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Editor’s note: This was originally published at
The Miseducation of America on 5G:
The New York Times Gets it Spectacularly Wrong

by Devra Davis, Environmental Health Trust
July 22 2019

When William J. Broad, a Pulitzer-Prize winning New York Times science writer, strangely mangles information on the dangers of 5G, this plays right into the hands of those determined to advance this never-tested technology without serious examination of its long-term impact on human health and the environment.

The recent headline of the NYTimes trumpeted 5G as the “health hazard that isn’t.” Not so fast. A close examination of claims in that article indicates that it is time for a reset on the march to the latest wireless technology as the consequences could not be more monumental.

Ten Corrections to William J. Broad’s
“The 5G Health Hazard That Isn’t” New York Times July 16, 2019

Issued by Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, President, Theodora Scarato, MSW, Executive Director, Environmental Health Trust.

1. First of all, contrary to Broad’s claim, Dr. Curry’s report and graph on wireless radiation risks to children in schools in 2000 were not the central foundation for scientific concerns regarding wireless radiation.

2. In fact, in contradiction to Broad’s assertion, Curry’s graph showing greater absorption with higher frequency of wireless radiation up to 3G was correct and directly applicable to schools.

3. The NYTimes graph on 5G frequencies is wrong, because it incorrectly indicates that 5G devices will start at 3000 MHz (3 GHz), when in fact companies have stated that 5G will use the same frequencies as current cell phones—as low as 600MHz, in addition to higher frequencies.

4. Broad errs in reporting the assertion of radiation physicists that radio waves become “safer” at higher frequencies because human skin purportedly “acts as a barrier.” The skin does not just act as a mirror deflecting the radiation.

5. Contrary to what the NYTimes article asserts, studies find that as RF frequency increases past 10 GHz, the intensity of the rate of absorption does increase, despite the shallow penetration.

6. Contrary to the NYTimes statement, “mainstream scientists continue to see no evidence of harm from cellphone radio waves,” more than 244 experts in the field of bioelectromagnetics have asked the United Nations to call for a moratorium on 5G.

7. Broad neglected to mention industry connections of several of his sources.

8. Broad cites the lack of a marked uptick in brain cancer rates as proof of RF safety. This misunderstands the long latencies for brain cancer and also fails to consider that several other cancers plausibly tied with cellphone use are increasing in young adults.

9. Broad’s article fails to report on a number of major policy efforts to restrict 5G due to concerns about the lack of safety data, including the following developments:

10. Broad refuses to correct the inaccuracies of his articles and the Times persists in demeaning critics and concerned citizens.

Despite ample documentation of the need for corrections, the NYT refuses to correct their misleading and deceptive articles about 5G and cellphone radiation.

Broad’s 5G articles have been picked up by medical platforms and media nationwide, and are invoked as proof of safety by the former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler who is also former Head of the CTIA-The Wireless Association. A 2015 Harvard Report documents how the heavy Congressional lobbying of the multibillion-dollar wireless industry coupled with the revolving door between industry and government has resulted in undue industry influence into the science and policy of wireless radiation.

The NYT article included a belittling graphic showing people fleeing in fear from a cell tower, mocking those who are working for safe neighborhoods and schools and the many nations that reduce children’s exposure and do not permit towers near schools and hospitals, but did not reference a major investigative journalism analysis indicating serious grounds for concern.

Broad tweeted the story with “He was a very bright guy.”

As Senator Patrick Moynihan stated, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” We call upon the New York Times to correct the misinformation.

Note: Louis Slesin of Microwave News also reported on the inaccuracies in the New York Times article at “A Fact-Free Hit on a 5G Critic: Fabricating History on the New York Times Science Desk”.

The 5G Health Hazard That Isn’t” New York Times 7/16/19 July 16, 2019

Curry PhD, Report on Wi-Fi in Schools, February 24, 2000

Curry PhD, Report on Wi-Fi in Schools, September 29, 2000

Devra Davis 2012 Devra Lee Davis, PhD MPH President of Environmental Health Trust, Visiting Professor of Medicine at The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School
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