The following is mirrored from its source at: BBC Correspondents [Kate Adie in the Gulf] Kate Adie When Kate Adie arrives at the scene, soldiers know they are It became something of a joke in trouble in the British army that when Kate Adie arrived on the scene, the soldiers knew they were in trouble. Life as a correspondent The BBC's chief news "I don't find an advantage correspondent became one of the or disadvantage in being best-known faces on television a woman when reporting. for her reporting from the What little advantages major wars of recent years. there might be in some They include the Gulf War, the instances is cancelled conflicts in the former out by the basic lack of Yugoslavia, Albania, Rwanda, lavatories round the China and Sierra Leone. world for women. It may seem trivial but when It cannot have occurred to the you're in a frontline 23-year-old from Sunderland, unit with 2,000 men in with her degree in Scandinavian the desert in Saudi Arabia Studies, that this was where which is flat and has no she was heading when she joined sand dunes, no trees and the BBC in 1968 as a studio no bushes, there were a technician in local radio. number of practical difficulties to say the Even when she began making least." programmes as a producer, she --Kate Adie started well away from news, in farming and arts programmes for Radio Bristol. She moved on to direct outside television Kate Adie [Kate Adie] broadcasts for sport and talks to religious programmes. Woman's Hour about her life in broadcasting. She began work as a journalist in regional TV in Plymouth, Southampton and Brighton, joining BBC TV News in London in 1979. Although she covered some overseas stories, she also spent two years as a court correspondent. Her coverage of the 1980 siege of the Iranian embassy changed all that. It brought her to prominence as one of the few women reporting difficult and dangerous stories at the time. She herself describes the turn her career took as largely accidental. "I never desired to go into war zones," she says. "I never had any thought about it. It sort of just happened as part of the job." Kate Adie became the BBC's chief news correspondent in 1989. She again came to the fore when covering the brutal suppression of the student uprising in Tiananmen Square. For this, as well as other major stories, she has won an impressive array of awards and a clutch of honorary degrees. Her honours include three RTS awards, the Bafta Richard Dimbleby Award, and the Broadcasting Press Guild's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Broadcasting. She was awarded an OBE in 1993. In early 2003, Kate Adie announced that she was leaving front-line reporting, and her job as chief news correspondent, to concentrate on freelance presenting for the BBC. She continues to present From Our Own Correspondent, on BBC Radio 4, and to report for BBC World TV. Copyright © 2003 MMIII Reprinted for Fair Use Only. (hypertext) (text only) (print ready)