Appendix X
The Khrushchev-Castro Letter
The following excerpts are from a letter which appeared in The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: A National Security Archive Documents Reader, ed. Laurence Chang and Peter Kornbluh. New York: The New Press, 1992, pp. 319-29. The context for this letter was a certain confusion and conflict which had arisen between Castro and Khrushchev over how the Soviets negotiated an end to the crisis and Communist China’s effort to exploit this confusion. Castro eventually publicly acknowledged that his initial reaction toward the situation bad been “immature,” a result of a lack of experience, and that Khrushchev had been correct. Also included in this appendix is an analysis, excerpted from a letter to Vincent J. Salandria, of the Khrusbchev-Castro letter’s significance for understanding the motivation of the President’s assassination. |