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The War On Freedom


From: "Find Truth"
Date: 05/25/02 12:28
Subject: 9-11 Action! NEW 9-11 Book tears apart the official story!! Spread the Word!!


Finally, a comprehensive book meticulously detailing the 9-11 attack, why, how and who was behind it!

The Campaign Demanding Inquiry into 9-11, has zero financial stake or benefit in promoting the below book. However, we urge everyone to purchase this book for themselves, for your congresspersons, Senators, for your local media (newspapers, TV, radio), family, church & civic organizations, and purchase one for your local library as well. [every new yorker must read this book, every city counsel person, every policeman, every fireman!!]

Why? Because the author of this book will never be seen on BookNotes on C-Span, or on the CNN or NBC talk shows. It is up to us to get the work in this book out to the mass public by urging everyone and every group we know to buy this book, and to spread the below url out as far wide, and fast as you can. [Please share this appeal to purchase and spread this book's url out by posting this message on discussion groups, bulletin boards, etc. etc.]

The book can be pre-viewed and purchased at [also, see reviews below]:

Comments on The War on Freedom (May 2002)

"This riveting and throroughly documented study is a `must' resource for everyone seeking to understand the attack on the World Trade Center of New York on Sept. 11, 2001 and `America's New War' since . . . this volume provides the detailed documentation in a definitive and masterful record."
Professor John McMurty, Department of Philosophy, University of Ontario; Fellow at the Royal Society of Canada; Chair of Jurists, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Tribunal at the Alternative World Summit in Toronto, 1989 (Canada)

"The most complete book I know of, summarizing the relevant background and foreground intersecting upon the events of Sept. 11, 2001 . . . A tour de force in every respect . . . I can't say how much I admire this work. It MUST be seen by as many people as possible all over the world as soon as possible."
Barry Zwicker, Producer and Host, MediaFile, Vision TV Insight; award-winning journalist on CBC-TV and CTV (Canada)

"The material you have collected is immensely important and useful. You look at the right subjects and report a number of things I had missed entirely."
Professor Peter Dale Scott, Co-Founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley (United States)

"Powerful, disturbing, and interesting indeed. Your excellent research on the background of Sept. 11 should become known to a larger audience."
Professor Arno Tausch, Institute for Political Science, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

"A meticulous investigation of circumstances, events, and circumstantial evidence of what really happened before and on Sept. 11. . . Your excellent report goes deep into what really happened and what the American defense machinery had let happen."
Peter G. Spengler, Editor, Contemporary Studies (Germany)

Order Copies At:

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