reprinted with permission from
Poison Fire, Sacred Earth,


pages 231-232

           A movement for a nuclear-free North was begun in our district. It is the movement "To Novaya Zemlya" in the region and in our district. It is an anti-nuclear movement. . . . I want to say that the sea space of the Barents and the Kara Seas, which wash around the archipelagos of Novaya Zemlya, serves as a place for the final storage of radioactive waste. For example, in the Karsk Sea 11,000 containers with radioactive waste are buried. They are located in 15 regions of the basins of the seas. 15 reactors of atomic submarines and ice-breakers are also buried there. In 15 regions from 1961 to 1990, radioactive waste was released which was carried out by the ships of the Military Sea Fleet and the Atomic Fleet.
           You can imagine what damage has been inflicted on human lives, on the development of the world of animals and plants. The basins of our seas were turned into a cemetery for radioactive waste.
           . . . I hope that having heard us, our voice, everyone in the world will start the fight for prohibition not only of nuclear tests but also of the use of uranium for peaceful as well as for military purposes.

Ivan Yevsyugin

Ivan Yevsyugin, Nentsy Nation, Novaya Zemlya, CIS. Representative of the village soviet, member of the Anti-Nuclear Movement Novaya Zemlya.
(This speech was held originally in Russian)

Honoured Participants and Organizers of the Hearing! Ladies and Gentlemen! Friends! Thank you for giving us the possibility of appearing here before you. My name is Ivan Yevsyugin. I was born in Russia on the island of Kalguyev, which is located in the Barents Sea. I represent the executive and representative authority on the island of Kalguyev.

           Our island is located near the atomic testing site of Novaya Zemlya. I belong to the Nentsy. For many years, literally till the end of the eighties and the beginning of the nineties, the world and even the inhabitants of Russia and of the countries of CIS didn't know about the existence of a nuclear testing site on Novaya Zemlya. All this was kept secret, was out-of-bounds to unauthorized persons. Connected with the beginning of the democratic processes at the end of the eighties, articles and data about the existence of the nuclear testing site began to appear in the mass media as a result of pressure from the public movements.

           A movement for a nuclear-free North was begun in our district. It is the movement "To Novaya Zemlya" in the region and in our district. It is an anti-nuclear movement. Several times the representatives of the district authorities, the deputies of the district council, all the public turned to our government in order to stop the nuclear experiments on Novaya Zemlya. Completing the appearance of the representative of my people I want to say that the sea space of the Barents and the Kara Seas, which wash around the archipelagos of Novaya Zemlya, serves as a place for the final storage of radioactive waste. For example, in the Karsk Sea 11,000 containers with radioactive waste are buried. They are located in 15 regions of the basins of the seas. 15 reactors of atomic submarines and ice-breakers are also buried there. In 15 regions from 1961 to 1990, radioactive waste was released which was carried out by the ships of the Military Sea Fleet and the Atomic Fleet.

           You can imagine what damage has been inflicted on human lives, on the development of the world of animals and plants. The basins of our seas were turned into a cemetery for radioactive waste. Not long ago, in 1991, a decree from the President of the Russian Federation, Yeltsin, about the forbidding of nuclear tests on Novaya Zemlya was passed. We accepted this decree favourably, but some time ago, in February 1992, decree no. 194 dealing with the atomic testing site on Novaya Zemlya was issued from which we learned -- I mean the inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk district and region -- that the islands of Novaya Zemlya had been removed from the jurisdiction of the Arkhangelsk region. Novaya Zemlya was reorganized by this decree as the central testing site of the Russian Federation and was incorporated into the federal property of the Russian Federation. In connection with this, all the inhabitants of the region and of our district expressed their protest.

           And finally -- my time is running out -- I want to say that our forum which is taking place now, must serve to continue the fight of all the peoples and nations of the terrestrial globe for peace, for the ending of nuclear tests, for it's their destruction. I hope that having heard us, our voice, everyone in the world will start the fight for prohibition not only of nuclear tests but also of the use of uranium for peaceful as well as for military purposes.

           Thank you for your attention.

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