reprinted with permission from
Poison Fire, Sacred Earth,
pages 32-36And the old man says: The woman used to -- in our knowledge -- that man used to walk in the front going through a woods or someplace. Women and children follow them. Someplace in life, man and wife will walk side by side, children follow them. Now, today, later, women will be up at the front. The way he explained it, women sometimes have a hard time putting a baby to sleep at night. Finally, the baby went to sleep about maybe two o'clock in the morning, and the mother put her to bed, and maybe clean up the house or the kitchen, then she go to sleep and she had to get up early in the morning again and start cooking and cleaning, and then, finally, put on a nice table and invite the children to come and eat. All the children come and eat -- nobody clean up the mess -- and went out. So the mother had to come back and start cleaning up this mess. The man that mentioned that was 86 years old -- I mention; so now it's up to the woman to start cleaning up the mess. Menfolk messed this up, they don't want to clean up. It's time for the women to really get after them and help them clean this mess up before it's too late. . . .
Uranium mining is a dangerous thing -- we know that now. Are we going to continue to develop that? Are we going to continue to mine them? We know it's dangerous and we test out many things like the Nevada testing area -- some day, we're going to burn ourselves up. So many things known to the Hopi tell the world not to do that any more. Stop uranium mining, testing. Stop everything.
Thomas Banyacya Sr.
Thomas Banyacya Sr., Hopi Nation, Arizona, USA. Hopi Elder, interpretor for the Kikmongwis (Hopi spiritual leaders).
(Prayer in Hopi)
First, I want to thank you for inviting me here to this very important gathering, which seems to me is a fulfillment of my own traditional religious leaders' ancient traditional knowledge. Some call it prophecies, warnings, religious instructions that they know of. Back in 1948, they met four days. They were 80, 90, 100 years old who can't read, can't speak English, can't read books, but what they were saying in 1948, I found that message is not only for Hopi original native people in our country, but for all other nations that may be coming to our land some day, which is known to them. And so, they told many things that went back when human life starts. Of course, they always refer to that as lower world.Well, we speak one language. But we always turn away from the law of Great Spirit, the law of nature, and invent many dangerous things and misuse that power, and then it has to be purified by nature, because human beings don't want to correct their wrong-doings, don't want to stop. They knew there were certain things dangerous, but they would not want to stop it. And they used that against each other and against nature. So they said that the first world was totally destroyed by people of land, some sunk, separated, different lands, and many people were destroyed.
But a handful of people came to the second one. There they went quite a long ways and they did the same thing, and that was totally destroyed, purified by, they said everything was frozen, winter came all over. Everything froze.
A handful of people came out to the third one -- I'm just going to go quickly [through] what the old people say. The third one. There they went quite a long ways and they expelled out many things that humans have invented. They said: We haven't got that far yet in this world. We think we got power, but we haven't restored some of the things that they'd already known there. And they're able to converse with animals and birds, they're able to travel, some say, like these flying saucers going around. They're able to talk to each other without wire of any kind, and they do many things. They had many inventions -- much more powerful, but they misused it again. High spiritual leaders, political figures become corrupt, dishonest, greedy and selfish. They will not change, they will not stop. Everybody knows that they're doing something wrong, but they will not admit their wrong-doing, they said. And then, to the last days, the moral principles, religious life, everything becomes so corrupt and there's no way to stop leaders from doing anything that they knew is wrong. And so, they said they finally decided that they have to have just good time and make more money or power, whatever, to give them more freedom to just enjoy everything, and they have already disturbed the balance of nature by taking male and female seed of every kind and make it over, thinking that they could make things better -- but they're destroying the natural development of every living thing on this earth. And so that was, they said, people started gambling, day and night, gambling. They won't stop that. So the leader was so concerned that they wouldn't listen to anyone so they called on the force of nature for direction above and below. Then, they were totally destroyed by flood.
But a handful of people came out. And they said, we are living on this fourth world, fourth Spirit that humans have gone through from first, second, third. This is the last world that we are living on, there is no other world like this world where human life will live like this. This is supposed to last forever. And it's up to us, the survivors of that last total destruction by flood.
And this time we came out and we were given languages: You take this language, go this direction, you take this religion, you take this ability to invent things, to record things, and you go here and there, and they spread out all over the four -- the Hopi say they went four directions. I notice that in this room this morning, when I looked up at the ceiling in the circle up there, there are four directions, it's just like the symbol I wear here. Four directions, the center is like the fire we built up in the hill yesterday. The Spirit's there, and we went four directions and some of you people came over here. You were given the special mission to record things, to invent things and to make life beautiful, clean and lasting here because you're separate from our country called America today.
Our native people have this color, brown or red, we are left there from Alaska, Canada, United States, Central, South America down to the tip of South America. We of that color were left there, and some of our people went with the white brother to go to other lands around here. So there are some other people with this color who are over here and on the West side. So we went out around this world and we were told to take care of it wherever we go with this power, with the knowledge that we have, religious instructions and the ability to make things, life, beautiful, clean, and this land, Mother Earth, was given food every day, everywhere, and we should share with everybody, share with animals, with birds. That is what our native people say that, we are caretakers of this Mother Earth. Every living thing depends on us human beings. Now, he has his religious instructions, prophesies, warnings, and he may have energy and power within him. If he can meditate and concentrate on something, he could do something to heal a person when they're sick, dying, and he has that power. But a lot of us feel that we don't have that power. But we have that. We have these five senses. They gave us deciding factors whatever happens, it's up to us to do something. If we hear some bad word, we should try to straighten it out. If we see something wrong, we should try to correct that. These are some things that a human is supposed to be responsible for.
Now, in our area, there is in the United States four different states, and in that area where I came from, the Hopi country, they call it Four Corners Area: Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah, came together and formed this center, and it's surrounded by four sacred mountains and the old people knew that that must be left in the natural state, it's the spiritual center of that country. They say that that contains more mineral resources than any other place, but we must leave it in a natural state. We must protect it that way, we must not allow anyone to come and dig the mineral resources up, because in the first, second, third worlds human political figures, even religious people, misused that power taking the mineral resources and they wouldn't stop misusing it. So they might do that there.
So, two main things that came to the Hopi at that time. In 1948, they had a meeting like this, four days, those old people, 80, 90, 100 years old, and they really impressed me, what they were saying, so they asked me to be one of the interpretors because they do not speak English. They need to bring this ancient traditional knowledge to the world. Because two main prophecies known to them came about.
There are many other prophecies that are known to them. One was that when white brother went over to this side of the world, he was supposed to take a spiritual symbol, a spiritual power that was given to us by Great Spirit. We, the Hopi, we have sacred stone tablet in our hands yet, into which all this knowledge (...?); he just breathed into that, we still have them. And the same thing happened to a white brother who separated from him. He gave him that sacred stone tablet and he took him around this side of the world someplace. So today, Elders, Hopi leaders are still waiting for our two white brothers who separated from us. Some day, he was to come back with these sacred stone tablets, and he was supposed to have inventions to help us, not to destroy us with, not to destroy animals, birds, but to help us to make this life beautiful, clean. So we welcomed our white brothers when they came. We gave them food and lodging. We let them stay on our land. We're not heathens or cannibals or people who destroy everything. If we were that kind of people, I don't think any white people would be living on our land today. We eat everyone of them. But we're not that kind of people, so we welcomed them. But it seems like they have power, inventions. They have money for somehow, they're supposed to use that in the proper way to help us, but they're misusing that power again.
And to the Hopi, the Six Nations, on a visit all around that country, met our traditional leaders. Some of the Navajos are here, Yakimas and Lakotas. I've found the same thing is known to them, and so this virtuous circle was put aside someplace and the white brother came; instead of circle they bring the cross. And they said when that happened we're going to find out that he's going to misuse the power that he has. So he has a recording, he wrote a lot of things in the paper and he said: "If you take this invention it'll help you." But when we put our hand to get it, then he said: "Wait a minute. You sign your name on this paper, your name, before I give it to you." Old people warned us not to sign anything that we don't understand; of course, we don't understand English language in early days, but they're forcing us to sign something. That writing some day is going to be used to take our land away from us. It happened in 1946 when the United States government passed a law called the Indian Land Claims Commission. To all the native people in the United States, wherever the United States has land, it took this land away from you a long time ago without compensation. So now, I pass this law, if you follow, claim against the United States according to this law, if you win through our federal court, we'll pay you money. Old people couldn't think of ever selling this land -- this is our mother. We cannot do that. And white people came to our country just yesterday, this land doesn't belong to them, this land belongs to the Great Spirit. And he told us how to take care of it for him: Through prayer, meditation, ceremony, humbleness. We have gone through that, we kept that land beautiful, clean. So we will not file any claim. Then our white brother will have the ability to take mineral resources and he will try to misuse that again. And it's somehow without permission from the religious leaders, who are the real Hopi leaders, majority of them.
Today, they have five traditional villages that I'm speaking of. Those are members that were in 1948 the old people that were 80, 90, 100 years old, say that we have never made any treaty with any nations, not even with the United States government. So if you're going to travel, you can't go to the United States for their passports to travel with. We must have our own Hopi passports. So they asked me to make one, so I made one with a buckskin cover -- Hopi passport -- and they put sacred prayer feather in it -- eagle feather -- that the spirit, the soul of our people and the land and spiritual center, that I must not use that because the white brothers now require that to travel to another country. But they came to our country, they didn't have any passport, they just flocked in there. So they said, if I should ever check on them, if they don't have any passport, we may have to send them back where they came from.
But the old people say, we must see that they do the right thing with the mineral resources. But somebody took that uranium out of that Hopi-Navajo area where they're living today. They didn't know that it was dangerous. They went in and dig out this uranium. And they tested out in New Mexico, and the Hopi prophecy says that they just might do that some day, so I'm going to make gourd full of ashes. This earth represents the world. The man that was speaking summarized that four-days-meeting, about 86 years old spiritual leader, he said: This represents the world and we're supposed to get this land and life beautiful, clean and green.
And these symbols represent women on one side (...?) of the world, and the women on the other side of the world. We talk about importance of women today. It's their gift, their ability to produce the next generations. Without women, I don't think anyone would be living here today. Women have a very important part as human beings, and the same way with plant life, trees, animals, birds. Male and female have to work together to keep these green valleys, and we try to keep that that way.
But when our white brother make gourd full of ashes, it's more like this there on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and burned over 200,000 families in a few seconds. Everything burned up. Many living things died from heat in the water. The Hopi people were talking about this, and I was amazed they described that without even reading books or can't even read, speak English, but there in the Hopi language they described exactly what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and they said that poison and ash will be floating there for many years. Many sickness will come out that medicine will not be able to cure them. Deformed babies are appearing, deformed animals, birds. These things will continue on because once you threw that on the earth, it was bad everywhere. And I heard that here today.
That's what old people say. Keep on going, spreading this message for all the people: Don't do that anymore, don't misuse that uranium any more or any other things. There's poison coming from oil, there's poison coming from gas, natural gas. And there are poisons from other mineral resources that's come up from Mother Earth. There's something happening here on this earth, and we may create so much poisoned air up there, it may be like a gas fume up there some day, we may have a fire up in the sky, we won't be able to put it out, they said. They described so many things and we're coming through that point. So I decided, because they said that we must not disturb any other countries anywhere, however. Spiritual messages in that land to keep it in good state by prayer, meditation, ceremony, fasting. That's why we have the sweat lodges and sun dances, Kachina dances in the kivas, and we go through three, four days of fasting, so that when you perform a ceremony, your mind, body and spirit are in good health; so that you call on four directions. Like we prayed last night up there, it rained a little, they're helping us, sprinkling us, let us know that we are now coming together. And it's rain again today. And I hope that some of you realize that we are in that period that it's us human beings, the children of those mothers, must come together. That's what old people say. So we must put aside all these wrong-doings, and that is so.
When I learned many things in the Kachina society, when I listened to the Elders also not to go disturb any other peoples' land and life over there. So the Second World War came, I did not register. The United States law have that passed for the native people, and we fought that and the government, some officials, say that native people should not be going to army, should not go to other countries to destroy other peoples' land and life. And the Hopi know that, so that we must stand on that, so I refused to register. And you know, in the United States I thought they only sent criminals or thieves or robbers in the jail, but I wanted to be a Hopi. "Hopi" means "peace", "kind", "gentle", "truthful", and I wanted to be with the Hopi people. I wanted to have my people to bring this message to the world, to bring about peace in a later time. They said that would be hard, problems are so great. So I refused to register. And I think I spent almost six or seven years in United States' government prison for not registering. To be a Hopi, to bring this message to the world.
So, after I finished that almost six years beyond that years, I came home and wrote a letter to the President of the United States, Eisenhower, and requested a hearing on these Hopi prophecies, warnings, and religious instructions. So they had all the selective service in Arizona together; in Holbrook, Arizona, we met a full day talking, and they had about eight or nine spiritual leaders came and they spoke about all these things to them, more things. That is amazing that they know these kind of things. But many nations everywhere are going to be affected by this, what you call "gourd full of ashes" or "atom bomb", and they're going to invent more destructive things, and somebody's going to take all that power and say: "Now, I've got this power. If you don't do what I tell you, I'm going to do this to you." Somebody's going to do that some day. And we know that there'll be two great wars taking place, because inventions that they brought, misusing it. First World War was so terrible, many lives and property destroyed. It stopped for a while, but it seems like they don't listen, or don't understand. They invent more powerful stuffs so that Second World War came about, this time that gourd full of ashes, other destructive things, poison gas, developed.
Now, to the Hopi, this Persian Gulf War was the start of the Third World War, but it stopped. So the Hopi say, when that world war stopped, it gave all the men, human beings around the earth to consider, what are we doing with the inventions? Why are we destroying people when we talk about peace, justice, honesty, talking about spiritual things? Every United States' government official place their hand on the Bible, up to the President. There's ten commandments in there. The same principles that our old people tell us, the same things they tell us not to lie and steal and plunder. Same thing. But why? That's happened to all our native people in our country. Someone mentioned here today, our land is about to be taken away by force, by violent ways, by legal tricks, and many of our people are helpless, landless in their own country. That's the only country that we have. Many of our people are starving, many of them homeless in their own country. Why is that? Why is our white brother, who is going to straighten that out . . .
The United Nations is supposed to use legal things to straighten out these things, they're not supposed to use war. And I went after them, I told them that they should not use war. But they should investigate people who are doing something wrong or violent. The United Nations human rights or other provisions, they should investigate and stop them or even punish them with that law and not with war. But they haven't done that.
So now, we come into, maybe we'll have a Fourth World War. When that happens, there's nothing going to be left on this earth, because they're going to throw all this power known to the Hopi, that we might find ourself into it. And that's why the Hopi are very concerned, not only for native people, not only for other nations, but more of younger generations coming after that. What kind of thing are we going to leave for them in the future?
And the old man says: The woman used to -- in our knowledge -- that man used to walk in the front going through a woods or someplace. Women and children follow them. Someplace in life, man and wife will walk side by side, children follow them. Now, today, later, women will be up at the front. The way he explained it, women sometimes have a hard time putting a baby to sleep at night. Finally, the baby went to sleep about maybe two o'clock in the morning, and the mother put her to bed, and maybe clean up the house or the kitchen, then she go to sleep and she had to get up early in the morning again and start cooking and cleaning, and then, finally, put on a nice table and invite the children to come and eat. All the children come and eat -- nobody clean up the mess -- and went out. So the mother had to come back and start cleaning up this mess. The man that mentioned that was 86 years old -- I mention; so now it's up to the woman to start cleaning up the mess. Menfolk messed this up, they don't want to clean up. It's time for the women to really get after them and help them clean this mess up before it's too late. And Mother Earth's already pulling up the order-bringing forces -- Florida, hurricanes, tornados, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hailstorms getting bigger. We're getting close to the last days that we either clean this mess up or we're going to find ourselves in a terrible spot.
I'm just going to show you this map and tell you that my people knew about this a long time ago, and this is all I want to tell you now because I don't want to run over my time here.
This white part is on the rock near my home in Oraibi. The Great Spirit laid this path for us to follow. There's no end to this work, none to the circle, there's no end to that as long as we follow instructions. The white brother came. Instead of bringing this circle he brought this cross. And we let him go on up the road. We refer to that materialistic path, inventing of many things, powerful things that are supposed to help. They go side by side -- First, Second, Third World, First World War, Second World War and this . . . on the upper line, to the Hopi, is beginning a Third World War, the Persian Gulf, but it stopped. So it gave us people to correct, to change, to stop this thing we were talking about.
Uranium mining is a dangerous thing -- we know that now. Are we going to continue to develop that? Are we going to continue to mine them? We know it's dangerous and we test out many things like the Nevada testing area -- some day, we're going to burn ourselves up. So many things known to the Hopi tell the world not to do that any more. Stop uranium mining, testing. Stop everything. So I hope we will correct this and whoever comes out will meet the Great Spirit on the other end again. "I'm the first, I'm the last and I will welcome those that survive and we will have beautiful, clean life again, everything will become new again." These are some of the things that are mentioned, that we as human beings [are] like these flowers here -- they are beautiful flowers, and they form a circle. And outside there are many kinds of flowers. We, the people, are like that. We will no longer have any discrimination against black, white, red and yellow. We are going to be one human being. We are brothers and sisters, and we are going to help to protect this Mother Earth for the next generations, and then we will have a good life again. So this symbol represents male, this one represents female, and this sun symbol represents also the power. If we do not correct this ourselves -- we're talking about peace -- if we do not correct this thing, those with that symbol will have to purify this with the power that the Great Bear[Spirit?] will give them. These are some of the things known.
Somehow it struck me, because when I saw German people in the War, Hitler, with the swastika symbol, there must be something to it. First, Second World War -- terrible. Now I think that the United States began to worry about these things and I think the German people should get together. I think that German people should begin to really start cleaning up this mess. That's their mission. They're going to use their scientific knowledge and inventions and clean up these rivers, oceans, replant trees, cover up all the uranium, and purify with the scientists -- maybe we can have a clean life again. That, I think, is German people's mission today, to do that.
And I'm glad that I came here, and I hope I can have more time to explain this. There's so many things -- it would take four days to explain these things. And I want to thank Alexander, who has written up many books and brought me here several times, and I want to thank all of you who have helped me, because I have no money or job, but somebody sometimes sent me a little money to help me travel. So I'm very glad that I came here today, with Hopi passport you let me come in.
Thank you very much.
Ernst-Ulrich von Weizsacker (Moderator)Thomas Banyacya, it has been a great privilege listening to you. I think one of the best human performances is to listen if there is something to listen to. So the Board of Listeners, on whose behalf I may speak in this case, is very grateful, deeply grateful to you. Thank you very much again.
Thomas BanyacyaI did want to say that there is a "Uranium Hearing" this year, you hear a lot of stuff; next time you have a "Uranium Stopping" -- could be on there. "Uranium Stopping", "Uranium Eliminating" or something we should have, that is better than "Hearing", we hear too much!
Ernst-Ulrich von Weizsacker (Moderator)Thank you! I would now like to invite Bill Keepin to the floor. He's trained in physics and mathematics, he's done his Ph.D. in physics. He's an energy and environment consultant, his work somehow related to the work of Amory Lovins(?) in America, demonstrating that there is a solar future to this world. His work has already influenced energy thinking in many countries. It's a great pleasure to have you, Bill, here. "Beyond Nukes: The Promise of Renewable Energy."
Please, Bill.
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