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Biological Weapons / War
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"The United States has rejected a legally-binding system of United
Nations inspections of suspected U.S. biological weapons facilities
while at the same time accusing other countries -- including Iraq
-- of developing biological weapons. Simultaneously, the United
States armed forces, in direct violation of the
Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, is actively pushing for
offensive biological weapons development, despite the fact such
activity is illegal and subject to federal criminal and civil
penalties. . . .
in the early 1970s Nixon and Kissinger chose to end the U.S.
offensive biological warfare program for the essential reason that
these items cannot be controlled. When people are able to work
within a system of legally-sanctioned secrecy pursuing
programs that would never survive the light of public scrutiny
and inclusive debate, the result is precisely what we have seen
and are seeing: a steady, continuing erosion of global security
for all. The rejection of international cooperation in arms
control and disarmament that seeks to reduce such global threats
as biological, chemical and nuclear weapons -- which Bush II is
pursuing with frightening determination -- does not serve the
needs of humanity and our Earth. Who truly benefits from the
renunciation of such international cooperation?"
- U.S. Development of Biological Weapons
- Watch What We Say, Not What We Do
from Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001)
by David Ratcliffe, September 2002
- Weapons of Mass Destruction--Iraq's Forgotten Bio-War,
by Ramzi Kysia, 30 Nov 2001
- Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons,
by Francis A. Boyle, University of Illinois, 18 Apr 2002
- Call For A Ban On The Genetic Alteration
Of Pathogens For Destructive Purposes
by Francis A. Boyle, Jonathan King, Martin Teitel, Susan Wright
- Following Iraq's bioweapons trail,
by Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times, 26 Sep 2002
- Arming Iraq and the Path to War,
by John King, U.N. Observer & International Report, 31 Mar 2003
- Group Says U.S. Expert Believed Behind Anthrax Attacks,
Reuters, 28 Nov 2001
- Adm. Crowe, Bioport and the Put Option Activity Before 9-11,
mail from Alex Constatine, 5 Dec 2001
- AMA rejects nationwide smallpox vaccinations,
Associated Press, 5 Dec 2001
- Big Biotechs Target Smaller Companies,
by Paul Elias, AP, 11 Dec 2001
- by Richard J. Ochs, 16 Aug 2002:
- Hatfill Teaching Bioterrorism Course
Program At LSU's Biomedical Training Center
Funded By $11.5 Million Grant,
by Dave Altimari and Jack Dolan, Hartford Courant, 28 Jun 2002
- Just three nations could have produced chemical additive in spores,
by Rick Weiss and Dan Eggen, Washington Post, 25 Oct 2001
- Letter Sent to NBC Contained Anthrax,
Associated Press, 14 Oct 2001
- Nevada letter tests positive for anthrax,, 14 Oct 2001
- Sen. Leahy Awaits Anthrax Results,
Associated Press, 18 Nov 2001
"What we did not know at that time [in 1985] when the Reagan people were
fighting us tooth and nail is that they had also authorized at
least forty shipments of weapons-specific biological agents to
Iraq from the American Type Culture Collection, which is a big
scientific institute. It has cultures for scientific purposes of
every type of exotic disease in the world. You name it, it is
there. It was clear the Reagan administration was shipping all
this to Iraq knowing full well Iraq was going to develop
biological weapons and use them against Iran, and yet they did
it anyway. Now at the time my legislation was coming through we
did not know this. . . .
the New York Times broke the story. Yes, the United
States government is violating the
Biological Weapons
Convention. The CIA operation Bacchus. We are developing an
immune resistant strain of anthrax with DNA genetic engineering.
We have developed super weapons-grade anthrax in quantities and
strengths that have no legitimate defensive purpose at all. We
had a bomb factory down there where we are simulating the
production of biological agents. It is very clear that we are
now back into the business of research and development of
biological agents, in clear cut violation of the Biological
Weapons Convention and my statute the
Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989."
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