Chapter 14

              Transportation:  Anywhere in the World -- Now

         In moonlight so clear that the high Himalayas could be seen
     one hundred miles away, an Air Force C-130 transport few over the
     multinational border region of Laos, Burma, and China. In the
     cargo compartment a small, highly skilled team of Tibetan Khamba
     tribesmen huddled quietly beside the heavy airdrop pallets that
     lined the center compartment. Under a dim light in the forward
     part of the huge cargo area, four Agency men played
     nickel-and-dime poker while they sipped hot coffee from the
     plane's airborne kitchen hotplate. The crew peered into the
     darkness at brilliant stars guiding them on into the vast
     remoteness of Western China. From time to time the navigator was
     busy taking star shots to verify the electronic navigation signals
     he was getting, but which were growing dimmer and less reliable as
     each hour passed.

         The Operations officials of the Agency had directed that the
     crew fly as low and as close to the horizon as they could with
     safety, so that that their radar profile would be obscured by
     ground clutter. This same low pattern played havoc with long-range
     navigational signals from remote sites. But this gave the
     experienced crew little concern. The C-130 was in fine shape, the
     four turboprop engines purred in their sleek nacelles, and fuel
     flow was well within the flight-plan parameters. Precise
     navigation at this point was essential only to verify wind
     conditions and to warn if major shifts in strength and direction
     might have an impact upon total effective range. They knew that
     this mission was going to demand all the range the C-130 had, and
     a little more. The target for the airdrop of the Khambas and the
     black cargo was in the vicinity of Koko Nor, deep in the outback
     of unknown China.

         A trainload of olive-drab Gl six-by-six U.S. Army trucks had
     been delivered to a siding in North Carolina. A crew of men had
     worked for days unloading the trucks and towing them to a small
     remote dockside facility for loading onto an old, World War II
     front-loading landing craft. Another old, but newly shipshape,
     vessel lay at anchor, ready to shove off for the south as soon as
     the last shipment of trucks had been hoisted aboard. Both ships,
     with skeleton crews, slipped out of the port quietly and ran
     southward to Puerto Rico, where they would await orders to join
     the small armada bound for an unknown beach in the Bay of Pigs
     region of western Cuba.

         The temperature sometimes reached 125 degrees, perhaps even
     135 degrees, in the scorching sunlight of northern Libya. The jet
     fighters lining the runways shimmered in the ever-present mirage
     that hung over the concrete runways. Men fueling these planes wore
     heavy gloves, in spite of the intense heat, to protect themselves
     from burns. Far across this huge base in the remote area reserved
     for rockets and other armament, a few low outbuildings were the
     only evidence of a below-ground ammunition and arms cache of a
     most unusual nature. A steady stream of trucks had been weaving
     back and forth all day from the huge C-124 transport planes to
     this dump area to unload heavy cases of guns. These were not the
     usual World War II leftovers. These were British Enfields, French
     guns, and most important, they were a good mix of guns from Iron
     Curtain countries, picked up from many sources, including
     war-captured booty from the Israeli campaign in the Sinai Desert.

         The common thread through all of these anecdotes is the fact
     that in every case the Agency was operating in its own interest
     with transportation provided by the military forces. The aircraft
     belonged to the U.S. Air Force. The trucks and the special flatbed
     rail carriers were provided by the U. S. Army. And the ships that
     made the run to Cuba had been U.S. Navy equipment, refitted for
     use in that operation. The Agency has ready access to all kinds of
     transportation all over the world in the global transportation
     system of the Department of Defense. This great network gives the
     Agency the opportunity to carry out its work behind the screen of
     regular military movements. This saves the CIA the problem of
     covering the bulk of its movements, and it saves a tremendous
     amount of money. Again, this is money that the Agency usually
     protests it will gladly reimburse to the prime agent of the DOD,
     provided it is billed for it. Most shipments made by the CIA
     through the military networks are made to and from Agency cover
     units using military designations. The cost therefore is not
     identifiable unless a knowledgeable person intercepts the
     shipment. This is not likely, because the Agency will protest and
     the top echelons of the service will support it that the high
     classification of the shipment precludes such identification. Thus
     the bulk airlift of tons of guns, which would mean nothing to
     military shipping clerks, travels without charge under the guise
     of secrecy.

         Much military shipment is made by contract airlift. During the
     peak Vietnam operation years, the total of military-purchased
     contract-airlift averaged three quarters of a billion dollars per
     year. With the CIA responsible for a $1 billion a year
     "pacification" program in Vietnam, it can be seen that the
     Agency's share of that airlift could have been appreciable;  yet
     the chances are very good that no one ever knew just which
     shipments were Agency shipments and what to charge for them or how
     to collect reimbursement for them. When one reflects upon the
     early days of the CIA and upon the serious precautions taken to
     assure that the CIA would not grow beyond the size of a small,
     truly special operations capability, it is most significant to
     remember how all of this was done and how it has become such a
     normal and accepted practice today that at times even the U.S.
     Army has moved into certain operations under the cover of the CIA.

         When the CIA leaves the realm of the DOD and must strike out
     for itself into non-military areas and into areas where military
     relationships must be abandoned, it is able to use its own funds
     to provide its own first-class transportation to meet the
     situation. Most Agency personnel going overseas do so under one
     form of military cover or other, and as a result they travel on
     military aircraft or military contract shipping. This includes
     their household goods and other equipment as well. But there are
     times when CIA personnel cannot travel as military personnel, and
     then they travel as ordinary civilians and utilize all other means

         In foreign countries, the CIA procures fleets of indigenous
     vehicles to be able to pass more easily among the population among
     whom they will be working. It would be unwise for some man,
     attempting to be inconspicuous in Istanbul, to be seen driving
     around that crowded city in a new Buick or Chrysler. More than
     likely, the Agency will see that he has a Volkswagen or Renault,
     and perhaps one that is a few years old. In like manner, the
     Agency purchases civilian aircraft and boats of various types and
     sizes, to meet other special requirements. I have known of CIA
     personnel traveling in dog-sled parties and in sleek civilian
     business jets.

         The Agency does not want for transportation anytime, anywhere,
     and of any type, and they get so much of it free or for so little
     relative cost that what they need over and above the bulk military
     support, their own funds are more than adequate to provide. The
     Agency has a very large and special fleet of its own equipment,
     most of which is covered as commercial equipment. At the time of
     the Bay of Pigs invasion, the CIA used landing ships of World War
     II origin, which it had purchased from surplus sources and then
     refitted for the occasion. In other water moves, the CIA has used
     special Norwegian-built high speed boats, and it has used small,
     light canoes. In such instances, the Agency mans these vessels
     with its own personnel, and augments the agent cadre with
     experienced men when necessary. Where the Agency excels in this
     business is with its many clandestine airlines, which are
     scattered throughout the United States and around the world. The
     most famous of these is Air America.

         Air America, the airline of the flying mercenaries, conjures
     up stories true and imagined, real and unreal, of the Dragon Lady
     and Terry and the Pirates and of deep, secret missions into
     rebel-held territory in countries from faraway Asia to Latin
     America. Air America, Incorporated, is a worldwide operation,
     chartered in Delaware and listed solidly in Dun and Bradstreet.
     Its main offices are within a few hundred yards of the White
     House, on Washington's posh Connecticut Avenue, and it numbers
     among its directors many famous names, including several former
     Navy admirals who have at one time or other been Commanders in
     Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC). Air America is a most important adjunct
     of the CIA.

         When the travel to Mecca is heaviest with the devout Moslems
     involved in the hadj, a nondescript old transport aircraft will
     shuttle pilgrims across the Arabian desert. When summer travel
     peaks in Europe and thousands of students hire charter planes to
     take them to an international peace festival in Munich, among
     these available planes will be aircraft belonging to Air America
     and flying under one of its countless cover, subordinate
     companies. If the Agency wishes to make a clandestine cargo drop
     in some out-of-the-way place like Burma, Pakistan, or Indonesia, a
     perfectly normal appearing commercial transport aircraft will find
     itself on business through and around that area for a while, until
     any suspicion that might be aroused has died down;  then on one
     special flight it will open its rear cargo door and para-drop the
     supplies, equipment, and perhaps agents over the selected target

         The men of Air America are legendary, from the incomparable
     "Earthquake" McCoon, who lost his life over Dien Bien Phu in an
     unarmed C-119, to nameless and faceless Chinese and Anzacs, who
     have flown for Air America on flights that would make fiction
     accounts tame by comparison.

         In the middle nineteen fifties, it became necessary to
     resupply Agency outposts deep in Laos. The usual DC-3 or C-46 from
     World War II surplus stockpiles required too much runway for some
     of these rugged areas. Helicopters lacked the range and
     load-carrying ability required. The CIA turned to light planes and
     worked with the native tribesmen to clear landing strips deep in
     the forested valleys of Laos. For a short time these strips were
     useful, until their adversaries found them and showered them with
     gunfire from the surrounding mountainsides.

         Air America came in and selected landing sites in the most
     precarious positions. It had become expert in the use of a small,
     special plane used by the Air Force Special Air Warfare squadrons
     and by the Army Special Forces troops. This plane was called the
     L-28, or commercially, the Helio Courier. It was as rugged as a
     Jeep and could land and take off in remarkably short distances.
     This ability to land and take off in short distances is not by
     itself sufficient to commend an aircraft to this special use.
     Almost any light plane can, with a big engine, take off or land
     from short distances. However, once that same plane is in the air,
     if it does not have superior control surfaces and other slow
     flying characteristics designed for really slow-speed control in
     the air, it will be lethal in regular service. The Agency learned
     this the hard way when it and the United States Information Agency
     (USIA) missions attempted to use other aircraft that seemed able
     to do the job and were a little cheaper. More than 50 percent of
     those planes crashed in the first year of use. Meanwhile, the Air
     America planes and experienced crews actually operated from
     fantastically short and crude airstrips, which had been cleared by
     the natives on top of the ridge lines of the high, forested
     mountains of Laos. Even today, the flight handbook for pilots in
     Southeast Asia speaks of two categories of landing grounds in Laos
     -- regular and Helio. Air America and the rugged Helio have made
     an unheralded and unequaled record all over Laos.

         Air America is not a small unseen company. At two bases alone,
     one in Thailand and one in Taiwan, it has more than four thousand
     employees at each. To live its cover as a commercial airline, it
     flies regular routes and is a major contract carrier airline
     competing with other airlines of the world for flying business and
     for aircraft maintenance work.

         Years ago, when pilots and ground-crew men of the old
     Chennault Flying Tiger groups decided to stay in China and to form
     an airline there, CAT Airlines, the forerunner of Air America and
     others of that time, operated all over the mainland. They bought a
     fleet of World War II surplus C-46 cargo aircraft and set up a big
     maintenance facility at a Chinese mainland airport. As the
     fortunes of war drove them from one base to another, someone
     decided to put the maintenance facility on board a big war surplus
     ship. Finally, with the defeat of the forces under Chiang
     Kai-shek, this shop with its facilities and stockpile of equipment
     sailed to Taiwan and anchored beside a dock in Tainan. There this
     most unusual aircraft maintenance facility performed maintenance
     for a fast-growing and very busy fleet of planes for many years.

         One could walk through that ship absolutely amazed at the
     beehive-like activity on board. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
     Chinese worked in that ship on stages, rather than floors or
     decks, joined by narrow catwalks. Many of those workers worked in
     small basket-like spaces, barely large enough for a small Chinese.
     Parts and materials were brought to them and poured into each work
     space as through a funnel. The worker would finish his special
     task and then drop the part through a short chute, where it would
     end up for the next worker to do his part. The whole operation
     worked on a sort of force-of-gravity basis, with the finished item
     falling out at the bottom, ready for an alert runner to carry it
     to the packaging room. Whole sets of aircraft engine spark plugs
     would be specially treated and then placed into a big slab of
     plank, drilled out specially to accommodate just enough plugs for
     a certain type of engine, e.g., twenty-eight plugs for a
     14-cylinder engine. This was done so mechanics would not have to
     check plugs;  they simply removed all of them and put in a whole
     set of new plugs, while the old ones would be returned complete to
     the shop.

         Even instruments were rebuilt, and as they were, the faces and
     decals were changed to have Chinese or English markings, as
     required. There were propeller shops and wheel shops. Planes could
     be completely rebuilt from this one facility. As a matter of fact,
     the CIA had obtained master transparent film slide sets of the
     aircraft manufacturers parts and supplies kits, and for such
     planes as the DC-6. Air America could make every part just about
     as well as Douglas Aircraft. The ClA justified this irregular and
     perhaps illegal operation on the basis that it was working with
     sanitized engines and aircraft and that it could not put such
     items back in the supply line of the services. As a result,
     instead of buying from Douglas, through the services, it simply
     made the parts in its Tainan facility. It is entirely possible
     that complete small aircraft were made in this manner and that Air
     America or its subsidiaries ended up with more aircraft in
     operation than it had had in the first place.

         This technique is "justified" by the nature of air registry,
     which precludes the availability and even the existence of "extra"
     aircraft. Every aircraft built and flown must be registered. Once
     it has been registered, that serial number stays with it for the
     rest of its existence. Therefore, if the Agency wishes to remove
     all traces of identity and ownership from an airplane in order to
     make it plausibly deniable, it must also arrange to cover that
     plane in the registry. This is done in many ways, one of which is
     to assemble an extra plane from the parts available. To begin
     with, the CIA may be able to salvage a destroyed aircraft and have
     it declared discarded. Then from the frame or some other essential
     part it will rebuild the plane from parts not having any serial
     numbers at all. This method must be used with larger aircraft;
     but the Tainan facility had the capability to build smaller
     aircraft from scratch, just by assembling spare parts, many of
     which it would have made itself right at the plant.

         With this splendid maintenance organization, the Agency faces
     the necessity to assure it sufficient business to be able to live
     its cover as a commercial establishment. At this date and time it
     is doubtful that the cover of Air America is of any real value.
     Certainly, anyone who needs to know by now knows all about Air
     America;  but in any event, such a plant and all that equipment
     cannot be permitted to stand idle. As a result, Air America and
     its subsidiary maintenance components bid actively for commercial
     airline contracts and especially for U.S. military contracts. It
     is this military business that actually supports Air America. This
     is true also in the airline passenger and cargo business.

         Air America has a fine record, and on the basis of experience
     and service it is at least the equal of other contract carrier
     airlines that bid for U.S. military airlift. However, since the
     Agency has a proprietary interest in Air America, the CIA feels
     that the services should give the airline every opportunity to
     bid, and everything else being equal, the opportunity to be
     selected for contracts up to the minimum income level the Agency
     holds is essential to keep the airline in business and give it the
     added capacity to support ST activities when called upon.

         There was a time when contract carrier bidding was very
     competitive because the Pacific airlift had been cut back and
     there was very little to go around. After a few cycles of bidding,
     other airlines noted that Air America was getting business
     steadily, even if not in large volume. One new and most
     enterprising contract airline president flew into Washington and
     presented his views to the proper authorities in the Office of the
     Secretary of Defense and in the Air Force. At every turn he was
     assured that the bidding had been perfectly legal and correct, and
     that Air America was getting no more than its share and that Air
     America had made valid low bids. This man had heard some stories
     about Air America's pedigree, stories that were very easy to come
     by in any bar in Hong Kong where Air America pilots were very
     popular;  so he went into town and hired a lawyer. As his good
     fortune and, no doubt, his good sense would have it, the lawyer he
     retained was a knowledgeable individual who among other things had
     served as Secretary of the Air Force.

         Accompanied by this gentleman, the airline president returned
     to the Pentagon and held a brief meeting with certain aware
     officials there. By the time they left the Pentagon, this airline
     had the promise of a contract in the Pacific. The contract saved
     that airline from lean years, and it would be nice to be able to
     leave the story there with a happy ending.

         Actually, once that airline president had learned the trick,
     it was only inevitable that he would resort to that game again and
     again. Middle-level executives and appointive officers in the
     Pentagon rotate and move on after brief terms. With each
     generation of new faces someone sooner or later would be
     confronted by the same "pirate" airline president with the same
     story. Each time, the heavy cloak of security had kept the new man
     from knowing the antecedents of the case;  so he would have to
     seek help and advice from the staff. Inevitably he would be told,
     "Do anything you can to placate the man. That subject is highly
     classified, and we can't let legal action compromise the real
     facts in the case." As a result, the president would get his
     contract again and again. Because he knew that, he had all the
     high cards in the deck. Today that contract carrier advertises as
     one of the largest and most successful in the business, and its
     very successful leader has done very well with his secret formula.

         What was involved here was not such a lot of money;  but it
     is indicative of a great weakness in this sort of a system. What
     works in one case works in countless others. It is a sort of
     blackmail predicated on not breaking security, and no real
     consideration is given to whether the security is worth the price
     or not. This same type of "security blackmail" exists in many
     forms. If a government does not get the Military Aid Program
     material it thinks it should get, it will put pressure on the CIA
     liaison people, telling them it will have to stop supporting a
     reconnaissance unit or some radar installations, or some similar
     threat. Then CIA puts pressure on the MAP staff and gets the
     additional material for them, or may even get it out of its own
     resources of stockpiled military material. Or, as in the case of
     the Bay of Pigs operation, the governments that assisted Guatemala
     and Nicaragua either kept what they "found on base" or bargained
     for more. This upset other assistance plans because other
     countries claimed the right to more equipment based upon a
     balanced formula, security or not.

         We see other applications of such blackmail, as in the case of
     the ransom paid to Castro for the Cuban invaders. This figure in
     money and heavy equipment as well as in medicine has been quoted
     as being $53 million or more. It seems pertinent to note that so
     much money and equipment was paid willingly for captured Cubans
     and as far as we know, not one cent has been offered, except by
     certain private citizens, for the release of our own prisoners of
     war in Indochina.

         After the adventure in Indonesia, considerable amounts of
     equipment and preferential purchasing rights were paid to the
     Government of Indonesia as a sort of compensation for that

         In the case of the airline president above, he has made a
     success of this technique, which has been exceeded only by the
     success of Air America itself. This is now a very large and
     honorable company directed and managed by some very able men. It
     is the excellence and superiority of the men on the logistics side
     of CIA who have made the Agency look good year after year in spite
     of some of the problems created by the more adventuresome
     operators. As Air America has become quite overt, respectable, and
     above-board, it in turn has had to be the cover unit for much
     really deep operational work. It has the capacity and the
     know-how, and it certainly has the people, to perform aircraft
     support for almost any operation that can be conceived.

         In fact, it is organizations such as Air America that show how
     the Agency could have done things from the beginning, if it had
     not turned so quickly to the soft touch in the Department of
     Defense. If the early opportunists had been content to perform
     truly clandestine missions of a size and expectation that would
     have had the chance to remain clandestine, then the CIA might have
     managed to live within its charter and to have limited its
     operational efforts to those actually in support of intelligence,
     instead of becoming a vast international operational force. It was
     the broad-gauge goals set by the Dulles-Jackson-Correa report and
     the exploitation of the war-planning largesse of the military that
     launched the Agency upon a runaway operational activity, which
     resulted finally in the Indochina venture.