Courts Reject Bush Policies on "Enemy Combatants"

     by Paul Wolf, 19 December 2003

     Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 09:45:44 -0500 From: Paul Wolf
     From: Paul Wolf <>
     Subject: Courts Reject Bush Policies on "Enemy Combatants"


       1. Courts affirm rights of terror suspects
          Judges reject Bush policies on prisoners in Cuba and US

       2. Appellate rulings: Bush administration terror suspects belong
          in U.S. courts

       3. US court delivers blow to Guantanamo policy

       4. Excerpt: Gherebi v. Bush Decision

       5. Guantanamo hearing delayed - Defense lawyers object to search

       6. Lower court ruling of Gherebi v. Bush that was remanded


     Yesterday's two stunning decisions are online:

        * Gherebi v. Bush (Guantanamo prisoners) in pdf format
        * Padilla v. Rumsfeld (in PDF format; found at
 by entering Docket
          number "03-2235")

     The 9th Circuit in Gherebi seems to have done an end run around
     the US Supreme Court, which is scheduled to hear oral arguments in
     another Guantanamo detainee case, Al Odah et al v US, next month.
     However, in Al Odah the petitioners deny being members of the
     Taliban or "Al Qaida", while the 9th Circuit decision would apply
     to all Guantanamo detainees.

     The question presented before the SC is whether the detainees may
     challenge their status as enemy combatants. The 9th Circuit held
     that all of the detainees, even Taliban and "Al Qaida" members,
     have the right to lawyers and to have their habeas corpus
     petitions heard in a federal court.

     That's not to say the Supreme Court can't issue a broader ruling
     reaching all the detainees - maybe the 9th Circuit will have
     pushed them to do it.

     The Gherebi opinion focusses on the terms of the lease agreement
     with Cuba, and tries to define "sovereignty" and "ultimate
     sovereignty" using various dictionary definitions. The dissent
     (and governement) argue that the situation is comparable to the
     treatment of German POW's after WWII (the Eisentrager case).
     Unfortunately, those POW's weren't released until 1951. By that
     time, much of Germany had already been rebuilt. Unfortunately for
     the Afghans, there is no end in sight to a war that is already 25
     years old.

     - Paul

     Courts affirm rights of terror suspects
     Judges reject Bush policies on prisoners in Cuba and U.S.
     by Reynolds Holding, The San Francisco Chronicle, 19 December 2003

     Two federal appeals courts ruled Thursday that the Bush
     administration overstepped its bounds in detaining suspected
     terrorists, issuing decisions that favored key civil liberties
     over the power of the government in the post-Sept. 11 legal era.

     The decisions, issued separately by U.S. courts of appeal in San
     Francisco and New York, are significant rebukes to the
     administration's hard-line approach in combatting terrorism and
     affirm the rights of both foreigners and American citizens
     considered suspect by the government.

     In one case, judges in New York ruled 2-1 that President Bush does
     not have the power to order that a U.S. citizen captured in this
     country be held indefinitely as an enemy combatant. The panel
     ordered Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to release Jose Padilla
     -- the so-called dirty bomb suspect -- from a Navy brig in
     Charleston, S.C., within 30 days and then turn him over for
     possible prosecution in a federal court with all the legal rights
     of a U.S. citizen.

     Padilla was detained in Chicago 18 months ago on suspicion of
     plotting to detonate a radioactive bomb in the country and
     receiving explosives training from the al Qaeda network, but he
     has not been charged with a crime.

     Hours later in San Francisco, federal judges ruled 2-1 that the
     administration's policy of imprisoning about 660 non-citizens on a
     naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, without access to U.S. legal
     protections "raises the gravest concerns under both American and
     international law."

     Overshadowing that ruling is the U.S. Supreme Court's decision
     last month to review a case that upheld the Bush policy, which
     denies court access to the prisoners at the base. Whatever the
     high court rules will be the final word, though that did not stop
     human-rights advocates from praising Thursday's opinion.

     "It reaffirms the courts' critical role in providing a check on
     unilateral presidential power," said Lucas Guttentag, head of the
     national American Civil Liberties Union's immigrants' rights
     project in Oakland. "That role is especially important in times of
     national crisis."

     But a U.S. Justice Department spokesman sounded unfazed.

     "Our position that U.S. courts have no jurisdiction over non-U.S.
     citizens being held in military control abroad is based on
     long-standing Supreme Court precedent,'' said Mark Corallo,
     director of public affairs for the department.

     Corallo did not say what the department will do next, but legal
     experts see two options. One would be to ask the San Francisco
     court to rehear the case. The other, more likely course would be
     to ask the Supreme Court to put the decision on hold and either
     review it or dispose of it consistent with the outcome of the
     cases now before the justices. If the Justice Department does
     nothing, the case would go back to U.S. District Court in Los
     Angeles for a hearing on the merits.

     The decision by the San Francisco judges came down to the issue of
     whether the naval base at Guantanamo is U.S. territory. If it is,
     American courts have jurisdiction to hear the prisoners'
     complaints that they are being held in violation of the U.S.
     Constitution and the Geneva conventions. If the base is not U.S.
     territory, as the Justice Department argued, then the prisoners
     essentially have no right to complain, a position that the federal
     appeals court in San Francisco found untenable.

     "We simply cannot accept the government's position,'' wrote Judge
     Stephen Reinhardt for the court's majority, "that the executive
     branch possesses the unchecked authority to imprison indefinitely
     any persons, foreign citizens included, on territory under the
     sole jurisdiction and control of the United States, without
     permitting such prisoners recourse of any kind to any judicial
     forum, or even access to counsel, regardless of the length or
     manner of their confinement."

     The case came before the appellate court on a petition filed in
     U.S. District Court in Los Angeles by the brother of Faren
     Gherebi, who was captured by American forces in Afghanistan and,
     along with hundreds of citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan,
     Canada, Britain and other countries, transferred to Guantanamo Bay
     naval base. They were declared enemy combatants by the U.S.
     government and denied attorneys or any means to challenge their

     The district court decided that the base was not within "sovereign
     U.S. territory" and, in a "reluctant" conclusion, denied Gherebi's
     petition for lack of jurisdiction.

     The court of appeal reversed that decision Thursday, ruling that
     under any standard U.S. control over the base, which it leased
     from Cuba in 1903, was near absolute, perhaps even abusive.

     "Contrary to the relevant provisions of the agreements (with
     Cuba), the United States has used the base for whatever purposes
     it deemed necessary or desirable," Reinhardt wrote. "Cuba has
     protested these actions in public and for years has refused to
     cash the United States' rent checks."

     In a dissenting opinion, Judge Susan Graber said Supreme Court
     precedent made clear that the United States did not exercise the
     degree of control over Guantanamo Bay that would be necessary to
     give courts jurisdiction over prisoners held there.

     She wrote that the majority's description of the issues in the
     case as "new, important and difficult" was incorrect in one
     important respect.

     "Although the issues that we confront are important and difficult,
     they are not new," she said. "Because the issues are not new, we
     are bound by existing Supreme Court precedent, which the majority

     As in the San Francisco ruling, the majority in the New York
     decision regarding Padilla saw the executive branch's action as an
     encroachment on individual rights. While Congress may have the
     power to authorize the detention of an American, the judges ruled
     that the president, acting on his own, did not.

     "The president, acting alone, possesses no inherent constitutional
     authority to detain American citizens seized within the United
     States, away from the zone of combat, as enemy combatants," said
     the majority, composed of Judges Rosemay S. Pooler and Barrington
     D. Parker Jr.

     The detention of U.S. citizens arrested on American soil as enemy
     combatants, consequently keeping them from the usual legal
     protections that Americans enjoy, has been seen as especially
     alarming by civil liberties advocates.

     "This is by far the biggest legal setback the administration has
     faced in conducting its war on terrorism," said David Cole, a law
     professor at Georgetown University and the author of a recent book
     on the subject. "That's because this is the furthest they've gone
     out on a limb. They had essentially asserted that the president
     had unchecked authority to label U.S. citizens as enemy combatants
     anywhere in the United States and lock them up."

     Padilla has been held incommunicado for 18 months. The court
     majority said he is entitled to full constitutional protections,
     including access to his lawyers. Padillo's lawyers have not been
     permitted to see him since Bush declared him an enemy combatant in
     June 2002.

     "As this court sits only a short distance from where the World
     Trade Center once stood, we are as keenly aware as anyone of the
     threat al Qaeda poses to our country and of the responsibilities
     the president and law enforcement officials bear for protecting
     the nation," Parker and Pooler wrote.

     "But presidential authority does not exist in a vacuum," they
     said, "and this case involves not whether those responsibilities
     should be aggressively pursued but whether the president is
     obligated" to share them with Congress.

     The majority said that a law known as the Non-Detention Act
     provides that "no citizen shall be imprisoned or otherwise
     detained by the United States except pursuant to an act of
     Congress." The court said the joint congressional resolution
     authorizing operations against terrorism after Sept. 11 "contains
     no language authorizing detention."

     In dissent, Judge Richard C. Wesley said he believes the president
     had the power to "thwart acts of belligerency on U.S. soil" and
     said it was startling that the majority would find that the
     president lacked authority to detain a citizen terrorist who was
     "dangerously close" to executing a plan.

     Copyright © 2003 San Francisco Chronicle

     Appellate rulings:
     Bush administration terror suspects belong in U.S. courts
     by David Kravets, Associated Press, 18 December 2003

     In twin setbacks for the Bush administration's war on terror,
     federal appeals courts on opposite coasts ruled Thursday that the
     U.S. military cannot indefinitely hold prisoners without access to
     lawyers or the American courts.

     One ruling favored the 660 "enemy combatants" held at the U.S.
     naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The other involved American
     citizen Jose Padilla, who was seized in Chicago in an alleged plot
     to detonate a radioactive "dirty bomb" and declared as an enemy

     In Padilla's case, the New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of
     Appeals ordered the former gang member released from military
     custody within 30 days and if the government chooses, tried in
     civilian courts. The White House said the government would appeal
     and seek a stay of the decision.

     In the other case, a three-judge panel of the San Francisco-based
     9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that prisoners held at
     Guantanamo Bay Naval Base should have access to lawyers and the
     American court system.

     An order by President Bush in November 2001 allows captives to be
     detained as "enemy combatants" if they are members of al-Qaida,
     engaged in or aided terrorism, or harbored terrorists. The
     designation may also be applied if it is "the interest of the
     United States" to hold an individual during hostilities.

     The Justice Department this week said such a classification allows
     detainees to be held without access to lawyers until U.S.
     authorities believe they have disclosed everything they know about
     terrorist operations.

     But Padilla's detention as an enemy combatant, the New York court
     ruled 2-1, was not authorized by Congress and Bush could not
     designate him as an enemy combatant without such approval.

     Padilla, a convert to Islam, was arrested in May 2002 at Chicago's
     O'Hare airport as he returned from Pakistan. Within days, he was
     moved to a naval brig in Charleston, S.C. The government said he
     had proposed the bomb plot to Abu Zubaydah, then al-Qaida's top
     terrorism coordinator.

     In ordering his release from military custody, the court said the
     government was free to transfer Padilla to civilian authorities
     who can bring criminal charges. If appropriate, Padilla also can
     be held as a material witness in connection with grand jury
     proceedings, the court said.

     "As this court sits only a short distance from where the World
     Trade Center stood, we are as keenly aware as anyone of the threat
     al-Qaida poses to our country and of the responsibilities the
     president and law enforcement officials bear for protecting the
     nation," Judge Rosemary S. Pooler wrote.

     "But presidential authority does not exist in a vacuum, and this
     case involves not whether those responsibilities should be
     aggressively pursued, but whether the president is obligated, in
     the circumstances presented here, to share them with Congress,"
     Pooler added.

     In a dissenting opinion, Judge Richard C. Wesley said that as
     commander in chief the president "has the inherent authority to
     thwart acts of belligerency at home or abroad that would do harm
     to United States citizens."

     The White House said the ruling was inconsistent with the
     president's constitutional authority as well as with other court

     "The president's most solemn obligation is protecting the American
     people," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said
     Thursday. "We believe the 2nd Circuit ruling is troubling and

     Padilla's lawyer, Donna Newman, did not immediately return a
     telephone message for comment. Newman has battled in court to be
     able to meet with Padilla; she has not done so since he was
     designated an enemy combatant the month after he was arrested.

     Chris Dunn, a staff attorney with the New York Civil Liberties
     Union, called the ruling "historic."

     "It's a repudiation of the Bush administration's attempt to close
     the federal courts to those accused of terrorism," he said.

     Thursday's 2-1 decision out of San Francisco was the first federal
     appellate ruling to rebuke the Bush administration's position on
     the Guantanamo detainees who have been without charges, some for
     nearly two years. The administration maintains that because the
     660 men confined there were picked up overseas on suspicion of
     terrorism and are being held on foreign land, they may be detained
     indefinitely without charges or trial.

     The Supreme Court last month agreed to decide whether the
     detainees, who were nabbed in Afghanistan and Pakistan, should
     have access to the courts. The justices agreed to hear that case
     after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled
     that the prisoners had no rights to the American legal system.

     "Even in times of national emergency - indeed, particularly in
     such times - it is the obligation of the Judicial Branch to ensure
     the preservation of our constitutional values and to prevent the
     Executive Branch from running roughshod over the rights of
     citizens and aliens alike," Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote for the
     majority on behalf of a Libyan captured in Afghanistan and held in

     "We cannot simply accept the government's position," Reinhardt
     continued, "that the Executive Branch possesses the unchecked
     authority to imprison indefinitely any persons, foreign citizens
     included, on territory under the sole jurisdiction and control of
     the United States, without permitting such prisoners recourse of
     any kind to any judicial forum, or even access to counsel,
     regardless of the length or manner of their confinement."

     Reinhardt, who signed the 9th Circuit opinion last year that
     declared the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional when recited in
     public schools, stayed enforcement of the Guantanamo decision
     pending the outcome of the detainees' case already pending in the
     Supreme Court.

     The Defense Department announced Thursday that the Pentagon had
     appointed a military defense lawyer for a terrorism suspect held
     at Guantanamo. Salim Ahmed Hamdan of Yemen becomes the second
     Guantanamo prisoner to be given a lawyer. Australian David Hicks
     got a lawyer earlier this month and recently met with an
     Australian legal adviser.

     Both Hamdan and Hicks are among six Guantanamo Bay prisoners
     designated by President Bush as candidates for trials by special
     military tribunals. Neither Hamdan, Hicks nor the others detained
     in Cuba have been charged.

     Padilla is accused of plotting to detonate a "dirty bomb," which
     uses conventional explosives to disperse radioactive materials.
     The government said he had proposed the bomb plot to Abu Zubaydah,
     then al-Qaida's top terrorism coordinator. Zubaydah was arrested
     in Pakistan in March 2002.

     Besides Padilla, only two other known people who are being
     detained in the United States have been designated as enemy
     combatants since the 2001 terrorist attacks: Ali Saleh Kahlah
     Al-Marri, a citizen of Qatar accused of being an al-Qaida sleeper
     agent, and Esam Hamdi, a Louisiana native captured during the
     fighting in Afghanistan.

     The New York case is Padilla v. Rumsfeld, 03-2235. The San
     Francisco case is Gherebi v. Bush, 03-55785.

     Copyright © 2003 Associated Press

     US court delivers blow to Guantanamo policy
     Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 19 December 2003

     In a stinging rebuke of the Bush Government, a United States
     appeals court has ruled the US cannot imprison "enemy combatants"
     captured in Afghanistan indefinitely at Guantanamo Bay and deny
     them access to lawyers.

     In a strongly worded 2-1 decision, the 9th Circuit Court of
     Appeals said the indefinite imprisonment at the US naval base in
     Cuba was inconsistent with US law and raised serious concerns
     under international law.

     "The Government's position is inconsistent with fundamental tenets
     of American jurisprudence and raises most serious concerns under
     international law," judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote in the decision.

     "We simply cannot accept the Government's position that the
     Executive Branch possesses the unchecked authority to imprison
     indefinitely any persons, foreign citizens included, on territory
     under the sole jurisdiction and control of the United States,
     without permitting such prisoners recourse of any kind to any
     judicial forum, or even access [to] counsel."

     The ruling is seen as a blow to the Bush Government's policy
     towards detainees in the campaign against terrorism.

     One of the San Francisco judges writes that it is the duty of
     courts to prevent the Executive branch from "running roughshod
     over the rights of citizens and aliens alike, especially in times
     of national emergency".

     A lower court is now obliged to hear arguments on behalf of
     detainees and to make a ruling as to whether they should all be
     granted legal counsel.

     Only two of the 600 prisoners at Guantanamo have so far been
     granted access to a lawyer. The first was Australian David Hicks.

     The Pentagon overnight assigned a military defence lawyer to a
     second detainee, Yemeni national Salim Ahmed Hamdan.

     Like Mr Hicks, he has not yet been charged with anything.

     On the Hicks matter, the Pentagon has pointed out today that it is
     giving Australian lawyer Stephen Kenny permission to speak on
     almost everything he is formally requesting.

     At a press conference yesterday, Mr Kenny said he was limited in
     what he could say. Today, the Pentagon says it only withheld
     approval for two items relating to security.

     Copyright © 2003 Australian Broadcasting Corporation

     Excerpt: Gherebi v. Bush Decision
     December 18, 2003

     Coming on the heels of today's decision by the Second Circuit
     Court of Appeals in Padilla v. Rumsfeld, the Ninth Circuit has
     ruled that the executive branch may not indefinitely imprison
     foreign nationals at Guantanamo without charge and without
     providing them with the effective means to challenge their
     detention. The case is Gherebi v. Bush.

     An excerpt from the majority opinion follows:

          "We recognize that the process due `enemy combatant'
          habeas petitioners may vary with the circumstances and
          are fully aware of the unprecedented challenges that
          affect the United States' national security interests
          today, and we share the desire of all Americans to
          ensure that the Executive enjoys the necessary power and
          flexibility to prevent future terrorist attacks.

          "However, even in times of national emergency -- indeed,
          particularly in such times -- it is the obligation of
          the Judicial Branch to ensure the preservation of our
          constitutional values and to prevent the Executive
          Branch from running roughshod over the rights of
          citizens and aliens alike. Here, we simply cannot accept
          the government's position that the Executive Branch
          possesses the unchecked authority to imprison
          indefinitely any persons, foreign citizens included, on
          territory under the sole jurisdiction and control of the
          United States, without permitting such prisoners
          recourse of any kind to any judicial forum, or even
          access to counsel, regardless of the length or manner of
          their confinement.

          "We hold that no lawful policy or precedent supports
          such a counter-intuitive and undemocratic procedure, and
          that, contrary to the government's contention, Johnson
          [Johnson v. Eisentrager, a 1950 Supreme Court decision
          relied upon by the government] neither requires nor
          authorizes it. In our view, the government's position is
          inconsistent with fundamental tenets of American
          jurisprudence and raises most serious concerns under
          international law." [7]

            7. Gherebi argues that the government's policy of
               "indefinite detention" is violative of
               international law. While we recognize the gravity
               of Gherebi's argument, we need not resolve that
               question in this proceeding. We note, however, that
               the government's position here is at odds with the
               United States' longtime role as a leader in
               international efforts to codify and safeguard the
               rights of prisoners in wartime. It is also at odds
               with one of the most important achievements of
               these efforts -- the 1949 Geneva Conventions, which
               require that a competent tribunal determine the
               status of captured prisoners. Article 5 of the
               Third Geneva Convention provides:
                    Should any doubt arise as to whether persons,
                    having committed a belligerent act and having
                    fallen into the hands of the enemy, belong to
                    any of the categories enumerated in Article 4
                    [defining POWs], such persons shall enjoy the
                    protection of the present Convention until
                    such time as their status has been determined
                    by a competent tribunal.
               Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of
               Prisoners of War, Aug. 12, 1949, art. 5, 6 U.S.T.
               3316, 75 U.N.T.S. 135. In Johnson v. Eisentrager,
               itself, the Court discussed the United States'
               international obligations under the predecessor
               Convention, which did not even contain the due
               process rights afforded prisoners of war in the
               1949 Treaty. The Court explained:
                    We are not holding that these prisoners have
                    no right which the military authorities are
                    bound to respect. The United States, by the
                    Geneva Convention of July 27, 1927 . . .
                    concluded with forty-six other countries,
                    including the German Reich, an agreement upon
                    the treatment to be accorded captives. These
                    prisoners claim to be and are entitled to its
               339 U.S. at 789 n.14. The government's own
               regulations have adopted this same requirement. See
               Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel,
               Civilian Internees and Other Detainees, U.S. Army
               Regulation 190-8, ch. 1-5, ¶ a, Applicable to the
               Departments of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force,
               and the Marine Corps, Washington D.C. (Oct. 1,
               1997) ("All persons taken into custody by U.S.
               forces will be provided with the protections of the
               1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of
               Prisoners of War ("GPW") until some legal status is
               determined by competent authority."). The
               requirement of judicial review of executive
               detention is also reflected in the International
               Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which
               the United States is a party. See International
               Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Dec. 16,
               1966, 999 U.N.T.S. 171, art. 9, ¶ 4 ("Anyone who is
               deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention
               shall be entitled to take proceedings before a
               court, in order that a court may decide without
               delay on the lawfulness of his detention....").
               Here, however, the government has maintained that
               the Guantanamo detainees do not enjoy any
               substantive protections as a matter of right
               pursuant to our international obligations; instead,
               it has asserted only that it will apply "the
               principles" of the Third Geneva Convention "to the
               extent appropriate and consistent with military
               necessity." Office of the Press Secretary, Fact
               Sheet, Status of Detainees at Guantanamo, Feb. 7,
               2002, at 1, at

     Guantanamo hearing delayed
     Defense lawyers object to search
     ABC12/The Associated Press, 17 December 2003

     Defense lawyers' objections over the search of their offices by
     military investigators have forced a delay in a Guantanamo
     security breach hearing.

     Senior Airman Ahmad al-Halabi worked as an interpreter at the US
     prison camp in Cuba. The military has accused him of espionage and
     aiding the enemy for allegedly e-mailing secrets from the prison
     camp to an unidentified person. And it says he planned to carry
     notes from some of the prisoners to his native Syria.

     Al-Halabi's civilian lawyer says Air Force investigators searched
     the offices of his military lawyers last week, acting on a
     military warrant, and copied a computer hard drive. He says that
     interfered with preparations for his defense.

     In response, the Air Force has postponed al-Halabi's hearing until
     January 13th.

     Copyright © 2003 ABC12/Associated Press

     [this is the lower court decision that was remanded]

     Gherebi v. Bush, 262 F.Supp.2d, 1064 (C.D.Cal.,2003)
     United States District Court,
     C.D. California.
     Belaid GHEREBI, Petitioner,
     v. George Walker BUSH, et al., Respondents.
     No. CV 03-1267-AHM.
     May 13, 2003.

     *1065 Stephen Yagman, Kathryn S. Bloomfield, Marion R. Yagman,
     Joseph Reichmann, Yagman & Yagman & Reichmann & Bloomfield, Venice
     Beach, CA, for petitioner.

     Becky Walker, Asst. U.S. Attorney, Debra Yang, U.S. Attorney, Los
     Angeles, CA, for respondents.

     MATZ, District Judge.


     The petition for a writ of habeas corpus filed in this case
     alleges that Respondents President Bush, Secretary of Defense
     Rumsfeld and unnamed "military personnel" captured Falen Gherebi
     in Afghanistan and, since January 2002, have detained him at the
     Guantanamo Bay Naval Base ("Guantanamo") in Cuba. The Petitioner,
     Belaid Gherebi, is Falen Gherebi's brother.

     Belaid Gherebi alleges that his brother is being held
     incommunicado, without aid of counsel, and in violation of the
     United States Constitution and the Third Geneva Convention. Among
     other forms of relief, Petitioner asks that his brother be granted
     access to legal counsel and "be brought physically before the
     Court for a determination of his conditions of detention,
     confinement, and status ...." Mem. of Law in Support of Amended
     Verified Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus, at 3.

     Petitioner and Respondents seek a prompt ruling on the matter of
     this Court's jurisdiction because they intend to proceed
     expeditiously to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. [FN1] The
     Court is willing to accommodate their request, because the
     jurisdictional question addressed here is one of great importance:
     Do the hundreds of persons detained at Guantanamo have the right
     to challenge their confinement in a United States federal court?

     FN1. Counsel proposed that this Court issue its ruling based on
     briefs submitted to the Ninth Circuit more than one year ago in a
     different, although related, case. The Court has carefully
     considered those briefs but has also considered subsequent
     developments, including the decision in Al Odah v. United States,
     321 F.3d 1134 (D.C.Cir.2003).

     The Court concludes that *1066 Johnson v. Eisentrager, 339 U.S.
     763, 70 S.Ct. 936, 94 L.Ed. 1255 (1950), and later decisions
     construing Johnson, compel the answer "no."

     The Court reaches this conclusion reluctantly, however, because
     the prospect of the Guantanamo captives' being detained
     indefinitely without access to counsel, without formal notice of
     charges, and without trial is deeply troubling. And that is why a
     prompt ruling to speed appellate review is appropriate.


     The events leading to this case are well known. Following the
     terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress authorized the
     President "to use all necessary and appropriate force" against
     those responsible. Authorization for Use of Military Force, Pub.L.
     No. 107-40, 115 Stat. 224 (2001). Pursuant to that authorization,
     the President sent American forces to Afghanistan to wage what has
     been commonly referred to (but not formally declared) as a "war"
     against the Taliban government and the terrorist network known as
     Al Qaeda. Beginning in early January 2002, the Armed Forces
     transferred to Guantanamo scores of individuals, including Falen
     Gherebi, who were captured by the American military during its
     operations in Afghanistan.

     On January 20, 2002, a group of journalists, lawyers, professors,
     and members of the clergy filed a petition for habeas relief on
     behalf of unidentified individuals detained involuntarily at
     Guantanamo. That petition also named as Respondents President
     Bush, Secretary Rumsfeld and other military personnel. The matter
     was assigned to this Court. After ordering the parties to brief
     the threshold question of jurisdiction, the Court heard oral
     argument and dismissed the petition. Coalition of Clergy v. Bush,
     189 F.Supp.2d 1036 (C.D.Cal.2002) ("Coalition I ").

     The first basis for this Court's dismissal of the Coalition I
     petition was that the named petitioners lacked standing. The Ninth
     Circuit affirmed that ruling on appeal but vacated this Court's
     additional rulings as to the applicability of Johnson. Coalition
     of Clergy v. Bush, 310 F.3d 1153 (9th Cir.2002). [FN2] Respondents
     do not challenge Petitioner's "next friend" standing in this case,
     however, and the issue of Johnson's effect can no longer be

     FN2. This Court had gone on to address those issues because it
     anticipated that the defects in the Coalition's claim of standing
     could be cured relatively easily. Not surprisingly, the Coalition
     has filed a second, near-identical petition purporting to cure the
     standing defect. Coalition of Clergy v. Bush, No. 02-9516 AHM
     (JTL) (C.D. Cal. Dec. 16, 2002) ("Coalition II "). Respondents
     have moved to dismiss that petition, and their motion currently is
     under submission before the Magistrate Judge.


     Because the Supreme Court's Johnson opinion compels dismissal of
     this petition, the Court will begin with an examination of that

     A. Johnson

     The following description of Johnson is taken from this Court's
     ruling in Coalition I.

     In Johnson, Mr. Justice Jackson described "the ultimate question"
     as "one of jurisdiction of civil courts of the United States
     vis-a-vis military authorities in dealing with enemy aliens
     overseas." The case arose out of World War II. The habeas
     petitioners were twentyone German nationals who claimed to have
     been working in Japan for "civilian agencies of the German
     government" before Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945. They were
     taken into custody by the United States Army and convicted by a
     United States Military Commission of violating laws of war by
     engaging in *1067 continued military activity in Japan after
     Germany's surrender, but before Japan surrendered. The Military
     Commission sat in China with the consent of the Chinese
     government. After trial and conviction there, the prisoners were
     repatriated to Germany to serve their sentences in a prison whose
     custodian was an American Army officer. While in Germany, the
     petitioners filed a writ of habeas corpus claiming that their
     right under the Fifth Amendment to due process, other unspecified
     rights under the Constitution and laws of the United States and
     provisions of the Geneva Convention governing prisoners of war all
     had been violated. They sought the same relief as petitioners
     here: that they be produced before the federal district court to
     have their custody justified and then be released. They named as
     respondents the prison commandant, the Secretary of Defense and
     others in the civilian and military chain of command.

     Reversing the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court in Johnson
     upheld the district court's dismissal of the petition on the
     ground that petitioners had no basis for invoking federal judicial
     power in any district. In reaching that conclusion, the Supreme
     Court stated the following:

     "[T]he privilege of litigation has been extended to aliens,
     whether friendly or enemy, only because permitting their presence
     in the country implied protection. No such basis can be invoked
     here, for these prisoners at no relevant time were within any
     territory over which the United States is sovereign and the
     circumstances of their offense [and] their capture ... were all
     beyond the territorial jurisdiction of any court of the United

     . . . . .

     "A basic consideration in habeas corpus practice is that the
     prisoner will be produced before the court.... To grant the writ
     to these prisoners might mean that our army must transport them
     across the seas for hearing.... The writ, since it is ... [argued]
     to be a matter of right, would be equally available to enemies
     during active hostilities .... Such trials would hamper the war
     effort .... It would be difficult to devise more effective
     fettering of a field commander than to allow the very enemies he
     is ordered to reduce to submission to call him to account in his
     own civil courts and divert his efforts and attention from the
     military offensive abroad to the legal defensive at home." 189
     F.Supp.2d at 1046-47 (citations and footnotes omitted).

     [1] The effect of Johnson is that the Guantanamo detainees'
     ability to invoke jurisdiction in any district court "depends not
     on the nature of their claims but on whether the Naval Base at
     Guantanamo Bay is under the sovereignty of the United States." Id.
     at 1048-49. In Coalition I, this Court determined that the Naval
     Base is not within sovereign United States territory and that, as
     a result, no federal court would have jurisdiction to hear the
     petitioners' claims. Id. at 1049-50. [FN3] The Court reaches the
     same conclusion here.

     FN3. This Court described the similarities between the petitioners
     in Johnson and the Guantanamo captives as follows: "In all key
     respects, the Guantanamo detainees are like the petitioners in
     Johnson. They are aliens; ... they were captured in combat; they
     were abroad when captured; they are abroad now; since their
     capture, they have been under the control of only the military;
     they have not stepped foot on American soil; and there are no
     legal or judicial precedents entitling them to pursue a writ of
     habeas corpus in an American civilian court. Moreover, there are
     sound practical reasons, such as legitimate security concerns,
     that make it unwise for this or any court to take the
     unprecedented step of conferring such a right on these detainees."
     Id. at 1048.

     This Court does not assume, and makes no finding, that Falen
     Gherebi is an "enemy combatant" or "enemy alien."

     *1068 B. Post-Coalition I Decisions

     1. The Ninth Circuit Decision in Coalition I

     Although the Court of Appeals vacated this Court's rulings about
     Johnson and the sovereign status of Guantanamo, in its opinion the
     Ninth Circuit stated:

     There is no question that the holding in Johnson represents a
     formidable obstacle to the rights of the detainees at Camp X-Ray
     to the writ of habeas corpus; it is impossible to ignore, as the
     case well matches the extraordinary circumstances here.

     Coalition of Clergy v. Bush, 310 F.3d at 1164 n. 4.

     2. Rasul v. Bush

     In Rasul v. Bush, 215 F.Supp.2d 55 (D.D.C.2002), the district
     court dismissed two cases brought by Guantanamo detainees. The
     court ruled that it did not have jurisdiction because Guantanamo
     "is outside the sovereign territory of the United States" and
     because, under Johnson, "writs of habeas corpus are not available
     to aliens held outside the sovereign territory of the United
     States." 215 F.Supp.2d at 72-73.

     3. Al Odah v. United States

     In Al Odah v. United States, 321 F.3d 1134 (D.C.Cir.2003), the
     Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit relied
     heavily on Johnson to affirm the district court's decision in
     Rasul and also to dismiss a third petition brought by the wife of
     an Australian citizen detained at Guantanamo. Al Odah rejects many
     of the arguments Petitioner makes here and describes the parallels
     between these cases and Johnson much as this Court did in
     Coalition I:

     [T]he Guantanamo detainees have much in common with the German
     prisoners in [Johnson ]. They too are aliens, they too were
     captured during military operations, they were in a foreign
     country when captured, they are now abroad, they are in the
     custody of the American military and they have never had any
     presence in the United States.... [W]e believe that under [Johnson
     ] these factors preclude the detainees from seeking habeas relief
     in the courts of the United States. 321 F.3d at 1140.

     4. Additional Post-Coalition I Decisions

     Perhaps because Johnson so well matches the "extraordinary
     circumstances" of recent events, Coalition of Clergy, 310 F.3d at
     1164 n. 4, several courts have cited it in ruling on challenges to
     government action in the wake of September 11. In Padilla v. Bush,
     233 F.Supp.2d 564, 608 (S.D.N.Y.2002), the district court ruled
     that the President could detain even an American citizen taken
     into custody on American soil if he had "some evidence" that the
     detainee was an "enemy combatant." The Padilla court quoted
     Johnson, 339 U.S. at 789, 70 S.Ct. 936, for the proposition that
     "it is not the function of the Judiciary to entertain private
     litigation ... which challenges the legality, [the] wisdom, or the
     propriety of the Commander-in-Chief in sending our armed forces
     abroad or to any particular region." 223 F.Supp.2d at 589.

     The Fourth Circuit cited Johnson several times in its wide-ranging
     opinion in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 316 F.3d 450 (4th Cir.2003),
     including for the proposition *1069 that responsibility for
     enforcing the predecessor to the current Geneva Convention rested
     with "political and military authorities," not the judiciary. 316
     F.3d at 469 (quoting Johnson, 339 U.S. at 789 n. 14, 70 S.Ct.
     936). Hamdi rejected a challenge to the continued detention of an
     American citizen captured in Afghanistan and transferred to a
     Virginia Naval Brig because it was not disputed that the detainee
     had been seized in a zone of active combat abroad and because the
     evidence proffered by the President was sufficient to establish
     that the detainee had been allied with enemy forces. 316 F.3d at
     465, 474.

     The Supreme Court also recently cited Johnson, although in a
     decision unrelated to the events of September 11. The Court quoted
     Johnson to emphasize that presence within this country's borders
     has traditionally afforded aliens certain constitutional
     protections not extended to noncitizens abroad:

     "The alien ... has been accorded a generous and ascending scale of
     rights as he increases his identity with our society.... [A]t
     least since 1886, we have extended to ... resident aliens
     important constitutional guarantees-such as the due process of law
     of the Fourteenth Amendment."

     Demore v. Kim, --- U.S. ----, 123 S.Ct. 1708, 1730, 155 L.Ed.2d
     724 (2003) (quoting Johnson, 339 U.S. at 763, 70 S.Ct. 936).

     C. Petitioner's Challenges to the Applicability of Johnson

     Although Petitioner has not chosen to address these post-Coalition
     I cases in a new brief, he has argued that Johnson does not apply
     to the facts of this case.

     1. Guantanamo Is Not Sovereign United States Territory

     Petitioner first contends that Johnson cannot be applied to bar
     his claims because Falen Gherebi, unlike the Johnson prisoners, is
     being held within United States territory.

     The question of Guantanamo's status is one of key importance
     because, as Justice Black noted in dissent, the Johnson majority
     relied entirely on the fact that the petitioners in that case had
     never been present in the United States to distinguish Ex parte
     Quirin, 317 U.S. 1, 63 S.Ct. 1, 87 L.Ed. 3 (1942) and In re
     Yamashita, 327 U.S. 1, 66 S.Ct. 340, 90 L.Ed. 499 (1946). Johnson,
     339 U.S. at 780-81, 70 S.Ct. 936; id. at 795, 70 S.Ct. 936 (Black,
     J., dissenting). First, the Court stated that the Johnson
     prisoners had no right to habeas relief because they were "at no
     relevant time ... within any territory over which the United
     States is sovereign." 339 U.S. at 778, 70 S.Ct. 936. The Court
     again referred to sovereignty in explaining Yamashita's
     inapplicability, nothing that the petitioner in that case had been
     able to invoke the Court's jurisdiction because he had been held
     within sovereign United States territory. Id. at 780, 70 S.Ct.
     936. See also United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 U.S. 259,
     269, 110 S.Ct. 1056, 108 L.Ed.2d 222 (1990) (citing Johnson for
     the proposition that aliens are not entitled "to Fifth Amendment
     rights outside the sovereign territory of the United States")
     (emphasis added); Coalition of Clergy, 310 F.3d at 1164 n. 4
     (Johnson "held that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
     could not be extended to aliens held outside the sovereign
     territory of the United States.") (emphasis added).

     It is this emphasis on sovereignty, taken together with the lease
     agreements governing Guantanamo, that is fatal to Petitioner's
     argument. See Lease of Lands for Coaling and Naval Stations, Feb.
     23, 1903, U.S.-Cuba, T.S. No. 418 (6 Bevans 113) ("the 1903
     Lease"); Relations with Cuba, May 9, 1934, U.S.-Cuba, T.S. No. 866
     (6 Bevans 1161). Petitioner emphasizes that *1070 for all
     practical purposes the United States controls Guantanamo, but such
     control does not establish sovereignty. See Vermilya-Brown Co. v.
     Connell, 335 U.S. 377, 390, 69 S.Ct. 140, 93 L.Ed. 76 (1948)
     (recognizing distinction between "sole power" and "sovereignty");
     Cuban Am. Bar Ass'n, Inc. v. Christopher, 43 F.3d 1412, 1425 (11th
     Cir.1995). And this Court has already concluded that under the
     1903 Lease, Cuba, not the United States, is sovereign in
     Guantanamo Bay. See Coalition I, 189 F.Supp.2d at 1049-50. See
     also Vermilya-Brown, 335 U.S. at 380-83, 69 S.Ct. 140 (United
     States not sovereign over American military base in Bermuda, even
     though lease from Great Britain granted United States
     "substantially the same rights" as over Guantanamo Bay).

     This dispositive distinction between "sovereign territory" and
     "complete jurisdiction and control" may appear technical (or at
     least elusive), but Petitioner's arguments provide no principled
     basis for this Court to disregard Johnson.

     2. A Formal Declaration of War is Not Required

     Petitioner next contends that Johnson is inapplicable because
     Falen Gherebi, unlike the Johnson prisoners, was not captured
     during a declared war. [FN4]

     FN4. The war with Germany was not declared over until October 19,
     1951. Pub.L. No. 82-181, 65 Stat. 451. See also United States ex
     rel. Jaegeler v. Carusi, 342 U.S. 347, 348, 72 S.Ct. 326, 96 L.Ed.
     390 (1952) (per curiam).

     [2] Johnson certainly did acknowledge the war-related
     circumstances of the German prisoners' capture. 339 U.S. at
     771-72, 70 S.Ct. 936 ("It is war that exposes the relative
     vulnerability of the alien's status.... [D]isabilities this
     country lays upon the alien who becomes also an enemy are imposed
     temporarily as an incident of war and not as an incident of
     alienage."). See also United States v. Bin Laden, 132 F.Supp.2d
     168, 182 n. 10 (S.D.N.Y.2001) (explaining that the Johnson
     prisoners were a "specific kind of non-resident alien--'the
     subject of a foreign state at war with the United States' ")
     (quoting Johnson, 339 U.S. at 769 n. 2, 70 S.Ct. 936); David Cole,
     Enemy Aliens, 54 Stan.L.Rev. 953, 984 (2002) ("[The] principles
     [of Johnson ] apply only in a time of declared war to citizens of
     the country with which we are at war."). And Justice Jackson's
     opinion made it clear that the Court was unwilling to extend the
     "privilege of litigation" to the Johnson petitioners at least in
     part because that same privilege was not available to resident
     aliens subject to the Alien Enemy Act, 50 U.S.C. 21. 339 U.S. at
     775-76, 778, 70 S.Ct. 936. As Petitioner points out, the Alien
     Enemy Act is of no consequence here because that Act applies only
     during declared wars. 50 U.S.C. 21. See also Jaegeler, 342 U.S. at
     348, 72 S.Ct. 326.

     Ultimately, however, Petitioner's argument is unpersuasive because
     Johnson focused on the practical realities, not legal formalities,
     of armed conflict. In denying the Johnson prisoners the "privilege
     of litigation," the Supreme Court emphasized that a contrary
     result would unreasonably hamper military efforts. See 399 U.S. at
     779, 90 S.Ct. 2230. Even though "active hostilities" already had
     faded into a "twilight between war and peace," the Court worried
     that allowing access to the courts would "divert [the] efforts and
     attention [of field commanders] from the military offensive abroad
     to the legal defensive at home." Id. To limit the application of
     Johnson to those captured during formally declared wars would
     ignore this aspect of the Court's opinion and would deprive the
     decision of much of its rationale. Cf. Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 U.S.
     at 273-274, 110 S.Ct. 1056. ("The United States frequently *1071
     employs Armed Forces outside this county ... for the protection of
     American citizens or national security.... Application of the
     Fourth Amendment to those circumstances could significantly
     disrupt the ability of the political branches to respond to
     foreign situations involving our national interest.") (citation

     [3] As the D.C. Circuit recently held in Al Odah, Johnson cannot
     be so limited. It applies to Falen Gherebi, just as it did to Al
     Odah, regardless of whether they are "within the category of
     `enemy aliens,' at least as [Johnson ] used the term." Al Odah,
     321 F.3d at 1139-41. [FN5]

     FN5. "[A]n enemy alien is the subject of a foreign state at war
     with the United States." Johnson, 339 U.S. at 769 n. 2, 70 S.Ct.

     3. Johnson Applies Even Though Petitioner Has Not Been Charged or

     Petitioner also argues that this case is distinguishable from
     Johnson because, unlike the Johnson prisoners, Falen Gherebi has
     not been charged or brought before a military commission. [FN6]
     Gherebi's detention presents more compelling due process
     violations, Petitioner contends, because it is preventive, not
     punitive, in nature. See Zadvydas v. Davis, 533 U.S. 678, 690-91,
     121 S.Ct. 2491, 150 L.Ed.2d 653 (2001) (citing the very limited
     instances when preventive, potentially indefinite detention has
     been upheld). To deprive Falen Gherebi of all judicial review
     would, according to Petitioner, raise "a serious constitutional
     problem." Id., 533 U.S. at 690, 121 S.Ct. 2491. Cf. also INS v.
     St. Cyr, 533 U.S. 289, 298, 121 S.Ct. 2271, 150 to repeal habeas

     FN6. In Johnson, the Supreme Court took care to note that the
     petitioners in that case had been "formally accused of violation
     of the laws of war and fully informed" of the charges against
     them. 339 U.S. at 786, 70 S.Ct. 936. That language is found in
     Part IV of the Johnson opinion, however, where the Court went on
     to consider the merits of the petitioners' claims. As noted by
     Justice Black in dissent, and by the D.C. Circuit in Al Odah, Part
     IV is "irrelevant" and "extraneous" to the Johnson Court's
     jurisdictional holding. Johnson, 339 U.S. at 792, 70 S.Ct. 936
     (Black, J., dissenting); Al Odah, 321 F.3d at 1142.

     Moreover, the Supreme Court referred to the charges leveled
     against the petitioners simply to explain why the military
     commission in China had not exceeded the scope of its authority;
     nothing about the Court's explanation suggests that the Johnson
     petitioners would have been granted access to civilian courts if
     (like Falen Gherebi) the petitioners had sought relief during the
     period between their capture and formal accusation or conviction.
     See Johnson, 339 U.S. at 786-87, 70 S.Ct. 936 (explaining that
     military commissions have jurisdiction to adjudicate charges that
     a captured detainee violated the laws of war).

     Petitioner claims to find support for his position in this
     quotation from Johnson: "[T]he doors of our courts have not been
     summarily closed upon these prisoners. Three courts have
     considered their application and have provided their counsel
     opportunity to advance every argument in their support ...." 339
     U.S. at 780-781, 70 S.Ct. 936. But the quoted language refers to
     the three Article III courts that addressed the German prisoners'
     habeas petition, not to the military commission that had tried
     them. And while it is true no Guantanamo captive has yet been
     tried by any tribunal, it is also true that here, as in Johnson,
     Petitioner's jurisdictional arguments have been, and on appeal
     will be, given careful consideration.

     As the D.C. Circuit recently explained in Al Odah, everything in
     Johnson "turned on the circumstances of those seeking relief,
     *1072 on the authority under which they were held, and on the
     consequences of opening the courts to them." 321 F.3d at 1145. To
     this Court it again appears, as it did in Coalition I, that with
     respect to Falen Gherebi "those circumstances, that authority, and
     those consequences differ in no material respect from" Johnson.

     4. International Law

     Finally, Petitioner contends that his detention violates
     provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
     Rights ("ICCPR"). Petitioner has not sought relief or stated a
     claim under that treaty, although he is correct to point out that
     a "clear international prohibition exists against prolonged and
     arbitrary detention." Ma v. Ashcroft, 257 F.3d 1095, 1114 (9th
     Cir.2001) (relying on the ICCPR) (internal quotation marks and
     citation omitted).

     Because the application of international law to this case has not
     yet been carefully briefed, this Court will not rule on the
     parties' contentions except to note that several courts, including
     Ma, 257 F.3d at 1108, have cited Johnson as valid precedent in the
     years since ratification of the ICCPR. See, e.g., Zadvydas, 533
     U.S. at 693, 121 S.Ct. 2491; Verdugo-Urquidez, 494 U.S. at 269,
     110 S.Ct. 1056.

     D. If Petitioner Is Not Permitted Access To Federal Court, Does He
     Have Any Legal Rights?

     In Coalition I, this Court observed that it was not holding that
     these prisoners have no right which the military authorities are
     bound to respect. The United States, by the [1949] Geneva
     Convention ... concluded an agreement upon the treatment to be
     accorded captives. These prisoners claim to be and are entitled to
     its protection. It is, however, the obvious scheme of the
     Agreement that responsibility for observance and enforcement of
     these rights is upon political and military authorities. Rights of
     alien enemies are vindicated under it only through protests and
     intervention of protecting powers as the rights of our citizens
     against foreign governments are vindicated only by Presidential

     189 F.Supp.2d at 1050 (quoting Johnson, 339 U.S. at 789 n. 14, 70
     S.Ct. 936). The Court went on to note that the President had
     "recently declared that the United States [would] apply the rules
     of the Geneva Convention to at least some of the detainees." Id.
     at 1050 n. 15.

     On November 13, 2001, the President issued a Military Order titled
     "Detention, Treatment and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War
     Against Terrorism." 66 Fed.Reg. 57833-57836 (Nov. 16, 2001). In
     that Order, the President stated that ad hoc military commissions
     might be convened to try the Guantanamo detainees.

     A few months after the first detainees were brought to Guantanamo,
     the Department of Defense promulgated Military Commission Order
     No. 1: Procedures for Trials by Military Commissions of Certain
     Non-United States Citizens in the War Against Terrorism (March 21,
     2002.). Order No. 1 guarantees "inter alia, the presumption of
     innocence, the right against self- incrimination, burden of proof
     on the Government, the choice of civilian defense counsel to serve
     alongside military defense counsel, the right of cross-examination
     and presentation of proof by the defense and proof beyond a
     reasonable doubt." Ruth Wedgwood, "Al Qaeda, Terrorism, and
     Miliary Commissions," 96 Am. J. Int'l L. 328, 337 n. 35 (2002).

     On April 30, 2003, more than 13 months after Military Commission
     Order No. 1 *1073 was promulgated, the Department of Defense
     published an eight part series of "Military Commission
     Instructions," which (among other things) specify the crimes (and
     the elements of those crimes) that the commissions will have
     jurisdiction to try, as well as the responsibilities of both
     military and civilian defense counsel. See Military Commission
     Instructions Nos. 1-8.

     More than 15 months have gone by since the United States placed
     Falen Gherebi and hundreds of other captured individuals into
     detention in Guantanamo. Not one military tribunal has actually
     been convened. Not one Guantanamo detainee has been given the
     opportunity to consult an attorney, has had formal charges filed
     against him or has been able contest the basis for his detention.
     It is unclear why it has taken so long for the Executive Branch to
     implement its stated intention to try these detainees. Putting
     aside whether these captives have a right to be heard in a federal
     civilian court--indeed, especially because it appears they have no
     such right--this lengthy delay is not consistent with some of the
     most basic values our legal system has long embodied.

     To compound the problem, recently reports have appeared in the
     press that several of the detainees are only juveniles. See, e.g.,
     Richard A. Serrano, "Juveniles Are Among Cuba War Detainees," L.A.
     Times, April 23, 2003, at A13. This development has led some to
     resort to extreme hyperbole in calling for immediate remedies.
     See, e.g., Jonathan Turley, "Appetite for Authoritarianism Spawns
     an American Gulag," L.A. Times, May 2, 2003, at B19.

     Unfortunately, unless Johnson and the other authorities cited
     above are either disregarded or rejected, this Court lacks the
     power and the right to provide such a remedy. Perhaps a higher
     court will find a principled way to do so.


     For the foregoing reasons, the petition is DISMISSED.


     C.D.Cal.,2003. Gherebi v. Bush 262 F.Supp.2d 1064

     Copyright © 2003 Paul Wolf
     Copyright © 2003 San Francisco Chronicle
     Copyright © 2003 Associated Press
     Copyright © 2003 Australian Broadcasting Corporation
     Copyright © 2003 ABC12/Associated Press
     Reprinted for Fair Use Only.

   * Geneva Conventions of 1949:
     Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and
     Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, August 12, 1949
     Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick
     and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, August 12, 1949
     Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; August
     12, 1949
     Convention (IV) Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time
     of War, August 12, 1949

 (hypertext)  (text only) (print ready)