NUCLEAR GUARDIANSHIP FORUM, On The Responsible Care of Radioactive Materials Issue # 1, Spring 1992, p. 4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION PLAN FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE 1. We must face the limitation of technology and accept the fact that permanent disposal of radioactive waste is not possible today. 2. We must abandon the nuclear power dream, stop making wastes and develop safer energy alternatives. 3. We must amend the Atomic Energy Act which allows federal preemptive power over states and makes promotion of nuclear power a more important objective than public health and safety. 4. We must develop a storage technology that is the best we can design. Storage must be above ground, reliably monitored. Wastes must be retrievable in their containers. No release of radiation is acceptable. No risk from making bombs or electricity is acceptable. 5. We must stop moving waste. Generators must retain title to, responsibility for and possession of the waste they have made. 6. We must develop national criteria and regulations for above ground storage and guardianship of existing waste. An independent policing system to assure generator compliance is essential. 7. We must not allow incineration, redefinition as below regulatory concern or dilution to disperse the dose over a larger population. 8. We must start decommissioning the [world's] nuclear waste sites; waste will have to stay on site since it is no more fair and no safer to put it anywhere else. 9. e must develop preparation and recovery plans for the residents and workers in these areas. 10. We must launch a nationwide campaign to ensure that guardianship of existing waste will be a priority to all future generations. Written by Carol Mongerson and adopted by the Coalition on West Valley Nuclear Wastes, November 12, 1990. Together they have been enormously successful over the last 18 years, preventing the West Valley NY plant from reopening 14 years ago, instigating DOE clean up, and using the courts to prevent further burial of nuclear waste. They demonstrate the effectiveness of ordinary volunteer citizens. Coalition on West Valley Nuclear Wastes, Sharp Street, East Concord, NY 14055 tel: 714/941-3168.