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                         With a Whisper, Not a Bang
         Bush signs parts of Patriot Act II into law -- stealthily
                              by David Martin
                            San Antonio Current
                              24 December 2003

     On December 13, when U.S. forces captured Saddam Hussein,
     President George W. Bush not only celebrated with his national
     security team, but also pulled out his pen and signed into law a
     bill that grants the FBI sweeping new powers. A White House
     spokesperson explained the curious timing of the signing -- on a
     Saturday -- as "the President signs bills seven days a week." But
     the last time Bush signed a bill into law on a Saturday happened
     more than a year ago -- on a spending bill that the President
     needed to sign, to prevent shutting down the federal government
     the following Monday.

     By signing the bill on the day of Hussein's capture, Bush
     effectively consigned a dramatic expansion of the USA Patriot Act
     to a mere footnote. Consequently, while most Americans watched as
     Hussein was probed for head lice, few were aware that the FBI had
     just obtained the power to probe their financial records, even if
     the feds don't suspect their involvement in crime or terrorism.

     The Bush Administration and its Congressional allies tucked away
     these new executive powers in the Intelligence Authorization Act
     for Fiscal Year 2004 [H.R. 2417] [1], a legislative behemoth that
     funds all the intelligence activities of the federal government.
     The Act included a simple, yet insidious, redefinition of
     "financial institution," which previously referred to banks, but
     now includes stockbrokers, car dealerships, casinos, credit card
     companies, insurance agencies, jewelers, airlines, the U.S. Post
     Office, and any other business "whose cash transactions have a
     high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, or regulatory

     Congress passed the legislation around Thanksgiving. Except for
     U.S. Representative Charlie Gonzalez, all San Antonio's House
     members voted for the act. The Senate passed it with a voice vote
     to avoid individual accountability. While broadening the
     definition of "financial institution," the Bush administration is
     ramping up provisions within the 2001 USA Patriot Act, which
     granted the FBI the authority to obtain client records from banks
     by merely requesting the records in a "National Security Letter."
     To get the records, the FBI doesn't have to appear before a judge,
     nor demonstrate "probable cause" -- reason to believe that the
     targeted client is involved in criminal or terrorist activity.
     Moreover, the National Security Letters are attached with a gag
     order, preventing any financial institution from informing its
     clients that their records have been surrendered to the FBI. If a
     financial institution breaches the gag order, it faces criminal
     penalties. And finally, the FBI will no longer be required to
     report to Congress how often they have used the National Security

     Supporters of expanding the Patriot Act claim that the new law is
     necessary to prevent future terrorist attacks on the U.S. The FBI
     needs these new powers to be "expeditious and efficient" in its
     response to these new threats. Robert Summers, professor of
     international law and director of the new Center for Terrorism Law
     at St. Mary's University, explains, "We don't go to war with the
     terrorists as we went to war with the Germans or the North
     Vietnamese. If we apply old methods of following the money, we
     will not be successful. We need to meet them on an even playing
     field to avoid another disaster."

     Opponents of the PATRIOT Act and its expansion claim that
     safeguards like judicial oversight and the Fourth Amendment, which
     prohibits unreasonable search and seizure, are essential to
     prevent abuses of power. "There's a reason these protections were
     put into place," says Chip Berlet, senior analyst at Political
     Research Associates, and a historian of U.S. political repression.
     "It has been shown that if you give [these agencies] this power
     they will abuse it. For any investigative agency, once you tell
     them that they must make sure that they protect the country from
     subversives, it inevitably gets translated into a program to
     silence dissent."

     Opponents claim the FBI already has all the tools to stop crime
     and terrorism. Moreover, explains Patrick Filyk, an attorney and
     vice president of the local chapter of the ACLU, "The only thing
     the act accomplishes is the removal of judicial oversight and the
     transfer of more power to law enforcements agents."

     This broadening of the Patriot Act represents a political victory
     for the Bush Administration's stealth legislative strategy to
     increase executive power. Last February, shortly before Bush
     launched the war on Iraq, the Center for Public Integrity obtained
     a draft of a comprehensive expansion of the Patriot Act, nicknamed
     Patriot Act II, written by Attorney General John Ashcroft's staff.
     Again, the timing was suspicious; it appeared that the Bush
     Administration was waiting for the start of the Iraq war to
     introduce Patriot Act II, and then exploit the crisis to ram it
     through Congress with little public debate.

     The leak and ensuing public backlash frustrated the Bush
     administration's strategy, so Ashcroft and Co. disassembled
     Patriot Act II, then reassembled its parts into other legislation.
     By attaching the redefinition of "financial institution" to an
     Intelligence Authorization Act, the Bush Administration and its
     Congressional allies avoided public hearings and floor debates for
     the expansion of the Patriot Act.

     Even proponents of this expansion have expressed concern about
     these legislative tactics. "It's a problem that some of these
     riders that are added on may not receive the scrutiny that we
     would like to see," says St. Mary's Professor Robert Summers.

     The Bush Administration has yet to answer pivotal questions about
     its latest constitutional coup: If these new executive powers are
     necessary to protect United States citizens, then why would the
     legislation not withstand the test of public debate? If the new
     act's provisions are in the public interest, why use stealth in
     ramming them through the legislative process?

     Copyright © 2003 San Antonio Current
     Reprinted for Fair Use Only.

  1. The Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 is also called
     House Resolution (H.R.) 2417. There were 6 versions of H.R. 2417 in the
     108th Congress. The copy on ratical is the one that was passed by both
     House and Senate (start at
     See also Congressional Record: November 22, 2003, containing text of
     House Members Criticizing 2004 Intelligence Authorization Act.

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