The following is mirrored from its source at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amalgam Virgo Exercise + Co. The Secret Terror Excercises by ewing 2001 (With editing by the ratitor to enhance readabilty) "We couldn't possibly have known this." "We didn't know that airlines are subject to this kind of attack." It's almost one year after the attack on America and we know that these kinds of statements had been a lie. The CIA and FBI were warned by at least eight secret services and had thirty to forty indices about a possible attack with planes. The FAA had sent out five warnings to the airports about possible hijacks or similar incidents. On August 6, 2001 the CIA delivered a memo to George Bush about a terrorist attack. On August 23 the FBI released an "urgent cable". But the most damning evidence that something was known was the enactment of at least eight to ten bio- or regular terrorist exercises during 2000 and 2001. The last big one took place in June 2001 and another CIA exercise was confirmed for the day of September 11th! "In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings." [1] It was not the only one of its kind. During 2000-2001 the US Government organised various exercises regarding possible terrorist attacks. 1. On Jan. 22, 2000 James Woolsey, ex-CIA director participated in a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) project run as a war-game simulation at its Manhattan headquarters. For the simulation, the CFR enlisted 75 people, including bankers, former Treasury Secretaries, and former State Department officials. Participants were divided into four teams, sent into four rooms, with the ability to communicate with each other and with a command headquarters through the computers. 2. In May 2000 James Woolsey participated in a bioterrorism exercise at Andrews Air Force Base. The Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies, already in collaboration with the ANSER Institute for Homeland Defense, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Study of Terrorism jointly organised this event. Former Senator Sam Nunn played the President. David Gergen played the National Security Advisor. Governor Frank Keating played himself, Frank Wisner was Secretary of State, ex-CIA director James Woolsey (ironically) played CIA Director, John White played Defense Secretary, and Dr. Margaret Hamburg was HHS Secretary. The Attorney General was played by George Terwilliger, William Sessions was FBI Director, and Jerome Hauer played FEMA Director. "One of the striking observations of this exercise was the unfamiliarity of these distinguished and experienced professionals with the basic decisions and trade-offs associated with managing the response to the epidemic." [2] Observant was Tara O'Toole, MD, MPH Senior Fellow, Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies and at that time Deputy Director of Johns Hopkins Institute. This started a series of different "war games." The May 2000 exercise involved key emergency management personnel. The result was named "TOPOFF" -- because of the engagement of top U.S. government officials. The $3 million TOPOFF drill tested the preparedness of top government officials in responding to three simulated terrorist attacks against the United States: a chemical weapons assault in Portsmouth, NH, a nuclear terrorism event in the greater Washington, D.C. area, and a bioweapons attack in Denver, CO. In the fictional scenario, an aerosol of pneumonic plague has previously been released at the Denver Performing Arts Center. The release has gone undetected, so the exercise starts with a hypothetical, unconfirmed attack. [3] 3. From July 12-13, 2000 Woolsey was part of yet another CFR "conference" called "The Next Financial Crisis: Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact." This was played out before a high-powered audience of 250 people, comprised largely of bankers, investors, corporation officials, and policymakers, mostly from the United States, but also from Europe, of the possibility that the U.S. stock market, and potentially the world financial system would undergo a melt down. [4] 4. 5. In June and July 2000, Dr. Thomas Inglesby of Johns Hopkins Institute organised other bioterrorism scenarios in Atlanta and St.Louis called "Public Health Scenario of a Bioterrorism Incident." In three storyboards by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDD), they "confirmed" the bio agent Yersinia pestis (the black plague). [5] 6. On Nov 3, 2000, Don Abbott (Command Emergency Response Training, eFilms) organised a simulated crash on the Pentagon with miniature planes and a model of the Pentagon. "Washington, D.C., Nov. 3, 2000 -- The fire and smoke from the downed passenger aircraft billows from the Pentagon courtyard. Defense Protective Services Police seal the crash sight. Army medics, nurses and doctors scramble to organize aid. An Arlington Fire Department chief dispatches his equipment to the affected areas. Don Abbott, of Command Emergency Response Training, walks over to the Pentagon and extinguishes the flames. The Pentagon was a model and the "plane crash" was a simulated one.... [6] 7. On November 28, 2000 Dr. Inglesby (Hopkins) participated at the Second National Symposium on Bioterrorism. Other guests included Jerry Hauer, Tara O'Toole, Margaret Hamburg, Michael Osterholm and Laurie Garrett. [7] Inglesby's biggest project, however, was Dark Winter. He was the principal designer, author and facilitator of the BioTerror Exercise of June 2001. 8. On June 22-23, 2001, the US government organised their last big scenario before September 11th: Dark Winter. Its focus was a possible smallpox attack. Jerome Hauer (ex-OEM) participated, again playing the director of FEMA. The entire list is still mirrored at: * Dark Winter - A Bioterrorism Exercise Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies, Johns Hopkins University Summary and Participant List Dark Winter Exercise Script (PDF format) Dark Winter Briefing / Slide Presentation Shining Light on Dark Winter: Lessons Learned July 23, 2001 House hearing on Combating Terrorism: Federal Response to a Biological Weapons Attack Shining Light on "Dark Winter" * MIPT - Programs: Dark Winter Oklahoma City National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism * ANSER Institute For Homeland Security - dark winter Among the active participants were, once again, James Woolsey, ex-CIA director, Hon. Sam Nunn, George Terwilliger, etc. Observing, among many others, was Thomas Inglesby, at that time Senior Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Institute. The testimony on Dark Winter was held on July 23 2001 in the U.S. House of Representatives. [8] 9. From a DU ( member, we recently learned about another terrorist exercise at the Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida on June 1-4, 2001. Participants were "members of the 513th Air Control Group deployed to Florida for the Amalgam Virgo cruise missile defense exercise. The multi-service exercise tested the defense and response capabilities to a cruise missile attack on Tyndall Air Force Base." [9] A 35-page PDF document details this event. The source is a June 2001 committee powerpoint slide presentation from the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)'s The Strike, Land Attack and Air Defense Division (SLAAD). [10] The presentation includes disturbing highlights about a possible "terrorist attack" on the USA "based on perceived threats" [emphasis in original], mentions Phoenix Air -- whose Flight School was where the FBI monitored some of the alleged hijackers -- and includes a quote by former DoD Secretary William Cohen: Washington Times, May 29, 2000 Cohen Says Terrorist Threat Is `Real' Defense Secretary William S. Cohen yesterday warned the United States faces a "quite real" threat of a terrorist nuclear, chemical or biological weapon attack on national soil within 10 years. Also on June 18, 2001 a Gulf of Mexico Exercise (GOMEX) terrorist preparedness exercise occured to test "Force Protection Readiness:" "Next time, however, the attack could be for real. But with the training ships participating in Gulf of Mexico Exercise (GOMEX) 01-2 are receiving for the first time, they'll be better prepared to handle just such a scenario in the future. . . . "`I think it's important that we're finally realizing in the Navy that a terrorist threat can happen anywhere and we need to be prepared for it. Force protection is a key part of that,' explained Dallas-native, Lt. Chris Rawley, Commanding Officer, Inshore Boat Unit 15. `An attack could happen anywhere. It could be in Corpus Christi, Oklahoma City or in the Arabian Gulf. We have to be ready anywhere, any time.'" [11] How many more secret terrorist preparation exercises do we have to find before the population of the nation state called United States wakes up? The "Fake Jet Crash Was Planned On 9/11" event [1] cited at the beginning of this article was at least Number 10. Until we are able to establish verifiable answers to the preponderance of unanswered questions surrounding what happened on September 11 2001, and the events that led up to it, there is only one explanation for it: They let it happen on purpose! Ground Zero Ground Zero Forum NYC Footnotes 1. Fake Jet Crash Was Planned On 9/11, Associated Press, New York Press, 23 August 2002 2. Hearing on FEMA's Role in Managing Bioterrorist Attacks and the Impact of Public Health Concerns on Bioterrorism Preparedness 23 July 2001 Testimony of Tara O'Toole, MD, MPH Senior Fellow, Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies The Johns Hopkins University, Schools of Public Health and Medicine, Congressional Testimony, Congress of the United States, U.S. Senate, Government Affairs Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services 3. TOPOFF: A Plague Exercise, Biohazard News, May 2000 4. Searching on on 4 Sept 2002, for the string, "The Next Financial Crisis: Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact", produced a link to, however this directory and all its contents no longer exist. A copy of the cached file still resident on google as of 9/4/02 is available in the linkscopy subdirectory. 5. A CDC 23-page PDF-format file is available at: <> titled, Public Health Scenario of a Bioterrorism Incident, National Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Initiative, Regional Meetings Curiously, searching for either of the first two strings of text characters in the CDC Advanced Search engine with "All of the words" and "ALL" selected, zero results are produced. 6. Military District of Washington - News: Contingency planning Pentagon MASCAL exercise simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies, Story and Photos by Dennis Ryan, MDW News Service local copy of the above: 7. Second National Symposium on Bioterrorism, November 28-29, 2000, Washington D.C. 8. DARK WINTER: Bioterrorism Exercise Nunn, Hamre to Testify on Lessons Learned, July 19, 2001 House hearing on Combating Terrorism: Federal Response to a Biological Weapons Attack July 23, 2001 9. Amalgam Virgo NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command)/Northern Command Exercises, Global 10. Seads Concept Proposal - Amalgam Virgo 01 Scenario : Counter Terrorism, 1-2 June 2001 Combined (Joint) Training for Unconventional Threat PDF format, 35 pages, 3.9 MB local copy of the above: (3.9MB) 11. Mine Warfare Sailors take Force Protection seriously GOMEX 01-2 tests Force Protection Readiness, June 18, 2001, Mine Force News, Mine Warfare Center of Excellence, COMINEWARCOM CORPUS CHRISTI (hypertext) (text only) (print ready)