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the focus is:
Psychological-Warfare Operations
Being Practiced on US Population
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The media's spotlight on `foreknowledge' and so-called
`FBI lapses' served to distract public attention from
the broader issue of political deception. Not a word was
mentioned concerning the role of the CIA, which throughout
the entire post-Cold War era, has aided and abetted Osama
bin Laden's Al Qaeda, as part of its covert operations.
course they knew! The foreknowledge issue is a red
herring. The `Islamic Brigades' are a creation of the
CIA. In standard CIA jargon, Al Qaeda is categorized as an
`intelligence asset.' Support to terrorist organizations
is an integral part of U.S. foreign policy. Al Qaeda
continues to this date (2002) to participate in CIA covert
operations in different parts of the World. These `CIA-Osama
links' do not belong to a bygone era, as suggested by the
mainstream media. . . .
CIA keeps track of its `intelligence assets'. Amply
documented, Osama bin Laden's whereabouts were always known. Al
Qaeda is infiltrated by the CIA.[6] In other words, there were no
`intelligence failures'! In the nature of a well-led intelligence
operation, the `intelligence asset' operates (wittingly or
unwittingly) with some degree of autonomy, in relation to its U.S.
government sponsors, but ultimately it acts consistently, in the
interests of Uncle Sam.
individual FBI agents are often unaware of the CIA's role,
the relationship between the CIA and Al Qaeda is known at the top
levels of the FBI. Members of the Bush Administration and the U.S.
Congress are fully cognizant of these links.
foreknowledge issue focussing on `FBI lapses' is an obvious
smokescreen. While the whistleblowers serve to underscore the
weaknesses of the FBI, the role of successive U.S. administrations
(since the presidency of Jimmy Carter) in support of the `Islamic
Militant Base', is simply not mentioned.
- Truth from These Podia,
works assembled by Paul Wolf, 15 Oct 2003
- Introduction
- Truth from These Podia
- US Media Coverup: CIA Headquarters in Baghdad under Attack
- Tortured Confessions,
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 24 Sep 2003
- September 11 plan was to hijack ten planes, says mastermind
- Confessions of a Terrorist
- The Guilty Men of 9/11
- Nuclear-tipped Pakistan Remains a Powder Keg
- Bin Laden family allowed 9/11 leave, UPI, 2 Sep 2003
- Questions About 9-11 Terrorists,
by John Judge, 9 Jul 2003
- Political Deception--The Missing Link Behind 9-11,
by Michel Chossudovsky,
Centre for Research on Globalisation, 27 Jun 2002
- Summary of Research/References on the
11 September 2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon Bombings
by David Ratcliffe, 11 Sep 2003
- Rep. Henry Waxman letter to Condoleezza Rice
Questions Forged Evidence, 30 June 2003
- Rep. Henry Waxman letter to Rumsfeld
Questions Halliburton Ties to Terrorism, 30 Apr 2003
- Pakistan Infiltration,
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 12 Oct 2003
- The great Osama bin Laden myth
- Many Soldiers, Same Letter
- Afghan president faces possible split in fragile coalition government
- Taliban again on the offensive, thanks to Pakistan
- Pak going `berserk' in infiltrating terrorists
- Army warns of ISI infiltration in Bengal
- Pak Army a mercenary of United States: Opposition
- U.S policy predicaments in Pakistan
- Conspiracy crusader doubts official 9/11 version,
by Michele Landsberg, Toronto Star, 11 May 2003
- Bush lies and manipulates public and Congress,
by Carla Binion, Online Journal, 25 Apr 2003
- Bush Terror Elite Wanted 9/11 to Happen,
by John Pilger, 12 Dec 2002
- Saddam Hussein Discovered in Hole,
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 15 Dec 2003
- Indications Saddam Was Not in Hiding But a Captive
- Capture has few intel gains
- Saddam not heading insurgency
- Recruits Abandon Iraqi Army
- New battlelines drawn in the Iraqi sand
- . . . and Israel's "Dirty War"
- The Trial of Saddam,
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 21 Dec 2003
- The Trial of Saddam
- A new era of colonialism?
- General Plans Changes in Afghan Strategy
- White House Covers Tracks by Removing Information
- Petition to House Government Reform Committee
- DC Police Spying Operation Exposed
- by Chaim Kupferberg:
- The Big Leak,
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 30 Sep 2003
- One Heckuva Leak
- Mission to Niger
- Few, if Any, Have Been Prosecuted Under 1982 Law
- Desai v. Hersh--the grandfather of IIPA
- Sharon Scranage case
- Who Started the Leak?,
by Paul Wolf with accompanying articles, 6 Oct 2003
- What I Didn't Find in Africa
- Mama Mia, What a Con!
- Woodward book full of leaks.
- Why Leakers Rarely Do Time
- Pentagon Threatens to Kill Independent Reporters in Iraq, Kate Adie, 9 Mar 2003
- The media embedded,
by Tom Engelhardt,, 19 Feb 2003
- 911 - What Aren't We Being Told?,
Everything you wanted to ask but we're afraid to know
Analysis by John Judge
- Former Top German Minister Rejects Official Story Of 911 Attacks,
Tagesspiegel, 15 Jan 2002
Former German Minister of Technology, Andreas von Buelow Attacks
Official Brainwashing on September 11 Issue; Points at "Mad Dog"
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington.
- Euro Intel Experts Dismiss `War On Terrorism' As Deception, Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, 4 Dec 2001
European intelligence experts dismiss the Bush "war on terrorism" as
deception and reveal the Realpolitik behind the aggression against
- Domestic Terrorism: The Big Lie
The "War" On Terrorism is a Total Fabrication
from Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September 2001
by David Ratcliffe, September 2002
- Comprehensive List of Terrorists and Groups Identified Under
Executive Order 13224, US State Department, 26 Feb 2002
- Not again,
by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian, 27 Sep 2002
- The Enemy Within, by Gore Vidal,
The Observer [UK], 27 Oct 2002
- Gore Vidal claims `Bush junta' complicit in 9/11,
Sunder Katwala, The Observer [UK], 27 Oct 2002
- Book Review: The War on Freedom - How and Why
America Was Attacked on September 11 2001,
by Wanda Ballentine, 2 Dec 2002
- by James Petras:
- The Men From JINSA and CSP,
by Jason Vest, The Nation, 2 Sep 2002
- US Thinktanks Give Lessons in Foreign Policy,
Brian Whitaker reports on the network of research institutes whose views and
TV appearances are supplanting all other experts on Middle Eastern issues,
The Guardian, 19 Aug 2002
- Selective Memri,
Brian Whitaker investigates whether the `independent' media institute
that translates the Arabic newspapers is quite what it seems
The Guardian, 12 Aug 2002
- National security vs scoops,
by Paul Wolf with assembled articles, 23 Feb 2003
- Hard To Believe, by Charley Reese, 12 Feb 2003
- Too much of a good thing - Underlying the US drive to war
is a thirst to open up new opportunities for surplus capital,
by George Monbiot, The Guardian, 18 Feb 2003
- Detailed Analysis of October 7 Speech by Bush
uon Iraq,
Institute for Public Accuracy, October 2002
- The Colder War,
by John Pilger, Daily Mirror, 29 Jan 2002
- Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration?,
The Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence in the September 11 Attacks,
by Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 2 Nov 2001
Boondocks: Have a Thankful Day
22 November 2001
- The mystery surrounding the death of John O'Neill:
The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11, by Chaim Kupferberg,
Centre for Research on Globalisation, 13 Jun 2002
- Daniel Pearl and the Paymaster of 9/11:
9/11 and The Smoking Gun that Turned On its Tracker,
by Chaim Kupferberg, Centre for Research on Globalisation,
4 Sep 2002 (Summary)
- The algebra of infinite justice,
by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian, 29 Sep 2001
- `Brutality smeared in peanut butter'
Why America must stop the war now,
by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian, 23 Oct 2001
- OSAMAGATE, by Michel Chossudovsky,
Centre for Research on Globalisation, 9 Oct 2001
A major war supposedly "against international terrorism" has been launched
by a government which is harboring international terrorism as part of its
foreign policy agenda. In other words, the main justification for waging war
has been totally fabricated. The American people have been deliberately and
consciously misled by their government into supporting a major military
adventure which affects our collective future.
- Who Is Osama Bin Laden?, by Michel Chossudovsky,
Centre for Research on Globalisation, 12 Sep 2001
A few hours after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre
and the Pentagon, the Bush administration concluded without
supporting evidence, that "Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda
organisation were prime suspects".
- A Flag is not a Blindfold -- Are Americans
The Victims of a Hoax?,
by Michael Rivero, September 2001
- Friends of terrorism,
Otto Reich in Bush Admin exposes hypocrisy of war on terror,
by Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, 8 Feb 2002
- A Vital Piece of the Puzzle:
Dollars for Terror--The United States and Islam,
book review by Carol Brouillet, November 2001
- Contingency planning - Pentagon MASCAL
simulates scenarios in preparing for emergencies,
Military District of Washington News Service, 3 Nov 2000
- Photos - Crashing Planes Into the Pentagon - by Dennis Ryan
- Oh, no - Pentagon loses $2.3 trillion,
by Uri Dowbenko, Online Journal, 17 Feb 2002
"We are being told to accept an assemblage of facts that
would not stand up in a court of law to prove the guilt
of a man, bin Laden and his organization, that somehow
succeeded in penetrating the most restricted airspace in
the world approximately 55 minutes after the first plane
crashed into the World Trade Center. These facts, while
not sufficient to prevent the day that changed the world,
nonetheless were more than sufficient to identify the
culprit in less than the next 24 hours; who was then the
justification for embarking on a war that, according
to Dick Cheney, "may never end. At least, not in our
lifetime" [79];
and who less than a year later has dropped
off the world stage slowing down this lifetime war, on
his behalf, not one iota. Whose interests are
advanced by this monumental campaign to trade our liberty
for security?
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