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- Arakawa, E. T. 1960. Radiation dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
atomic bomb survivors. New England Journal of Medicine 263:488-
- Beierwaltes, W. H., et al. Aug. 27, 1960. Radioactive iodine
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Journal of the American Medical Association 173:1895.
- Berke, H. L., and Deitch, D. April 1970. Pathological effects in the
rat after repetitive exposure to europium 152-154. Inhalation
carcinogenesis, AEC Symposium Series, vol. 18, pp. 429-431.
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1970. Harassment charges against AEC, Livermore. Science
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water on mammalian fetal development. Radiation biology of the
fetal and juvenile mammal. AEC Symposium Series, vol. 17,
Proceedings of the 9th Hanford Biology Symposium, pp. 283-287.
- Chase, Helen C., and Byrnes, Mary E. October 1970. Trends in
prematurity in the United States. American Journal of Public
Health 60:1967-1983.
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ed. J. Neyman. Berkeley: University of California Press.
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- Eisenbud, Merrill. January 1968. Radioactivity in the environment--
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- Finkel, Miriam P., and Biskis, Birute O. May 1969. Pathological
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- Fliedner, T. M., et al. May 1969. Radiological effects produced in
pregnant rats and their offspring by continuous infusion of
tritiated thymidime. Radiation biology of the fetal and juvenile
mammal, AEC Symposium Series, vol. 17, Proceedings of the 9th
Hanford Biology Symposium, pp. 263-282.
- Gentry, J. T., Parkhurst, E., and Bulin, G. V. 1959. An
epidemiological study of congenital malformations in New York
State. American Journal of Public Health 49:497-513.
- Gibson, R. W., Bross, I. D., Graham, S., Lillienfeld, A. M., Schuman,
L. M., Levin, M. L., and Dowd, J. E. 1968. Leukemia in children
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- Gofman, John W., and Tamplin, Arthur R. October 1970. The radiation
effects controversy. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 26:2.
- Graham, S., Levin, M. L., Lillienfeld, A. M., Schuman, L. M., Gibson,
R. G., Dowd, J. E., and Hempelman, L. 1966. Preconception,
intrauterine, and postnatal irradiation as related to leukemia.
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irradiated in fetal life. Radiation biology of the fetal and
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9th Hanford Biology Symposium, pp. 651-660.
- Harley, John H. 1962. Report of the United Nations Scientific
Commission on the Effects of Radiation. no. 16A/5216, p. 255, ref.
- _______. Oct. 1, 1969. Comments on fallout correlations made by Dr.
Ernest Sternglass. Fallout program quarterly summary report,
U.S.A.E.C. Health and Safety Laboratory, New York (HASL-214), vol.
I, pp, 2-7.
- Hoshino, T., Kato, H., Finch, S., and Hrubec, Z. 1976. Leukemia in
offspring of atomic bomb survivors. Blood 30:719-730.
- Hull, Andrew P. May 15,1970. Background radiation levels at
Brookhaven National Laboratory. Report submitted at the Licensing
Hearings, Shoreham Nuclear Plant (AEC Docket No. 50-322).
- Illinois Department of Health, Springfield, Ill. 1963-1968.
Illinois vital statistics. Table D, "Ten leading causes of
infant death."
- Knelson, J. H. March 1971. Environmental influence on intrauterine
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- Lade, James H. Nov. 9, 1962. Effect of 1955 fallout in Troy, New
York, upon milk and children's thyroids. Science 138:732-733.
- _______. Sept. 13, 1963. That 1953 fallout. Science 141:1109-
- _______. Mar. 6, 1964. More on the 1953 fallout in Troy. Science
- Lamont, Lansing. 1965. Day of Trinity. New York: Atheneum
- Lapp, Ralph E. 1955. Global fallout. Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists 11:339-343.
- _______. Sept. 7, 1962. Nevada test fallout and radioiodine in milk.
Science 137:756-758.
- _______. Oct. 25, 1963. Nevada test fallout. Science 142:448.
- Lave, Lester B., Leinhardt, Samuel, and Kaye, Martin B. July 1971.
Low-level radiation and U.S. mortality. Working paper no. 19-70-1,
Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon
University, Pittsburgh.
- Le Vann, L. J. 1963. Congenital abnormalities in children born in
Alberta during 1961: A survey. Canadian Medical Association
Journal 89:120-126.
- Lewis, E. B. May 17, 1957. Leukemia and ionizing radiation.
Science 125:965-972.
- _______. Dec. 13, 1963. Leukemia, multiple myeloma and aplastic
anemia in American radiologists. Science 142:1492-1494.
- Luning, K. G., Frolen, H., Nelson, A., and Ronnback, C. 1963.
Genetic effect of strontium-90 injected into male mice. Nature
(London) 197:304-305
- _______. 1963. Genetic effect of strontium-90 on immature germ cells
in mice. Nature (London) 199:303-304.
- MacMahon, B. 1962. Prenatal x-ray exposure and childhood cancers.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 28:1173-1191.
- Major activities in the atomic energy program. Semiannual Reports,
January 1952, and later years.
- Martell, E. A. 1974. Radioactivity of tobacco trichomes and insoluble
cigarette smoke particles. Nature 249:215.
- _______. 1975. Tobacco radioactivity and cancer in smokers.
American Scientists 63:404.
- May, M. J., and Stuart, I. F. 1970. Comparison of calculated and
measured long term gamma doses from a stack effluent of radioactive
gases. Environmental surveillance in the vicinity of nuclear
facilities, p. 234. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas,
- Mays, C. W. August 1963. Iodine-131 in Utah during July and August
1962. Hearings on fallout, radiation standards, and
countermeasures. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Part 2, pp.
536-563. Also in Pendleton, R. C., Lloyd, R. D., and Mays, C. W.
August 16, 1963. Iodine-131 in Utah during July and August 1962.
Science 141:640-642.
- Moriyama, I. M. May 1960. Recent changes in infant mortality trend.
Public Health Reports 75(5):391-406.
- _______. March 1964. The change in mortality trend in the United
States. National Center for Health Statistics, ser. 3, no. 1,
pp. 1-45.
- Moskalev, Y. I., et al. May 1969. Experimental study of radionuclide
transfer through the placenta and their biological action on the
fetus. Radiation biology of the fetal and juvenile mammal. AEC
Symposium Series, vol. 17, Proceedings of the 9th Hanford Biology
Symposium, pp. 153-166.
- Muller, W. A. 1967. Gonad dose in male mice after incorporation of
strontium-90. Nature (London) 214:931-933
- Neel, J. V. 1963. Changing perspective on the genetic effects of
radiation. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher.
- New York State Department of Health, Annual Statistical Reports.
Hollis S. Ingraham, Commissioner, Albany, New York (available
through 1969 and in brief summary form only after 1969).
- Petersen, N. J., Samuels, L. C., Lucas, H. F., and Abrahams, S. P.
1966. An epidemiological approach to low-level radium-226
exposure. Public Health Reports 81:805-814.
- Petkau, A. 1972. Effect of 22Na+ on a phospholipid membrane, Health
Physics, 22:239.
- _______ and Chelack, W. S. 1974. Radioprotective effects of
cysteine, International Journal of Radiobiology, 25:321.
- _______, _______, Pleskach, S. D., and Copps, T. P. 1975.
Radioprotection of hematopoietic and mature blood cells by
superoxide dismutase. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Biophysical Society, Philadelphia. See also: 1976.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 433:445.
- Pfeiffer, E. W. September 1965. Mandan milk mystery. Scientist and
Citizen 7:1-5.
- Radiological health data and reports, published monthly by the
Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, Md. (Published by the
Environmental Protection Agency until December 1974.)
- Reiss, E. August 1963. Hearings on fallout radiation standards and
countermeasures. Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Part 2, pp.
- Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the effects of
atomic radiation. Annex G. United Nations, New York, 1962.
- Rosenthal, Harold L. May 1969. Accumulation of environmental Sr-90
in teeth of children. Radiation biology of the fetal and juvenile
mammal. AEC Symposium Series, vol. 17, Proceedings of the 9th
Annual Hanford Biology Symposium, pp. 163-171.
- Rotblat, J. 1955. The hydrogen-uranium bomb. Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists 11:171-177.
- Sagan, L. A. May 1969. Human effects of low-level radiation: a
critique. Radiation biology of the fetal and juvenile mammal.
AEC Symposium Series, vol. 17, Proceedings of the 9th Annual
Hanford Biology Symposium, pp. 719-725.
- _______. October 1969. The infant mortality controversy. Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists 25:26-28.
- _______. Oct. 2, 1969. A reply to Sternglass. New Scientist
- Shleien, B. May 1970. An estimate of radiation doses received in
vicinity of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Radiological Health,
Rockville, Md. (BRH-NERHL 70-1).
- Spode, E. 1958. On the distribution of radioyttrium and radioactive
rare-earth elements in mammals. Naturforschung 13b:286-291.
- Sternglass, E. J. June 7, 1963. Cancer: relation of prenatal
radiation to development of the disease in childhood. Science
- _______. April 1969. Infant mortality and nuclear tests. Bulletin
of the Atomic Scientists 25:18-20.
- _______. June 1969. Can the infants survive? Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists 25:26.
- _______. September 1969. The death of all children. Esquire.
- _______. December 1969. Evidence for low-level radiation effects on
the human embryo and fetus. Radiation biology of the fetal and
juvenile mammal. AEC Symposium Series, vol. 17, Proceedings of
9th Hanford Biology Symposium, pp. 693-717.
- _______. December 1969. A reply. Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists 25:29-34.
- _______. May 1970. A reply. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
25:41-42, 47.
- _______. September 1970. Infant mortality and nuclear testing: a
reply. Quarterly Bulletin of the American Association of
Physicists in Medicine 4:115-119.
- _______. November 1970. Infant mortality changes near a nuclear fuel
reprocessing facility. University of Pittsburgh (unpublished).
- _______. 1972. Environmental radiation and human health.
Proceedings of the 6th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical
Statistics and Probability, Berkeley, Calif., July 19-22, 1971, ed
J. Neyman. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- _______. 1974. Nuclear radiation and human health. Proceedings of
the International Pollution Control Conference, University of
Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway, Aug. 26-29, 1971. Oslo, Norway:
University of Oslo Press. Also in Against pollution and hunger
ed. A. M. Hilton. New York: Halsted Press, 1974.
- _______. 1976. The role of indirect radiation effects on cell
membranes in the immune response. Radiation and the immune
process, Proceedings of the 1974 Hanford Radiobiology Symposium,
Division of Technical Information, ERDA, Oak Ridge, Tenn. (Conf-
- Stewart, Alice M. May 1969. Radiogenic cancers of childhood.
Radiation biology of the fetal and juvenile mammal. AEC
Symposium Series, vol. 17, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Hanford
Biology Symposium, pp. 681-692.
- _______ and Hewitt, David. 1965. Leukemia incidence in children in
relation to radiation exposure in early life. Current topics in
radiation research, ed. Michael Ebert and Alma Howard, vol. I.
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.
- _______ and Kneale, G. W. June 6, 1970. Radiation dose effects in
relation to obstetric x-rays and childhood cancers. Lancet
- _______, Webb, J., and Hewitt, David. 1958. A survey of childhood
malignancies. British Medical Journal 1:1495-1508.
- Tamplin, Arthur R. December 1969. Infant mortality and the
environment. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 25:23-29.
- Tompkins, Edythalena. 1971. Infant mortality around three nuclear
reactors. Proceedings of the 6th Berkeley Symposium on
Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Berkeley, Calif., July
19-22, 1971, ed. J. Neyman. Berkeley: University of California
- United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation, 24th
Session, Supplement No. 13 (A/7613), 1969.
- U.S. Public Health Service. March 1970. Radiological surveillance
studies at a boiling water nuclear power station. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Radiological Health,
Rockville, Md. (BRH-DER 70-1).
- _______. March 1970. Radioactive waste discharges to the
environment from nuclear power facilities. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville,
Md. (BRH-DER 70-2).
- Weiss, E. S., Olsen, R. E., Thompson, G. D. C., and Masi, A. T.
September 1967. Surgically treated thyroid disease among young
people in Utah, 1948-1962. American Journal of Public Health
I. U.S. Government Publications and Hearings Relating to
Fallout, Radiation Standards, Nuclear Weapons Effects, and
the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
- Basic radiation protection criteria. Jan. 15, 1971.
Recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements, NCRP Report No. 39 (available from the NCRP, 4201
Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008).
- Glasstone, Samuel, ed. April 1962. The effects of nuclear weapons.
U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
- Slade, David H., ed. July 1968. Meteorology and atomic energy--
1968. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, USAEC Division of Technical
Information, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. January 1953. Assuring public safety
in continental weapons tests.
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Major activities in the atomic energy
programs. Semiannual and annual reports.
- U.S. Congress. Hearings of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy,
Special Subcommittee on Radiation (available from the U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.): (a) May 1957
hearings on fallout; (b) May 1959 hearings on fallout; (c)
June 1959 hearings on the biological and environmental effects of
nuclear war; (d) June 1962 hearings on fallout; (e) June 1963
hearings on fallout; (f) August 1963 hearings on fallout; (g)
June 1965 hearings on federal radiation council protective action
- U.S. Congress. Part 1 (October-November 1969) and Part 2 (January-
February 1970). Environmental effects of producing electric
power. Hearings before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 91st
- U.S. Senate. Aug. 12-27, 1963. Nuclear test ban treaty. Hearings
before the Committee on Foreign Relations, 88th Congress.
- U.S. Senate. Nov. 18-20, 1969. Underground uses of nuclear energy.
Hearings before the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution,
Committee on Public Works, 91st Congress.
II. Biological Hazards of Nuclear Radiation
- Alexander, P. 1965. Atomic radiation and life. London: Penguin
Books, Inc.
- BEIR Report, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. November,
1972 and 1979. The effects on populations of exposure to low
levels of ionizing radiation.
- Brodine, Virginia. 1975. Radioactive contamination. New York:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
- Commoner, Barry. 1963. Science and survival. New York: The
Viking Press, Inc.
- Gofman, John W., and Tamplin, Arthur R. 1970. Population control
through nuclear pollution. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Company.
- Lapp, Ralph E. 1958. The Voyage of the Lucky Dragon. New York:
Harper & Brothers.
- Lea, D. E. 1962. Actions of radiations on living cells. London:
Cambridge University Press.
- Lundin, F., Wagoner, J. K., and Archer, V. E. 1971. Radon daughter
exposure and respiratory cancer, Joint Monography # 1, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare (PB-204-871), National Technical
Information Service, Springfield, Va., 22151.
- Pauling, Linus. 1958. No more war. New York: Dodd, Mead &
Company, Inc.
- Sakharov, A. D. June 1958. Radioactive carbon from nuclear
explosions and nonthreshold biological effects. Soviet Journal of
Atomic Energy, vol. 4, no. 6.
- Schubert, Jack, and Lapp, Ralph E. 1958. Radiation: what it is and
how it affects you. New York: The Viking Press, Inc.
- Scientist and Citizen (now Environment), St. Louis Committee
for Environmental Information, 438 N. Skinker Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.
63130. Series of articles on the hazard of nuclear fallout in the
following issues: July 1962; October-November 1962; December
1962; February 1963; May 1963; July 1963; September-October
1963; February 1964; March 1964; June-July 1964; May-June 1965;
August 1965; February-March 1966 (back issues available from
Maxwell Reprint Co., Fairview Park, Elmsford, N.Y. 10532).
- Sikov, Melvin R., and Mahlum, D. Dennis, eds. May 5-8, 1969.
Radiation biology of the fetal and juvenile mammal. Proceedings
of the 9th Hanford Biology Symposium, U.S. Atomic Energy
Commission, Division of Technical Information, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
(available as CONF-690501, Clearing House for Federal Scientific
and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151).
- Sternglass, E. J. 1972. Environmental radiation and human health, in
Effects of Pollution on health, vol. 6. in Proceedings of the
6th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability,
Berkeley, Calif., ed. L. M. LeCam, J. Neyman, and E. L. Scott.
Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 145-221.
- _______. June 1973. Epidemiological studies of fallout and patterns
of cancer mortality. AEC Symposium Series, vol. 29, Proceedings
of the Hanford Biology Symposium (Conf-720505).
- _______. 1977. Radioactivity, chap. XV in Environmental Chemistry,
ed. J. O. Bockris. New York: Plenum Press.
- United Nations. 1958, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1969. Reports of the United
Nations Scientific Committee on the effects of radiation. The
1969 report deals especially with the evidence for low-dose
radiation effects on human chromosomes and the central nervous
- U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. October 1969. Inhalation
carcinogenesis. Symposium Series, vol. 18, Proceedings of a
Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Conference, USAEC
Division of Technical Information, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
- U.S. Congress. May-June 1957 (2 vols.) and May 1959 (2 vols.). The
nature of radioactive fallout and its effect on man. Hearings of
the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 85th Congress. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
III. Trends in Mortality and Statistical Sources
- Moriyama, I. M. 1960. Recent change in infant mortality trend.
Public Health Report 75:391-405.
- _______. 1964. The change in mortality trend in the United States.
National Center for Health Statistics, Report No. 1, Ser. 3.
- Segi, M., Kurihara, M., and Matsuyama, T. 1965. Cancer mortality in
Japan, 1899-1962. (Also later supplements.) Department of Public
Health, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan.
- Shapiro, S., Schlesinger, E. R., and Nesbitt, R. E. L., Jr. 1968.
Infant, perinatal, maternal, and childhood mortality in the United
States. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1970 and earlier editions. Statistical
abstract of the United States. U.S. Department of Commerce,
Washington, D.C.
- U.S. Public Health Service. November 1965. Infant mortality
trends--United States and each state, 1930-1964. National Center
for Health Statistics, Report No. 1, Ser. 20.
- _______. November 1965. Changes in mortality trends in Chile.
National Center for Health Statistics, Report No. 2, Ser. 3.
- _______. November 1965. Changes in mortality trends in England and
Wales, 1931-1961. National Center for Health Statistics, Report
No. 3, Ser. 3.
- _______. June 1966. Report of the international conference on the
perinatal and infant mortality problem of the United States.
National Center for Health Statistics, Report No. 3, Ser. 4.
- _______. March 1967. International comparison of perinatal and
infant mortality--the United States and six West European
countries. National Center for Health Statistics, Report No. 6,
Ser. 3.
- _______. June 1968. Recent retardation of mortality trends in
Japan. National Center for Health Statistics, Report No. 10, Ser.
- _______. Monthly vital statistics reports. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, National Center for Health Statistics,
Rockville, Md. 20852.
- _______. Annual volumes, vital statistics of the United States.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Center for
Health Statistics, Rockville, Md. 20852.
- World health statistics annual. Vital statistics and causes of
death. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. (Data for
fifty-four countries.)
IV. Studies of Low-Level Radiation Effects Produced by X-rays or
Natural Background Radiation in Human Populations
- Barcinski, M. A. July 15, 1971. Chromosome analysis of population in
Brazilian areas of high natural radioactivity. Presented at the
Annual Meeting, Health Physics Society, New York. Unpublished
Report of the Institute of Biophysics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Bertel, R. 1979. Maternal child health effects from radioactive
particles in milk, Wisconsin 1963-75, American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, New York.
- Bross, I. D. J., and Natarajian, N. 1972. Leukemia from low-level
radiation, New England Journal of Medicine. 287:107.
- Diamond, E. I., Schmerler, H., and Lillienfeld, A. M. 1973. The
relationship of intrauterine radiation to subsequent mortality and
development of leukemia in children, American Journal of
Epidemiology. 97:283.
- Gentry, J. T., Parkhurst. E., and Bulin, G. V. 1959. An
epidemiological study of congenital malformations in New York
State, American Journal of Public Health, 49:497.
- Graham, S., Levin, M. L., Lillienfeld, A. M., Schuman, L. M., Gibson,
R. G., Dowd, J. E., and Hempelman, L. 1966. Preconception
intrauterine, and postnatal irradiation as related to leukemia.
National Cancer Institute, Monograph 19:347-371.
- Jacobsen, Lars. 1968. Low dose x-ray radiation and teratogenesis.
Copenhagen: Munksgaard Publishing Company.
- Kochupilai, N., Verma, I. C., Grewai, M. S., and Ramalinga, Swami, V.
July 1, 1976. Down's syndrome and related abnormalities in an area
of high background radiation in coastal Kerdla, Nature, 262.
- Lewis, E. B. May 15, 1957. Leukemia and ionizing radiation.
Science 125:965-972.
- _______. Dec. 13, 1963. Leukemia, multiple myeloma, and aplastic
anemia in American radiologists. 142:1492-1494.
- Macht, S. H., and Lawrence, P. S. 1955. National survey of
congenital malformations resulting from exposure to roentgen
radiation. 73:442-466.
- MacMahon, Brian. 1962. Prenatal x-ray exposure and childhood cancer.
Journal of National Cancer Institute 28:1173-1191.
- Mancuso, T. F., Stewart, A., and Kneale, G. 1977. Radiation exposures
of Hanford workers dying from various causes. Health Physics
- March, H. C. 1944. Leukemia in radiologists. Radiology 43:275-
- _______. 1950. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 220:282.
- Peterson, N. J., Samuels, L. D., Lucas, H. F., and Abrahams, S. P.
September 1966. An epidemiological approach to low-level radium-
226 exposure. Public Health Reports 81:805-814.
- Rugh, Roberts. February 1969. The effects of ionizing radiation on
the developing embryo and fetus. Seminar Paper No. 007, Bureau of
Radiological Health, U.S. Public Health Service, Rockville, Md.
- Seltser, Raymond. 1964. Studies of mortality among American
radiologists. Journal of the American Medical Association.
- Stewart, A., Pennibacker, W., and Barber, R. Oct. 6, 1962. Adult
leukemias and diagnostic x-rays. British Medical Journal 2:882-
- _______, Webb, J., and Hewitt, D. 1958. A survey of childhood
malignancies. British Medical Journal 1:1495-1508.
- _______, _______, _______, and Giles, D. 1956. Studies of children
irradiated in utero. Lancet 271:447.
- Uchida, Irene A., Holunga, Roberta, and Lawler, Carolyn. Nov. 16,
1968. Maternal radiation and chromosomal aberrations. Lancet.
- United Nations. 1969. Radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in
human cells. Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on
the Effects of Radiation, Annex C, p. 156 (Supplement No. 13
V. Data on Radioactivity in the Environment and Releases from Nuclear
Reactors and Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (U.S. Government reports
available from the Clearing House for Federal Scientific and
Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151)
- Cochran, J. A., et al. July 1970. An investigation of airborne
radioactive effluent from an operating nuclear fuel reprocessing
plant. U.S. Public Health Service, Bureau of Radiological Health
- Magno, P., et al. November 1970. Liquid waste effluents from a
nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. U.S. Public Health Service,
Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH-NERHL-70-2).
- Radiological health data and reports. 1957-1974. Published monthly
by the Environmental Protection Agency (formerly the Bureau of
Radiological Health, U.S.P.H.S.), 5600 Fisher's Lane, Rockville,
Md. 20852. Contains monthly reports on radioactivity levels in the
milk, water, air, and precipitation together with articles relating
to environmental radiation.
- Reinig, William C., ed. 1970. Environmental surveillance in the
vicinity of nuclear facilities. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C.
Thomas, Publisher.
- Shleien, B. May 1970. An estimate of radiation doses received in
vicinity of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Radiological Health,
Rockville, Md. (BRH-NERHL 70-1); also July 1970, BRH-NERHL-70-3.
- U.S. Public Health Service. March 1970. Radioactive waste
discharges to the environment from nuclear power facilities.
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bureau of Radiological
Health, Rockville, Md. (BRH-DER 70-2).
- _______. March 1970. Radiological surveillance studies at a boiling
water nuclear power station. Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, Bureau of Radiological Health, Rockville, Md. (BRH-DER
VI. General References on the Hazards of Nuclear Power Generation and
its Alternatives
- Abrahamson, Dean E. 1970. Environmental cost of electric power.
Scientist's Institute for Public Information, 30 East 68 Street,
New York, N.Y. 10021.
- Bryerton, Gene. 1970. Nuclear dilemma. New York: Ballantine
Books, Inc.
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The energy crisis. Part I,
September 1971; Part II, October 1971; Part III, November 1971.
The alternatives to fission power are presented in Part II.
- Curtis, Richard C., and Hogan, Elizabeth. 1969. Perils of the
peaceful atom. New York: Ballantine Books, Inc.
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