Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 20:31:22 -0400
Subject: COPA Dallas Regional Meeting Nov 22-25

                     COPA 2001 Annual Regional Meeting
                       Dallas, Texas, November 22-25

     Hotel Lawrence (formerly Paramount)
     302 South Houston St. (at Jackson, off Dealey Plaza)
     COPA discount rate $59 single/$69 double per night
     Hotel Reservations: 214-761-9090
     Map and directions at:,hr%3bbl0zt0%3d%3d1056yx%24tw2%28%3aG%2bVB%10F%17BL%2bEJ%2b%13%17%2bE%13RXGIW%2bGV%3dQVCN%17G_%17%13%28ad07l%3dGG_l0ta0a%28.hyy20w%28l%241w-u.wf7%3bxcx5sf7.grfe%7cs%247wv%28u&pcat=

     Themes:  Reopening the JFK Investigation
              Releasing ALL the files on JFK and MLK

     Speakers: Gary Aguilar, William Turner, Peter Dale Scott, Walt
     Brown, Dr. Charles Crenshaw, Philip Melanson, Jim DiEugenio, Dick
     Russell, Bill Kelly, T Carter, John Johnston, Robert Groden,
     Lyndon Barsten, R. Andrew Kiel, John Judge, and others to be

     The Dallas Regional Meeting, November 22-25, will host a series of
     presentations and workshops with a variety of excellent
     researchers and authors into the various political assassinations
     and their aftermath. Our theme this year is "JFK, MLK, RFK: Truth
     and Justice", and the main topics will be Congressional oversight
     on the ARRB and full release of files, release of the MLK files,
     and petition for a federal Grand Jury in the JFK murder, as well
     as updated developments in each of the cases.


        * Thursday, November 22
          12:30 pm Moment of Silence, Grassy Knoll, Dealey Plaza
          Brunch or dinner at Antares tower restaurant, Reunion Square
          off Dealey Plaza

        * Friday, November 23
          5:00 pm Cocktails and dinner at Adolphus Hotel
          7:30 pm Speakers at George Allen Courthouse, Jury Room
          (tentative) South Houston and Commerce Streets

        * Saturday, November 24
          Events will be at Hotel Lawrence and/or Courthouse Building
          9:00am to Noon Speakers and discussion on JFK issues
          1:00 - 5:00 pm Continued discussion and speakers
          7:00 - 9:00 pm Speakers and films

        * Sunday, November 25
          9:00 am - Noon Speakers and discussion on MLK issues
          1:00 - 3:00 pm Discussion of Congress and court strategies

     The speakers and topics are open to change, dates are not.

     Conference registration fee: $15 per person per day from Friday to
     Sunday, cash at door.

     Make your hotel reservations now! We need to fill a minimum number
     of rooms each night at the Lawrence, beginning November 22. If you
     cannot come on Thanksgiving, please attend on the weekend.

     Confirmed Speakers:

        * Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D.
          a long time researcher into the deep politics of the Kennedy
          assassination and U.S. covert operations and foreign policy
          abroad. Author of Deep Politics and the Murder of JFK.

        * Walt Brown, Ph.D.
          exhaustive researcher into the Warren Commission and the JFK
          assassination, author of People v. Lee Harvey Oswald, The
          Warren Omission, and a CD index to the Commission volumes.
          Walt is the editor of Deep Politics Quarterly, a magazine
          about the Kennedy murder.

        * William Turner
          a former FBI agent from the reign of J. Edgar Hoover who has
          been blowing the whistle on their lies and excesses for many
          years, Turner has authored and co-authored several books on
          the political assassinations, including his recent memoir,
          Rear View Mirror.

        * Dr. Charles Crenshaw
          an eyewitness to JFK's wounds at Parkland Hospital and author
          of Conspiracy of Silence, who has recently completed a new
          book with Dr. Gary Aguilar on the case.

        * Dr. Gary Aguilar
          expert on the medical evidence in the case, contributor to
          Murder in Dallas, and co-author of a new book with Dr.
          Charles Crenshaw on the Dallas medical evidence.

        * Philip Melanson, Ph.D.
          an expert in all three major political assassinations, and
          author of numerous books including Spy Saga, The
          Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, and two books on the
          murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. He has recently completed a
          book about the culture of government secrecy.

        * Jim DiEugenio
          founder of Citizens for Truth About the Kennedy
          Assassinations (CTKA), and author of Destiny Betrayed, a
          defense of the investigation by D.A. Jim Garrison in New
          Orleans. Jim has also edited Probe magazine for many years.

        * Dick Russell
          researcher and author of many works, his The Man Who Knew Too
          Much was a major addition to research on the JFK

        * Robert Groden
          former investigator for the House Select Committee on
          Assassinations, and author of two books on the photographic
          and documentary evidence of conspiracy, The Killing of A
          President and The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald. Groden will
          address recent claims that the Zapruder film has been altered
          or faked, and his own work on the acoustic evidence which
          convinced the HSCA that there was a second gunman.

        * John Johnston, Esq.
          has discovered an eyewitness to strange events on November
          22, 1963 involving a military flight that landed near the
          Trinity River in Dallas that afternoon and picked up someone
          who resembled Lee Harvey Oswald. Johnston has recently
          finished a book on his work in this area.

        * Lyndon Barsten
          an independent researcher who has developed new evidence and
          documents concerning the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther
          King, Jr. He will present his findings linking US
          intelligence agencies to James Earl Ray, and other insights.

        * R. Andrew Kiel
          a history teacher and author of the new book, J. Edgar
          Hoover: The Father of the Cold War, will present his thesis
          on the role played by anti-Communist Hoover in both the
          obstruction of the Warren Commission investigation, and the
          escalation of the war in Vietnam.

        * Bill Kelly
          a journalist and researcher who has studied political
          assasssinations for many years. Co-founder with John Judge of
          the Committee for an Open Archives, a founding group of COPA.
          Bill continues to write for the online network called JFK
          Research, and is pursing full release of records and a Grand
          Jury reopening of the JFK murder.

        * T Carter
          a brilliant researcher who has worked on both JFK and MLK
          cases with Judge Joe Brown, among others. She will give an
          update on the MLK case, and a workshop on lobbying Congress
          for oversight hearings on the ARRB.

        * Rex Bradford
          expert on the new files and the medical evidence. Rex has
          produced a series of important CD collections of key
          documents regarding different aspects of the case in
          conjunction with the Assassination Archive and Research
          Center. He will join Dr. Aguilar in presenting new medical

        * John Judge
          a long time researcher into various political assassinations
          and hidden history, author of Judge for Yourself. Judge was a
          co-founder of Committee for an Open Archives, editor of
          Prologue and Open Secrets magazines, and executive director
          of COPA for many years.

     Others yet to be announced. Most presentations will take place on
     November 24-25, and possibly on the evening of November 23
     depending on schedules, at either the Hotel Lawrence (Paramount)
     or the George Allen Courthouse. Times and place to be announced.
     Those able to attend on November 22 (Thanksgiving Day) can be part
     of a Moment of Silence on the Grassy Knoll at 12:30 and a
     brunch/dinner following at Antares Tower Restaurant at Reunion
     Square near Dealey Plaza. Complete schedules will follow. Hotel
     reservations should be made well in advance by calling
     214-761-9090 (COPA discount is $59/single, $69 double per night).
     Registration can be paid in cash at the gate ($15/day).