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Major Symposium on Radiation and Health
September 26 and 27 1998
New York City

A two day symposium examining profound new discoveries on the effects of radiation on human health is planned for September 26th and 27th to be held at the Academy of Medicine 1216 Fifth Avenue New York.

Two days of papers by respected epidemiologists physicians and scientists will summarize the recent literature on radiation and its biological implications with specific reference to medicine the nuclear power and nuclear weapons industries.

Presenters include:

Boston University School of Public Health

Dr. Helen Caldicott who organized the original PSR symposia will act as chief coordinator of this event.

Recent literature places in doubt present standards for allowable worker and public radiation exposure which may be 6 to 12 times too high. The ramifications for nuclear power and weapons industries are enormous.

The symposium will provide a forum for open debate and discussion.

Continuing Medical Education credit will also be offered.

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