"You can call me a conspiracy theorist,
if I can call you a coincidence theorist.
I prefer to say I'm an alternate historian."
--John Judge, co-director of 9/11 CitizensWatch
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- The 9/11 Omission Report - What the Commission Didn't Answer
The events of 9/11 have been used as a pretext for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and have become a symbol of an end to democracy.
John Judge will speak on 9/11, addressing the findings of the 9/11 Commission. He will discuss the deceit the Bush administration uses to make huge war profits and rob domestic institutions, like social security, in order to finance a permanent war economy.
- Sunday, February 20, 7:00-8:00 am
KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle and KYOT 91.7 FM Tacoma & Olympia
Simulcast radio interview and also streamed live/archived online at www.kexp.org
- Monday, 21 February 2005 at 7:00 p.m.
Seattle, Washington
Trinity United Methodist Church, NW 65th & 23rd NW Sts.
Contact: Mike McCormick 206-525-9998
Admission: $10/$5 student
- Friday, 25 February 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Oakland, California
Humanist Hall (wheelchair accessible), 390 27th Street
Contact: Penny Schoner 415-648-8472
Suggested donation: $15/$10 student/$5 unemployed
Fundraiser for 9/11 Citizens Watch
Peter Dale Scott, recently returned from Thailand, will open the program.
- Saturday, 26 February, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
San Francisco, CA
Freedom Archives, 522 Valencia Street
Contact: Penny Schoner 415-648-8472
Suggested donation: $15/$10 student/$5 unemployed
Previous events
- Post 9/11 America: How did we get here and where do we go now?
Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004 at 7 p.m.
Bemidji State University
Bangsberg Theatre Building
Bemidji, Minnesota
For details of this and other appearances at Bemidji State contact:
Valica Boudry, Mass Communication
218-755-3904 or vboudry [at] bemidjistate [dot] edu
Free and open to the public
- New War or New World?: 9/11 Lies and Legacy
Saturday, October 30 at 7:00 pm
Mayday Books
301 Cedar Avenue, S.
Minneapolis, MN
$5 suggested donation
- Killing Hope: The Murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
COPA Regional Meeting - Memphis, TX
April 2-4, 2004
The Sleep Inn at Court Square
40 North Front Street
Room rate $74.99/night (Queen)
Registration on site $40 for all events
Confirmed speakers:
- Lyndon Barsten and T Carter
Newly released Murkin files and James Earl Ray- Jim Douglass
The Murder of Malcolm, Martin and Us- Judge Joe Brown
The Trials of James Earl Ray and the King Family
(Court TV is working on a new documentary on the case)- John Judge
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Records Act
Invited Speakers:
- Dr. William Pepper, Esq.
- Coby Smith (Avengers)
Fri, April 2: 7pm Check-in and videotapes Sat, April 3: 9am - 12 noon Speakers at Sleep Inn 1pm - 3pm Visit Lorraine Hotel, National Civil Rights Museum, site of assassination. 3pm - 5pm Speakers at Sleep Inn Sun, April 4: 9 am March with COPA banners to historic Mason Temple where Dr. King gave his last speech, COPA will address thousands of students at the event sponsored by the April 4th Foundation (see website for details). 2 pm Wrap up at Sleep Inn
Hope you can join us in Memphis for this unique conference. Rooms are limited, so register now.
Other conferences:
- The Warren Commission: A 40-year Retrospective
September 17-19, 2004 Washington, DC
Location and lodging TBA
Sponsored by: Assassination Archives and Research Center, Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law, Commitee for an Open Archives.
Contact: Jim Lesar 202-393-1917.
- Killing Hope: The Asssassinations of JFK and MLK
November 19-22 (Friday - Monday), 2004 Dallas, TX
Hotel Lawrence, 302 S. Houston, off Dealey Plaza (special rates TBA)
Registration on site: $20 per day/ $60 total
Moment of Silence, Grassy Knoll, 12:30 pm 11/22/04.
Hope to see you at one or more of these meetings. Please RSVP on Memphis or reply to the email address below.
John Judge
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA)
P.O. Box 772
Washington, DC 20044
- Four Decades Of Deceit; JFK-MLK-RFK - Why?
COPA 2003 Annual Regional Meeting, Dallas, TX, November 21-23, 2003
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 02:33:46 -0400
From: John Judge
Subject: Speaking Out
As some of you know, I will be speaking in a number of places this fall, on a variety of topics. For those of you interested, these are the dates and places I know about right now:
- September 11, Washington, DC Malcolm X Park
16th & Euclid, NW, afternoon
I will be addressing one of the themes of this day of reflection and renewal. The overall theme is from Dr. King's "World House" piece that draws the choice of paths to chaos or community. I will be summarizing my thesis that we are at a crossroads between new wars or a new world and how to get there.
- September 13, Washington, DC
Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference
DC Convention Center, 10th & H Sts., NW
A panel on "The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and COINTELPRO" hosted and moderated by Rep. Cynthia McKinney (one of the few brave voices in Congress who sadly lost her recent primary bid for re-election in Georgia). The panel will also kick off a new piece of legislation designed on the JFK Records Act to release all files relating to the murder and investigations of Dr. King, including the COINTELPRO and related military intelligence spying programs on the civil rights movement. Speakers include: Dr. William Pepper, Judge Joe Brown, Martin Luther King III, Philip Melanson, James Lesar, Lyndon Barsten, and myself. I am helping to draft the legislation that will be announced. For more details on time and room, call McKinney's office at 202-224-3121.
- September 18 & 19, San Francisco, CA
Women's Building and IWW Hall
Two nights in my old haunts, where I actually have an audience. I will be focusing on 9/11, the permanent war, the rise of American fascism and the opportunity for real democracy. For details and times contact Penny Schoner at pschoner@ix.netcom.com.
- October 10, Allentown, PA
Roxy Theatre, 7:00 pm
I'll be the second in a series of lectures that began with Peter Dale Scott on the current crisis. I will focus on 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere, and the domestic repression that is rising. Practicing democracy between wars is like being a vegetarian between meals. For more on this one, you'll have to email me for directions, etc. closer to the date.
- November 22-24, Dallas TX
COPA Annual Regional Meeting
Hotel Lawrence and George Allen Bldg Jury Room,
just off Dealey Plaza at Houston and Jackson Sts.
For those that can make this year's meeting we will have a wonderful line up of speakers. Bill Kelly is gung ho to do a mock grand jury, so we will at least try to fit in some discussion time and maybe a mini session this year, hoping for a full scale one on the 40th anniversary. I will be reporting on the September 13 event and the new MLK records act. Hotel reservations at 214-761-9090, special COPA rate is $69 single/$79 double, plus tax. See you there I hope.
PS - Tapes and some transcripts of my past talks are now available through me as well if you are interested. I will be compiling a catalog soon.
Hope you can make it and add your comments as well, John Judge