------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X-RAY DOSE-MEASURING SERVICE FOR PHYSICIANS AND DENTISTS January 21, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * The entrance dose of x-rays is the dose received at the body's surface, where the x-ray beam enters. The exit dose, which is what results in an image, is very much lower. The body absorbs the difference between the entrance and exit doses. * TLDs (ThermoLuminescent Dosimeters) can measure the x-ray entrance dose received by any patient during an x-ray imaging procedure. TLDs are small, nearly flat crystals (about the diameter of a pencil eraser), sometimes with a self-adhesive back. * On the patient's skin, in the field where the x-ray beam will hit, the x-ray technician just tapes the TLD. The TLD does not interfere with the image. After the x-ray procedure, the irradiated TLDs are sent to a "reading" machine which reveals the entrance dose. * X-ray practitioners can obtain the TLDs, the instructions, and the reading service by mail from an accredited laboratory at the University of Wisconsin: Radiation Monitoring by Mail Univ. of Wisconsin Radiation Calibration Lab 1530 Medical Sciences Center 1300 University Avenue Madison WI 53706-1532. Tel: 608-262-6320, Dr. Larry Dewerd, or Keith A. Kunugi. E-mail: kakunugi@facstaff.wisc.edu * TLDs are inexpensive (probably less than $3 each), but they are useless without a laboratory's services (instructing, shipping, reading, record-keeping, supplying and reading the control-TLD which measures the radiation exposure accumulated from natural sources by each batch of TLDs before and after the x-ray exposure). These services cost more than the TLDs themselves. There are probably reduced fees for volume. * For FLUOROSCOPY machines, "real-time" (immediate) dose-measuring equipment has been available for decades, and is highly recommended, because of the high doses delivered by an x-ray beam which stays "on" continuously for many seconds, even for many minutes. Such equipment tells the fluoroscopist the x-ray dose already accumulated by the patient's surface from fluoroscopy at any instant during a procedure. X-rays and Health Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, Inc. January 2001 This document is available electronically at: --------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/XHP/DoseMeasuring.html (fancy HTML) http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/XHP/DoseMeasuringP.html (plain HTML) http://www.ratical.org/radiation/CNR/XHP/DoseMeasuring.txt (ascii TEXT)