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                            Central Asia/Russia
                               THE ROVING EYE

               Pipelineistan, Part 2: The games nations play

                              By Pepe Escobar
                              January 26, 2002
                             Asia Times Online

     Part 1: The rules of the game

     Two months ago, the White House was deliriously happy with the
     official opening of the first new pipeline of the Caspian Pipeline
     Consortium -- a joint venture including Russia, Kazakhstan, Oman,
     ChevronTexaco, ExxonMobil and a bunch of other minor players.

     This $2.65 billion pipeline links the enormous Tengiz oilfield in
     northwestern Kazakhstan to the Russian port of Novorossiysk on the
     Black Sea: from there, the sky -- ie the world market -- is the
     limit. Bush II, according to the White House, is developing "a
     network of multiple Caspian pipelines that also include the
     Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku-Supsa, and Baku-Novorossiyisk oil
     pipelines, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline". So one of
     the key nodes in the American petrostrategy is composed by
     Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.

     The pipeline consortium for Baku-Ceyhan, led by British Petroleum,
     is represented by the law firm Baker & Botts. The principal
     attorney is none other than Texan superstar James Baker -
     secretary of state under Bush I and chief spokesman for the Bush
     II 2000 campaign when all gloves were off to shut down the Florida
     vote recount.

     Texas-based, scandal-prone Enron, together with Amoco, Chevron,
     Mobil, UNOCAL and British Petroleum, were all spending billions of
     dollars to pump the reserves of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and
     Turkmenistan. Baker, Scowcroft, Sununu and Cheney have all closed
     major deals directly and indirectly on behalf of the oil
     companies. But now the Enron scandal has just exploded right in
     the face of the oil industry -- and Bush II's administration. It
     will be very enlightening to see what the American tradition of
     investigative journalism will make of all this.

     Enron once had a market value of $70 billion. It filed for
     bankruptcy in December 2001 after admitting it ovestated its
     profits by almost $600 million. Paul Krugman wrote that "Enron
     helped Dick Cheney devise an energy plan that certainly looks as
     if it was written by and for the companies that advised his task
     force". The Enron big-time crooks -- close pals of Cheney and Bush
     II -- dwarf any Asian "crony capitalists" Americans were carping
     about before and after the Asian financial crisis.

     There's no shortage of crooks in the oil industry. Turkmenistan
     and Azerbaijan have intimate relations with Israeli military
     intelligence. A so-called "former" Israeli intelligence agent,
     Yousef Maiman, president of the Mehrav Group of Israel, is nothing
     less than "Special Ambassador", official negotiatior and even
     policymaker responsible for developing the enormous energy
     resources of Turkmenistan.

     Maiman is a citizen of the gas republic by presidential decree -
     signed by the Turkmenbashi himself, the fabulously megalomaniac
     Saparmurad Niazov, former member of the Soviet Politburo. Maiman,
     according to the Wall Street Journal, is actively involved in
     advancing the "geopolitical goals of both the US and Israel" in
     Central Asia. He certainly does not beat around the bush:
     "Controlling the transport route is controlling the product."
     Nobody knows where Mehrav's money comes from.

     Mehrav's planned pipelines bypass both Iran and Russia. But after
     the conquest of Afghanistan, oil sources in Singapore say Mehrav
     may consider dealing with Iran. It's all to do with the importance
     of the Turkish market. Russia and Turkmenistan are fiercely
     competing to conquer the Turkish gas market. Considering the
     strategic relationship between Turkey and Israel, the Israeli game
     remains preventing Turkish strategic dependence on Iran. Turkey is
     a NATO member and a key US ally. The US and Britain routinely
     strike against Iraq from Turkish bases -- from which they patrol
     the unillateraly-declared Iraqi "no-fly zones". These "no-fly
     zones" are obviously not sanctioned by the UN.

     Mehrav is also involved in a murderous project to reduce the flow
     of water to Iraq by diverting water from the Tigris and the
     Euphrates rivers to southeastern Turkey. And Magal Security
     Systems, an Israeli company, is also involved with Turkey: it will
     provide security for the 2,000 km-long oil pipeline from the
     Caspian Sea to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan.

     Crook-infested Enron -- the biggest donor to the Bush campaign of
     2000 -- was ubiquitious: it conducted the feasibility study for
     the $2.5 billion trans-Caspian pipeline being built under a joint
     venture signed almost three years ago between Turkmenistan and
     Bechtel and General Electric. The go-between in the deal was none
     other than the Mehrav Group. Chairman Maiman spent a fortune
     hiring the Washington lobbying firm Cassidy and Associates to
     seduce official Washington with the trans-Caspian pipeline

     The intrincate relationship between Israel, Turkey and the US
     means that as much as the trans-Caspian pipeline, the Baku-Ceyhan
     pipeline is also absolutely crucial. It could be extended to bring
     oil directly to thirsty Israel. During the Clinton years, oil
     giants were under tremendous pressure to build East-West
     pipelines. But all of them preferred to build North-South
     pipelines -- much cheaper, but with the inconvenience of crossing
     Iran, an absolute anathema for Washington.

     Russia already has a contract with Turkmenistan to purchase 30
     billion cubic meters of gas a year. This represents a big blow to
     the US field of dreams, the trans-Caspian gas pipeline. This also
     means that Russia will never let go of its sphere of influence
     without a tremendous fight. The Central Asian republics are on its
     borders, Russia has dominated them for centuries and they are home
     to millions of Russians. Russian is still the language they all
     use to do business with each other.

     Thanks to master political chess player Vladimir Putin, Russia is
     now on the cosiest terms possible with Washington -- and US-Iran
     antipathy is apparently receding. Russia may eventually become a
     partner in at least some of Washington's petrostrategy games in
     Central Asia -- like the Caspian Pipeline Consortium. The regional
     map also reveals that Iran, besides holding important gas
     reserves, offers the best direct access from the Caspian Sea to
     the Persian Gulf, where oil and gas can be quickly exported to
     Asian markets.

     Iran assumes, not entirely without reason, that it is the rightful
     guardian of Central Asia because of centuries of ethnic,
     historical, linguistic and religious ties. And Iran is very
     conscious that American military links and now physical presence
     in Central Asia are part of a strategy to encircle it. But even
     amid so many geopolitical and ideological pitfalls, the fact
     remains that as long as the US is militarily involved in
     Afghanistan, there will be some sort of US-Iranian diplomatic

     Under the control of the China National Petroleum Corporation
     (CNPC), pipelines from Central Asia will also reach China's
     Xinjiang. Oil sources in Singapore stress that this will certainly
     spell a slump for the sea routes across the Indian Ocean and the
     Pacific. Washington is more than aware through its think tanks of
     the consequences: an extremely likely strategic realignment
     between China, Japan and Korea.

     The Chinese have their sights on only one terrifying prospect: the
     encirclement of China by the US. UNOCAL is dreaming about profits.
     Washington is thinking about the robust Chinese economy. Whatever
     "war against terror" distractions, China remains the key strategic
     competitor to the US in the 21st century. With Afghanistan in the
     bag, UNOCAL dreams of monster profits in the Asian market -- much
     higher than in Europe -- while Washington closely monitors the
     Chinese economy: growth of 8 percent in 2000, 7 percent in 2001,
     and needing all the oil and gas it can get. Chinese strategists
     are working around the clock to develop local forms of energy

     What happens next will be closely linked to the deliberations of
     the Shanghai Five, now Shanghai Six, or more burocratically, the
     Shangahi Cooperation Organization (SCO): China and Russia, plus
     four Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Takijistan
     and Uzbekistan). Manouvering with extreme care, China is using the
     SCO to align Russia economically and politically towards China and
     northeast Asia. At the same time, Russia is using the SCO to
     maintain its traditional hegemony in Central Asia. The name of the
     game for solidifying the alliance is Russian export of its
     enormous reserves of oil and gas.

     Since the NATO war against Yugoslavia and the de facto occupation
     of Kosovo -- where America built its largest military base since
     the Vietnam War -- China and Russia have their minds set on
     Chechnya and Muslim Xinjiang. For the moment, at least, America
     has absolutely no way of interfering in these domestic problems,
     since China and especially Russia are endorsing the war against

     The Taliban were never a target in the "war against terrorism".
     They were just a scapegoat -- rather, a horde of medieval warrior
     scapegoats who simply did not fulfill their contract: to insert
     Aghanistan into Pipelineistan. All the regional players now know
     America is in Central Asia to stay, as Washington itself has been
     stridently repeating these last few weeks, and it will be
     influencing or disturbing the economy and geopolitics of the
     region. The wider world is absolutely oblivious to these real
     stakes in the New Great Game.

     The US at the time of the Gulf War did not show any interest in
     replacing "Satan" Hussein. That would seriously compromise the
     American design to establish bases on the Arabian peninsula on the
     convenient pretext of helping poor Arab sheikhs against the Iraqi
     Evil Monster.

     More than a decade later, Satan Hussein is still there, Bush I is
     now Bush II, and assorted Pentagon hawks are still fuming, trying
     to fabricate any excuse to blow Saddam back to Mesopotamian ashes.
     But Saddam will not be attacked, because Saddam is the ultimate
     reason for American military bases in the Gulf -- a splendid
     affair because on top of it all it is a free ride, the expenses
     being paid by the ultra-flush sheikdoms. Now, after the (also
     unfinished) New Afghan War, American forces are already
     establishing themselves in Central and South Asia to once again
     "protect the interests of the free world".

     It is never enough to remember that after the end of the communist
     regime in Afghanistan, the American strategy was to deliberately
     let Islamic extremism go wild -- a perfect way to scare the
     unstable regimes in the Central Asian neo-republics. Islamic
     fundamentalism has always been a key card in the American
     strategic design since the Cold War days when the CIA
     subcontracted to the Pakistani ISI the arm-them-to-their-teeth
     policy regarding the mujahideen. It is always easy to forget that
     the good-guys-turned-bad-guys were once were hailed by Ronnie
     Reagan himself at the Oval Office as "the moral equivalent of the
     founding fathers".

     America has been trying hard to "get" Afghanistan -- the heart of
     Asia in Antiquity, the Pipelineistan crossroads of Asia nowadays -
     for more than 20 years. In the process, the mujahideen transformed
     Afghanistan, with CIA blessing, into the world's leading producer
     of heroin, opening the crucial and ultra-profitable drug pipeline
     Afghanistan-Turkey-Balkans-Western Europe. More than a martini,
     oil-arms-drugs is the classic CIA cocktail. This "Drugistan" road
     has just been spetacularly reopened after the fall of the Taliban.

     Pipelineistan is not an end in itself. Oil and gas by themselves
     are not the US's ultimate aim. It's all about control. In
     Monopoly, Belgian writer Michel Collon wrote: "If you want to rule
     the world, you need to control oil. All the oil. Anywhere." If the
     US controls the sources of energy of its rivals -- Europe, Japan,
     China and other nations aspiring to be more independent -- they
     win. This explains why pipelines from the Caucasus to the West
     have to be America-friendly -- ie Turkish or Macedonian -- and not
     "unreliable", meaning Russian-controled. Washington, always, has
     to control everything: that's what Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger
     always said. The same goes for the military bases in Saudi Arabia,
     and now in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

     There's no business like war business. Thanks to war against Iraq,
     the US has its military bases in the Persian Gulf. Thanks to war
     against Yugoslavia, the US has its military bases in Bosnia,
     Kosovo and Macedonia. Thanks to war against the Taliban, the US is
     now in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Not to
     mention the base in Incirlik, Turkey. The US is also in the
     Caucasus -- in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Iran, China and Russia are
     practically encircled. There's no business like show business.
     Raise the curtains. Enter Pipelineistan. (Applause).

     Part 1: The rules of the game

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