The Separate Connally Shot
                          (Second of Two Articles)

Original Copy published in The MINORITY of One, April 1966, Vol. VIII, 4(77), 
pp. 9-13.

                               O U T L I N E
    Connally Recalls a Separate Hit          The FBI Dissents
    Evidence Is Washed Away                  Implications of the FBI Finding
    The Impossible Changes in a Missile      Notes
    Between Two Hits                           

Our purpose in this article is to establish finally and objectively that
President Kennedy and Governor Connally were wounded by separate bullets. Once
this is accomplished, the lone assassin theory will be eliminated for all
those who require the rooting of historical belief in solid evidence.

A weaving hit of the President and the Governor was a crucial finding of the
Warren Commission. We will briefly review the Commission's conclusions about
the assassination shots:

    ... one shot passed through the President's neck and then most probably
    passed through the Governor's body.[1]

    Two bullets probably caused all the wounds suffered by President Kennedy
    and Governor Connally. (W-117)

    ... one shot probably missed the car and its occupants. (W-111)

    ... three shots were fired. (W-111)

When we prove that a shot was not passed through the President and the
Governor, the Commission's work will be undone. For the Commission concluded
that "three shots were fired." Since a motion picture camera operating on the
assassination scene precisely fixed the time period of the assassination
(W-117), and the alleged assassination weapon had a minimum firing time of 2.3
seconds, the Commission was irrevocably married to a theory of no more than
three shots. (W-97) To break this connection between a weaving hit of the
President and the Governor is to add a minimum of one shot and one additional
gunman to the assassination. We know that the Warren Commission concluded that
the shots which killed the President and wounded the Governor were fired by
one man. (W-19) By necessary inference, the disproving of the double-hit
concept will destroy the Commission's one-man-and-three-shots theory of the

Our previous article in The Minority of One[2] pointed out some of the
Commission's insurmountable problems in its effort to build a structure --
without the benefit of evidence -- to support the claim of a double hit of the
President and the Governor. Governor Connally recoiled to the right, from a
hit which, according to the Commission, struck him from behind while he sat
erect. This bullet crossed from the extreme right of the Governor's back
leftward and deposited a fragment in his left femur. Newton's third law of
motion would have naturally dictated the Governor's fall or reaction leftward
and not rightward from a bullet coursing left to right.

In the same article we showed how the Commission required us to believe that
the Governor was able to turn right, after being hit on the right of his back,
and to execute this right turn against the force of the bullet's impact.
Further, although the Governor's right wrist was shattered by a bullet, it was
not in alignment to be struck, at the time of the alleged wounding of the
Governor, by a bullet following the course described by the Commission. An
additional problem confronted the Commission. This bullet. Commission Exhibit
399, according to the Commission, weighed in combination with its alleged
fragments more than the weight of the heaviest test bullet. In concluding that
399 and the fragments all came from the same missile, the Commission violated
the physical law of conservation of mass.

Our task at this juncture is to determine whether there is still other
evidence in support of a separate hit of Governor Connally.

Connally Recalls a Separate Hit

Governor Connally recalled being hit after he turned right and then left

    ... we turned on Elm Street.

    We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I
    heard this noise which I immediately thought was a shot. I heard this
    noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned
    to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my right
    shoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw
    nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the
    President in the comer of my eye, and I was interested because once I
    heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I
    immediately -- the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an
    assassination attempt.

    So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left
    shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got
    about in the position I am in now, facing, looking a little bit to the
    left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back.

    ... Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. I reclined with my head in
    her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and I heard the
    shot very clearly. I heard it hit him ... (IV, H-132-133)

    ... after I heard that shot, I had the time to turn to my right, and to
    start to my left before I felt anything.

    It is not conceivable to me that I could have been hit by the first bullet

Mrs. Connally stated that she had the time to turn, after a shot had been
fired, but previous to the moment when her husband was hit:

    ... I heard a noise, and not being an expert rifleman, I was not aware
    that it was a rifle.

    I turned over my right shoulder and looked back, and saw the President as
    he had both hands at his neck.

    ... Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John. (IV, H-147)

Governor and Mrs. Connally's testimony totally supports the claim of a
separate hit of the Governor. To Governor Connally, the Commission's view that
he was hit by the first bullet to strike the President, "is not conceivable."
Mrs. Connally remembers that her husband was hit after the President's first
wounds were inflicted and after she turned over her right shoulder, and by a
second shot. There is no hint of support for the 399 joint-hit idea in the
Connally testimony.

Evidence Is Washed Away

Our initial article on the Warren Commission in the January, 1965, Liberation
relied heavily on the FBI Agent Frazier's analysis of the damage to the
President's clothing. The President's clothing revealed hits incompatible with
the final Commission version of his wounds. In brief, the hole in the back of
the President's shirt, 5 3/4" below the top of the collar (W-92) was too low to
have allowed a bullet traveling downward at 20 degrees (W-103) without hitting
bone to emerge from the necktie knot. (W-91) Therefore, the demonstrative
evidence provided by the President's shirt was of crucial value in disproving
the connection alleged by the Commission between the hole in President
Kennedy's back and the hole in his neck. Needless to say, a careful analysis
of the Connally clothing is of essence. From the Connally clothing we would
expect probative information for determining the course of the missile through
Connally and its shape. Unfortunately, the demonstrative evidence of the
Governor's clothing was not in Frazier's hands for safe keeping. Governor
Connally explained what happened to his clothing:

    They, the Archives of the State of Texas, asked for the clothing, and I
    have given the clothing to them. That is where they were sent from, I
    believe, here, to this Commission. (IV, H-142)

Apparently, the Archives of the State of Texas considered cleanliness closer
to godliness than veracious history, for the way in which they dealt with the
clothing of Governor Connally constitutes the equivalent of wiping the
fingerprints from a murder weapon:

    Mr. Frazier. On the hole on the back of the coat although it had the
    general appearance and could have been a bullet hole, possibly because of
    the cleaning and pressing of the garment. I cannot state that it actually
    is a bullet hole nor the direction of the path of the bullet, if it were a
    bullet hole. (V, H-63)

Mr. Frazier had no more success with the shirt. It seems that the search for
clues as to bullet direction and shape was not helped by the compulsion for
dry cleaning and pressing the evidence:

    This also did not indicate direction from the condition of the fibers,
    possibly due to cleaning and pressing of the garment. (V, H-64)

    ... the hole was in such a condition, as I said through both layers of the
    cuff, and the hole was in such a condition, possibly due to the washing of
    the material, that I could not determine what actually caused it or if it
    had been caused by a bullet, the direction of the path of the bullet with
    reference to entrance and exit. (V, H-65)

The person or persons who ordered the laundering of Governor Connally's
clothing knew or had reason to know that vital evidence was being destroyed.
The Commission, however, showed no disturbance over this flagrant obliteration
of vital historical evidence by agents of the State of Texas:

    Representative Boggs. Governor, I would like to say that we have had fine
    cooperation from all of your Texas officials from the attorney general of
    the State, and from his people, and others who have worked with the
    Commission. (IV, H-144)

We much regret that this form of "cooperation" was not vigorously discouraged
or condemned by the Commission. On the day of the assassination, newspaper
releases alerted the public to the importance of the Governor's clothing. A
United Press International release appearing on the front page of The Lowell
Sun (Lowell, Mass.), November 22, 1963, stated:

    It was impossible to tell at once where Kennedy was hit, but bullet wounds
    in Connally's chest were plainly visible indicating the gunfire might
    possibly have come from an automatic weapon.

Fortunately, the laundering failed to wash out all the evidence from the
Governor's shirt. The FBI was able to salvage something of value. The picture
of Governor Connally's shirt. Commission Exhibit 686, (XVII, H-343) indeed
seems to indicate a pattern of three separate holes or a large irregularly
shaped hole, in the right-chest area. Frazier describes the damage to the
front of the shirt:

    ... a very irregular tear more or less in the form of an `H' of the letter
    `H.' This tear was approximately 1 inch in width, which caused a very
    irregularly shaped and enlarged hole in the front of the shirt. The hole
    is located 5 inches from the right-side seam, and 9 inches below the top
    of the right sleeve. (V, H-64)

This pattern is not compatible with a regular missile emerging from the front
of the shirt. This account is consistent with damage in the front of the
garment resulting from fragments, or with an irregular missile, passing out
the front of the shirt.

Further, Mr. Frazier stated that the top portion of the right sleeve of the
Connally jacket contained "... a very rough hole ...," (V, H-64) which is
characteristic of an irregular missile striking the sleeve. 399 was not an
irregular missile. In support of this view, Frazier states: "The elongation
could also have been the result of a mutilated bullet having struck the
garment ..." (V, H-64) 399 cannot be so described. The hole in the shirt cuff
was also: "... ragged in contour, irregularly shaped." (V, H-64-65) This, too,
was not consistent with 399.

The only way Frazier could explain 399 having done this damage in the Connally
coat and shirt was to discuss the possibility of a "... fold in the garment at
the time of the object or bullet struck," or that "... the shirt had been
wrinkled at the time it passed through ..." (V, H-64-65) Explaining the
incompatibility of the holes in the President's clothing with the autopsy
report findings, Commander Humes offered the explanation that upon saluting
the crowd, the President was forced to: "accentuate the elevation of the coat
and shirt with respect to the back" (II, H-366), although raising his right
hand no further than his forehead. Our ready-made, fifty dollar suits and
three dollar shirts never seem to behave that way; neither should coats and
shirts fitted to the forms of a President and a Governor.

What is not washed away in the Connally clothing evidence seems to indicate
that Governor Connally was struck by a missile which was irregular when it
left his chest and irregular when it entered his wrist. Therefore the clothing
of Governor Connally supports the innocence of 399 in the wounding of Governor
Connally. 399 is a regular missile.

The Impossible Changes in a Missile

A joint hit concept employing C.E. 399 as a regular missile coursing through
both the President and the Governor envisions no drastic changes in the
missile. The missile which struck the Governor apparently underwent a drastic
change in coursing through the Governor and smashing his fifth rib and right
wrist. The Connally chest wounds seem to have been inflicted by a missile
which entered his back as a regular missile, and then emerged from his chest
as a mutilated bullet or as fragments.

Dr. Shaw addressed himself to the problem of the changing nature of the
Connally missile:

    When Governor Connally was examined, it was found that there was a small
    wound of entrance, roughly elliptical in shape, and approximately a cm.
    and a half, in its longest diameter, in the right posterior shoulder ...

    ... the wound of exit was below and slightly medial to the nipple on the
    anterior right chest. It was a round, ragged wound approximately 5 cm. in
    diameter. (VI, H-85)

A joint-hit concept involving C.E. 399 coursing through both the President and
the Governor allows for no drastic changes in a missile from regular to
irregular in the entering and leaving of Connally's torso. A dramatic change
in the missile which struck Governor Connally seems to have occurred rendering
the missile that was regular on entry into Connally's back, irregular at some
point prior to its exit from the anterior chest of the Governor. This
transformation from a regular to an irregular missile, from entry and exit
posterior to anterior chest of Connally, when combined with the ragged entries
in the right wrist of the Governor, seems to rule out the regularly shaped
C.E. 399 as the missile which wounded the Governor.

According to Frazier, the alleged murder weapon, the Carcano, was a "low
velocity" rifle, (III, H-414) Any rifle capable of putting a bullet through
both President Kennedy and Governor Connally, according to Dr. Gregory, would
have had to have been "remarkably powerful." Here is the relevant testimony on
the velocity problem:

    Mr. Specter. Well, wouldn't you think it possible, bearing in mind that my
    last question only went as to whether the same bullet could have gone
    through President Kennedy and inflicted the wound on Governor Connally's
    chest, would you think it possible that the same missile could have gone
    through President Kennedy in the way I described and have inflicted all
    three of the wounds, that is, the entry and exit on the chest, the entry
    and exit on the wrist and the entry into the thigh which you described?

    Dr. Gregory. I suspect it's possible, but I would say it would have to be
    a remarkably powerful missile to have done so. (VI, H-103)

A "low velocity" rifle cannot fire "a remarkably powerful missile." While a
finding of a bullet striking only Connally would have substantially reduced
the velocity problem, so would a similar conclusion have relieved Dr. Olivier
of some of his wound ballistics reconstruction problems. His tests, as
performed, accurately conformed to a view of the assassination which reflected
separate shots striking the President and the Governor. The problem of the
test bullet C.E. 853 would not have been so acute. Though the 853 test bullet
passed only through the governmental-test equivalent of the Governor's tissue
and bone. Dr. Olivier was compelled to admit: "The bullet has been quite
flattened ... The bullet recovered on the stretcher had not been flattened as
much ..." (V, H-80) The Commission showed us only one test bullet. Where are
the others? What is their condition? The Commission, by arriving at a finding
of a separate hit of the Governor would have gone far towards solving the
velocity problem. But the Commission failed to provide this opening for its
experts. The implication of more than three bullets, which logically flowed
from this alternative conception of the assassination, was not acceptable to
the Commission.

Between Two Hits

The evidence disproves the 399 weaving hit theory. What then did happen in the
Connally hit? A four-hour intensive analysis of the Zapruder film at the
United States National Archives in Washington D.C. produced a possible answer.
In the Zapruder films there is some evidence of the Governor's reaction to a
hit in frames 292 to 299. Connally, in these frames, seems to be indicating a
reaction to a bullet strike.

A verbal description of our observations on the applicable Zapruder frames is

Zapruder Film, frame 288	Zapruder Film, frame 289

Frame 288: The Governor is still around to his right, facing the President.

Frame 289: The Governor begins turning around to his left, but is still facing
in the direction of the President.

Zapruder Film, frame 290	Zapruder Film, frame 291

Frame 290: The Governor is making his turn to the left.

Frame 291: The Governor definitely sinks. He is now facing the grassy knoll in
a northeasterly direction.

Zapruder Film, frame 292	Zapruder Film, frame 293

Frame 292: His mouth is open. He seems to grimace in apparent pain. A hand
seems to be thrown upward. He is still facing northeast.

Frame 293: His mouth is still open wide. He is now facing more towards the

Zapruder Film, frame 294	Zapruder Film, frame 295

Frame 294: His face seems contorted in pain. His mouth is still open. He is
falling back and seems to be reacting to a hit. He is still facing north.

Frame 295: He is falling backwards; his face is still contorted. He remains
facing north.

Zapruder Film, frame 296	Zapruder Film, frame 297

Frame 296: He is falling backwards, continuing to face north.

Frame 297: Connally's face is most clear. Excruciating pain seems to be
registered in it.

Zapruder Film, frame 298	Zapruder Film, frame 299

Frame 298: He continues to fall.

Frame 299: Connally is clearer. His face is still pained. He continues to fall
backwards into Mrs. Connally's lap.

Zapruder Film, frame 300	Zapruder Film, frame 301

Zapruder Film, frame 302	Zapruder Film, frame 303

The Zapruder reproductions in the Commission volumes [and here] are tiny and
therefore most of the details which we observed at the Archives will not be
clearly observable to the reader. The projections which we viewed were on the
order of 12 square feet. The smaller versions which appear in the published
exhibits (excepting frames 208, 209 and 211), show clearly the Governor's turn
and his falling back, but do not show his expressions.

We do not present our 292 hypothesis as conclusively proven [see Note
preceding References -- Ed]. More work has to be done on the question of
exactly when and how Governor Connally was wounded. But, we do contend that
the evidence against the joint-hit theory -- so crucial to the Warren
Commission finding of a sole assassin -- is overwhelmingly disproven by the
Warren Commission's own evidence.

Our 292 hit hypothesis, we think, deserves serious investigation. This theory,
unlike the Warren Commission's invention, comports with the evidence. If this
hypothesis is ultimately proven, it will constitute further conclusive proof
that there was more than one assassin firing at the motorcade. A hit on
Governor Connally during 292 is separated by 21 frames from the 313 strike on
the President's head. 18.3 Zapruder frames translate into a second of time.
Therefore, 21 Zapruder frames constitute 1.15 seconds. This 1.15 second time
period bisects precisely that which the Commission established as the 2.3
minimum for firing the Carcano twice. Therefore, a hit of the Governor during
Zapruder frame 292 would have to be the work of a gunman separate from the one
who shot President Kennedy in the head. This 1.15 second time span of the
Connally wounding and the President's head hit would also conform to the
Commission's finding that: "Most witnesses recalled that the second and third
shots were bunched together." (W-115)

The FBI Dissents

We now return to the 399 weaving-hit theory. Since the FBI was the primary
source of the relevant evidence, let us examine its findings.

As early as November 26, 1963, we were advised by an Associated Press report
datelined Washington, D.C.:

    The FBI is preparing a detailed report of the assassination of President
    Kennedy and all the details will be made public, the White House announced
    Monday night.[4]

Perhaps on the basis of this FBI report another Associated Press article was
released and datelined Washington, D.C.:

    Dec. 17 (AP) The first shot fired by President Kennedy's assassin struck
    Mr. Kennedy in the back and did not hit any vital organ, a reliable source
    familiar with the autopsy finding reported tonight.

    The second bullet to hit Mr. Kennedy -- after another had struck Gov. John
    B. Connally of Texas...[5]

Was the "source familiar with the autopsy finding" the FBI? Nothing in the
present autopsy proves that a separate bullet did not hit the Governor. Could
this be the reason for the burning of the original autopsy notes by James J.

    I, James J. Humes, certify that I have destroyed by burning certain
    preliminary draft notes relating to Naval Medical School Autopsy Report
    A63-272 and have officially transmitted all other papers related to this
    report to higher authority. (XVII, H-48)

Could the original autopsy findings have conformed to what Special Agent Roy
H. Kellerman testified to with respect to his experience at Bethesda during
the autopsy studies?

    There were three gentlemen who were performing this autopsy. A Colonel
    Finck -- during the examination of the president, from the hole that was
    in his shoulder, and with a probe, he is probing inside the shoulder with
    his instrument and I said, "Colonel, where did it go?" He said. "There are
    no lanes for an outlet of this entry in this man's shoulder." (II, H-93)

If this bullet which had struck the President in the back had not exited, then
399 could not have also inflicted any wounds on the Governor.

On October 22, 1964 we got our first suggestion that the FBI report on the
assassination had concluded that there was no double hit of the President and
the Governor by 399. Arlen Specter, Assistant Counsel for the Commission, on
that date, addressed the Philadelphia Bar Association in Room 653 of City
Hall. He cautioned the members of the Bar who came to hear and question him:
"The people are going to have to rely on the conclusions (that have been
drawn) and the stature of the men on the Commission." We chose then, and
choose now, to ignore his fallacious interpretation of the proper relationship
of government to the individual in a free society. But we did not ignore
another statement made by him on this occasion.

Mr. Specter was asked during the questioning period whether the Commission had
disagreed in any significant respect with the FBI report on the assassination.
Mr. Specter replied that the FBI report concluded Governor Connally's hit was
a separate one. Then he proceeded to take a large share of the credit for the
double-hit theory. Since that time, I have endeavored to meet with Mr. Arlen
Specter, now District Attorney of Philadelphia. I wished to assure myself that
I heard correctly what he had said. He has chosen to ignore our requests to
meet with him.

Under the circumstances, I saw a need for alternative means to verify from
primary sources a possible basic disagreement between the FBI and the Warren
Commission. Our review of the FBI laboratory findings of firearms expert
Robert A. Frazier concerning the back wounds of the President indicated to us
that the work was of fine quality. So much so, that we saw fit, in the
interests of historical justice, to dedicate an article in part to Mr.
Frazier.[6] With the purpose of checking out the possible divergence of
findings between the FBI and the Warren Commission, I applied to the National
Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C., for permission to inspect the
FBI report. The Archives staff apparently does not construe its task as
compelling the American people to "rely on the conclusions and the stature of
the men on the Commission." For, after having identified myself as a critic of
the Warren Commission Report, I was afforded the courtesy and helpfulness of
devoted public servants of the National Archives who performed their job well
as trustees of public information. In short, I was permitted on February 26,
1966 access to the four-volume work entitled Investigation of Assassination of
President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963, which work bears the name of
John Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In Volume 1, page 18 of the FBI report our quest for the answer to the
historical riddle came to a successful conclusion:

    Immediately after President Kennedy and Governor Connally were admitted to
    Parkland Memorial Hospital, a bullet was found on one of the stretchers.
    Medical examination of the President's body revealed that one of the
    bullets had entered just below his shoulder to the right of the spinal
    column at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees downward, that there was no point
    of exit, and that the bullet was not in the body. An examination of this
    bullet by the FBI Laboratory determined that it had been fired from the
    rifle owned by Oswald. (Exhibit 23)

Exhibit 23 is labeled "BULLET FROM STRETCHER," and this bullet is none other
than Commission Exhibit 399.

Implications of the FBI Finding

If the FBI finding is correct -- and all the evidence seems to bear out the
FBI and to negate the possibility of the Commission's finding of a double hit
-- then some crucial implications naturally flow therefrom:

 1. C.E. 399, since it did not pass through the President, could not have also
    struck Governor Connally.

 2. C.E. 399 did not exit from the President's front -- which supports the
    proposition that President Kennedy's neck wound was a separate hit fired
    by an assassin stationed in front of the President.

 3. 399 could not have struck Governor Connally, hence that a separate bullet
    had to do so, since the government's Dr. Alfred G. Olivier demonstrated
    that the last shot striking the President in the head could not have
    caused all of Governor Connally's wounds. (V, H-90) The Commission agreed
    with Dr. Olivier. (W-586)

 4. Since the President's head hit was a separate shot which followed the
    wounding of Governor Connally, (W-108) this head hit requires a minimum of
    four bullets in the assassination picture.

 5. The wounding of James T. Tague while standing between Main and Commerce
    Streets (W-116), when combined with sundry other evidence of missed
    bullets, compelled the Commission to conclude: "... one shot probably
    missed the Presidential limousine and its occupants." (W-117) Therefore, a
    minimum of one more bullet or a minimum total of five bullets now emerge
    in the assassination.

 6. Commission Exhibits 385 and 386 (XVI, H-977) -- drawings which I indicated
    in a previous article[7] contradict the back wounds of the President as
    depicted on the autopsy face sheet. Exhibit 397, (XVII, H-45) -- are
    fabrications, for they show a channel of exit which apparently did not
    exist for President Kennedy's back wound. Now the withholding of the
    X-rays and photographs taken at the autopsy of President Kennedy, on which
    the FBI must have relied for reaching its no-exit conclusion, takes on an
    ever-more ominous significance.

 7. Arlen Specter's failure to question the FBI firearms expert, Robert A.
    Frazier, on the FBI finding of no exit for the back wound seems to
    demonstrate on Mr. Specter's part a compelling desire not to clutter the
    hearing record with the FBI finding which comported with all the evidence.

 8. The Commission conclusion that C.E. 399 came from the stretcher of
    Governor Connally was unwarranted.

 9. The 45 to 60 degree angle downward course of the bullet through the
    President's back would indicate that the first assassination bullet to
    strike the Presidential limousine did so when the car was considerably
    closer to the Texas School Book Depository Building than the Commission
    contends. The possible source of this bullet from other than the southeast
    window of the Texas School Book Depository Building must be considered. A
    southwest window could account for a steeper angle.

10. Since the FBI must have at least partly based its finding of no exit from
    the President's back wound on the original autopsy report, and since the
    present autopsy report describes a missile as exiting from "the anterior
    surface of the neck" (W-543), the burning of "preliminary draft notes
    relating to the Naval Medical School Autopsy Report" may be a euphemism
    for an original autopsy report which was burned.

11. Among the most devastating critics of the Warren Report is the FBI.

We again submit that there was a conspiracy of at least two and possibly more
men to kill President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Without fear of being
gainsaid, we maintain that this conspiracy is now proven. Beginnings have been
made in determining how President Kennedy was killed.

We call upon the United States Government to release to the National Archives,
for purposes of examination by interested persons, the following essential
evidence which has not been produced to date:

 1. The wound-ballistics test bullets -- all of them. 

 2. Zapruder frames 208, 209 and 211. 

 3. X-rays and photographs taken at the autopsy of President Kennedy.

 4. Stills of the Hugh William Betzner, Jr., Mary Muchmore, Orville O. Nix

 5. All FBI data dealing with the shooting on the assassination site.

None of the above can be rationally included in the category of "national
security and intelligence" material, unless our society is much less free and
much more closed than it is supposed to be. If such is the case, we must
redouble our demands that the evidence be released for examination at the
rightful repository, the National Archives.

The Warren Commission is not the country; the people are.

Note: In early 1999 Mr. Salandria commented: "Raymond Marcus' work
demonstrates that Governor Connally was struck at Zapruder frame 237 or 238
and not before or after." Mr. Marcus is the author of four monographs on the
JFK case: The Bastard Bullet; The HSCA, the Zapruder film, and the Single
Bullet Theory; Addendum B; and #5 Man, November 22, 1963.


    Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President
    Kennedy, p. 111, United States Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1964.
    References to this Report are designated by "W" followed by a page number.
    [The above title is also known as The Warren Report. See a complete online
    copy of The Warren Report at History Matters.]
 2  Salandria, Vincent J. "The Impossible Tasks of One Assassination Bullet,"
    The MINORITY of One, March 1966, Vol. VIII, 3(76).
 3. Hearings Before the President's Commission on the Assassination of
    President Kennedy, Vol. IV p. 136. United States Printing Office,
    Washington, D.C., 1964. References to the Hearing Notes and the Commission
    Exhibits are designated by the volume number, and "H" followed by a page
    [See complete online copy of The Warren Commission Hearing and Exhibits at
    History Matters. The Warren Commission published 26 volumes of hearings
    and exhibits within a few months after issuing its Report. Volumes 1-5 are
    hearings conducted by the Commission members in Washington DC. Volumes
    6-15 are hearings conducted by staff attorneys on location in Dallas, New
    Orleans, and other locations. Volume 15 also contains an index to names
    and exhibits. Volumes 16-26 contain photographed Commission Exhibits,
    usually abbreviated to CE (i.e., CE 399).]
 4. The Wichita Eagle, p. 1, November 26, 1963, Wichita, Kansas.
    The New York Times, December 18, 1963, p. 27.
 6. Salandria, Vincent J., "A Philadelphia Lawyer Analyzes the President's
    Back and Neck Wounds," Liberation, March 1965.
    Liberation, March 1965.