This is an e-mail archive of John's analysis and observations on "news" specific to the crimes against humanity committed on 11 September 2001.
(See also Web Reference Links High-Lighted by John Judge for other analysis.)
NOTE: Please let me know if you find that a link to a news story is no longer valid. I will make a local copy here to keep this archive complete.--ratitor
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- Subject: COMD: Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft
8 Sep 2002Here's a site with useful information on the base of the pyramid of war, the troops and how they are enlisted. What are you doing to counter the ongoing militarization of the society, schools and youth, or to support resistance in the ranks? We never convinced a President or Congress to abandon the war in Vietnam, they were like a man who lost fingertips in a lawnmower and kept going up the arm less the fingers died in vain. The troops and the veterans convinced them, though, by refusing to fight or support the lie.
Dr. King said there were three pillars to oppression here, racism, poverty and militarism. The last one is a keystone on which the others are carried out, but usually the one least addressed.
The most venally racist, sexist and classist enclave of genocidal power in the world is given a budget that outstrips all other major world militaries combined and that guts our society of the benefits of its natural wealth to its citizens, and then is given some status as a sacred cow that cannot be criticized, and is seen somehow as an egalitarian meritocracy that hands out skills and free education to the poor, all because one or two black officers are put in the limelight. The statistics are different, but the PR is working for far too many people, and the veterans are homeless, jobless, addicted and still dying from the last three wars.
Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD)
- Subject: George Soros of Soros Fund Management Made 650 Million
8 Sep 2002Soros is the one who bought the Harken stocks from Bush that are at the center of that scandal, and explained it recently saying he wanted to have "influence" with the family. Soros funds the spread of "democracy" abroad, along with a "free market" of course. Them as has, gets.
George Soros of Soros Fund Management Made 650 Million
by Stephen Taub, Nanette Byrnes, and David Carey, street stories, 6 Jul 1993
- Subject: Wharf's royal returns
8 Sep 2002Comment from my friend "Beatrice":
One of Talal's business partners, one of the richest real estate developers in the world, AND, developer of the WTC! Just another one of these "coincidences." If you do a search on Paul Reichmann you'll get more than you ever wanted to know about him. A few thousand references."
I remember looking up a list almost a year ago now of the businesses in the Twin Towers and seeing the lineup of the eastern establishment investment firms and international counterparts. Lots of money made on all this while the rest of us look for work.
Wharf's royal returns
The Guardian, 20 Jan 2001
- Subject: Urgent Breaking News: Terrorist Alarms at Utah Chemical Weapons Depot
8 Sep 2002This "non-incident" ended up with a report that a man in a ski mask escaped into the desert somehow. I kept waiting for them to capture someone from Iraq, given the climate. A man was arrested in DC with guns in his trunk, who had driven down from Connecticut to "kill Bush" allegedly. Someone tipped authorities of his car make and license though, supposedly. This needle in a haystack was arrested where I work every day, near 18th and Columbia Road by DC police, and his wife was released without charges. His background will be informative. A story in the Sarasota, Florida papers reveals an alleged assassination plot on Bush on the morning of 9/11 by four Arab men in a van trying to meet him at the hotel where he was staying at 6:00 am. Who is really behind Dick Cheney? Is this Utah thing more than another scare ruse?
KSL TV, Salt Lake City, 5 September 2002
- Subject: CNN Norad story with big discrepancy
8 Sep 2002
Subject: CNN Norad story with big discrepancy Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 14:54:25 -0400 From: Dan Alcorn To: John JudgeCNN had another report today in its series about the Pentagon on 9/11, at about 2:40 pm. Today they said that there was no time to intercept any of the hijacked planes. They focused on Flight 175, the second NY plane. They said NORAD was not notified of this hijack until 8:50 am, and therefore there wasn't any time to intercept it. The timeline we talked about says NORAD was notified of this one at 8:41 am, citing NORAD for this info. This is a big discrepancy.
Actually, NORAD knew by 8:25 about the hijackings of at least two of the planes. In addition, CNN aired an interview with Gen Winthrop Montague (?), an African American officer in charge at the war room on 9/11, and actually brought the press into the war room for it, for the first time ever. This is PR at its height -- appear to reveal something secret as you cover it up. The General explained their lack of response because the FAA was "tracking similarly unrelated hijackings", as if that mattered anyway. That's like saying the acoustical evidence showing a second gun in Dealey Plaza ahead of the car doesn't necessarily mean there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. The Washington Post actually speculated it might have been a second lone gunman!
The really big news this week though is from the timeline I sent out to you recently at www.cooperativeresearch.org. According to the book Among the Heroes, the pilots scrambled at Langley AFB prior to the Pentagon hit were NOT put up to defend Washington but to fly to NY!!! They were asked by radio on the way to confirm the Pentagon was hit and they looked "30 miles east" and saw the plume of smoke. All pilots denied being given shoot down orders, which Cheney and others insist were announced and insisted on.
This ruse may tell us about White House level complicity. I have already told you that pilots in the Otis AFB scramblers got to NY after the second tower was hit, and then targeted Flight 77 on its way to DC and known to them, and were called back to base. Now we know from another pilot with the 173rd Air Wing out of Pomona, NJ that at least two fighter plane pilots were airborne prior to the second tower being hit, on their way to routine exercises in New York. Not only were they not given intercept orders, they were inexplicably called back to base due to an emergency. This had never happened before and they feared a family member had died as they returned to New Jersey.
If the press were not so abysmally stupid, so corporate and so afraid of the word conspiracy, they could unravel this mess in a few days and get the story from the pilots themselves. An independent commission could do so as well. This was "Do not intercept", it was "Don't shoot down", the old UFO orders. This was "Follow but don't intercept" or worse yet, "Come back to base."
- Subject: A Shocking Overview of Changes to Legal Rights
10 Sep 2002Oliver North shredded the Bill of Rights as best he could. Now they're burning the scraps.
Overview of Changes to Legal Rights
by The Associated Press, 5 September 2002
- Subject: And its 1,2,3, what are we....., Here we go again!
10 Sep 2002What are we fighting for? Charles Krautheimer, the NeoCon columist for the Washington Post spilled the beans on a television interview this week. Irritated with all the "nay-sayers" who don't know why we have to go to war with Iraq, or the justification for it, he said "We could gain a huge financial windfall by siezing one of the world's largest deposits of oil there". The Empire and Pax America agenda keeps leaking out. Nuf said?
U.S. Navy Ships Heavy Armor to Persian Gulf: Shipping Sources
Tehran Times, 5 September 2002
- Subject: Senate Leaders Say Debate on Iraq Won't Be Rushed
10 Sep 2002The old rubber stamp is slowing down.
Senate Leaders Say Debate on Iraq Won't Be Rushed
by David Stout, New York Times, 5 September 2002
- Subject: U.S. Ex-General Doubts Military Capability, Exercise Alleged To Be Rigged - Paper
10 Sep 2002Sore losers! When they start to lose they change the rules. Of course in real life they would just up the weaponry levels, and nobody would want to see it.
U.S. Ex-General Doubts Military Capability, Exercise Alleged To Be Rigged - Paper
Reuters, 5 September 2002
Wake-up call
by Julian Borger, Guardian, 9/6/02
- Subject: Liberty and the pursuit of terrorists
10 Sep 2002The premises seem wrong to me (although she does not address the role of international tribunals as another option), but her conclusions and thoughts about civil liberties are good ones.
Liberty and the pursuit of terrorists
Where the Bush administration's anti-terror campaign goes wildly astray
by Dahlia Lithwick, Slate.com, 6 September 2002
- Subject: Voices of Reason Speak
10 Sep 2002This is an encouraging list and it breaks the silence.
We won't deny our consciences
Prominent Americans have issued this statement on the war on terror
The Guardian, 14 June 2002
- Subject: The Other September 11
10 Sep 2002Part of our sordid history which is still not fully revealed. Kissinger was indicted in a civil trial suit by the family of Rene Schnieder on September 11, 2001, a story which disappeared. The New York Times today revealed that the real US fear of joining international tribunals against war crimes is that top US officials will be charged, not the GIs. Kissinger would be high on that list. The US Navy provided back up for the coup that day by sailing into Santiago harbor, and Green Berets helped to invade the palace and kill Allende as well. Someone I spoke to over the weekend has been compiling the deaths caused by US covert operations and wars around the world. In the last 17 years alone it has crested 15 million. How many more will this world war we are now incinerating claim?
The Chile Coup: The U.S. Hand
by Peter Kornbluh, IF Magazine, November/December 1998
Chile and the United States:
Declassified Documents Relating to the Military Coup, September 11, 1973
by Peter Kornbluh, National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 8
Allende Out,
Reported Suicide; Marxist Regime In Chile Falls In Armed Forces' Violent Coup
New York Times, 12 September 1973
Hijacked Jets Destroy Twin Towers and Hit Pentagon In Day of Terror
New York Times, 11 September 2001
- Subject: BBC News | The Company File | Canary Wharf to float
10 Sep 2002Still working with the Saudis on worldwide investments. Remember that the Saudis funded the Contras, the BCCI scandal, the Afghan mujehaddin operations against the USSR, and the bin Laden operations. All the named hijackers of 9/11 were Saudis. We have refused to remove 15-20,000 US troops from their soil as promised, and the leaked White House briefing, disavowed by Rand whose employee presented the study, called for us to sieze Saudi oil if they did not meet our ultimatums.
Protofascist Michael Ledeen says that Saudi Arabia is both our enemy and our friend, a concept he says "some people" find hard to work with. Saudi got wind of the story and refused to let the US launch the war on Iraq from bases there. Saudi officials who visited Bush insisted on being bused from their planes to the ranch, not wanting to fly in any US aircraft. Maybe they remember that both bin Laden's father and grandfather died in plane crashes in Texas, one of them in the same jet that reportedly flew Bush, Sr. and William Casey to Paris to meet with others about the October surprise. According to some reports, bin Laden's brother was present at that meeting.
BBC News Online: Business: The Company File - Canary Wharf to float
BBC News, 1 March 1999
- Subject: Dossier: Prince Al-Walid bin Talal, Saudi billionaire
10 Sep 2002Interesting biography, looks like he may be next in line in Saudi Arabia. He's managed to reconcile his socialist views and his personal wealth obviously.
Dossier: Prince Al-Walid bin Talal, Saudi billionaire
by Gary C. Gambill and Ziad K. Abdelnour, Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, September 2002
- Subject: With Syrian Backing, Saudi Prince Challenges Hariri
10 Sep 2002More on the sixth richest man in the world and his political future and enemies.
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002I would strongly urge you to check out the website for the US Committee for a Free Lebanon, from which I extracted this article (www.freelebanon.org). They update it periodically. Read as much of it as possible. These are the folks calling the shots at the moment. This is the web that connects to the White House at the moment and the Defense Policy Board, for example. Exactly WHO is going to be installed where and what's going to happen is amongst the "secrets" that these folks do NOT wish to share with the world at large. The Saudis are being attacked not only by the "left," but, the right as well. That is, certain Saudis. Bush is being smeared by his involvement on BOTH sides. The right is using it for their own purposes, as exemplified by this website, and others. It's as complicated as the Afghan pipeline, something the average American public is incapable of ingesting. They like their answers simple: good guys and bad guys.
With Syrian Backing, Saudi Prince Challenges Hariri
by Gary C. Gambill, Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, September 2002
- Subject: Police spying in Denver - Denver opens 3,200 `spy files'
10 Sep 2002Keeping track of us, it's hard work.
Police spying in Denver - Denver opens 3,200 'spy files'
Associated Press, CNN, 4 September 2002
- Subject: White House Dismisses Iraqi Offer
10 Sep 2002Even military.com is talking about the opposition.
White House Dismisses Iraqi Offer
CBSNews, 9/2/02
- Subject: Cheney Softens Iraq Attack Stance
10 Sep 2002Here's the most pro-military site on the net talking about Cheney having a "hawkish stance". I'd say the debate over empire buidling is still going on.
Cheney Softens Iraq Attack Stance
CBSNews, 8/29/02
- Subject: Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh
10 Sep 2002As the planes are crashing, the two heads of intelligence oversight committees in Congress are having breakfast with the head of Pakistani ISI, the funnel of CIA funds to the Afghan/Taliban/binLaden network and the funnel of $100,000 to Mohammed Atta (alleged 9/11 mastermind) in August through Saeed, the alleged killer of Daniel Pearl, whose employer, the Wall Street Journal was the only paper to reveal the story. Saeed may be being executed to silence the main source that could belie the idea that bin Laden is a case of "blowback". Porter Goss and Bob Graham must have had an interesting exchange about "Afghani terrorism" that morning with General Amad, but it should disqualify them to lead the Congressional investigation into 9/11 until the contents and their relation to the ISI money funnel is revealed.
Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh
by Paul Thompson, Center for Cooperative Research, 5 September 2002, revised 6 September 2002
- Subject: TIPS Domestic Spy Network Goes Too Far For White America
10 Sep 2002A few of us have not forgotten the meaning of COINTELPRO and the spy state.
TIPS Domestic Spy Network Goes Too Far For White America
by Frances M. Beal, The Black World Today, 30 August 2002
- Subject: Iraq: Crisis of Conscience
10 Sep 2002A just war or just war? A well reasoned piece.
Iraq: Crisis of Conscience
by George Hunsinger, Presbyterian Outlook, 19 August 2002
- Subject: Maureen Dowd: Overthrow Saudi monarchy
10 Sep 2002Insert your tongue into your cheek before reading this one. It satirizes the hypocrisy of our position, but it points out many salient issues about Saudi Arabia. Of course, they have even more oil than Iraq.
Overthrow Saudi monarchy
by Maureen Dowd, The Baltimore Sun, 30 August 2002
- Subject: Richard Falk - Impending Constitutional Crisis: US Rush to War
10 Sep 2002We mustn't let a little thing like the Constitution get in the way of a war must we? I love it when the neocons say that "the Constitution isn't a suicide pact" every time they want to ignore the Bill of Rights. In fact they are correct, it is NOT a suicide pact, but ignoring it will be.
Impending Constitutional Crisis: The Rush to War
by Richard Falk, The Transnational Foundation, 27 August 2002
- Subject: Richard Falk - Iraq, US, International Law, Sanctions
10 Sep 2002International law has even less meaning to them, of course.
Iraq, the United States, and International Law: Beyond the Sanctions
by Richard Falk, The Transnational Foundation, 27 August 2002
- Subject: Peace Movement Rolling?
10 Sep 2002Let's not disappoint her! What are you and your group doing?
Military Action May Get Peace Movement Rolling
by Johanna Neuman, Los Angeles Times, 2 September 2002
- Subject: Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein
10 Sep 2002As thick as pea soup!
Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein
by Martin A. Lee, San Francisco Bay Guardian, 13 November 2000
- Subject: Iran, the US and Abu Nidal
10 Sep 2002The first story of Iran asking India to intervene with the US to protect it from attack is interesting. The next story is even better. Abu Nidal working with Mossad (read CIA) for the last four years of his life to hatch an assassination plot against Saddam Hussein. I always contended that Nidal was a phony terrorist who worked closely with the US, in part because he went to the highest bidder and in part because Oliver North's company was selling arms to him via Adnan Khasoggi. North then called him the most dangerous terrorist on the planet but offered to go "mano a mano" with him. I always called him "Abu Giman" instead. He was doubtless murdered at the end to keep him quiet. These articles come from a German correspondent, but are not sourced properly.
Iran seeks India's help vis-á-vis US
24 August 2002
Nidal planned to oust Saddam
Newsnight.net, 28 August 2002
- Subject: Oily Business
10 Sep 2002Spoken in true oilese.
BCFiraqoil.jpg"We Shell not
Exxonerate Saddam
Hussein for his actions. We will
Mobilize to meet this threat to
vital interests in the Persian Gulf
until and Amocoble solution is reached.
Our best strategy is to BPrepared.
Failing that, we Arcoming
to kick your ass."
- Subject: Zbigniew Brzezinski - Confronting Anti-American Grievances
10 Sep 2002There is a split in the ruling class on this war against Iraq and how the war against terrorism is being handled. Read this carefully. His final idea -- that the only way to know you have won the war on terrorism is if terrorist acts wane -- is not only circular but makes it impossible to end as long as anything happens in response to it.
Confronting Anti-American Grievances
by Zbigniew Brzezinski, New York Times, 1 September 2002
- Subject: Proof of Chomsky's CIA Past
10 Sep 2002More on the great hero Chomsky an expert in "artificial intelligence" if I ever saw one. He was ushered into MIT by the JASON group, another DoD top secret advisory group. No wonder he supported Deutch to head the CIA and never talks about assassination conspiracies. Lately he has said that the idea that the government had any foreknowledge of 9/11 is preposterous. Couldn't it have been a-priori like language is? Somewhere deep inside there must have been a suspicion someone might get angry and respond.
Subject: Fwd: Proof of Chomsky's CIA Past Date: Sun, 01 Sep 2002 14:35:06 +0000 From: beatrice wI was unaware of the details in Chomsky's background as specified below. It helps to explain alot. I never understood why Chomsky's ideas were so readily accepted in academic, linguistic circles. They always seemed highly dubious, circumspect and controversial to me. Altho I haven't read his material in linguistics, I have heard him speak on the subject a few times, and, I've heard his ideas discussed by others in the context of language acquisition, etc. It always appeared to me that he was a-historical, anti-materialist, and completely inapplicable to the historical, contextual realities of language development, history, acquisition, promulgation, etc. Yet, nobody every seemed to question his almost Kantian approach, a seemingly "idealist," universalist, a-priori, innate category, or, categories which appeared to have no applicability in reality. I could say more, but, will leave it at that.
From: Alex Constantine
To: Mike Ruppert
Subject: Proof of Chomsky's CIA Past
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 16:47:38 -0700From the WBAI People message board: "The text you posted does not say Chomsky worked for the CIA" - Anonymous
It is well known that during the 1950s, the CIA funnelled finances for its classified research projects through the military. It is also well known, as reported in Barskyıs biography of Noam Chomsky, that the budding MIT linguist worked on a "machine translation" project at MIT funded ostensibly by the Pentagon, but as will be shown, in fact by the CIA and NSA.
"Ironically," the project was the very sort of intelligence activity Chomsky has criticized publicly:
From the Barsky bio: www.alexconstantine.50megs.com [Noam Chomsky, A Life of Dissent, by Robert Barsky, MIT Press, 1998]"Chomsky was made an assistant professor [at MIT] and assigned, ironically, to a MACHINE TRANSLATION PROJECT of the type he had often criticized. The project was directed by Victor Yngve and was being conducted at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, which was subsidized by the U.S. military."
But this project was actually funded NOT by the military, but by the CIA and NSA. From a prior post, "Manovich on Chomsky's CIA Ties," which observes that Chomsky, who worked on the program, took some of the ideas he helped develop for the CIA and NSA to his work on "mechanical translation," a full-fledged intelligence program directed against the Soviet Union:"... The idea of computer vision became possible and the economic means to realize this idea became available only with the shift from industrial to post-industrial society after World War II. The attention turned from the automation of the body to the automation of the mind, from physical to mental labor. This new concern with the automation of mental functions such as vision, hearing, reasoning, problem solving is exemplified by the very names of the two new fields that emerged during the 1950s and 1960s -- artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology. The latter gradually replacing behaviorism, the dominant psychology of the "Fordism" era. The emergence of the field of computer vision is a part of this cognitive revolution, a revolution which was financed by the military escalation of the Cold War. This connection is solidified in the very term "artificial intelligence" which may refer simultaneously to two meanings of "intelligence": reason, the ability to learn or understand, and information concerning an enemy or a possible enemy or an area. Artificial intelligence: artificial reason to analyze collected information, collected intelligence. In the 1950s, faced with the enormous task of gathering and analyzing written, photographic, and radar information about the enemy, the CIA and the NSA (National Security Agency) began to fund the first artificial intelligence projects. One of the earliest projects was a Program for Mechanical Translation, initiated in the early 1950s in the attempt to automate the monitoring of Soviet communications and media. The work on mechanical translation was probably the major cause of many subsequent developments in modern linguistics, its move towards formalization; it can be discerned in Noam Chomsky's early theory which, by postulating the existence of language universals in the domain of grammar, implied that translation between arbitrary human languages could be automated."
-- Alex Constantine
Subject: Cover stories beyond stupid or truth......
10 Sep 2002Here is the P-56 space reference to the restricted area.
Subject: Pentagon - EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS: Boeing 757 or military craft?
L'Asile utopique, 19 May 2002
http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero14/missile/temoins_en.htmHere is an outline, with photos, of the French book's thesis about the attack on the Pentagon. I do not think this is at all credible, but the most interesting quotes are from the air traffic controllers who see a plane maneuvering like a military craft at high speeds, thought improbable for a huge commercial airliner. This part fits my contention and that of pilots I have spoken to, that this was not the sort of flying you could learn from a simulator, it required a very experienced military or civilian airline pilot familiar with this plane. It also identifies P-56, the restricted air space over DC, which has been restricted since the 1950s at least.
Even if a "missile" of some sort was also used in this attack, perhaps to break the reinforcements, none of this explains what became of American Flight 77. There have been autopsies performed on the crew, the radars tracked the plane into DC and on to the Pentagon for the better part of an hour, and the number of people involved in such a coverup would even boggle my mind. In any case, thought you'd like to see this.
US considered 'suicide jet missions'
BBC News, 29 August 2002
'I thought it was the start of World War III'
by Kevin Dennehy, Cape Code Times, 21 August 2002
Subject: Cheney/Rumsfeld Links To CIA Horror
10 Sep 2002They all have a past, don't they?
The Secret Sharers
The CIA, the Bush Gang and the Killing of Frank Olson
by Chris Floyd, Counterpunch, 28 August 2002
Subject: Re: Double Edged Sword
24 Sep 2002You make the right assessment about whether the Nazis staged the Reichstag fire or not -- the response was wrong. Even if bin Laden and the Al Queda are ultimately responsible, the American response is totally wrong, domestically and internationally. International law and diplomacy are ignored and sabotaged, international destablization has already nearly led to nuclear war, and Bush's crew is effectively declaring world war for 60 years, along with suspending Constitutional and legal rights and breaking down Posse Comitatus Act barriers between police and military functions (which is what the Gestapo was, after all).
I have not focused on whether they knew in advance, though they clearly could have, since we can now see that will be pegged as "intelligence failure" and solved with more funding and centralization of those functions. I have focused on the failure of response to what was known to the public and the intelligence agencies alike by 9:05 am on 9/11, that one or more suicidal attack planes were headed to Washington, DC.
All normal procedures, even without such an emergency, by FAA and NORAD were violated, and there was not a single attempt to intercept Flight 77 or Flight 93. And I now know that some attempts by the pilots were misdirected or called back before they could intercept. This is an achilles heel. But even if it were not so, what follows after 9/11 is itself a major issue.
Double Edged Sword
by Paul Wolf, 11 September 2002
Subject: One year since September 11: an unprecedented assault on democratic rights
24 Sep 2002One of a number of good analysis pieces at this site. Militarism, war, empire building, and destruction of democracy are all part of the agenda long before 9/11 and not in response to it. No matter what role the US had in 9/11, the response is totally wrong.
One year since September 11: an unprecedented assault on democratic rights
by the WSWS Editorial Board, World Socialist Web Site, 11 September 2002
Subject: Oil and "conspiracy theories": a reply to a liberal apologist for the US war in Afghanistan
24 Sep 2002The provable assertion that the war was planned in advance and specifically in response to Taliban balking at the pipeline plan is not addressed head on by this anti "conspiracy" article obviously. One more example of left structuralist blindness when it comes to the obvious facts.
No, Afghanistan itself is not a source of oil, but it does pretty well on natural gas and opium I'd say. The bases set up in Uzbekistan are part of a long-range plan to gain military leverage in the region. A war in Iraq may easily spill over into US "protection" of Saudi Arabian oil and more control there.
Mainstream writers are admitting that the US wants another source besides Saudi, if for no other reason that in 15-20 years it will be exhausted. They also want all resources as cheaply as they can get them, and to control who else gets them. I just fought my way onto Pacifica at KPFA because of these attitudes about being a "conspiracy theorist" or seen as one. If we leave this obvious analysis and factual issues untouched the right wing will gladly pick them up for us.
Oil and "conspiracy theories": a reply to a liberal apologist for the US war in Afghanistan
by Patrick Martin, World Socialist Web Site, 20 September 2002
Subject: supposed intelligence foreknowledge of 9/11
24 Sep 2002Focus on foreknowledge is a slippery slope and is already being turned into a reason to futher fund and consolidate intelligence operations, not into a real critique of complicity. This is why I still focus on the morning of 9/11 when they have no excuses.
Sources: Hijackers' ex-landlord was FBI informant
by Dana Bash, Kelli Arena and David Ensor, CNN, 11 September 2002
Senate Report on Pre-9/11 Failures Tells of Bungling at F.B.I.
by Philip Shenon, New York Times, 28 August 2002
Subject: Re: Prior Knowledge Of 911 Not Just Urban Legend
25 Sep 2002To: Ed Tatro
The reason I have not focused on prior knowledge of 9-11 and the conspirators by the intelligence agencies -- which all indicators show they could or should have had -- is that it will be impossible to show what someone knew/concluded from the indicators unless they admit it.
Thus, the issue, I felt, would be turned into an "intelligence failure", which it now has been. And that slippery slope leads us right down the path to more funding, consolidation and powers for the very intelligence agencies who created the situation or the conditions for it.
I have instead focused on what they did or did not DO after 9:05 am when EVERYONE knew what was happening. That is their achilles heel and nobody is touching the subject. FBI informers and Iran Contra pilots lived with the people accused of these crimes, they made themselves excessively visible, and there were many indicators that "planes into buildings" was part of their plans and scenarios. In fact, Bush's trip to the Genoa summit explicitly protected him from just that threat. . . .
Subject: Bush on 60 Minutes - 9/11 events
26 Sep 2002Some critical information came out on 60 Minutes in their interview with Bush on the anniversary of 9/11. This captures some of it but it would probably be useful to get a transcript. Bush was clearly out of the loop.
On 22 November 1963 Collins Radio was in charge of radio relay for all secure communciations from and to Air Force One (AF-1). Collins was later absorbed into Rockwell International. Bill Kelly has done extensive work on the Collins Radio personnel and connections to the events of 11/22/63. I found Collins later in the emerging scandal about the National Reconnaissance Organization financing a new headquarters building covertly without notifying Congress. The hidden money pass-through was Collins/Rockwell, and the NRO initials used to be secret.
The National Reconnaissance Office collects and analyzes all satellite photos. It will be instructive to see if they were still the subcontractors for the radio communications on 9/11 for AF-1. It is very significant that the system failed that day, since one would assume there are redundancies. It reminds me of the failure of the secure Federal exchange lines between the Pentagon and the various cabinet-level agencies on 11/22/63 between 1:30 and 3:30 EST (i.e. 12:30 Dallas time, the moment of the assassination). . . .
Bush On 9/11: Moment To Moment
Scott Pelley, 60 Minutes II, CBS News, 11 September 2002
Subject: Did the GOP take down Cynthia McKinney?
26 Sep 2002McKinney was targeted for defeat by many sectors. State Governor Zell Miller's office and elements of the Democratic National Committee had an "operation" in place for her defeat, after slamming attacks in the press by Miller once she raised questions about 9/11. Pro-Israel AIPAC funds were used to defeat her as well. And here we have the role of the Republicans in running one of their own in Democrat's clothing against her. She gave us invaluable help in highlighting the need for an MLK Records Act to release those files, and was courageous in what she said about 9/11, asking questions before others took them up. Her defeat is a loss to progressive politics. She indicated after the Black Caucus panel on MLK that she would like to join COPA and supports our goals.
The Crossover Candidate
Did the GOP take down Cynthia McKinney?
by Eli Kintisch, The American Prospect, 23 September 2002
Subject: Iraq: U.S. Strikes Civilian Airport
26 Sep 2002Bombings continue to escalate with our without Congressional approval for all out war. Crippling air defenses is a crucial first step to massive bombing attacks, and the no-fly zone rule allows full US access to overflight reconnaisance. As to striking civilian targets, they always have an excuse. Do you recall the flap during the Afghanistan campaign about the US bombing a Red Cross building that was clearly marked? In one meeting with Red Cross officials the military gave excuses about bad bombing coordinates and promised never to bomb Red Cross facilites now that they had all proper coordinates. They bombed the building again and at a top level meeting claimed the bomb had been aimed elswehere but had gone amiss. Later they admitted that they had intentionally done all the bombings there because the Al Quaeda were "stealing blankets". Civilian casualties and infrastructure damage are the largest effects of modern war, military troops are "collateral damage" at this point.
Iraq: U.S. Strikes Civilian Airport
by Sameer N. Yacoub, Associated Press, 26 September 2002
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