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             If you liked Patriot Act I, don't miss the sequel
                            by Robyn E. Blumner
                              16 February 2003
                            St. Petersburg Times

     There is a hero in the Justice Department, someone whose identity
     I hope stays as secret as Deep Throat.

     In the closed-mouth environs of the Bush administration, where a
     leak will end a career far faster than playing footsie with the
     industry you are regulating, someone anonymously sent a draft of a
     bill nicknamed the Patriot Act II to the nonpartisan Center for
     Public Integrity.

     This bombshell is a secretly drafted, 120-page document that
     proposes to transfer new and unchecked authority to the attorney
     general: Secret arrests, summary deportations, expanded
     surveillance without court oversight and the ability to strip
     Americans of their citizenship are just some of the provisions.
     But thanks to someone at the Justice Department, John Ashcroft's
     devious plan has seen the light of day, and opponents are lining
     up. A statement from the department suggests it may be backing off
     the draft.

     Patriot II -- officially, the Domestic Security Enhancement Act --
     was kept secret for a reason, according to Chuck Lewis, whose
     Center for Public Integrity quickly turned the leaked copy over to
     the press. "(The Justice Department knows) it's controversial, and
     they want to keep it quiet for as long as possible until the right
     precise moment. . . . (which is) when we're at war with Iraq,"
     Lewis said on NOW with Bill Moyers on PBS.

     Wait until the public is whipped up to a fever pitch of fear and
     patriotism and then ram it through a compliant Congress. Hmmm,
     that has a familiar ring. It sounds a lot like the first Patriot
     Act, passed only six weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks.

     Ashcroft baited Congress to act or be blamed for the next terror
     attack. He now refuses to answer dozens of questions congressional
     leaders have sent him on the FBI's use of Patriot Act surveillance

     Patriot II would only embolden the get-out-of-my-face arrogance of
     the Justice Department. The provisions speak to a fundamental
     change in the American character, from a freedom-loving people who
     treat individuals -- even those we suspect of wrongdoing -- with
     fairness and due process, to a populace willing to grant
     unilateral power to any leader who promises security.

     The draft bill would give the attorney general the power to deport
     any foreign national, even people who are legal permanent
     residents, if he believes they would negatively affect our
     national security. No crime need be asserted, no proof offered. It
     would authorize secret arrests in terrorism investigations -- as a
     way to overturn a court order requiring the release of names of
     the Sept. 11 detainees. And it would strip citizenship from
     Americans for their political associations. People who are members
     of, or who have supported, a group the attorney general designates
     "terrorist" would be subject to having their citizenship revoked.

     Following Sept. 11 the Justice Department rounded up and deported
     hundreds of people whom it refuses to identify, for little more
     than technical immigration violations. The Patriot Act II would
     take this a step further by endorsing deportation without visa
     violations, all done secretly and at the attorney general's
     unreviewable discretion.

     John Ashcroft must be channeling A. Mitchell Palmer who, as
     attorney general after World War I, rounded up thousands of
     immigrants in 1919 and 1920, deporting hundreds without bail or
     trial. The witch hunt started after a mail bomb was sent to a
     former Georgia senator who had filed legislation banning
     immigration. The bomb crippled the maid who opened it.

     Thereafter, a series of mail bombs were found intended for some of
     the nation's leading citizens such as John D. Rockefeller, J.P.
     Morgan and Oliver Wendell Holmes. Some 3,000 immigrants were
     picked up in the resulting hysteria. They tended to be radical
     leftists, people who supported the growing communist movement or
     the rise of labor unions. The aim was to deport aliens deemed
     politically dangerous.

     The greatest check on this kind of uncontrolled delirium is the
     judiciary. When law enforcement has to justify its arrests,
     detention or surveillance with objective evidence, the most
     egregious abuses can be tamed. But whole sections of the Patriot
     Act II are devoted to removing judicial oversight. One section
     would give federal agents investigating terrorism access to credit
     reports on all of us, without having to get the permission of a
     judge. Another would allow the attorney general to unilaterally
     approve wiretaps and other surveillance whenever Congress
     authorizes force or in response to an attack on the United States.

     After the draft of Patriot II was leaked, the Justice Department
     issued a statement saying it would be "premature to speculate" on
     which provisions, if any, are of true interest. We know, however,
     that this draft was far enough along to have been sent to House
     Speaker Dennis Hastert and Vice President Dick Cheney. You don't
     waste the time of these men for a draft that is going into a desk

     Had it not been for one very courageous soul at the Justice
     Department, we would have been blindsided. May he or she never be
     discovered. People with an understanding of our nation's
     constitutional principles seem in short supply there.

     Copyright © 2003, St. Petersburg Times
     Reprinted for Fair Use Only. (hypertext)  (text only) (print ready)