13. Photographs of Pentagon Crash Site and Parts of Plane
Riskus, Steve
I took these pictures less then 1 minutes after I watched the american airlines 757 airplane crash into the pentagon on september 11 2001. I left shortly after the picture were taken in fear of further attacks.
Feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions about my pictures.
I did acctually see the plane impact the building.
Steve Riskus
AIM: youthenraged
703.856.1855 (nextel)
703.333.6507 (work)
703.313.9209 (home)
Photograph by Steve Riskus at this site:
Original at http://criticalthrash.com/terror/P1010015.JPG (2048x1536, 708941 bytes)![]()
Photograph by Steve Riskus at this site:
Original at http://criticalthrash.com/terror/P1010016.JPG (2048x1536, 722321 bytes)![]()
These two photographs were taken by Steve Riskus within minutes after American Airlines #77 hit the side of the Pentagon. The photos show widespread fires as a result of burning jet fuel, described by smell, sight and burn injuries, which were diagnosed by doctors at nearby hospitals.
The source for the following is at: http://www.humanunderground.com/11september/s11-media/et7.jpg. It is linked to from "Independent Flight 77 - Pentagon Event Investigation; Evidence and Witness - Part 2: The Pentagon Event" by Agent Fescado and contains excerpts of an interview with Steve Riskus. It displays a photo of the famous plane part on the lawn, and Steve's account of the crash.
Image: U.S. ArmyPhotograph of Pentagon with the roof caved in. The evidence of burns on the Pentagon walls are in the pattern of a plane crashing the walls and the burning fuel having splattered all over them.
See Also: "Photos Of Flt 77 Wreckage Inside The Pentagon," Exclusive Photos & Story From Sarah Roberts, spinner2882[at]yahoo[dot]com, rense.com, 12/4/02
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