The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation's premier guardian of liberty,
working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve
the individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution
and laws of the United States.
American Civil Liberties Union
National Headquarters
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400
(212) 549-2500
Officers and Directors
Nadine Strossen
Anthony Romero
Executive Director
Kenneth B. Clark, Chair
National Advisory Council
Richard Zacks
There is no shortage of stories in the media today about the
continuing assault on our privacy. But while the latest
surveillance program or privacy-invading gadget always receives
ample coverage, it is much rarer to find stories that connect
the dots and describe the overall impact on privacy in the
United States. And without that big picture, the importance of
the individual pieces often gets lost.
This new report from the American Civil Liberties Union seeks to
provide greater understanding of how our activities are
increasingly being tracked and recorded, and how all that data
could be drawn together from different sources to create a
single high-resolution image of our private lives.
For decades, the notion of a surveillance society,
where every facet of our private lives is monitored and
recorded, has sounded abstract, paranoid or far-fetched to many
No more! The public's recent introduction to the Pentagon's
Total Information
Awareness project, which seeks to
tie together every facet of our private lives in one big
surveillance scheme, has provided a stunning lesson in the
realities of the new world in which we live. The revelations
about the Total Information Awareness program have given the
public a sudden introduction to the concept of data
surveillance, and an early glimmer of the technological
potential for a surveillance society. It has also confirmed the
national security and law enforcement establishments' hunger for
such surveillance.
Yet too many people still do not understand the danger, do not
grasp just how radical an increase in surveillance by both the
government and the private sector is becoming possible, or do
not see that the danger stems not just from a single government
program, but from a number of parallel developments in the
worlds of technology, law, and politics. In this report, the
ACLU seeks to flesh out these trends, and, by setting down
various developments together in one place, to illuminate the
overall danger and what can be done to eliminate it.
The surveillance monster is getting bigger and stronger by the
day. But the American Civil Liberties Union believes that it is
not too late to build a system of law that can chain it. It is
not too late to take back our data.
Privacy and liberty in the United States are at risk. A
combination of lightning-fast technological innovation and the
erosion of privacy protections threatens to transform Big
Brother from an oft-cited but remote threat into a very real
part of American life. We are at risk of turning into a
Surveillance Society.
The explosion of computers, cameras, sensors, wireless
communication, GPS, biometrics, and other technologies in just
the last 10 years is feeding a surveillance monster that is
growing silently in our midst. Scarcely a month goes by in which
we don't read about some new high-tech way to invade people's
privacy, from face recognition to implantable microchips,
data-mining, DNA chips, and even brain wave
fingerprinting. The fact is, there are no longer any
technical barriers to the Big Brother regime portrayed by
George Orwell.
Even as this surveillance monster grows in power, we are
weakening the legal chains that keep it from trampling our
lives. We should be responding to intrusive new technologies by
building stronger restraints to protect our privacy; instead, we
are doing the opposite -- loosening regulations on government
surveillance, watching passively as private surveillance grows
unchecked, and contemplating the introduction of tremendously
powerful new surveillance infrastructures that will tie all this
information together.
A gradual weakening of our privacy rights has been underway for
decades, but many of the most startling developments have come
in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11. But few of
these hastily enacted measures are likely to increase our
protection against terrorism. More often than not, September 11
has been used as a pretext to loosen constraints that law
enforcement has been chafing under for years.
It doesn't require some apocalyptic vision of American democracy
being replaced by dictatorship to worry about a surveillance
society. There is a lot of room for the United States to become
a meaner, less open and less just place without any radical
change in government. All that's required is the continued
construction of new surveillance technologies and the
simultaneous erosion of privacy protections.
It's not hard to imagine how in the near future we might see
scenarios like the following:
- An African-American man from the central city visits an
affluent white suburb to attend a co-worker's barbeque. Later
that night, a crime takes place elsewhere in the neighborhood.
The police review surveillance camera images, use face
recognition to identify the man, and pay him a visit at home the
next day. His trip to the suburbs where he didn't
belong has earned him an interrogation from suspicious
- A tourist walking through an unfamiliar city
happens upon a sex shop. She stops to gaze at several curious
items in the store's window before moving along. Unbeknownst to
her, the store has set up the newly available Customer
Identification System, which detects a signal being
emitted by a computer chip in her driver's license and records
her identity and the date, time, and duration of her brief look
inside the window. A week later, she gets a solicitation in the
mail mentioning her visit and embarrassing her in
front of her family.
Such possibilities are only the tip of the iceberg. The media
faithfully reports the latest surveillance gadgets and the
latest moves to soften the rules on government spying, but
rarely provides the big picture. That is unfortunate, because
each new threat to our privacy is much more significant as part
of the overall trend than it seems when viewed in isolation.
When these monitoring technologies and techniques are combined,
they can create a surveillance network far more powerful than
any single one would create on its own.
The good news is that these trends can be stopped. As the
American people realize that each new development is part of
this larger story, they will give more and more weight to
protecting privacy, and support the measures we need to preserve
our freedom.
The Growing Surveillance Monster
In the film Minority Report, which takes place in the
United States in the year 2050, people called
Pre-cogs can supposedly predict future crimes, and
the nation has become a perfect surveillance society. The
frightening thing is that except for the psychic Pre-cogs, the
technologies of surveillance portrayed in the film already exist
or are in the pipeline. Replace the Pre-cogs with brain
fingerprinting -- the supposed ability to ferret out
dangerous tendencies by reading brain waves -- and the film's
entire vision no longer lies far in the future. Other new
privacy invasions are coming at us from all directions, from
video and data surveillance to DNA scanning to new
data-gathering gadgets.
Video Surveillance
Surveillance video cameras are rapidly spreading throughout the
public arena. A survey of surveillance cameras in Manhattan, for
example, found that it is impossible to walk around the city
without being recorded nearly every step of the way. And since
September 11 the pace has quickened, with new cameras being
placed not only in some of our most sacred public spaces, such
as the National Mall in Washington and the Statue of Liberty in
New York harbor, but on ordinary public streets all over
Video surveillance may be on the verge of a revolutionary
expansion in American Life.
As common as video cameras have become, there are strong signs
that, without public action, video surveillance may be on the
verge of a revolutionary expansion in American life. There are
three factors propelling this revolution:
- Improved technology. Advances such as the digitization of
video mean cheaper cameras, cheaper transmission of far-flung
video feeds, and cheaper storage and retrieval of images.
- Centralized surveillance. A new centralized surveillance center
in Washington, DC is an early indicator of what technology may
bring. It allows officers to view images from video cameras
across the city -- public buildings and streets, neighborhoods,
Metro stations, and even schools. With the flip of a switch,
officers can zoom in on people from cameras a half-mile away. [1]
- Unexamined assumptions that cameras provide security.
In the
wake of the September 11 attacks, many embraced surveillance as
the way to prevent future attacks and prevent crime. But it is
far from clear how cameras will increase security. U.S.
government experts on security technology, noting that
monitoring video screens is both boring and
mesmerizing, have found in experiments that after only 20
minutes of watching video monitors, the attention of most
individuals has degenerated to well below acceptable
levels. [2]
In addition, studies of cameras' effect on
crime in Britain, where they have been extensively deployed,
have found no conclusive evidence that they have reduced
crime. [3]
These developments are creating powerful momentum toward
pervasive video surveillance of our public spaces. If
centralized video facilities are permitted in Washington and
around the nation, it is inevitable that they will be expanded
-- not only in the number of cameras but also in their power and
ability. It is easy to foresee inexpensive, one-dollar cameras
being distributed throughout our cities and tied via wireless
technology into a centralized police facility where the life of
the city can be monitored. Those video signals could be stored
indefinitely in digital form in giant but inexpensive databases,
and called up with the click of a mouse at any time. With face
recognition, the video records could even be indexed and
searched based on who the systems identify -- correctly, or all
too often, incorrectly.
Several airports around the nation, a handful of cities, and
even the National Park Service at the Statue of Liberty have
installed face recognition. While not nearly reliable enough to
be effective as a security application, [4]
such a system could
still violate the privacy of a significant percentage of the
citizens who appeared before it (as well as the privacy of those
who do not appear before it but are falsely identified as having
done so). Unlike, say, an iris scan, face recognition doesn't
require the knowledge, consent, or participation of the subject;
modern cameras can easily view faces from over 100 yards away.
Further possibilities for the expansion of video surveillance
lie with unmanned aircraft, or drones, which have been used by
the military and the CIA overseas for reconnaissance,
surveillance, and targeting. Controlled from the ground, they
can stay airborne for days at a time. Now there is talk of
deploying them domestically. Senate Armed Services Committee
Chairman John Warner (R, VA) said in December 2002 that he wants
to explore their use in Homeland Security, and a number of
domestic government agencies have expressed interest in
deploying them. Drones are likely to be just one of many ways in
which improving robotics technology will be applied to
surveillance. [5]
It will soon be possible to recreate an individual's activities
with such detail that it becomes no different from being
followed around with a video camera.
The bottom line is that surveillance systems, once installed,
rarely remain confined to their original purpose. Once the
nation decides to go down the path of seeking security through
video surveillance, the imperative to make it work will become
overwhelming, and the monitoring of citizens in public places
will quickly become pervasive.
Data Surveillance
An insidious new type of surveillance is becoming possible that
is just as intrusive as video surveillance -- what we might call
data surveillance. Data surveillance is the
collection of information about an identifiable individual,
often from multiple sources, that can be assembled into a
portrait of that person's activities. [6]
Most computers are
programmed to automatically store and track usage data, and the
spread of computer chips in our daily lives means that more and
more of our activities leave behind data trails. It
will soon be possible to combine information from different
sources to recreate an individual's activities with such detail
that it becomes no different from being followed around all day
by a detective with a video camera.
Some think comprehensive public tracking will make no
difference, since life in public places is not
private in the same way as life inside the home.
This is wrong; such tracking would represent a radical change in
American life. A woman who leaves her house, drives to a store,
meets a friend for coffee, visits a museum, and then returns
home may be in public all day, but her life is still private in
that she is the only one who has an overall view of how she
spent her day. In America, she does not expect that her
activities are being watched or tracked in any systematic way --
she expects to be left alone. But if current trends continue,
it will be impossible to have any contact with the outside world
that is not watched and recorded.
The Commodification of Information
A major factor driving the trend toward data surveillance
forward is the commodification of personal information by
corporations. As computer technology exploded in recent decades,
making it much easier to collect information about what
Americans buy and do, companies came to realize that such data
is often very valuable. The expense of marketing efforts gives
businesses a strong incentive to know as much about consumers as
possible so they can focus on the most likely new customers.
Surveys, sweepstakes questionnaires, loyalty programs and
detailed product registration forms have proliferated in
American life -- all aimed at gathering information about
consumers. Today, any consumer activity that is not being
tracked and recorded is increasingly being viewed by businesses
as money left on the table.
On the Internet, where every mouse click can be recorded, the
tracking and profiling of consumers is even more prevalent. Web
sites can not only track what consumers buy, but what they
look at -- and for how long, and in what order. With the
end of the Dot Com era, personal information has become an even
more precious source of hard cash for those Internet ventures
that survive. And of course Americans use the Internet not just
as a shopping mall, but to research topics of interest, debate
political issues, seek support for personal problems, and many
other purposes that can generate deeply private information
about their thoughts, interests, lifestyles, habits, and
Unlike other medical information, DNA is a unique
combination: both difficult to keep confidential
and extremely revealing about us.
Genetic Privacy
The relentless commercialization of information has also led to
the breakdown of some longstanding traditions, such as
doctor-patient confidentiality. Citizens share some of their
most intimate and embarrassing secrets with their doctors on the
old-fashioned assumption that their conversations are
confidential. Yet those details are routinely shared with
insurance companies, researchers, marketers, and employers. An
insurance trade organization called the Medical Information
Bureau even keeps a centralized medical database with records on
millions of patients. Weak new medical privacy rules will do
little to stop this behavior.
An even greater threat to medical privacy is looming: genetic
information. The increase in DNA analysis for medical testing,
research, and other purposes will accelerate sharply in coming
years, and will increasingly be incorporated into routine health
Unlike other medical information, genetic data is a unique
combination: both difficult to keep confidential and extremely
revealing about us. DNA is very easy to acquire because we
constantly slough off hair, saliva, skin cells and other samples
of our DNA (household dust, for example, is made up primarily of
dead human skin cells). That means that no matter how hard we
strive to keep our genetic code private, we are always
vulnerable to other parties' secretly testing samples of our
DNA. The issue will be intensified by the development of cheap
and efficient DNA chips capable of reading parts of our genetic
Gramm-Leach effectively gives financial institutions permission
to sell their customers' financial data to anyone they choose.
Already, it is possible to send away a DNA sample for analysis.
A testing company called Genelex reports that it has amassed
50,000 DNA samples, many gathered surreptitiously for paternity
testing. You'd be amazed, the company's CEO told
U.S. News & World Report. Siblings have sent in
mom's discarded Kleenex and wax from her hearing aid to resolve
the family rumors. [7]
Not only is DNA easier to acquire than other medical
information, revealing it can also have more profound
consequences. Genetic markers are rapidly being identified for
all sorts of genetic diseases, risk factors, and other
characteristics. None of us knows what time bombs are lurking in
our genomes.
The consequences of increased genetic transparency will likely
- Discrimination by insurers. Health and life insurance
companies could collect DNA for use in deciding who to insure
and what to charge them, with the result that a certain
proportion of the population could become uninsurable. The
insurance industry has already vigorously opposed efforts in
Congress to pass meaningful genetic privacy and discrimination
- Employment discrimination. Genetic workplace testing
is already on the rise, and the courts have heard many cases.
Employers desiring healthy, capable workers will always have an
incentive to discriminate based on DNA -- an incentive that will
be even stronger as long as health insurance is provided through
the workplace.
- Genetic spying. Cheap technology could allow
everyone from schoolchildren to dating couples to nosy neighbors
to routinely check out each other's genetic codes. A likely
high-profile example: online posting of the genetic profiles of
celebrities or politicians.
Financial privacy
Like doctor-patient confidentiality, the tradition of privacy
and discretion by financial institutions has also collapsed;
financial companies today routinely put the details of their
customers' financial lives up for sale.
A big part of the problem is the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
passed by Congress in 1999. Although Gramm-Leach is sometimes described
as a financial privacy law, it created a very weak
privacy standard -- so weak, in fact, that far from protecting
Americans' financial privacy, the law has had the effect of
ratifying the increasing abandonment of customer privacy by
financial companies.
Gramm-Leach effectively gives financial institutions permission
to sell their customers' financial data to anyone they choose.
That includes the date, amount, and recipient of credit card
charges or checks a customer has written; account balances; and
information about the flow of deposits and withdrawals through
an account. Consumers provide a tremendous amount of information
about themselves when they fill out applications to get a loan,
buy insurance, or purchase securities, and companies can also
share that information. In fact, the only information a
financial company may NOT give out about you is your account
Under Gramm-Leach, you get no privacy unless you file complex
paperwork, following a financial institution's precise
instructions before a deadline they set, and repeating the
process for each and every financial service provider who may
have data about you. And it is a process that many companies
intentionally make difficult and cumbersome; few let consumers
opt out of data sharing through a Web site or phone
number, or even provide a self-addressed envelope.
Gramm-Leach is an excellent example of the ways that privacy
protections are being weakened even as the potential for privacy
invasion grows.
New Data-Gathering Technologies
The discovery by businesses of the monetary value of personal
information and the vast new project of tracking the habits of
consumers has been made possible by advances in computers,
databases and the Internet. In the near future, other new
technologies will continue to fill out the mosaic of information
it is possible to collect on every individual. Examples
- Cell phone location data. The government has mandated that
manufacturers make cell phones capable of automatically
reporting their location when an owner dials 911. Of course,
those phones are capable of tracking their location at other
times as well. And in applying the rules that protect the
privacy of telephone records to this location data, the
government is weakening those rules in a way that allows phone
companies to collect and share data about the location and
movements of their customers.
- Biometrics. Technologies that
identify us by unique bodily attributes such as our
fingerprints, faces, iris patterns, or DNA are already being
proposed for inclusion on national ID cards and to identify
airline passengers. Face recognition is spreading. Fingerprint
scanners have been introduced as security or payment mechanisms
in office buildings, college campuses, grocery stores and even
fast-food restaurants. And several companies are working on DNA
chips that will be able to instantly identify individuals by the
DNA we leave behind everywhere we go.
- Black boxes. All cars
built today contain computers, and some of those computers are
being programmed in ways that are not necessarily in the
interest of owners. An increasing number of cars contain devices
akin to the black boxes on aircraft that record
details about a vehicle's operation and movement. Those devices
can tattle on car owners to the police or insurance
investigators. Already, one car rental agency tried to charge a
customer for speeding after a GPS device in the car reported the
transgression back to the company. And cars are just one example
of how products and possessions can be programmed to spy and
inform on their owners.
RFID chips will allow everyday objects to talk to
each other -- or anyone else who is listening.
- RFID chips. RFID chips, which are
already used in such applications as toll-booth speed passes,
emit a short-range radio signal containing a unique code that
identifies each chip. Once the cost of these chips falls to a
few pennies each, plans are underway to affix them to products
in stores, down to every can of soup and tube of toothpaste.
They will allow everyday objects to talk to each
other -- or to anyone else who is listening. For example, they
could let market researchers scan the contents of your purse or
car from five feet away, or let police officers scan your
identification when they pass you on the street.
- Implantable GPS chips. Computer chips that can record and
broadcast their location have also been developed. In addition
to practical uses such as building them into shipping
containers, they can also serve as location bugs
when, for example, hidden by a suspicious husband in a wife's
purse. And they can be implanted under the skin (as can RFID
If we do not act to reverse the current trend, data surveillance
-- like video surveillance -- will allow corporations or the
government to constantly monitor what individual Americans do
every day. Data surveillance would cover everyone, with
records of every transaction and activity squirreled away until
they are sucked up by powerful search engines, whether as part
of routine security checks, a general sweep for suspects in an
unsolved crime, or a program of harassment against some future
Martin Luther King.
Government Surveillance
Data surveillance is made possible by the growing ocean of
privately collected personal data. But who would conduct that
surveillance? There are certainly business incentives for doing
so; companies called data aggregators (such as Acxiom and
ChoicePoint) are in the business of compiling detailed databases
on individuals and then selling that information to others.
Although these companies are invisible to the average person,
data aggregation is an enormous, multi-billion-dollar industry.
Some databases are even co-ops where participants
agree to contribute data about their customers in return for the
ability to pull out cross-merchant profiles of customers'
The biggest threat to privacy, however, comes from the
government. Many Americans are naturally concerned about
corporate surveillance, but only the government has the power to
take away liberty -- as has been demonstrated starkly by the
post-September 11 detention of suspects without trial as
enemy combatants.
In addition, the government has unmatched power to centralize
all the private sector data that is being generated. In fact,
the distinction between government and private-sector privacy
invasions is fading quickly. The Justice Department, for
example, reportedly has an $8 million contract with data
aggregator ChoicePoint that allows government agents to tap into
the company's vast database of personal information on
individuals. [8]
Although the Privacy Act of 1974 banned the
government from maintaining information on citizens who are not
the targets of investigations, the FBI can now evade that
requirement by simply purchasing information that has been
collected by the private sector. Other proposals -- such as the
Pentagon's Total
Information Awareness project and
airline passenger profiling programs -- would institutionalize
government access to consumer data in even more far-reaching
ways (see below).
Government Databases
The government's access to personal information begins with the
thousands of databases it maintains on the lives of Americans
and others. For instance:
- The FBI maintains a giant database that contains millions of
records covering everything from criminal records to stolen
boats and databases with millions of computerized fingerprints
and DNA records.
- The Treasury Department runs a database
that collects financial information reported to the government
by thousands of banks and other financial institutions.
- A new hires database maintained by the Department of
Health and Human Services, which contains the name, address,
social security number, and quarterly wages of every working
person in the U.S.
- The federal Department of Education
maintains an enormous information bank holding years worth of
educational records on individuals stretching from their primary
school years through higher education. After September 11,
Congress gave the FBI permission to access the database without
probable cause.
- State departments of motor vehicles of
course possess millions of up-to-date files containing a variety
of personal data, including photographs of most adults living in
the United States.
The distinction between government and private- sector privacy
invasions is fading quickly.
Communications Surveillance
The government also performs an increasing amount of
eavesdropping on electronic communications. While technologies
like telephone wiretapping have been around for decades, today's
technologies cast a far broader net. The FBI's controversial
Carnivore program, for example, is supposed to be
used to tap into the e-mail traffic of a particular individual.
Unlike a telephone wiretap, however, it doesn't cover just one
device but (because of how the Internet is built) filters
through all the traffic on the Internet Service Provider
to which it has been attached. The only thing keeping the
government from trolling through all this traffic is software
instructions that are written by the government itself. (Despite
that clear conflict of interest, the FBI has refused to allow
independent inspection and oversight of the device's operation.)
Another example is the international eavesdropping program
codenamed Echelon. Operated by a partnership consisting of the
United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand,
Echelon reportedly grabs e-mail, phone calls, and other
electronic communications from its far-flung listening posts
across most of the earth. (U.S. eavesdroppers are not supposed
to listen in on the conversations of Americans, but the question
about Echelon has always been whether the intelligence agencies
of participating nations can set up reciprocal, back-scratching
arrangements to spy on each others' citizens.) Like Carnivore,
Echelon may be used against particular targets, but to do so its
operators must sort through massive amounts of information about
potentially millions of people. That is worlds away from the
popular conception of the old wiretap where an FBI agent listens
to one line. Not only the volume of intercepts but the potential
for abuse is now exponentially higher.
The Patriot Act
The potential for the abuse of surveillance powers has also
risen sharply due to a dramatic post-9/11 erosion of legal
protections against government surveillance of citizens. Just
six weeks after the September 11 attacks, a panicked Congress
passed the USA PATRIOT
Act, an overnight revision of
the nation's surveillance laws that vastly expanded the
government's authority to spy on its own citizens and reduced
checks and balances on those powers, such as judicial oversight.
The government never demonstrated that restraints on
surveillance had contributed to the attack, and indeed much of
the new legislation had nothing to do with fighting terrorism.
Rather, the bill represented a successful use of the terrorist
attacks by the FBI to roll back unwanted checks on its power.
The most powerful provisions of the law allow for:
- Easy access to records. Under
the PATRIOT Act, the FBI can
force anyone to turn over records on their customers or clients,
giving the government unchecked power to rifle through
individuals' financial records, medical histories, Internet
usage, travel patterns, or any other records. Some of the most
invasive and disturbing uses permitted by the Act involve
government access to citizens' reading habits from libraries and
bookstores. The FBI does not have to show suspicion of a crime,
can gag the recipient of a search order from disclosing the
search to anyone, and is subject to no meaningful judicial
- Expansion of the pen register
exception in wiretap law.
expands exceptions to the normal requirement for
probable cause in wiretap law. [9]
As with its new power to search records, the FBI need not show
probable cause or even reasonable suspicion of criminal
activity, and judicial oversight is essentially nil.
- Expansion of the intelligence exception in wiretap law.
also loosens the evidence needed by the government
to justify an intelligence wiretap or physical search.
Previously the law allowed exceptions to the
Amendment for these kinds of searches only if the purpose of
the search was to gather foreign intelligence. But the Act
changes the purpose to a significant
purpose, which lets the government circumvent the
Constitution's probable cause requirement even when its main
goal is ordinary law enforcement. [10]
- More secret searches.
Except in rare cases, the law has always required that the
subject of a search be notified that a search is taking place.
Such notice is a crucial check on the government's power because
it forces the authorities to operate in the open and allows the
subject of searches to challenge their validity in court. But
allows the government to conduct searches
without notifying the subjects until long after the search has
been executed.
Under these changes and other authorities asserted by the Bush
Administration, U.S. intelligence agents could conduct a secret
search of an American citizen's home, use evidence found there
to declare him an enemy combatant, and imprison him
without trial. The courts would have no chance to review these
decisions -- indeed, they might never even find out about
them. [11]
The TIPS Program
In the name of fighting terrorism, the Bush Administration has
also proposed a program that would encourage citizens to spy on
each other. The Administration initially planned to recruit
people such as letter carriers and utility technicians, who, the
White House said, are well-positioned to recognize unusual
events. In the face of fierce public criticism, the
Administration scaled back the program, but continued to enlist
workers involved in certain key industries. In November 2002
Congress included a provision in the Homeland Security Act
prohibiting the Bush Administration from moving forward with
Attorney General John Ashcroft issued new guide- lines that
significantly increase the freedom of federal agents to conduct
surveillance on Americans.
Although Congress killed TIPS, the fact that the Administration
would pursue such a program reveals a disturbing disconnect with
American values and a disturbing lack of awareness of the
history of governmental abuses of power. Dividing citizen from
citizen by encouraging mutual suspicion and reporting to the
government would dramatically increase the government's power by
extending surveillance into every nook and cranny of American
society. Such a strategy was central to the Soviet Union and
other totalitarian regimes.
Loosened Domestic Spying Regulations
In May 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft issued new
guidelines on domestic spying that significantly increase the
freedom of federal agents to conduct surveillance on American
individuals and organizations. Under the new guidelines, FBI
agents can infiltrate any event that is open to the
public, from public meetings and demonstrations to
political conventions to church services to 12-step programs.
This was the same basis upon which abuses were carried out by
the FBI in the 1950s and 1960s, including surveillance of
political groups that disagreed with the government, anonymous
letters sent to the spouses of targets to try to ruin their
marriages, and the infamous campaign against Martin Luther King,
who was investigated and harassed for decades. The new
guidelines are purely for spying on Americans; there is a
separate set of Foreign Guidelines that cover investigations
inside the U.S. of foreign powers and terrorist organizations
such as Al Qaeda.
Like the TIPS program, Ashcroft's guidelines sow suspicion among
citizens and extend the government's surveillance power into the
capillaries of American life. It is not just the reality of
government surveillance that chills free expression and the
freedom that Americans enjoy. The same negative effects come
when we are constantly forced to wonder whether we might
be under observation -- whether the person sitting next to us is
secretly informing the government that we are
The Synergies of Surveillance
Multiple surveillance techniques added together are greater than
the sum of their parts. One example is face recognition, which
combines the power of computerized software analysis, cameras,
and data-bases to seek matches between facial images. But the
real synergies of surveillance come into play with data
The growing piles of data being collected on Americans represent
an enormous invasion of privacy, but our privacy has actually
been protected by the fact that all this information still
remains scattered across many different databases. As a result,
there exists a pent-up capacity for surveillance in American
life today -- a capacity that will be fully realized if the
government, landlords, employers, or other powerful forces gain
the ability to draw together all this information. A
particular piece of data about you -- such as the fact that you
entered your office at 10:29 AM on July 5, 2001 -- is normally
innocuous. But when enough pieces of that kind of data are
assembled together, they add up to an extremely detailed and
intrusive picture of an individual's life and habits.
Data Profiling and Total Information Awareness
Just how real this scenario is has been demonstrated by another
ominous surveillance plan to emerge from the effort against
terrorism: the Pentagon's
Total Information
Awareness program. The aim of this program is to give
officials easy, unified access to every possible government and
commercial database in the world. [12]
According to program
director John Poindexter, the program's goal is to develop
ultra-large-scale database technologies with the
goal of treating the world-wide, distributed, legacy
databases as if they were one centralized database. The
program envisions a full-coverage database containing all
information relevant to identifying potential terrorists
and their supporters. As we have seen, the amount of available
information is mushrooming by the day, and will soon be rich
enough to reveal much of our lives.
Programs like TIA involve turning the defense capabilities of
the United States inward and applying them to American people.
TIA program,
which is run by the
Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA), not only seeks to bring together the
oceans of data that are already being collected on people, but
would be designed to afford what DARPA calls easy future
scaling to embrace new sources of data as they become
available. It would also incorporate other work being done by
the military, such as their Human Identification at a
Distance program, which seeks to allow identification and
tracking of people from a distance, and therefore without their
permission or knowledge. [13]
Although it has not received nearly as much media attention, a
close cousin of TIA is also being created in the context of
airline security. This plan involves the creation of a system
for conducting background checks on individuals who wish to fly
and then separating out either those who appear to be the most
trustworthy passengers (proposals known as trusted
traveler) or flagging the least trustworthy (a proposal
known as CAPS II, for Computer Assisted Passenger Screening) for
special attention.
The Washington Post has reported that work is being done
on CAPS II with the goal of creating a vast air security
screening system designed to instantly pull together every
passenger's travel history and living arrangements, plus a
wealth of other personal and demographic information in
the hopes that the authorities will be able to profile
passenger activity and intuit obscure clues about potential
threats. The government program would reportedly draw on
enormous stores of personal information from data aggregators
and other sources, including travel records, real estate
histories, personal associations, credit card records, and
telephone records. Plans call for using complex computer
algorithms, including highly experimental technologies such as
neural networks, to sort through the reams of new
personal information and identify suspicious
people. [14]
The dubious premise of programs like TIA and CAPS II -- that
terrorist patterns can be ferreted out from the
enormous mass of American lives, many of which will inevitably
be quirky, eccentric, or riddled with suspicious coincidences --
probably dooms them to failure. But failure is not likely to
lead these programs to be shut down -- instead, the government
will begin feeding its computers more and more personal
information in a vain effort to make the concept work. We will
then have the worst of both worlds: poor security and a
super-charged surveillance tool that would destroy Americans'
privacy and threaten our freedom.
It is easy to imagine these systems being expanded in the future
to share their risk assessments with other security systems. For
example, CAPS could be linked to a photographic database and
surveillance cameras equipped with face recognition software.
Such a system might sound an alarm when a subject who has been
designated as suspicious appears in public. The
Suspicious Citizen could then be watched from a centralized
video monitoring facility as he moves around the city.
In short, the government is working furiously to bring disparate
sources of information about us together into one view, just as
privacy advocates have been warning about for years. That would
represent a radical branching off from the centuries-old
Anglo-American tradition that the police conduct surveillance
only where there is evidence of involvement in wrongdoing. It
would seek to protect us by monitoring everyone for signs
of wrongdoing -- in short, by instituting a giant dragnet
capable of sifting through the personal lives of Americans in
search of suspicious patterns. The potential for
abuse of such a system is staggering.
The massive defense research capabilities of the United States
have always involved the search for ways of outwardly defending
our nation. Programs like TIA [15]
involve turning those
capabilities inward and applying them to the American people --
something that should be done, if at all, only with extreme
caution and plenty of public input, political debate, checks and
balances, and Congressional oversight. So far, none of those
things have been present with TIA or CAPS II.
National ID Cards
If Americans allow it, another convergence of surveillance
technologies will probably center around a national ID card. A
national ID would immediately combine new technologies such as
biometrics and RFID chips along with an enormously powerful
database (possibly distributed among the 50 states). Before
long, it would become an overarching means of facilitating
surveillance by allowing far-flung pools of information to be
pulled together into a single, incredibly rich dossier or
profile of our lives. Before long, office buildings, doctors'
offices, gas stations, highway tolls, subways and buses would
incorporate the ID card into their security or payment systems
for greater efficiency, and data that is currently scattered and
disconnected will get organized around the ID and lead to the
creation of what amounts to a national database of sensitive
information about American citizens.
History has shown that databases created for one purpose are
almost inevitably expanded to other uses; Social Security, which
was prohibited by federal law from being used as an identifier
when it was first created, is a prime example. Over time, a
national ID database would inevitably contain a wider and wider
range of information and become accessible to more and more
people for more and more purposes that are further and further
removed from its original justification.
The most likely route to a national ID is through our driver's
The most likely route to a national ID is through our driver's
licenses. Since September 11, the American Association of Motor
Vehicle Administrators has been forcefully lobbying Congress for
funds to establish nationwide uniformity in the design and
content of driver's licenses -- and more importantly, for
tightly interconnecting the databases that lie behind the
physical licenses themselves.
An attempt to retrofit driver's licenses into national ID cards
will launch a predictable series of events bringing us toward a
surveillance society:
- Proponents will promise that the IDs will be implemented in
limited ways that won't devastate privacy and other liberties.
- Once a limited version of the proposals is put in place, its
limits as an anti-terrorism measure will quickly become
apparent. Like a dam built halfway across a river, the IDs
cannot possibly be effective unless their coverage is total.
- The scheme's ineffectiveness -- starkly demonstrated,
perhaps, by a new terrorist attack -- will create an
overwhelming imperative to fix and
complete it, which will turn it into the
totalitarian tool that proponents promised it would never
A perfect example of that dynamic is the requirement that
travelers present driver's licenses when boarding airplanes,
instituted after the explosion (now believed to have been
mechanical in cause) that brought down TWA Flight 800 in 1996.
On its own, the requirement was meaningless as a security
measure, but after September 11 its existence quickly led to
calls to begin tracking and identifying citizens on the theory
that we already have to show ID, we might as well make it
mean something.
Once in place, it is easy to imagine how national IDs could be
combined with an RFID chip to allow for convenient,
at-a-distance verification of ID. The IDs could then be tied to
access control points around our public places, so that the
unauthorized could be kept out of office buildings, apartments,
public transit, and secure public buildings. Citizens with
criminal records, poor CAPS ratings or low incomes could be
barred from accessing airports, sports arenas, stores, or other
facilities. Retailers might add RFID readers to find out exactly
who is browsing their aisles, gawking at their window displays
from the sidewalk or passing by without looking. A network of
automated RFID listening posts on the sidewalks and roads could
even reveal the location of all citizens at all times. Pocket ID
readers could be used by FBI agents to sweep up the identities
of everyone at a political meeting, protest march, or Islamic
prayer service.
If we do not take steps to control and regulate surveillance to
bring it into conformity with our values, we will find ourselves
being tracked, analyzed, profiled, and flagged in our daily
lives to a degree we can scarcely imagine today. We will be
forced into an impossible struggle to conform to the letter of
every rule, law, and guideline, lest we create ammunition for
enemies in the government or elsewhere. Our transgressions will
become permanent Scarlet Letters that follow us throughout our
lives, visible to all and used by the government, landlords,
employers, insurance companies and other powerful parties to
increase their leverage over average people. Americans will not
be able to engage in political protest or go about their daily
lives without the constant awareness that we are -- or could be
-- under surveillance. We will be forced to constantly ask of
even the smallest action taken in public, Will this make
me look suspicious? Will this hurt my chances for future
employment? Will this reduce my ability to get insurance?
The exercise of free speech will be chilled as Americans become
conscious that their every word may be reported to the
government by FBI infiltrators, suspicious fellow citizens or an
Internet Service Provider.
Our transgressions will become permanent Scarlet Letters visible
to all and used by the powerful to increase their leverage over
average people.
Many well-known commentators like Sun Microsystems CEO Scott
McNealy have already pronounced privacy dead. The truth is that
a surveillance society does loom over us, and privacy, while not
yet dead, is on life support.
Heroic measures are required to save it.
Four main goals need to be attained to prevent this dark
potential from being realized: a change in the terms of the
debate, passage of comprehensive privacy laws, passage of new
laws to regulate the powerful and invasive new technologies that
have and will continue to appear, and a revival of the
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
- Changing the Terms of the Debate
In the public debates over every new surveillance technology,
the forest too often gets lost for the trees, and we lose sight
of the larger trend: the seemingly inexorable movement toward a
surveillance society. It will always be important to understand
and publicly debate every new technology and every new technique
for spying on people. But unless each new development is also
understood as just one piece of the larger surveillance mosaic
that is rapidly being constructed around us, Americans are not
likely to get excited about a given incremental loss of privacy
like the tracking of cars through toll booths or the growing
practice of tracking consumers' supermarket purchases.
We are being confronted with fundamental choices about what sort
of society we want to live in. But unless the terms of the
debate are changed to focus on the forest instead of individual
trees, too many Americans will never even recognize the choice
we face, and a decision against preserving privacy will be made
by default.
- Comprehensive Privacy Laws
Although broad-based protections against government
surveillance, such as the wiretap laws, are being weakened, at
least they exist. But surveillance is increasingly being carried
out by the private sector -- frequently at the behest of
government -- and the laws protecting Americans against
non-governmental privacy invasions are pitifully weak.
In contrast to the rest of the developed world, the U.S. has no
strong, comprehensive law protecting privacy -- only a patchwork
of largely inadequate protections. For example, as a result of
many legislators' discomfort over the disclosure of Judge Robert
Bork's video rental choices during his Supreme Court
confirmation battle, video records are now protected by a strong
privacy law. Medical records are governed by a separate, far
weaker law that allows for wide-spread access to extremely
personal information. Financial data is governed by yet another
privacy law -- Gramm-Leach -- which as we have seen
really amounts to a license to share financial information.
Another law protects only the privacy of children under age 13
on the Internet. And layered on top of this sectoral approach to
privacy by the federal government is a geographical patchwork of
constitutional and statutory privacy protections in the states.
We are being confronted with fundamental choices about what sort
of society we want to live in.
The patchwork approach to privacy is grossly inadequate. As
invasive practices grow, Americans will face constant
uncertainty about when and how these complex laws protect them,
contributing to a pervasive sense of insecurity. With the
glaring exception of the United States, every advanced
industrialized nation in the world has enacted overarching
privacy laws that protect citizens against private-sector
abuses. When it comes to this fundamental human value, the U.S.
is an outlaw nation. For example, the European Union bars
companies from evading privacy rules by transferring personal
information to other nations whose data-protection policies are
inadequate. That is the kind of law that is usually
applied to Third World countries, but the EU counts the United
States in this category.
We need to develop a baseline of simple and clear privacy
protections that crosses all sectors of our lives and give it
the force of law. Only then can Americans act with a confident
knowledge of when they can and cannot be monitored.
- New Technologies and New Laws
The technologies of surveillance are developing at the speed of
light, but the body of law that protects us is stuck back in the
Stone Age. In the past, new technologies that threatened our
privacy, such as telephone wiretapping, were assimilated over
time into our society. The legal system had time to adapt and
reinterpret existing laws, the political system had time to
consider and enact new laws or regulations, and the culture had
time to absorb the implications of the new technology for daily
life. Today, however, change is happening so fast that none of
this adaptation has time to take place -- a problem that is
being intensified by the scramble to enact unexamined
anti-terrorism measures. The result is a significant danger that
surveillance practices will become entrenched in American life
that would never be accepted if we had more time to digest
Since a comprehensive privacy law may never be passed in the
U.S. -- and certainly not in the near future -- law and legal
principles must be developed or adapted to rein in particular
new technologies such as surveillance cameras, location-tracking
devices, and biometrics. Surveillance cameras, for example, must
be subject to force-of-law rules covering important details like
when they will be used, how long images will be stored, and when
and with whom they will be shared.
- Reviving the
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures,
shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.
Amendment, the primary Constitutional bulwark against
Government invasion of our privacy, was a direct response to the
British authorities' use of general warrants to
conduct broad searches of the rebellious colonists.
Historically, the courts have been slow to adapt the
Amendment to the realities of developing technologies. It took
almost 40 years for the U.S. Supreme Court to recognize that the
Constitution applies to the wiretapping of telephone
conversations. [16]
In recent years -- in no small part as the result of the failed
war on drugs --
Amendment principles have
been steadily eroding. The circumstances under which police and
other government officials may conduct warrantless searches has
been rapidly expanding. The courts have allowed for increased
surveillance and searches on the nation's highways and at our
borders (the legal definition of which actually
extends hundreds of miles inland from the actual border). And
despite the Constitution's plain language covering
persons and effects, the courts have
increasingly allowed for warrantless searches when we are
outside of our homes and in public. Here the courts
have increasingly found we have no reasonable
expectation of privacy and that therefore the Fourth
Amendment does not apply.
But like other Constitutional provisions, the
Amendment needs to be understood in contemporary terms. New technologies
are endowing the government with the 21 st Century equivalent of
Superman's X-ray vision. Using everything from powerful video
technologies that can literally see in the dark, to biometric
identification techniques like face recognition, to brain
fingerprinting that can purportedly read our thoughts, the
government is now capable of conducting broad searches of our
persons and effects while we are going about our
daily lives -- even while we are in public.
Amendment is in desperate need of a revival. The
reasonable expectation of privacy cannot be defined by the power
that technology affords the government to spy on us. Since that
power is increasingly limitless, the reasonable
expectation standard will leave our privacy dead indeed.
But all is not yet lost. There is some reason for hope. In an
important pre-9/11 case, Kyllo vs. U.S., [17]
the Supreme
Court held that the reasonable expectation of privacy could not
be determined by the power of new technologies. In a remarkable
opinion written by conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, the
Court held that without a warrant the police could not use a new
thermal imaging device that searches for heat sources to conduct
what was the functional equivalent of a warrantless search for
marijuana cultivation in Danny Kyllo's home.
The Court specifically declined to leave Kyllo at the
mercy of advancing technology. While Kyllo involved a
search of a home, it enunciates an important principle: the
Amendment must adapt to new technologies. That principle
can and should be expanded to general use. The Framers never
expected the Constitution to be read exclusively in terms of the
circumstances of 1791.
Jess Bravin,
Washington Police to Play `I Spy' With
Cameras, Raising Concerns, Wall Street Journal, Feb. 13, 2002.
The success rate
of face recognition technology has been
dismal. The many independent findings to that effect include a
trial conducted by the U.S. military in 2002, which found that
with a reasonably low false-positive rate, the technology had
less than a 20% chance of successfully identifying a person in
its database who appeared before the camera. See,
17th slide.
Richard H.P. Sia, Pilotless
Aircraft Makers Seek Role
For Domestic Uses, CongressDaily, December 17, 2002.
Data surveillance
is often loosely referred to as data
mining. Strictly speaking, however, data mining refers to
the search for hidden patterns in large, pre-existing
collections of data (such as the finding that sales of both beer
and diapers rise on Friday nights). Data mining need not involve
personally identifiable information. Data surveillance, on the
other hand, involves the collection of information about an
identifiable individual. Note, however, that when data
surveillance is carried out on a mass scale, a search for
patterns in people's activities -- data mining -- can then be
conducted as well. This is what appears to be contemplated in
the Total Information
Awareness and CAPS II programs (see
Dana Hawkins, As DNA Banks
Quietly Multiply, Who is Guarding the Safe?
U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 2, 2002.
Glenn R. Simpson, Big
Brother-in-Law: If the FBI Hopes to Get The Goods on You,
It May Ask ChoicePoint Wall Street Journal, April 13, 2001.
The expanded exception involves what are
called pen register/trap & trace warrants that collect
addressing informa-tion but not the content of a
communication. Those searches are named after devices that were
used on telephones to show a list of telephone numbers dialed
and received (as opposed to tapping into actual conversations).
expands the pen register exception onto the
Internet in ways that will probably be used by the government to
collect the actual content of communications and that allow
nonspecific nationwide warrants in violation of the
Amendment's explicit requirement that warrants must
specify the place to be searched.
In August, the secret
FISA court that oversees
domestic intelligence spying released an opinion rejecting a
Bush Administration attempt to allow criminal prosecutors to use
intelligence warrants to evade the
Amendment entirely.
The court noted that agents applying for warrants had regularly
filed false and misleading information. In November 2002,
however, the FISA appeals court (three judges chosen by Supreme
Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist), meeting for the first
time ever, ruled in favor of the government.
See Charles Lane, In Terror War, 2nd Track for
Suspects, Washington Post, December 1, 2002. Online at
See Pentagon Plans
a Computer System That Would Peek at
Personal Data of Americans, New York Times, Nov. 9, 2002;
US Hopes to Check Computers Globally, Washington
Post, Nov. 12, 2002; The Poindexter Plan, National
Journal, Sept. 7, 2002.
Quotes are from the TIA homepage at
and from public 8/2/02 remarks by Poindexter, online at
Robert O'Harrow Jr., Intricate
Screening Of Fliers In Works, Washington Post,
Feb. 1, 2002, p. A1.
The TIA is just one
part of a larger post-9/11 expansion of
federal research and development efforts. The budget for
military R&D spending alone has been increased by 18% in the
current fiscal year to a record $58.8 billion. Bob Davis,
Massive Federal R&D Initiative To Fight Terror Is Under
Way, Wall Street Journal, November 25, 2002.
In 1967 the Supreme Court
finally recognized the right to
privacy in telephone conversations in the case Katz v. U.S.
(389 US 347), reversing the 1928 opinion Olmstead v. U.S. (277
US 438).
190 F.3d 1041, 2001.
Copyright © 2003 American Civil Liberties Union
Reprinted for Fair Use Only.