Article: 871 of From: (dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe) Subject: US petroleum corpse's intervening in North Peru Summary: Aguaruna & Huambisa Peoples of N-eastern Peru threatened by "progress" Keywords: In the Absence of the Sacred there is nothing left but non-existence Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1992 17:30:47 GMT Lines: 249 In the Absence of the Sacred, ALL is Sacrified to the Accumulation Ethic 500 years of genocidal colonization is still actively being pursured by by corp[se] "interests" like Edward Callan Interests & Halliburton Geophysical Services. corporations are legally defined as ficticious persons and, these artificial entities have, over the past 140 years, been accorded more rights legislatively, as well as in the courts, than natural entities like human beings have. this growth of such ficticious entities--that are threatening the sacredness and sanctity of natural life on all fronts around and throughout mother earth--must be halted and turned around: One hundred and twenty representatives of Aguaruna and Huambisa communities gathered in Napuruka on August 4th to meet oil company officials who only agreed to speak to the communities after being pressured by COICA, the Lima-based Coordinating Body of Indigenous Peoples' Organizations of the Amazon Basin. However, the company representatives arrived escorted by the Peruvian Armed Forces and despite four days of desperate pleas from community leaders, indicated they would not change their plans before returning to Lima in an Army helicopter. these "corporate representatives" aren't just "escorted" by the military sectors of our society, the corporations ARE the militaries, the militaries ARE the corporations, and government "authorities" are their legitimizers and expediters. it's no coincidence that the two companies in this story are based in houston. ex-"Houston Post" investigative journalist Pete Brewton's new monumental work "The Mafia, the CIA and George Bush," (ratical article #860) describes in elaborate detail with compelling documentation and sourcing some of the primary originations of the over $900 BILLION SnL industry "draining" during the eighties and how pals like Lloyd Bentsen and bushietail and extremely "well connected" mafia/intelligence/"businessmen" in texas bankrupted america. their "spheres of influence" are going global ever faster with the kind of wealth and capital they've amassed up to this point. will we collectively wake up to recognize their machinations and agendas of "ultimate accumulation" in time to reverse the consequences of the kinds of death process pursuits they are still enabled to carry forward? the story below of the Aguaruna and Huambisa people's of Peru is another classic "textbook" case of the Accumulation Ethic in its final stages. the very earth that has sustained life for billions of years is being blown up, it's interior life-giving force will be violated and extracted, and the people who have loved the earth and nurtured it and lived in harmony with it for millenia are now facing extermination. is this the way WE want to see the world go? if not, how many of you reading this are going to stand up and militantly resist, challenge, oppose, and fight this kind of death-worshipping accumulation madness? the future of ALL is up to each one of us. time is running out. "what to do" you say? ALWAYS remember this: one of the things corp[se]s hate AND FEAR the most is EXPOSURE and A CALLING TO ACCOUNTING FOR THEIR ACTIONS. their power lies in the fact that people don't VOCIFEROUSLY challenge them and RAISE hell anywhere and everywhere they can to expose the indefensible crimes against humanity and ALL LIFE ON EARTH by the corp[se]'s interests. we must ALL raise our voices WHEREVER WE ARE/WHEREVER WE ARE to expose these atrocities. talk this stuff up with anyone and everyone you meet anywhere/anytime you have the opportunity. take personal responsibility for the life sustaining energy the world gives to you and give back to it in kind. push push push 'til this constipated, tired, static, rigid, archaic lowest-possible-evolved mentality gives way to the infinite possibilities of conscious love, compassion, empathy, caring life. -- ratitor from ACTIV-L: Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1992 18:09:14 CDT Sender: Activists Mailing List From: "(Rich Winkel)" Subject: PAX: OIL COMPANY THREAT IN AMAZON To: Multiple recipients of ACTIV-L /** gen.nativenet: 385.0 **/ ** Topic: NEW OIL THREAT IN AMAZON ** ** Written 4:15 pm Oct 18, 1992 by in cdp:gen.nativenet ** From: gnosys!!perezoso (Edward H Hammond III) Subject: NEW OIL THREAT IN AMAZON Original-Sender:!perezoso (Edward H Hammond III) **************************************************************************** NEW OIL COMPANY THREAT IN AMAZON +++++++ -AGUARUNAS AND HUAMBISAS MOVE TO PREVENT DESTRUCTION- **************************************************************************** OCTOBER 15, 1992 The Aguaruna and Huambisa Peoples of Northeastern Peru are threatened with imminent devastation at the hands of US-based petroleum companies. Only in its early stages, the ill-designed exploration and exploitation plan for the Maranon, Santiago, and Nieva River Basins has already provoked a mass outcry from the area's native population. Emir Etsam Nugkuag, an Aguaruna from the community of Napuruka, said on Monday (10/12) "The detonations [for seismic testing] and the clearings being made are scaring away the animals and destroying the resources that our families depend upon to survive." Oil company plans made available in Lima indicate that the exploration will continue with the clearing of roads, helipads, camps, and most likely test and then production wells. Aguaruna and Huambisa leaders fear a repetition of the environmental and human nightmares recently experienced in Ecuador's Oriente. One hundred and twenty representatives of Aguaruna and Huambisa communities gathered in Napuruka on August 4th to meet oil company officials who only agreed to speak to the communities after being pressured by COICA, the Lima-based Coordinating Body of Indigenous Peoples' Organizations of the Amazon Basin. However, the company representatives arrived escorted by the Peruvian Armed Forces and despite four days of desperate pleas from community leaders, indicated they would not change their plans before returning to Lima in an Army helicopter. The companies operating in "Lot 50" (as the land is called by the petroleum industry) are two Houston, Texas, USA based firms, Edward Callan Interests and Halliburton Geophysical Services. Contacted October 12th by Austin, Texas journalist Justin Noble, a Halliburton spokesman refused to even confirm that his company was operating in the zone. Richard Yarbrough, president of Edward Callan Interests, acknowledged his company's presence in Lot 50; but declined to further elaborate on its operations or any plans to address the Aguaruna and Huambisa demands that their land rights be respected and that the environment should not be damaged. This new threat comes on the heels of the recent AIDESEP (Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Amazon) victory preventing Texas Crude Inc. from entering the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve. Etsam Nugkuag, visiting Texas to publicize the impending disaster, said in Austin Wednesday "We know what oil companies have done to other indigenous people and have seen their lands devastated. We will not permit this irresponsible destruction to continue. We have stopped big companies in the past and we can do it again. We ask for the help of the international community to pressure these companies to cease their operations on Aguaruna and Huambisa land." FOR MORE INFORMATION: Edward Hammond (512) 479-8629 e-mail at: (see follow up detailed information message) ADDRESSES: Mr. Richard Yarbrough Mr. George Steel President President Edward Callan Interests Halliburton Geophysical Services 1415 Louisiana, 43rd Floor PO Box 36306 Houston, TX 77002 USA Houston, TX 77236 USA (713) 759-1011 (713) 774-7561 TO CONTACT COICA: COICA Jiron Larco Herrera #1057 Lima 17 PERU fax/phone 011-51-14-619228 ****************************************************************************** AWAJUNTIK KAKAGMAITJI IINA NUGKE AYAMJAKU TUKE DEPETKASHBAUWAITJI !!! We the Aguaruna are heroes defending our territory - we are never defeated !!! ****************************************************************************** Further information regarding oil company plans for "Lot 50": 1) Oil company plans call for a minimum of 135 km of 2 meter wide paths to be cleared along 11 different "seismic lines". Along these paths, engineers plan to detonate charges of up to 10 lbs of TNT as close as 25 meters apart. 2) The charges are placed anywhere along the paths that the engineers dictate, including streambeds, near peoples' homes, near animal populations, in peoples' gardens, and where great trees once stood. 3) Helicopters will operate and helipads will be cleared along the Cordillera de Campanquiz, a particularly biologically rich area where animals are taking refuge from current exploration activities. In the words of the Consejo Aguaruna Huambisa "Do they expect us to just go out and get canned food?" 4) The first road planned as part of the project, a 10km wide road (10km in length, 10m wide) from Chamikar to the Waisim River is in an area already under pressure from colonists. Its construction will cause the permanent loss of that land to colonists, most likely coca cultivators. One Aguaruna leader, Damian Tibijam, has already been killed by colonists while trying to defend Aguaruna territory in Chamikar 5) No guarantees exist to properly house and feed oil company workers. Likewise, none exist to prevent the arrival of prostitution and commercial alcohol sales to cater to newly arrived employees. 6) No independent environmental assessment authority exists, and no practical recourse exists for people whose livlihoods are destroyed by the oil operations. 7) Peruvian law is on the side of of the natives. In particular, Article 123 of the Constitution, and Articles 54, 72, 73, and 76 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Code make clear the Peruvian Government's responsibility to prevent environmental damage and support Aguaruna and Huambisa claims. To date, it has not exercised this authority. 8) International agreements to which Peru is a signatory also support the indigenous cause, notable several sections of the recent Rio de Janiero Declaration 9) Under Texas Law, multinationals with significant operations in Texas may be held liable in civil court for personal damages and injuries caused to foreign nationals by that company's products and/or operations abroad (Dow Chemical vs Domingo Castro Alfaro). FOR MORE INFORMATION: Edward Hammond (512) 479-8629 "" ** End of text from cdp:gen.nativenet ** -- I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. ---Abraham Lincoln (quoted in Jack London's "The Iron Heel")