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Appendix III

Analyses of the Warren Commissions's
Evidence and Conclusions
by Vincent J. Salandria

The following Appendix includes three articles by Vincent J. Salandria. They originally appeared between November, 1964 and March, 1965 and analyze the Warren Report. With each succeeding article Salandria was able to deepen his analysis, and in the third article, which appeared in the March, 1965 issue of Liberation, be was able to bring to bear evidence from the then available 26 volumes of Warren Commission exhibits. A careful reading of this March article is critical for the reader to see that the Warren Report was not the work of a commission that “rushed to Judgment,” but was rather a conscientiously prepared fabrication. As such this article stands as an indictment of the Commission members as accessories after the fact in helping to conceal the assassination conspiracy.

Following Salandria's articles is a brief essay on the bullet holes in the back of the President's jacket and shirt.

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