and foundations for their support of CNR's publishing
program on the health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation:
June Allen, M.Ed.
Phillip M. Allen, M.D., Ph.D.
Rodney Baird, in memoriam
Charles Bloomstein
David C. Bradley, M.D.
Paul F. Burmeister
Columbia Foundation
C.S. Fund
Richard Dorwin Davis, in memoriam
Leo and Kay Drey
Genevieve Ellis Estes, in memoriam
Robin M. Fleck, M.D.
Friendship Fund
Franklin L. Gage
John B. Gilpin
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
The Grodzins Fund
Anne D. Hahn, in memoriam
Hahn Family Foundation
Betty Rhodes Latner
Robert Lowitz
James P. McGinley, M.D.
Mary R. Morgan
David T. Ratcliffe
Right Livelihood Award Foundation
Caroline H. Robinson Social Service Fund
Lawrence G. Tesler
May C. Tooker