Article: 828 of From: (dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe) Subject: Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, President of the IICPH Summary: Credentials of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., G.N.S.H. Keywords: background of a most remarkable fighter for the health of all Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1992 16:50:04 GMT Lines: 640 Curriculum Vitae -- Education Positions Held Consultancies Academic and Professional Honors, Scholarships, Traineeships Membership and Committees Biographical Publications and Publications -- of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., G.N.S.H. Someone on the net had railed a while back, after I had posted a speech by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, about how he had never heard of her before. In this person's measured opinion, "she has no understanding of anything even vaguely scientific." Who was she? What was her background? And how could any intelligent person possibly take her seriously? The implication was, since this person had never heard of her, she therefore could not be a credible source of information. He went on to say that since he had never heard of a military experiment she was describing called the "rainbow test," this was sufficient for him to "doubt it existed". Apparently, for this person, she must have simply made this up and that was the end of it. Some people's level of denial is very deep. The inability to doubt oneself -- to operate from a perspective of confident certainty so far-reaching as to suggest a sense of self-omnipresent awareness, as if one could actually possess closure on knowledge of consciousness, of being, and of the universe we find ourselves alive in--this kind of grandiosity belies an untempered soul. If persons with such a sense of certainty that they somehow possess a closure on knowledge really were interested in confirming this closure, they might contact Dr. Bertell at the IICPH in Toronto and find out for themselves just where and how and from who she has learned about what she discusses in her speeches I have transcribed and posted. Short of this, snide and contemptuous responses on the net belie a fundamental immaturity and an inability to even entertain the possibility of self-doubt, or of being open to learning ever more about the infinite, layered complexity and interrelatedness of the universe, and our own startling capacity as a species to, apparently, be aware of it. See Also: Listing of all content by Dr. Bertell on rat haus reality -- ratitor ------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CONCERN FOR PUBLIC HEALTH Charitable Registration No. 0715045-59-13 The International Institute of Concern For Public Health 517 College Street, Suite 233 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6G 4A2 Tel: 416-929-9808 E-mail: Web: The following is mirrored from its current source at: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Curriculum Vitae ROSALIE BERTELL, Ph.D., G.N.S.H. Born April 4, 1929 Buffalo, New York, USA Member of a Roman Catholic religious community since September 1951 Canadian Citizen C.V. revised October 10, 1999 Education INSTITUTION DEGREE DATE D'Youville College B.A., Magna cum Laude 1951 Buffalo Mathematics Catholic University of America M.A. Mathematics 1959 Washington Catholic University of America Ph.D. Biometrics 1966 Washington with Minors in Biology and Biochemistry Mount St. Vincent University D. Hum. L. Honoris Causa 1985 Halifax D'Youville College D.Sc. Honoris Causa 1988 Buffalo Laurentian University Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa 1988 Sudbury Ryerson Polytechnical Inst Ryerson Fellowship for: 1988 Toronto "Recognition for substantive work in environmental and occupational health" University of Windsor D.Sc Honoris Causa 1988 The Ontario Institute for Distinguished Educator 1990 Studies in Education, Toronto Positions Held INSTITUTION TITLE DATES International Institute of President 9/87 - present Concern for Public Health International Commission Founding Member 1/85 - present of Health Professionals Executive Committee 10/88 - present Secretary General 1/91 - present International Perspectives Editor in Chief 1/84 - present in Public Health Ovum Pacis: The Women's Faculty Member 6/94 - present University International Institute of Director, Research 6/84 - 9/87 Concern Public Health President Board Jesuit Centre for Social Energy/Public Health 9/80 - 9/84 Faith and Justice, Specialist Toronto Ministry of Concern for Director, Research 6/78 - 6/80 Public Health, Consultant Buffalo Graduate School of the Ass't Research 1974-1978 State University of NY, Professor Buffalo Roswell Park Memorial Senior Cancer Research 1970-1978 Institute, Scientist Buffalo State University of NY, Visiting Prof. 1972 - 1973 Buffalo D'Youville College, Coordinator of Inst. 1971-1972 Buffalo Research D'Youville College, Associate Prof., Math 1969-1972 Buffalo Dept D'Youville Academy, Coordinator, High 1968-1969 Atlanta, Georgia School Math Teachers Sacred Heart Junior Registrar and Assoc. 9/58 - 1/68 College, Pennsylvania Professor Mathematics Consultancies * British Columbia Medical Association, Environmental Health Committee, Canada * Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Pollutant Movement and Transformation Committee, U.S.A. * National Council of Churches, Energy Task Force, U.S.A. * New York State Medical Society, Committee on Environmental Quality, U.S.A. * Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standards Development Office, U.S.A. * Consultative Group on Arms Control & Disarmament to the Canadian Ambassador on Disarmament to the U. N. * Citizen's Advisory Committee,President's Commission on the accident at Three Mile Island, U.S.A. * Wisconsin State Medical Society, Committee on Health and the Environment, USA * Ontario Public Service Employee's Union, Canada * Commissioner on the International Commission of Health Professionals, Geneva * Global Education Associates, U.N. Non-Governmental Organization * Ministry of Concern for Public Health, Buffalo, U.S.A. * Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canada * Institute fur Energie und Umweltforschung, Heidelberg, F.R.G. * Japanese Assoc. of Scientists, Japan * Native Americans for a Clean Environment, Oklahoma. U.S.A. * Consumers Association of Penang, Malaysia * Centre for Industrial Safety and Environmental Concerns, Kerala, India * Interchurch Coordination Committee for Development Projects, Zeist, The Netherlands * Mercy Health Services, International, U.S.A. * Rongelap People's Council, Rongelap, Republic of the Marshall Islands * Ontario Hydro Employee's Union, Canada * Science Advisory Board, International Joint Commission of the U. S. and Canada * International Policy Action Committee - Women's Preparatory Committee for UNCED 1992, Beijing 1995 * Manuscript review, Canadian Medical Assoc. Journal * Judge: Permanent People's Tribunal, Bhopal, India Oct. 1992; Madrid Sept. 1994; London Dec. 1994. * Co-Director: o International Medical Commission, Bhopal, India, January 1994 o African National Congress, Committee on Science and Technology o International Court on the Environment, Venice, 1995. o Project Warmth for Homeless Street People, Toronto. o Greater Toronto Clearing House, Toronto o Advisory Board, Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy, Toronto o Pugwash, Canada o National Roundtable on the Environment and Economy o Ontario Environmental Assessment Board o New City of Toronto, Task Force on the Environment. o Health Canada, Great Lakes Health Effects Program * Member: o Science Advisory Board, US-Canada International Joint Committee on the Water Quality Agreement. o Nuclear Task Force, US-Canada International Joint Committee on the Water - Quality Agreement. o European Parliament o Permanent People's Tribunal, Rome Academic and Professional Honors, Scholarships, Traineeships * Scholarship (4 years D'Youville), graduated Magna Cum Laude * Kappa Gamma Pi, Sigma Xi, Graduate Assistantship (Catholic University) for M.A. * National Institute of Health Grant (3 years at Catholic University) for Ph.D. * New York State Dept. of Health, Post Doctorate Summer Research * Grey Nuns' Legislative Chapter, Elected Delegate 1971, 1974, 1975,1988,1993, and 1998 * National Assembly of Women Religious: * House of Delegates 1973 to 1976 * National Executive Board 1977 to 1980 * Outstanding Civic Leader of America Award 1970 * Reader for Advanced Placement Calculus Examination, Educational Testing, Princeton 1971, 1972 * Outstanding Educators of America, Elected 1973 * Award, Spring 1981 from National Organization of Women WNY Chapter * Award, 1981 from New York Public Interest Research Group * Honorary Member of Aerztebund fuer Umwelt und Lebensschutz (Federation of Physicians for the Protection of Energy and Life) 1983 * Hans Adalbert Schweigart Medal, Awarded by the World League for the Protection of Life, Vienna, Austria 1983 * Fellow of the Indian Society of Naturalists, Baroda, India 1985 * The Right Livelihood Award, December, 1986, Sweden " FOR RAISING PUBLIC AWARENESS ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF THE BIOSPHERE AND HUMAN GENE POOL, ESPECIALLY BY LOW-LEVEL RADIATION" * Distinguished Alumnae Award, Mount St. Joseph Academy, 1987 * Women of Distinction Award, YWCA - Toronto, 1987 * World Peace Award, World Federalists of Canada 1988 United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) official recognition for outstanding environmental achievements and naming to the Global 500 Roll of Honour. * Honorary Member, Assoc. of Mediterranean Women * Marguerite D'Youville Humanitarian Award, Grey Nuns of Montreal, Cambridge Massachusetts Membership and Committees * American Academy of Political and Social Sciences * American Association of University Women * American Public Health Association * Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart * Institute of Society, Ethics and Life Sciences * International Biometric Society * International League of Women for Peace and Freedom * Kappa Gamma Pi * National Assembly of Women Religious * New York Academy of Science * Pugwash, Canadian Section, International * Sigma Xi: Scientific Research Honor Society * Advisory Board Member, Energy Policy Information Institute * Advisory Board Member, Musicians United for Safe Energy * Plenary Member of Health Physics Society * Board of Advisors, Nuclear Reform Project * Board of Advisors, Colorado Atomic and Agent Orange Veterans * Advisory Board, Ecumenical Task Force on the Love Canal, USA * Advisory Board, Lawyers for Social Responsibility, Canada * Board of Directors, Peacework Alternatives, U.S.A. * Food and Water, Inc., Board of Directors, Denville, New Jersey * Board of Advisors, Food Irradiation Alert, Burnaby, BC * Advisory Board Member, Great Lakes Health Effects Program, Health and Welfare, Canada. * Board of Directors, Global Education Associates, New York * Science Advisory Board, US-Canada International Joint Commission * Environment Task Force, City of Toronto * Nuclear Task Force, US-Canada International Joint Commission Biographical Publications * American Catholic Who's Who 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 * American Men and Women of Science 1976, 1981, 1985 * American Men and Women of Science: Consultants 1977 * American Registry Series 1980 (Selected) * Anglo-American Who's Who 1981 * Community Leaders and Noteworthy Americans 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 * Community Leaders of America 1982 * Dictionary of International Biography 1977-78, 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980-81 * Directories of Distinguished Americans 1981 * International Book of Honor, Second World Edition 1986 * International Who's Who in Community Service 1978, 1979 * International Who's Who of Intellectuals, Vol. II, 1978 * International Register of Profiles 1979 * International Register of Biographies, 1986 * International Who's Who in Contemporary Achievement, 1985 * Men and Women of Distinction 1979 * Notable American 1976-77, 1978-79 * Notable Americans of Bicentennial Era 1976 * Personalities of the Americas, First Commemorative Edition 1987 * Who's Who in American Scientists 1973-77 * Who's Who in American Women 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979-80 * Who's Who in Health Care 1977 * Who's Who in the East 1977-78, 1979-80 * World Who's Who of Women 1976, 1977, 1981, 1995 * Foremost Women of the Twentieth Century, 1986 * Canadian Who's Who, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 , 1997, 1998. * The International Directory of Distinguished Leadership,1992 * Who's Who in Canadian Women, 1995 Publications 1. Testing Whether a Multinational Distribution is a Binomial Distribution of Order k" - Doctoral Thesis - Un. Microfilm Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1966 2. Introduction to Creative Mathematics, (Book) Edwards and Sons, 1971. 3. "Pets and Adult Leukemia," American Journal of Public Health, co-authored with Dr. Bross and Dr. Gibson, November 1972 (Vol. 62). 4. Manual for Users, Relative Risk Program, theoretical design for and description of the computer program, 1973, with Chandu Rathod, Department of Biostatistics, Roswell Park Memorial Institute. 5. Relative Risks for Combinations of 2x2 Tables, a program for the Monroe 1860 Calculator with L.I. Blumenson, 1973, Department of Biostatistics, R.P.M.I. 6. Relative Risks When There Are Several Levels of Exposure, a program for the Monroe 1860 Calculator with L.E. Blumenson, April 1973, Department of Biostatistics, R.P.M.I. 7. "On an Alternate Method of Calculating and Odds Ratio," Journal of Medicine, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1975. 8. Theoretical Description of "Sister Test," Fastfortran (Conversational Ver. 4) Program, May 1974, with L.E. Blumenson, Department of Biostatistics, R.P.M.I. 9. "Nuclear Suicide," America, Vol. 131, No. 12, 1974. 10. "You are Needed," Encounter, Vol. 3, 1974. 11. "Dubious Victory," Baltimore Sun, August 12, 1974. 12. "Dental X-ray Hazards Held Well Documented," Buffalo Courier Express, October 10, 1974. 13. "Extensions of the Relative Risk Concept," Experientia, Vol. 131, January 1975. 14. "Nuclear Hazards," Feb. 1975 Nuclear Decisions. Also published separately by LAND Educational Associates Foundation, Inc., Rt. 5, Box 176, Stevens Point, Wis. 54481 15. "Citizen Action Recommended," Nuclear Opponents, Allendale, New Jersey, March-April 1975, pg. 1. 16. "The Equal Rights Amendment," Western New York Catholic, feature article, April 24, 1975. 17. "Recapping Renewal," Probe, April, 1975. 18. "More About Nuclear Suicide," Nuclear Opponents, Allendale, New Jersey, May-June 1975. 19. "Scientists question some PP&L Claims." Letter to the Editor, Harrisburg Evening News, May 16, 1975. 20. Written testimony on the hazards of low level radiation. House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and the Environment, Subcommittee of the House Interior Committee. Rep. Morris Udall, Chairman, August 6. 1975. 21. "Children of the Lord," Contemplative Review, November 1975. 22. "Health Effects from Nuclear Exposure," feature article, The Providence Journal, Providence, Rhode Island, June 16, 1976. 23. Testimony in a Congressional Seminar on Low Level Ionizing Radiation, Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, May 4, 1976. U.S. Government Printing Office, 79-7670. 24. Testimony, July 7, 1976. Mines and Energy Management Committee. House of Representatives. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 25. "Biohazards of Nuclear Generators," Special International Nuclear Opponents for the Observance of the Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nuclear Opponents, November 1976. 26. "Spirit Begets Spirit," Contemplative Review, November 1976. 27. "X-ray Exposure and Premature Aging." Journal of Surgical Oncology, Vol. 9, Issue 4, 1977. 28. "Some Ethical problems involved in nuclear proliferation." Probe, February 1977. 29. "Nuclear power and human fragility." Nuclear Opponents, March 30, 1977. 30. "Health Hazards from Low Level Radiation." Peace Newsletter, Syracuse Peace Council. April 1977, SPC 730. 31. "Nuclear Power and Civil Rights in the United States." The Centerpiece. January 1978. 32. "Hard Questions - Honest Answers." The Catholic New Times, Toronto, Ontario. February 26, 1978. 33. Measurable Health Effects of Diagnostic X-ray Exposure. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, July 11, 1978. Vol. 2. Effect of Radiation on Human Health. Serial Number 95-180. 34. The Ethical Problems Involved in Nuclear Generation of Electricity. An invited address delivered at the Energy Symposium, May 13,1978, sponsored by the Irish Transport and General Workers Union in Dublin, Ireland. Published in A Nuclear Ireland?, Dublin, 1979. 35. Health Hazards Involved in the Production, Storage and Use of Nuclear Weapons. Invited address, Japan International Congress Against A and H Bombs. Osaka, Japan, August 1978. Published in Congress Proceedings, 1979. 36. Part 16 and Part 17, CBS-TV Summer Session: Alternative Futures (29 minutes each), June 1978. Video Tapes available from Global Education Associates, 552 Park Avenue, East Orange, N.J. 07017. 37. "Energy and Health." Article in the Social Costs of Energy Choices, a special issue of Christianity and Crisis, Vol. 38, no. 15, October 15, 1978. 38. Testimony Relative to Human Health and Nuclear Generation of Electricity. Discussion Texts, International Study Days for a Society Overcoming Domination, September 1978, d24. 39. The Nuclear Crossroads, Environmental Action Reprint Service, Box 545, La Veta, Co. 81055, April 29, 1978. Published in: A Nuclear Ireland? Editors: J.F. Carroll and P.K. Kelly, Published by Irish Transport and General Workers Union. 40. "The Nuclear Worker and Ionizing Radiation." American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, (40), May 1979. 41. New Structures for Growth. Invited address, World Future Studies Conference: Science and Technology and the Future. Berlin, East Germany. May 8 - 10, 1979. 42. Children in the Nuclear Age. Part 24, Children in the World television series. Video tapes available form the Canadian Save the Children Fund, 111 - 115th Street East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 2E1. 43. "Radiation Kills." Article in Special Uranium Report. Published by the Energy File and the British Columbia Conference of the United Church of Canada, 105-2511 East Hastings, Vancouver, B.C. September 1979. 44. Comment on the Interagency Task Force on Low-Level Ionizing Radiation Report (directed to F. Peter Libassi, Chairman, Interagency Task Force on the Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation). Published in: Public Comments on the Work Group Reports. DHEW, June 1979. 45. Expert testimony before the Select Committee on Uranium Resources, Legislative Council, Parliament House, Adelaide, South Australia. March 11, 1980. 46. Spring (a poem). Contemplative Review, Spring Issue 1980. 47. Het Grie Staten Onderzock, IMGo Regionale Ontwikkeling, Middleburg 1980, the Netherlands. 48. Radiation Exposure and Human Species Survival. Environmental Health Review. Vol. 25 No. 2 (1981). 49. "Peaceful Atom Myth Blown Up." Catholic New Times, July 5, 1981 p. 4 (Toronto) 50. Response of Rosalie Bertell to the Critique of Michael Genevan. Health Physics Vol. 41 No. 2 p. 419-422 (1981). 51. Letter to the Editor - "Physicians rally against the threat of nuclear epidemic" CMA Journal, September 15, 1981. Vol 125. 52. "Women are Refusing to Bear Children." Catholic New Times, November 22, 1981. p. 3. 53. "Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapon Production are Health Issues." Proceedings of Medical Association for Prevention of War, Vol. 3, Part 6, Autumn 1981 (England). 54. "Health Hazards of Video Display Terminals," Environmental Health Review, Vol. 26, no. 1 (1982) pp. 3 - 5. 55. Risikooientierte analyse zum SNR-300, C.IV, Institute fur Energie und Umwelrforschung, Heildelberg e.v., August 1982, Table 2 - 4, page 2034, R. Bertell, September 1982. 56. "Response of Rosalie Bertell to critique of Kelly Clifton." Environmental Health Review, Vol. 26, no. 2 (1982) pp. 47 - 48. 57. "Demonstration Show a New Consciousness." Catholic New Times, June 27, 1982, p. 9 (Toronto). 58. "Risks expected from Radiation Exposure of Workers of Light-Water Power Reactors" (co-authored with Ikuro Anzai). Journal of Japanese Scientists. Vol. 18, no. 2 (1983). 59. Crimes Against Life and Death. Speech given at Tribunal Against First Strike and Mass Destruction Weapons in East and West, Nurenberg, West Germany, February 1983. Published in Proceedings. Also published as: "Early War Crimes of WW III", Breakthrough, Fall 1983. 60. "Are Video Display Terminals Safe?" Environmental Health Review, Vol. 27, no. 1 (1983) pp. 18 - 20. 61. "Genetic and Terategenic Effects of Ionizing Radiation," R. Bertell in: Oko-Institute, Ananytische Weiterentwicklung zur Duetschen Risikostudie Kernkraftwerke, Freiburg 1983. 62. "Reflections on the Bishop's Pastoral on Nuclear War." Probe (National Assembly of Women Religious) Vol XI, no. 8 June - July 1983. 63. "Unholy Secrets: The impact of the nuclear age on public health." Chapter 3, in Reclaim the Earth, Leonie Caldecott and Stephanie Leland, editors. The Women's Press, London, (1983) pp. 20-33. 64. "A Micronesian Woman" (a Poem) in Reclaim the Earth, Leonie Caldecott and Stephanie Leland, editors. The Women's Press, London (1983) p. 111. 65. "Auswirkungen einer atombombenexplosion auf die menschlichen Gene" in Labt uns die Kraniche suchen, Petra Kelly, editor, Werkhaus (1983) pp. 118 - 120. 66. "Passioned Stillness" (a poem) Sister's Today, Vol. 55, no. 2, October 1983, p. 99. 67. Keynote Speech on Pacific Nuclearization. "Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation". From: Proceedings of the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Conference. Villa, Vanuatu 1983. 68. "Early War Crimes of W.W. III". Whole Earth Papers. No. 19, Global Education Associates. Fall 1983. 69. "The Health of the Oceans". Breakthrough, Global Education Associates Newsletter. Vol. 5, No. 4., Summer, 1984. 70. "Peace Making and the Gifts of Women." Ecumenism. No. 75. Sept. 1984. 71. Handbook for Estimating Health Effects from Exposure to Ionizing Radiation. Compiled by Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., Published and distributed by International Institute of Concern for Public Health, Buffalo; International Radiation Research and Training Institute, Birmingham, England. First Edition 1984; Second Edition 1986. 72. "Current Challenges to the Christian as Scientist", Canadian Catholic Review, December 1984. 73. No Immediate Danger - Prognosis for a Radioactive earth. The Women's Press, London, England, 1985. Also published in Canada, the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. 74. "Scientific Information Suppressed". Index on Censorship. Vol. 14 No. 5 October 1985. 75. Swedish translation of No Immediate Danger, Symposion Bokforlag and Tryckeri AB, Stockholm/Lund 1986. 76. German translation of No Immediate Danger, Goldmann Verlag, Munchen, F.R.G. 1987. 77. Japanese translation of Handbook for Estimating Health Effects from Exposure to Ionizing Radiation, Gijutsu to Ningen Publishing Co., 1987. 78. French translation of No Immediate Danger, Les Editions de la Pleine Lune, Montreal, 1988 and CQFDL, St.-Thibault-des-Vignes, France 1988. 79. "Estimate of Uranium and Nuclear Radiation Casualties Attributable to Activities Since 1945," Medicine and War, Vol. 4. 27 - 36 (1988). 80. "Health is a Human Right." In press for 1988 Yearbook: International Commission of Health Professionals, Geneva. 81. "The Real Meaning of Health Care," Breakthrough, Fall '87/Spring '88 pp.64-65. 82. "A World on the Verge of Maturity," Journal of Religion and the Applied Behavioral Sciences, Summer 1987, pp.5-8. 83. "Radiation and Health Issues in the Nuclear Age", in Challenge to Nuclear Waste, Ed. Anne Wieser, Proceedings of the Nuclear Waste Issues Conference, Sept. 12-14, 1986. pp. 73-81, 1987. 84. "Love the Earth" (a poem), Published in Frauen & Okologie, Kolner Volksblatt Verlag, F.R.G., 1987. 85. "Protect us from the protectors." Published in Alternatives, Vol. 16, No. 4/Vol.17 No. 1 1990. 86. Destruction of the Environment, Chapter 9, in Horrendous Death, Health and Well Being. Ed. Dr. Dan Leviton, Hemisphere Publ. Corp. Washington, D.C. 1990. 87. No Immediate danger? Prognosis for a radioactive earth. Women and sustainable development: a report from Women's forum in Bergen, Norway, 14-15 May 1990. Published by Center for Information on Women and Development, Oslo, Norway, 1990, pp. 18-21. 88. Nucleogenic Illness, Replenishing the Earth, The Right Livelihood Awards 1986-89. Ed. Tom Woodhouse, Green Books, Devon, England, 1990, pp. 209-215. 89. Book: Horrendous Death, Health and Well-Being, edited by Daniel Leviton, Un. of Maryland, Chapter 9: Destruction of the Environment, A Living Biosphere, Rosalie Bertell pp.177-190. Hemisphere Publ. Corp. New York 1991. 90. Women and Sustainable Development, a report from Women's Forum in Bergen, Norway, 14-15 May 1990, pp.18-21. 91. Women in the International Arena. First World Summit. Women and the Many Dimensions of Power. June 3-8, 1990, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 92. "Chernobyl - April 1991," Environmental Health Review, Vol. 35, No. 3, Fall 1991. 93. "A Conversation with Rosalie Bertell," Proceedings, World YWCA, Stavanger, Norway June 1991. 94. Survival, Not Economy, Is the Bottom Line. Chapter 8, pp 78-85, in Women's Voices on the Pacific, The Int'l. Pacific Policy Congress, Edited by Lenora Foerstel, Maisonneuve Press, Washington, D. C. 1991. 95. Section 3, Chapter 2: "Ethics of the Nuclear Option in the 1990's" in NUCLEAR ENERGY AND ETHICS, edited by Kristen-Shrader- Frechette. World Council of Churches, Geneva 1991 (pp 161-181). 96. Keynote Speech, Meeting of the World Council of the YWCA, Stavanger, Norway, 25 July 1991. Published by the YWCA Executive in Geneva, Switzerland in the Proceedings of the Meeting. 97. "Radioactivity: No Immediate Danger?" Ms. Magazine, The World of Women, Volume II, September/October 1991, Number 2, pp. 27-30. 98. "Breast Cancer and Mammography." Mothering No. 64, Summer 1992. 99. Foreword to the book: One World One Earth, February 1992. 100. Paper delivered at the Student Pugwash Meeting August 29, 1992 in Pugwash Nova Scotia. Peace Making and Peace Keeping after Rio. Published in International Perspectives in Public Health, Vol. 8, pp. 2-3, 1992. 101. Health and Safety Implications of Nuclear Development: The International Experience, in THE NUCLEAR DEBATE: Proceeding of the Conference on nuclear Policy for a Democratic South Africa, 11-13 February 1994. Publ. by Environmental Monitoring Group and Western Cape ANC Science and Technology Group (pp. 115-120). 102. Militarism and Health, in MILITARISM IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: Mediterranian Women's Conference, Malta, 1994. 103. The Global Health Crisis. Third World Resurgence. No. 20, pp. 11-12, 1994. 104. "Epidemiology in Radioactive Contaminated Areas" in Biomedical and Psychosocial Consequences of Radiation from Man-Made Radionuclides, Proceedings of International Symposium, Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters Foundation, Trondheim, Norway, 1994, pp. 303-324. 105. "Low Level Radiation Exposure Effects in the Tri-State Leukemia Survey" in Nuclear Test Results: A Woman's Perspective. Proceedings from a conference held at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. April 24, 1995. 106. "Exposure: Environmental Links to Breast Cancer" a documentary video (48 minutes; color) Directed and Produced by Francine Zuckerman and Martha Butterfield. Available from The Women's Network on Health and Environment, Toronto, Canada. Released September 1997. 107. Years After Roentgen, edited by Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake and Edmund Lengfelder. Proceeds of the International Congress held in Berlin 1995. "Low Level Radiation Exposure Effects in the Tri-State Leukemia Survey", pp. 48-59, Published 1997. 108. Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium, Depleted Uranium Education Project International Action Center,New York City 1997. Chapter 19: "Nine-Legged Frogs, Gulf War Syndrome and Chernobyl Studies", pp. 123-133. 109. "Compensation for the Bhopal Disaster" in Environment and Health in Developing Countries, Editors Manas Chaterji, Mohan Munasinghe and Rabin Ganguly, APH Publishing Co., Delhi 1998, pp. 385-393. 110. "Sustainability: The Big Picture" in The Female Odyssey, Editors: Charlotte Cole and Helen Windrath. The Women's Press Ltd. London, England, 1999, pp. 105-117. 111. "Environmental Influences on the Health of Children", Chapter 6 in Risks, Health and Environment, Editor M.E. Butter, Report No. 52, Science Shop for Biology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 1999. 112. PLANET EARTH: The Latest Weapon of War, Critical Study into the Military and the Environment, The Women's Press, London England, Nov 2000, Black Rose Books, Toronto Canada, Apr 2001.