October update from The Last Hurrah bookshop
Andrew Winiarczyk, The Last Hurrah Bookshop, 17 October 2002
Dear Friends and Customers,
As we approach November, one can always count on new titles surrounding the death of John F. Kennedy. This year is no exception. Hopefully, these or other relevant titles may be of interest to you.
Please turn to our section on the 4 upcoming JFK conferences that we have information about. We expect that there will be a number of conferences in 2003, and any number of books that will be coming out in 2002 and 2003. If you do not see something on the website, and you are aware of an upcoming title, please let us know so we can endeavour to stock it.
Below are some new titles. There are some other new offerings to our site (http://members.aol.com/JFKHurrah/). Hope to hear from you in response to this posting. Please call me on the phone (1/570-321-1150), or use my fax machine (same number, and just start the fax -- my machine will pick it up) to order. Keep in touch! Thanks.
Andrew Winiarczyk
New Items Plus Items That Are Back In The Store:
NOW AVAILABLE: WARREN COMMISSION REPORT. 25 of 26 volumes (Volume 26 is missing). $850 plus shipping. Call Andy, at 1/570-321-1150 for details.
(5340) Kane, C.L.: THE TIGHTEST SHIP - UPS EXPOSE', self published, Cogan Station, PA 1995. 1st edition, softcover original. 248 pgs. Little known facts about Big Brown's "dark side". True stories by drivers, and stories of corporate mismanagement. Written by former employee, after 25 years with company.....$10.00
5339) Truels, William P., M.D.: COMMON GROUND. Concorde Publishing Co., Oklahoma City, OK. 2002. 1st edition. LSC. 303 pgs. This historical novel reexamines the deaths of Huey Long, FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, Jimmy Hoffa, and Marilyn MOnroe. Also shows true role of J. Edgar Hoover in American history. ... $15.00
(4375) Thomas, Kenn & Jim Keith: THE OCTOPUS: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT AND THE DEATH OF DANNY CASOLARO. Feral House, Portland, OR 1996, 181 pgs. ... $20.00 ... SALE PRICE $8.00
(3423) Rothman, David B.: MR. DEATH. Playboy Press, Chicago 1982, 1st ed. VG+ in VG+ dj., 355 pgs., The life of a CIA assassination expert- by his son ... $11.00
(4694) Kwitny, Jonathan: VICIOUS CIRCLES: MAFIA IN THE MARKETPLACE. Norton, NY 1979, 1st ed. VG+/VG+., 422 pgs. ... $11.00
(5338) Pennington, Janice with Carlos De Abreu: HUSBAND, LOVER, SPY. Custos Morum, Los Angeles, CA. 1st edition. NF/NF. 1994, 271 pgs. Husband disappeared along the Russian/Afghanistan/Pakistan border in plane explosion in 1975. Story of her search to learn his fate. ... $10.00
(5337) Dux, Frank: THE SECRET MAN. Regan/Harper Collins, NY. 1996. 1st edition. 316 pgs. NF/NF DJ. CIA covert operative, martial arts expert. ... $11.00
(4442) Halperin, Morton, and Daniel Hoffman: FREEDOM VS. NATIONAL SECURITY: SECRECY AND SURVEILLANCE. Chelsea House, NY 1977, 1st ed. ed. VG+/VG+., 594 pgs. ... $9.00
(5336) Wolf, George with Joseph Dimona: FRANK COSTELLO, PRIME MINISTER OF THE UNDERWORLD. Morrow. 1st edition. 1974. 266 pgs. VG/VG. Memoir by his attorney. ... $15.00
(4305) Moyers, Bill: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT. Seven Locks Press, Cabin John, MD 1998. LSC, VG+. 131 pgs. updated edition. The secret war against the Constitution, based on 1987 PBS show. ... $9.00
(5335) Browning, Dolly and Kyle: PERJURIES OF THE HEART. Direct Outstanding Creations, Dallas, Texas, 1999. 1st edition. Fine. No DJ as issued. 339 pgs. Inscribed by authored. Story of her relationship with Clinton. ... $20.00
(5334) Warner, Roger: BACK FIRE. Simon & Schuster, 1995. 416 pgs. 1st edition. NF/NF DJ. The CIA's secret war in Laos, and its link to the war in Vietnam. ... $12.50
(5333) Philbrick, Herbert A.: I LED THREE LIVES: CITIZEN, "COMMUNIST," COUNTERSPY. McGraw Hill 1952. 323 pgs. Signed by Philbrick. Entered Communist Party on behalf of FBI.. TV series based on this book was purportedly a favorite of the young Lee Harvey Oswald. ... $30.00 b. Second copy: Grosset & Dunlap, VG+. No DJ. ... $11.00
(5332) Walsh, Lawrence T.: FINAL REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT COUNSEL FOR IRAN/CONTRA MATTERS. 1993. LSC. VG+. 3 volumes. Volume 1=572 pages. Volume 2=785 pages. Volume 3=1150 pages. ... $80.00
(1550) Sparrow, Judge Gerald: THE GREAT ASSASSINS. Arco, NY 1969, 1st ed. ed. VG+/VG., 207 pgs., Incl. chapters on JFK, MLK, RFK ... $17.50
(5331) Dealey, Jerry T.: D IN THE HEART OF TEXAS. Introduction by Andrew Winiarczyk. The Jedi Management Group, Dallas, Texas, 2002. 206 pages. 1st edition. Background history of Dealey Plaza, the site of the November, 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dallas, Texas, and George Bannerman Dealey, for whom the plaza is named. ... $23.00
(5330) Groden, Robert: [DVD video] CASE FOR CONSPIRACY. New Frontier Video Productions, 2002. 113 minutes. Enhanced expanded edition of video. ... $35.00
(1610) Smith, Matthew: JFK: THE SECOND PLOT. Mainstream, Edinburgh, UK 2002 reprint, LSC. Fine/Fine. 336 pgs., Smith argues that there were 2 plots - one to kill JFK, one to place blame on Castro to spark invasion of Cuba ... $17.00
(5329) Smith, Matthew: SAY GOODBYE TO AMERICA. Foreward by Jim Marrs. Mainstream, Edinboro, 2001. 1st edition. Fine/Fine DJ. 255 pgs., According to information gathered by the author, Kennedy was murdered on orders of the establishment because he was in the process of divesting it of power. Changes in policy after the JFK assassination were no accident. ... $30.00
(4458) Brown, Joanne: PASSIONGATE: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD. The NF Journal Press, Washington, DC 1997, LSC original, NF cond. SIGNED., 55 pgs., Author postulates that the real murderer of John and Robert Kennedy was Onassis, and that he did it to secure Jackie. ... $14.00
(5328) {Magazine}: TEXAS MONTHLY, Nov. 1998. Cover story: The JFK assassination, includes articles on the conspiracy theories, the 2 Oswalds, the witnesses, the evidence. ... $8.00
(5326) THE SPEECHES OF SENATOR JOHN F. KENNEDY: PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN OF 1960. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 1961. LSC. VG. 1,044 pgs. ... $30.00
(5325) {Magazine}: LIFE, Nov. 18, 1966. Cover story: Robert Kennedy: Will he dare run in 1968? ... $7.50
(5324) {Magazine}: LIFE, April 9, 1965. Cover story: Our climb up Mt. Kennedy, by Robert Kennedy. ... $7.50
(5323) {Magazine}: LIFE, July 3, 1964. Cover story: Cover of Bobby Kennedy, his children, and JFK's children. Bob Kennedy's week of trial and decision. ... $7.50
(5322) {Magazine}: LIFE, August 4, 1961. Cover story: JFK on cover, story on the Berlin crisis. ... $6.00
(5321) {Magazine}: LIFE, Nov. 21, 1960. Cover story: The Victorious Young Kennedys. ... $15.00
(5320) {Magazine}: LIFE, Dec. 19, 1960. Cover story: the Kennedys and their son, at Christening. ... $12.50
(3705) {Magazine}: LIFE, June 14, 1968. VG., Assassination of RFK....$12.50
(5319) {Magazine}: LIFE, Nov. 24, 1967. Cover story: Why Kennedy Went To Texas, and Last Seconds of the Motorcade: Unpublished Pictures by Nine Bystanders. ... $15.00
(5318) {Magazine}: LIFE, Nov. 25, 1966. Cover story: A Matter of Reasonable Doubt: Governor Connelly Examines the Kennedy Assassination Film Frame by Frame. ... $17.50
(5317) {Magazine}: LIFE, October 2, 1964. Cover story: The Warren Report: How the Committee Pieced Together the Evidence. Article by Gerald Ford. Includes Zapruder frames. ... $15.00
(5316) {Magazine}: LIFE, July 10, 1964. Cover story: Oswald's full Russian diary. ... $15.00
(5315) {Magazine}: LIFE, Nov. 29, 1963. Cover story: JFK. Several articles on the assassination and aftermath. Includes some Zapruder stills. ... $8.00
(1990) {Magazine}: LIFE, NO DATE. VG., JFK Memorial edition...$10.00 b. second copy, Good only ....$6.00
(5314) {Magazine}: LIFE, November 22, 1963. Article about the Bobby Baker scandal. ... $6.50
(5313) {Magazine}: LIFE, November 8, 1963. Cover story: The Bobby Baker bombshell. ... $6.50
(5312) {Magazine}: LIFE, April 12, 1963. Article about Cuban exile raid on Russian ship. Written by Andrew St. George. ... $6.50
(5311) {Magazine}: LIFE, March 29, 1963. Cover story: Cuban exiles. ... $6.50
(5310) {Magazine}: LIFE, Nov. 29, 1962. Cover story: Cuban Missile Crisis. ... $6.00
(5309) {Magazine}: LIFE, March 20, 1960. Cover story: Hubert and Jack in Wisconsin. ... $8.00
(5308) {Magazine}: THE TEXAS OBSERVER, Nov. 29, 1963: THE LAST VOYAGE OF MR. KENNEDY. 16 pages. 7 pages of this issue deal with time spent in San Antonio, Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas. ... $40.00
(5307) {Newspaper}: DALLAS MORNING NEWS, NOV. 20, 1988: NOVEMBER 22, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS LATER. 88 pages. ... $20.00
(5306) {Newspaper}: DALLAS MORNING NEWS, Nov. 20, 1983: November 22, TWENTY YEARS LATER. 78 pages. ... $25.00
(5063) Bergith, Theodore S., MD: THE MURDEROUS ILLUSION: AN ALTERNATIVE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE JFK ASSASSINATION. X-Libris. 2000. 1st edition. LSC. Fine. 237 pgs. Novel. ... $16.00
(532) Leslie, Warren: DALLAS: PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. New foreward by Harvey J. Graff and Patricia Eviridge Hill. SMU Press, Dallas TX 1998. 1st thus. LSC edition. Fine. 238 pgs. Reprint of early assassination work with new forewards ... $15.00
(808) Kaufman, Louis, Barbara Fitzgerald and Tom Sewell. MOE BERG: ATHLETE, SCHOLAR, SPY. 274 pgs. Little Brown, NY, 1974, NF/worn DJ. OSS atomic spy. ... $11.00
(3585) Matthews, Tony: SHADOWS DANCING. St. Martins, NY, 1993, NF/NF. 1st ed., 240 pgs. Japanese espionage against the west, 1939-1945. ... $11.00
(576) Hayes, Harold, ed.: SMILING THROUGH THE APOCALYPSE: ESQUIRE'S HISTORY OF THE SIXTIES. McCall, NY 1969, VG+/DJ., 981 pgs. A number of Kennedy related articles, including "Lee Oswald's Letters to his Mother (with footnotes by Mrs. Oswald), and 60 versions of the JFK assassination, by Edward Jay Epstein. ... $20.00 b. second copy, no DJ ... $14.00
(4864) Moscovit, Andrei: DID CASTRO KILL KENNEDY?. Oversize LSC, Fine cond. Cuban American Nat. Found., Miami, FL 1997, 1st US ed. ed. 392 pgs., Castro and the Mob were responsible for the murder of JFK. Translated from the Russian.1/98 ... $18.00
(5214) Dallek, Robert: FLAWED GIANT: LYNDON JOHNSON AND HIS TIMES 1961-1973. Oxford University Press, 1st ed., 1998, 754 pgs., NF/NF DJ. ... $15.00
(5213) Gup, Ted: THE BOOK OF HONOR. 2000, 1st ed., Doubleday, NY, 390 pgs. NF/NF. Covert lives and classified deaths at the CIA. ... $12.50
(5212) Zilg, Gerard Colby: DUPONT: BEHIND THE NYLON CURTAIN. 1974, Prentiss Hall, NY, 623 pgs., Ex-lib otherwise VG in VG DJ. Exposure of political and economic influence of the family and corporation. ... $17.50
(5211) Casuso, Teresa: CUBA AND CASTRO. Random House, NY, 1961, 249 pgs., VG/VG. Former Castro supporter and Cuban diplomat tells why she broke with them. ... $10.00
(5210) Phelan, James: HOWARD HUGHES: THE HIDDEN YEARS. 1976, Random House, NY, 201 pgs. NF/NF. 1st edition. The last years of the reclusive billionaire. ... $11.00 b. later printing ... $9.00
(5209) Manley, Patrick: AN HONEST MAN. 2002, Reno, NV. Populist Press. LSC/1st ed. NF. 357 pgs. A former CIA man dying in Montana reveals what he knows about the Kennedy assassination. ... $20.00
(5208) Bonavolonta, Jules and Brian Duffy: THE GOOD GUYS. Simon & Schuster, 1st edition, 1996. 383 pgs. NF/NF. FBI agent and his team (includes Jim Kallstrom, Louis Freeh, Joe Pistone) pursue the Mafia families of New York. ... $10.00
(5207) Iannuzzi, Joseph "Joe Dogs": JOE DOGS. Simon & Schuster, 1993, 1st edition, 364 pgs., NF/NF. Member of Gambino crime family turned FBI informant, references to John Gotti. ... $9.00
(3572) Lamphere, Robert & Tom Schactman: THE FBI-KGB WAR. Random House, NY 1986, 1st ed. NF/NF., 320 pgs. Material on the Rosenbergs, Burgess, MacLean, and Philby, Harry Gold, and FBI counterintelligence. ... $17.50
(2680) Duke, Florimond: NAME, RANK, AND SERIAL NUMBER. Meredith, NY. 1969. VG+/VG+ DJ. 1st edition. 162 pgs. OSS mission in WW2 Hungary. ... $12.50
(4560) Lemay, Gen. Curtis E. with Mackinlay Kantor: MISSION WITH LEMAY. Doubleday, NY 1965, VG+/VG DJ., 581 pgs., Includes service in Kennedy administration ... $12.50 b. Ex-library, otherwise VG/VG. ... $6.50
(3210) Berry, Wendell: NOVEMBER TWENTY SIX NINETEEN HUNDRED SIXTY THREE. Braziller, NY. 1964. 1st edition. NF in NF box. Poem on the death of JFK. Illustrated by Ben Shawn. ... $25.00
(5206) Andrew, Christopher and Vasili Mitrokhin: THE SWORD AND THE SHIELD. Basic, NY. 1999. 1st edition. 700 pgs. Fine/Fine. The Mitrokhin archive and the secret history of the KGB.... $15.00
(5205) Taylor, John M.: GENERAL MAXWELL TAYLOR. Doubleday, NY. 1989. 1st edition. 457 pgs. NF/NF. Taylor was military advisor to JFK and chaired Joint Chiefs of Staff. ... $12.50
(3855) Jeffries, Diarmuid: THE BUREAU: INSIDE THE MODERN FBI. Houghton-Mifflin. Boston 1995. 1st edition. 355 pgs. NF/NF. Companion to the PBS series on FBI. Chapters on the Dallas Field Office, Waco. ... $9.00
(5204) Veith, George J.: CODE NAME BRIGHT LIGHT. Free Press, NY. 1st edition. 1998. 408 pgs. NF/NF. U.S. POW rescue efforts during the Vietnam War. ... $12.50
(2727) Edmondson, Madeline & Alden Duer Cohen: THE WOMEN OF WATERGATE. 1975. 1st edition. Stein & Day. 228 pgs. VG+/VG+. Material on wives and secretaries; includes info on Dorothy Hunt. ... $17.50
Please call Andy Winiarczyk at 570/321-1150 about these items. Thanks!
Andrew Winiarczyk
The Last Hurrah Bookshop
937 Memorial Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701