[The index has been included verbatim from the original
          book. Although the page numbers have no meaning here, it
          was felt the subjects noted are useful as a reference.
          The original chapter page numbers are listed below to
          facilitate cross-referencing --ratitor]

        Acknowledgments                                    vi
        Preface                                           vii
      1 The "Secret Team" -- the Real Power Structure       2
      2 The Nature of Secret Team Activity                 22
      3 An Overview of the CIA                             54
      4 From Law to Interpretation                         94
      5 "Defense" as a National Military Philosophy       121
      6 "It Shall Be the Duty of the Agency . . ."        140
      7 The Nature of Clandestine Operations              159
      8 "The Cover Story" Intelligence Agency             180
      9 The Coincidence of Crises                         201
     10 Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report in Action            224
     11 The Dulles Era Begins                             244
     12 Personnel:  The Chameleon Game                    266
     13 Communications: The Web of the World              281
     14 Transportation: Anywhere in the World -- Now      294
     15 Logistics by Miracle                              303
     16 Cold War:  The Pyrrhic Gambit                     314
     17 Mission Astray, Soviet Gamesmanship               328
     18 Defense, Containment, and Anti-Communism          337
     19 The New Doctrine: . . .                           355
     20 Khrushchev's Challenge:  The U-2 Dilemma          371
     21 Time of Covert Action:  U-2 to Kennedy Inaugural  381
     22 Camelot:  From the Bay of Pigs to Dallas, Texas   391
     23 Five Presidents:  "Nightmares We Inherited"       417
        App. I: Definition of Special Operations          427
        App. II: Powers and Duties of the CIA             428
        App. III: Training Under Mutual Sec Prog          442
        Bibliography                                      481

    Acheson, Dean, 200
    Advisory functions of CIA, 140-47
    Aerial reconnaissance, 151-53, 307-308
    Africa, CIA bases in, 271
    Air America, 174-75, 232, 280, 297-303
    Air Defense Command (New York & Colorado), 162, 219-20
      intelligence and, 168-69
    Air Division (DD/P; CIA), 161-64
    Air Force, U.S., 40-41, 72, 145
      aerial reconnaissance of, 15254, 307-308
      airlift of munitions for CIA by, 90, 161
      B-29, 205
      B-36 controversy and, 107108
      B-52 use of, 67-68, 162
      CIA and, 232, 262-63
      CIA Indonesia coup and, 140, 324
      as a member of intelligence community, 141
      P2V-7 aircraft and, 316-19
      placed under DOD (1947), 127
      Special Air Warfare squadrons of, 77, 138
      U-2 affair and, 260-61
    Air Laos, 173
    Air Operations (CIA), 316-18
    Air Resupply and Communications (Air Force; ARC Wings),
        161, 165, 221
      CIA and, 247, 248, 311, 314
    Air warfare, 122-23
    Aircraft, use of in CIA coup d'etat, 8748
    Airlines of CIA, 271
    Air America, 174-75, 232, 280, 297-303
      CAT, 232, 299
    Alexander, Field Marshal Harold, 304
    Algeria, 351
    Aliens, illegal, CIA and, 277-78
    Alsop, Joseph, 14, 182
    Ambassadors, 143, 399-400
      CIA activities and, 88-89, 100-101, 118, 166
      Military Aid Program and, 145
      role in CIA communications of, 285-86
    Ambassador's Journal (Galbraith), 100
    American Legion, 45
    Amory, Bob, 201
    Analysis Branch (OSS), 64
    Anderson, Jack, 26
    Anderson Papers (1971-72), 75-76
    Anti-Communism, 2-3
      counterinsurgency and, 119
      creation of a coordinated central intelligence
        agency and 125-27, 202-207
      expansion of CIA authority and, 136-38
      "peacetime operations" of CIA and, 142-44
      in Vietnam, 193
      See also Communism; Cold War; Counterinsurgency
    Anti-guerrilla warfare support, 87
    Appropriations of CIA, 277
    Arab-Israeli War (1956), 348
    Arango, Aureliano Sanchez, 45
    Armed Forces, see Military, the
    Armed Forces Staff College 214-15
    Armored Forces, 122
    Army, U.S., 144
      CIA and, 232
      CIA Indonesia coup and, 140
      counterinsurgency connections with CIA and, 107
      as a member of intelligence community, 141
      placed under DOD (1947), 127
      political-social-economic role of, 15, 87, 355-69, 394
      separation of Air Force and, 72
      See also Military Assistance Program (MAP);
        Special Forces
    Artime Buesa, Manuel, 45, 47
    Arundel, Arthur, 196
    Ashby, W. Ross, 227
    Assistant to the Secretary for Special Operations
      (Defense Department), 43 405-407
      description of, i27_28
    Atomic Energy Commission, 141, 202, 226-27
    Atomic warfare, 64-65, 123-24
    Attorney General, 277
    B-17 (bomber), 94-95
    B-26 (bomber), 41-42, 48-59, 324, 413
    B-29, 205
    B-36 (bomber), 107-108
    B-47 (bomber), 154
    B-52 (bomber), 67-68, 162, 218
    Baker, Bobby, 88
    Baldwin, Hanson W., 70-71
    Bao Dai (Emperor of Vietnam), 58, 60
    Barnes, Tracy, 44, 347, 393
    Bay of Pigs (Cuba; 1961), 6, 8, 13
      aftermath of, 321-22
      Board of Inquiry on, 104-14, 396
      CIA and, 22-34, 37-52, 103-104
      CIA preparations for, 382, 388-70, 392-93
      Douglas on, 417-18
    Bay of Pigs, The (Johnson), 113
    Berlin, 67, 370
    Berlin Corridor, 153
    Big Minh (Duong Van Minh), 7
    Binh Dinh province, 360
    Bissell, Richard, 50, 106, 116
      as head of IDA, 408
      1959 C-118 affair and, 331
      U-2 project and, 156, 328, 372, 378
    Black cargos, 23
    Bohanon, Charles, 196
    Border flights, development of U-2, 152-57, 260-61,
      314, 318-19, 320
    Boston Globe, 26
    Braun, Werner von, 349
    British Special Operations Executive (SOE), 62
    Budget of CIA, 261, 305-306
    Bulgaria, 213, 230
    Bundy, McGeorge, 14, 35, 120, 131, 197n, 199
    Bundy, William, 11, 120, 347, 414
      as CIA operative, 110, 134-35, 290
      Krulak and, 407
      Pentagon Papers memo (1964) of, 199-200
    Bureau of the Budget, 63
    Burke, Adm. Arleigh, 40, 105, 414
      aftermath of Bay of Pigs and, 107, 111
      CIA Indonesia coup and, 140-41, 324
    Busby, Fred, 98
    Byrd, Senator Harry, 273
    Byrnes, James F., 72-74, 123, 125, 201, 203
    C-46 (transport), 41-42, 48-49, 271, 299, 413
    C-47 (transport), 413
    C-54 (transport), 22-24, 41, 271, 413
    C-97 (transport), 117
    C-118 affair (1959), 328-37
    C-119 (transport), 232
    C-130 (transport), 144-45
    Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 50, 157, 161, 164, 181,
        198, 332-33
    Califano, Joseph, 11, 14
    Cam Ranh Bay, 35
    Camau (Vietnam), 360
    Cambodia, 9, 15, 18, 20, 27, 198
    Can American Democracy Survive the Cold War?
        (Ransom), 131-32
    CARE, 54
    Carter, General Marshall, 213
    Castro, Fidel, 30, 351, 388-89
    CAT Airlines, 232, 299
    Center for International Studies (MIT), 339
    Central Intelligence Agency Act (1949), 187, 275
      personnel and funding and, 274, 275-78, 383
      quoted, 436-38
    Central Intelligence Group, 65, 98
    Century series planes, 154
    Chancellor, John, 423
    Chiang Kai-shek, 175, 299
    Chief of Naval Operations, 112
    Chief White House adviser on foreign affairs, 3
    China, CIA flights over, 95, 328
    Churchill, Winston, 55, 73-74, 125, 201
    "CIA and Decision Making" (Cooper), 190
    Civic Action teams of Vietnamese government, 361
    Civil Affairs and Military Government Command
        (CAMG), 215, 217, 357
    Civil Affairs School (Fort Gordon, Ga.), 357-60, 362-63,
    Clandestine Intelligence, 57
    Clandestine Operations, 57
      nature of CIA, 159-79
    Clauswitz, Gen. Karl von, 218
    Clifford, Clark, 340-42, 347, 384
    Cline, Ray, 201
    Coast Guard patrol ships, 413
    Cold War, 218-19
      CIA peacetime operations and, 142-44
      CIA use of P2V-7 aircraft and, 314-20
      Indonesia (1958) and, 323-38
      origins of, 74-76
      theory of, 320-23
      See also Anti-communism; Communism
    Collection Intelligence, 139, 148
    Commander in Chief Pacific Armed Forces (CINCPAC),
        174, 297, 388
    Commissioner of Immigration, 277
    Common concern, services of, 158
    Communications networks of CIA, 14, 88-89, 261, 281-94
      ambassadors in, 285-86
      Civil Affairs School class on techniques of Aggression
          on, 358-60
      Cold War and, 321-23
      containment policy and, 337-55
      as excuse for CIA counterinsurgency activities, 90-91,
          93-94, 230
      post-war responses to, 72-76, 124-27
      See also Anti-Communism; Cold War; Soviet Union
    "Communist Techniques of Aggression" (Civil Affairs
        School), 358-60
    Comptrollership of CIA, 261
    Computers, 224
    Conein, Lucien, 196
    Congo, 67, 100, 102, 117, 388
    Constellation (aircraft), 271
    Containment policy, 337-55, 384
    Continental Air Command, 219
    Cooper, Chester L., 190, 195-96, 198-201
    Coordination of Intelligence by CIA, 147-48
    Coordinator of Information (COI), 54-55, 128
    Cordona, Jose Miro, 45, 48
    Correa, Mathias F., 147, 181, 200, 208
    Correlation of intelligence by CIA, 148-55
    Council on Foreign Relations, 190, 195, 197n
    Counterinsurgency of CIA, 87-94, 107
      communism as excuse for, 90-91, 93-94, 230
      theories advanced under Kennedy of, 104-21, 136-38,
    Coup d'etat, 13, 104
      of Diem (1963), 4-6, 7
      example of CIA procedures for. 76-94
      in Guatemala, 41
    "Cover," 279-80, 393
    Covert operation, 57
    Craft of Intelligence, The (Dulles), 17-18, 61, 373
      collection described in, 139
      concept of intelligence in, 66
      whitewash of CIA by, 180, 182-85, 187-89
    Craig, Gen. William H., 407
    Cuba, 6, 54, 102, 369-70
      Eisenhower's curtailing of CIA flights and, 381-82
      See also Bay of Pigs
    "Cult of the gun," 2
    Current Intelligence Office (CIA), 234-41, 245, 338
    Cybernetics, 224
    DC-4 (transport), 24, 41
    DC-6 (transport), 271, 300
    DC-7 (transport), 271
    Dalai Lama, 13, 351
    Dayan, Moshe, 348-49
    Dean, Gen. Fred, 407
    Debriefings, 279
    Defectors, 216, 277-78
    Defense Department (DOD), 10-11, 18
      CIA and, 43, 60, 130, 210
      CIA funding and, 187
      CIA infiltration of, 109, 134, 279
      counterinsurgency expansion of, 136
      degradation of role of, 67-68
      establishment of (1947), 127
      Indochina involvement and, 196
      NSAM and, 114-15
      post-war theory of defense and, 226-28
      transportation networks of, 296
    Defense Intelligence Agency, 131, 141
      rivalry with CIA of, 142
    De Gaulle, Charles, 34, 351, 370, 372
    Deputy Director of Administration (DD/A; CIA), 27, 231
      Dulles abolishes, 245, 261
    Deputy Director of Intelligence (DD/I; CIA), 27, 147,
      Dulles strengthens, 245, 261
        Amory, Bob, 201
        Cline, Ray, 201
    Deputy Director of Plans (DD/P; CIA), 27n, 147, 197,
        231, 280, 382
      Air Force and, 160-61
      Dulles strengthens, 245, 261
      White, L. K. ' Red" as, 246
      Wisner as, 161, 164
    Deputy Director of Support (DD/S; CIA), 27n, 231, 245,
      logistics and, 246-47
      personnel and, 267-68, 280
    Dewey, Thomas E., 182, 208-209, 233
    Dickerson, Nancy, 423
    Diem, Ngo Dinh, 2, 21, 58-60, 174-75, 390, 411
      CIA support of, 196
      death of, 416
      Lansdale and, 269-70, 389
      1963 coup and, 4-6, 7, 289
      U.S. support of, 192, 194
    Dien Bien Phu, 60, 172, 232, 359
    Dillon, Douglas, 370
    Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), 14, 42, 65,
      agent accessibility to, 285-86 CIA, 27, 58
      under CIA Act (1949), 275-78
      concept of, 54
      as head of intelligence community, 141, 146
      National Intelligence Authority and, 122
      NSAM # 55 and, 115
      NSC and, 133-34, 228, 291-92
      under the Office of the President, 63, 69, 98
      OPC and, 186, 209
      Souers as, 70-71
    Displaced person, 216
    Dissemination of intelligence by CIA, 148-55
    DOD, see Defense Department
    Dominican Republic, 289
    Domino Theory, 198-99
    Donovan, Gen. William J., 2, 54, 130, 232n
      as COI, 54-55, 128
      Communist "bogey" and, 126, 206-207, 340-42
      as Director of OSS, 56, 61-63, 411
      National Intelligence Authority and, 65, 69, 70-71
    Douglas Aircraft, 300
    Douglas, James, 39n, 385-87
    Douglas, William O., 417-18, 420
    Dulles, Allen Welsh, 29, 60, 212
      appointment as DCI by Eisenhower, 233-34
      Bay of Pigs and, 40, 45, 48-51, 104
      Bay of Pigs aftermath and, 105-13, 396
      CIA infiltration of governmental organizations and,
        260, 270
      Communist "bogey" and, 126
      containment policy and, 340-42
      Dewey and, 181
      J. Foster Dulles and, 163-64
      duplicity in CIA involvements and, 58, 192-94
      extension of CIA authority and, 99, 129, 136, 138-39,
        291, 337-39
      funding of CIA and, 274
      initial reorganization of CIA by, 244-45, 261
      Kennedy and, 389
      National Intelligence Authority and, 69, 70-71
      news media and, 181
      1959 C-118 affair and, 329, 333
      1960 election and, 327
      NSAM #55 and, 116, 402
      NSAM #57 and, 118-19
      under Smith, 231
      stockpiling by CIA and, 311-12
      Taylor and, 408
      U-2 affair and, 378
      See also Craft of Intelligence (Dulles);
        Dulles-Jackson-Correa report (1949)
    Dulles-Jackson-Correa report (1949), 147-48, 241
      cover agencies and, 306
      placing CIA within structure of U.S. government and,
      Smith implementations of, 228-33
      Dulles and, 181, 209-11, 241
      DuPicq, Colonel (France), 320, 346
      DuPuy, Gen. William, 19, 412
    Dulles, John Foster, 166, 195, 207, 384
      containment policy and, 340-41
      death of, 351
      Dewey and, 182, 209
      A. W. Dulles and, 163-64
      1956 Suez crisis and, 348-49
      1959 C-118 affair and, 333
      as Sec. of State, 233
      Vietnam involvement and, 192, 194, 196
    Eisenhower, Dwight D., 8, 164, 192
      Bay of Pigs and, 38-39, 42, 44-45, 48, 388-90
      CIA stockpiling and, 310-11
      curtails CIA Hights, 381-82
      A. W. Dulles and, 210, 233, 241
      events leading up to U-2 affair and effects on 1960
        Summit of, 351-55, 369-71
      Indonesia investigation by, 326-27
      IRBM and, 350
      Korea and, 232-33
      NSC uses of, 131, 132, 135-36. 291-92
      U-2 affair and, 13, 25, 28-29, 197, 371-80
    Electronic Intelligence information (ELINT), 152, 166,
    Ellsberg, Daniel, 26, 189
      Cooper and, 198-201
      Lansdale and, 61
      Pentagon Papers and, 191, 195-96
    Erskine, Gen. Graves B., 405406, 413
    Establishment of CIA (1947), 10, 98-104
      under the law, 431-32
      See also National Security Act
    Ethiopia, 271, 328
    Evaluation of intelligence by CIA, 148-55
    Expenditures of CIA, 277
    F-80 (jet fighter), 153-54
    F-90 (jet fighter), 153-54
    F-94 (jet fighter), 154
    Fairways Incorporated, 88
    Federal Aviation Administration, 109
    Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 56, 63, 141
      CIA and, 268
    Filipino Operation Brotherhood, 361
    Finished intelligence,' 158
    Fitzgerald, Desmond, 347
    Flame-out," 155
    Flexible response," 384
    Florida, 382, 387, 388, 389
    Flying Tigers, 299
    Foreign Affairs, 190, 192, 194-95, 199-200
    Formosa, secret CIA bases on, 94-95
    Forrestal, James, 132-33, 208
    Forrestal, Mike, 14
    Fort Bragg, 363, 385
    Fort Gulick (Panama), 43
    "Fourth Force," 214
    France, 74, 171-74
    Frost, Adm. Luther H., 140
    Funding of CIA, 186-87, 382-83
      Central Intelligence Act (1949) and, 274, 275-78
    Galbraith, John Kenneth, 100, 285
    Gates, Thomas, 38, 39n, 405
    Geneva Conference (1954), 194
    Genghis Khan, 303
    Gilpatric, Roswell, 39n
    Glennan, Keith, 28-29, 377
    Gramont, Sanche de, 98
    Greece, 34, 35, 102, 230
      British evacuate (1947), 202203
      CIA involvement in, 213
      MAP in, 355
      Truman Doctrine and, 125
    Green Berets, see Special Forces
    Governmental agencies, CIA infiltration of, 109-10,
        134, 259-60
      as cover, 280
      of DOD, 279
      of Executive Department, 109
      military and, 268-70
    Guatemala, 213, 382, 387, 388, 389
      CIA base in, 22-23, 26, 29-30 1961
      coup in, 13, 40-41
    Guerrilla and Resistance Branch (OSS), 62
    Hagerty, Jim, 381
    Halberstam, David, 237
    Hammerskjold, Dag, 2, 382
    Heintges, Gen. John A., 173, 407
    Helicopter forces, 387
    Helicopter use in Vietnam, 411-13
    Helio Aircraft Corp., 161
    Helio courier (L-28), 159-61, 298-99, 413
    Helms, Richard, 106, 161
    Herter, Christian, 38-39, 351, 370, 376, 379
    Hillenkoetter, Adm. Roscoe H., 214, 220, 229-30
    Hider, Adolph, 56
    Ho Chi Minh Trail, 68
    Hoopes, Townsend, 17
    Hoover, J. Edgar, 61-63, 389
    Houston, Larry, 382
    Huks (Philippines), 34, 90, 93
    Human Use of Human Beings, The (Weiner), 97
    Hungary, 54
    Hussein (King of Jordan), 144-45
    Hydrogen bomb, 224, 2a6-a7
    "Illegal" aliens, CIA and, 277-78
    India, 92, 100
    India-China border dispute (1962), 117
    India-Pakistani War (1971), 75-76, 100
    Indonesia, 21, 34, 102-103, 140-41, 321, 381
      CIA airpower and, 275-76
      Eisenhower curtails involvement in, 8
      1958 CIA involvement in, 323-28
    Industry, 2
    Information, concept of, 55 56
      intelligence and, 158
    Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA), 86, 106, 137,
        270, 408
    Intelligence, information and, 158
    Intelligence, U.S. post-war theories of, 65-76
      Cold War and, 74-76
    Intelligence community, 141
    Intelligence functions of CIA
      coordination and, 147-48
      correlation, evaluation, dissemination and, 148-55
    Intelligence operations, 57
    Intelligence Review Committee (1948), 208
    Intelligence vs. secret operations in CIA, 54-64,
        94-97, 98-104
    Inter-American Police Academy, 394
    Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM), 322,
    International Jaycees, 361
    Investment houses, 2
    Invisible Government, The (Wise and Ross), 21, 30
    Iran, 13, 67, 213, 221, 230, 271, 328
      MAP in, 355
    Italy, 74
    Jackson, William H., 147-48, 181-82, 200, 208
      Smith and, 231, 233
    Jakarta, 140, 324
    Japan, 64, 232
    JCS, see Joint Chiefs of Staff
    Johnson, Haynes, 113
    Johnson, Kelly, 154
    Johnson, Louis, 132, 186-87, 210, 265
    Johnson, Lyndon B., 4, 7, 191
      CIA and, 420-21
      involvement in Vietnam and, 13, 17, 19, 196, 198-99
      NSC and, 179
    Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 5, 9, 11, 15, 30
      briefing procedure of, 257-58
      Burke and, 111-12 CIA
      Cuban involvement and, 37-39, 44, 106-107, 110-13, 178
      establishment of (1947), 127
      IDA and, 106, 137
      Indochina involvement and, 193, 414
      National Intelligence Authority and, 65, 71
      NSAM #55 and, 115, 119, 401-402, 415
      nuclear weapons and, 214-15
      Pentagon Papers and, 290
      Special Operations under, 406
      Taylor and, 110-11
      See also Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and
        Special Activities; Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D.
    Jones, Jesse, 383
    Jordan, Kingdom of, 144-46, 271
    Junior Officer Training Program (CIA), 268-69
    Jupiter missile, 322, 349
    Kasavubu, Joseph, 388
    Katanga province (Congo; 1962), 117, 388
    Keating, Kenneth, 100
    Kennan, George F., 201, 340-41
    Kennedy, John F., 54, 389-90
      advance of CIA counterinsurgency
      theories under, 104-21, 136-38, 396-99
      Bay of Pigs and, 13, 38-39, 44-46, 378
      CIA briefings before 1960 election of, 45-46, 327
      Cuba stand of, 389
      death of, 2, 416, 417
      1963 Diem coup and, 4-7
      NSC use of, 132, 136-37, 179, 183-84, 292, 392
      history of CIA under, 390-416
      Vietnam involvement and, 16, 198, 400-416
      See also Cuba
    Kennedy, Robert F., 2, 17, 105, 120, 326
      Bay of Pigs aftermath and, 116, 396
      A. W. Dulles and, 106-107, 113-14, 183-84
    Kent, Sherman, 200-201
    Khamba tribesmen (Tibet), 294-95
    Khanh, Gen. Nguyen, 7
    Khrushchev, Nikita, 66, 107, 349
      Kennedy and, 397
      1960 Summit and, 351-52, 369-71
      U-2 affair and, 25, 29, 371-80
    King, Col. J. C., 47
    King, Martin Luther, 2, 420
    Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 128, 129, 179, 180-81, 184
      on Current Intelligence Office, 234-40
      on Dulles-Jackson-Correa report, 211
      on early CIA, 205, 212
    Kissinger, Henry, 69, 75-76, 100 131, 197n
    "Kitchen Debate" (1959), 351
    Knebel, Fletcher, 116
    Kong Le, 366
    Korea, 21, 355
    Korean War (1950-53), 205, 213, 221-22, 228, 230, 232
    Krulak, Gen. Victor H., 9, 11-12, 16, 19
      as Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and
        Special Activities, 120, 135, 401
    Ky, Nguyen Cao, 174, 269, 365
    L-28 (Hello "Courier"), 159-61, 298-99, 413
    Laird, Melvin, 149-50, 308-309
    Lansdale, Gen. Edward, 347, 411, 412, 443
      as CIA operative, 134-35, 290, 414
      Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers and, 61, 195-96, 197
      Krulak and, 407
      McNamara and, 11, 197, 199, 406
      Magsaysay support by, 107, 288
      Vietnam, Diem and, 59-60, 174, 193, 194, 269-70, 389
    Laos, 13, 15-16, 18, 21, 67, 382
      airlifts to 271
      covert raids on, 27
      Eisenhower's curtailing of CIA flights and, 8
      French discovery of CIA involvement in, 171-74
      use of Helio "Courier" in 298-99
      McNamara and, 9, 20
      Meo tribesmen of, 256, 387, 404
      Pathet Lao, 172, 366, 387
      Special Forces in, 387
      Thailand border patrols and, 269
    Leafleting drops of communist countries, 152, 314
    Leahy, Adm. William D., 62, 70
    Lee, Gen. J. C. H., 304
    Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (1933), 187
    Lemay, Gen. Curtis, 414
    Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 38-40, 111-12, 258, 414
      NSAM #55 and #57 and, 119-20, 401-403, 415
      succeeded by Taylor in JCS, 350
    Lilienthal, David E., 202
    Lindbergh, Charles A., 123
    Lloyd, Selwyn, 348-49
    Loan, Gen. Nguyen Ngoc, 366
    Lockheed Corporation, 153-54, 260-61, 316, 373
      CIA and, 318-19
    Lodge, Henry Cabot, 5, 213
    Logistics systems of CIA, 90-92, 161, 246-65, 303-12
    Lovett, Robert, 201
    M-16 rifle, 263-64, 413
    MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 56, 61-63, 71, 180, 232, 410-11
    Macmillan, Harold, 370, 372
    McCarthy, Joseph, 126, 229
    McCarthyism, 126, 229
    McClelland, Gen. Harold, 286
    McCone, John, 17, 241, 347
    McConnell, Murray, 231
    McCord, James, 336
    McCormick, Col. Alfred, 71, 122
    McElroy, Neil, 333, 350, 405
    McGoon, "Earthquake," 298
    McGrory, Mary, 410, 415
    McNamara, Robert S., 4, 17, 119-20, 198-99, 239, 389,
      abolishes Defense Special Operations office, 405-406
      Bay of Pigs and, 38-39
      briefings of, 240, 347
      Bundy and, 110, 135
      McNamara-Taylor Vietnam report (1963), 5-7, 19, 416
      McNamara Vietnam report (1963), 8-15
      NSAM #55 and, 402
      on "Steps to Change the Trend of the War" (1964),
    McNaughton, John T., 11
    Magsaysay, Ramon, 21, 34, 59-60, 84, 90
      Lansdale, General and, 107
    Malinovsky, Marshal Rodion Y., 371
    Manhattan Project, 64
    Mansfield, Senator Mike, 6, 248, 407, 410, 415
    Marines, 35
    Marshall, Gen. George C., 203, 213
    Marshall Plan (1947), 74, 203, 344
    Massed rapid-fire weapons, 122
    Matsu, 351
    Medaris, Gen. John B., 107
    Meo tribesmen (Laos), 256, 387, 404
    Mexico, 22-26
    Milbraith, Lester, 195
    Military, the, 63, 204-205
      CIA and, 18, 175-76, 214-23, 268-70
      CIA and under CIA Act (1949), 275-78
      CIA use of military bases, 272-75
      postwar defensive posture of, 127
      See also Air Force, U.S.i Army, U.S.; Navy, U.S.
    Military Advisory and Assistance Group (MAAG), 246,
        272, 274, 395
      CIA and, 356, 358, 361
      in Southeast Asia, 6-7
    Military Airlift Command (MAC), 274
    Military Air Transport Service, 274
    Military Assistance Program (MAP), 43, 145, 171, 256,
        344, 394
      development of, 355-69
      P2V-7 aircraft and, 14-15
    Military equipment, CIA stockpiling and obtaining,
        249-53, 310-11
    Minh, Gen. Duong Van "Big," 7
    Missile gap," 156-57, 322
    Mollet, Guy, 348-49
    Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard Law, 304
    Multi-nationals, 176
    Munitions manufacture, Vietnam War and, 411-12
    Mutual funds, 2, 52
    Mutual Security Act (1951), 355
    Mutual Security Program, CIA
      and, 353, 355-71
      article on leadership training under, 445-80
    My Lai, 404
    Nasser, Gamel Abdul, 348, 351
    Nasution, Gen. Abdul Haris, 324-25
    Nation building, 394-95
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
        28-29, 310, 352, 377
    National Economy Act (1932), 187, 264-65, 382
    "National Intelligence," 158
    National Intelligence Authority (1946), 65, 122, 128-29
    National Intelligence Estimates (NIE), 190-92, 195-201
    National Security Act of 1947, 10, 71
      establishment of CIA and, 98-104, 122-39
      functions of CIA as prescribed by 140-58
      1947 political climate and, 201, 203-204, 224-28
      quoted, 427-34, 438-41
      See also Central Intelligence Act (1949)
    National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM)
      #54 (1961) 119
      #55 (1961j, 16, 114-16, 119, 120-21, 401, 415
      #56 (1961), 119
      #57 (1961), 116-19, 121, 401, 402-403, 414-15
    National Security Agency (NSA), 2, 141, 281, 286
    National Security Council (NSC), 3, 10, 37, 73, 163
      CIA circumvention of authority of, 98-100, 102, 108,
        128-38, 141, 188-89
      CIA functions as prescribed by law and, 141, 147,
        148, 158, 175
      Diem and, 59
      establishment of (1947), 127-28
      Kennedy and, 132, 136-37, 179, 183-84
      Nixon and, 45, 46
      NSC/2 (1948) and, 98-9
      NSC/ 10 (1948) and, 26-27, 185-86, 208-209, 231, 310
      OCB and, 127-28, 131, 133, 291-92
      See also Special Groups (NSC)
    National sovereignty, 101-102, 137
    Navarre, Gen. Henri, 193
    Navy, U. S., 111-12, 127, 140-41, 180, 247-48
      intelligence operations of, 56, 61-63, 141
      P2V-7 aircraft and, 314-16, 319
      SEAL-team, 33, 138
    "New National Military Program of Flexible Response"
        (Taylor), 362, 369, 380, 384,
    News media, 2, 238-39, 240
    New York Times The, 4, 10-11, 26, 44, 65, 70
      Halberstam transfer and, 237-38
      Pentagon Papers of, 58-60
    Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 2, 4-5, 7, 60, 198
      death of, 416
    Nicaragua, 29, 41-42, 92, 102, 388, 389
    Nixon, Richard M., 45-46, 191, 196, 370, 378, 419
      CIA and, 327
      Cuba stand of, 389
      Kitchen Debate (1959), 351
      Vietnam War and, 421-23
    Non-nationals, 176
    Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 119
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 168-69, 221,
    North Vietnam, 27, 35
    Norway, 102, 166-69, 221
    Nosavan, Gen. Phoumi
    NSA, see National Security Agency
    NSC, see National Security Council
    Nuclear warfare, 64-65, 124, 202, 224-26
      CIA, military and effects on
      strategy and tactics of, 214-23
    O'Donnell, Kenny, 410, 415
    Office of Emergency Planning, 127
    Office of National Estimates, 191, 193-94
    Office of Naval Intelligence, 70
    Office of Policy Coordination (OPC; CIA), 186, 209,
    Office of President, see President
    Office of Psychological Warfare, 152, 217, 2220
    Office of Secretary of Defense, 11, 14, 44
    Office of Special Operations, 163, 273
    Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 2, 56, 61-63, 180
      abolished, 98, 128, 202 CIA and, 268
    Okinawa, 232, 382
    Operation Brotherhood, 361
    Operational procedures of CIA, 76-94
      See also Secret operations
    Operations Coordinating Board (NSC), 128, 131, 133,
      Kennedy and, 392
    OPLAN-34 (Southeast Asia), 27, 35
    Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 202
    Organization of America States, 48
    OSS, see Office of Strategic Services
    Oswald, Lee Harvey, 416
    P2V-7 aircraft, CIA use of, 314-20, 323, 328
    Pacification, 360-61, 366, 395, 405
    Pakistan, 92, 100, 102, 221
      U-2 affair and, 169
    Panama, 29, 41, 382, 387, 388
    Paramilitary organizations of CIA, 88
    Pathet Lao, 172, 366, 387
    Patton, Gen. George S., 304
    "Peacetime" operations of CIA, 57, 142-44, 146
    Peers, Gen. William R., 19, 412
    Pentagon Papers (1971), 4-21, 54, 117, 135, 147, 407
      CIA clandestine intelligence vs. intelligence
        operations and, 5741
      military and CIA in, 269
      on overthrow of Diem, 289
      use of "sheep-dipped" by, 172-73
      whitewash of CIA by, 189, 191-201
      Personnel of CIA, 261, 266-80
      See also Governmental agencies, CIA infiltration of
    Philippines, 93, 232, 355, 382
      Magsaysay and, 21, 34, 594Q 84, 90
    Phillips, Rufus, 196
    "Phone-drop" organizations, 256-57
    Photography, aerial, 307-308
    Polaris missile, 350
    Police wars, 394-95
    Political-economic-social role of Army, 15, 87, 355-69,
    Ponchardier, Adm. Pierre, 348
    Pope, Allen, 324-26, 373
    Post-war theories of intelligence, 65-76
      Cold War and, 74-76
    Powers, Francis Gary, 150, 323, 325, 371, 373, 375-76
    President, 29, 103, 127, 130
      CIA under Office of, 63, 69, 98, 130
      Current Intelligence Office and, 234-41
    President's Committee to study Training under the
        Mutual Security Program (1959), 363-68
    President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 435-36
    President's Special Committee on Indochina (1954), 193
    Pseudo-military business organizations of CIA, 88
    PT boats, 413
    Publishing houses, 2
    Puerifoy, John, 213, 232n
    Puerto Cabezas, 41-42, 49-50
    Puerto Rico, 29
    Quang Ngai province, 360
    Quemoy, 351
    Rabom, Adm. William F., Jr., 99100, 193
    Radford, Adm. Arthur, 60, 107, 411
    Radio networks, use of in coup d'etat, 87
    Radio Free Europe, 54
    Rand Corporation, 86, 156, 270
    Ransom, Harry Howe, 131-32, 136
    Real CIA, The (Kirkpatrick), 128, 180-81, 234
      aerial, 151-58, 307-308
      satellite, 150-51, 157, 308-10
    Refugees, 216
    Research and development by CIA, 261-64
    Retirement policies of CIA, 278-79
    RF-105 (reconnaissance plane), 473
    Richardson, John, 213
    Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 304
    Roosevelt, Franklin D., 54-55, 61, 128
    Ross, Thomas B., 21, 30, 38
    Rosson, Gen. William, 19, 196, 347, 412
    Rostow, Walt, 8n, 35, 197, 200, 389
    Roumania, 213, 230
    Rusk, Dean, 14, 17, 199, 402
      Bundy and, 110, 135
    Russell, Senator Richard, 248
    Saigon Military Mission (SMM), 194-95
    Saltonstall, Senator Leverett, 248
    "Salvage," 253-55
    Sarit, Marshal Dhanarajta, 174, 269
    Satellite reconnaissance, 150-51, 157, 308-10
    SEAL-team (Navy), 33, 138
    Secret Intelligence, 57
    Secret Intelligence Branch (OSS), 64
    Secret Intelligence Operations, 57
    Secret Operations, 57
      intelligence vs. secret operations in CIA, 54-64,
        94-97, 98-104
      nature of CIA, 34-37, 159-79
    Secret War, The (Gramont), 98
    Secretary of Defense, 106, 115, 127, 133, 137, 140, 163
      OPC and, 186, 209, 231
      Special Forces and, 385-86
      See also Defense Department
    Secretary of Navy, 65, 69
    Secretary of State, 65, 69, 115
      in NSC, 127, 133
      OPC and, 186, 209, 231
      peacetime planning powers of, 143-44
      See also State Department
    Secretary of War, 65, 69
    Services of common concern, 158
    Sevareid, Eric, 423
    "Sheep-dipped," 172-73
    Shoup, Gen. David M., 258
    Six Crises (Nixon), 45
    Smith, Howard K., 423
    Smith, Gen. Walter Bedell, 99, 194, 214, 234, 240
      as DCI of CIA, 228-33, 241
    Snow, C. P., 424
    Sorenson, Theodore, 403n
    Souers, Adm. Sidney, 70-71, 99, 122
    South Vietnam, 21, 93-94, 101
      See also Vietnam
    Souvanna Phouma (Prince of Laos), 269
    Sovereignty, national, 101-102, 137
    Soviet Union, 64, 124-25, 127
      1959 downing of C-118 by, 328-37
      post-war fears of, 125-27
      See also Communism; U-2 affair
    Special Air Warfare squadrons (Air Force), 77, 138
    Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special
        Activities (SACSA; JCS), 11, 12, 119-20, 199, 290,
      CIA and, 410
      creation of, 406-407
      Krulak and, 135, 401, 407-408
    Special Forces (Green Berets), 35, 111, 113-14, 138,
      CIA and, 67, 120, 206, 248, 311, 314, 384-88
      Civil Affairs school of, 363, 369
      in coup d'etat, 87
      development of, 220-21
    Special Forces of Vietnam, 60, 198
    Special Groups (NSC), 33, 35, 291-92
      CIA infiltration of, 134
      CI, 119, 137, 409
      5412/2, 42, 109, 119, 133-34, 175
    Special Operations, 57
    Special personnel of CIA, 261
    Special Services, 56-57
    Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 60, 107, 411
    Spy-in-the-Sky orbital laboratories, 308-10
    Stalin, Joseph, 56
    State Department, 60, 63-64, 71
      ambassadors communications and, 285
      CIA infiltration of, 109, 134
      degradation of role of, 67-68
      IDA and, 106, 137
      intelligence operations of 122, 141
      Military Aid Program and, 145
    Stevenson, Adlai, 44, 218, 232, 393
    Stilwell, Gen. Richard G., 11, 19, 412, 443
    Stimson, Henry L., 55, 68
    Stockpiling of military equipment by CIA, 249-50, 310-11
    Strategic Air Command (SAC), 162, 219-20
    "Subversive insurgency," 138, 364, 384
    Suez Crisis (1956), 348-49
    Sukarno (President of Indonesia), 140, 323
    Sumatra, 140
    T-28 (trainer craft), 413
    T-33 (trainer craft), 49, 51, 154
    Tactical Air Command, 220, 275
    Tactics in CIA coup d'etat, 76-94
    Taipan, 299
    Taiwan, 232, 299-300, 382
    Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 14, 15-16, 19, 347, 353
      aftermath of Bay of Pigs and, 105, 107-11, 113
      as Focal Point man for Dulles, 131, 134, 407-409
      as head of JCS, 119-20, 410, 414-15
      IRBM, 349-50
      Kennedy, Vietnam involvement and, 197, 198-99, 408,
      McNamara-Taylor Vietnam report (1963), 5-7, 19, 416
      "New National Program of Flexible Response," 362,
        369, 380, 384, 396
    Thailand, 15, 213, 269, 299, 328
    Thieu, Nguyen Van, 174, 269
    Thor missile, 322, 349
    Tibet, 21, 34, 54, 67, 102
      arming by CIA of, 378-79
      Eisenhower curtailing of CIA flights and, 8, 382
      escape of Dalai Lama from, 13, 351
    Timberlake, Clare H., 100
    Tolson, Gen., 395, 412
    Tonkin Gulf incident (1963), 20-21, 35
    Toynbee, Arnold, 28-29, 37, 54
    "Training Under the Mutual Security Program" (1959),
    Transportation networks of CIA, 294-303
    Trujillo, Rafael, 2, 34, 289, 353-54
    Truman, Harry S
      appointment of Smith to CIA of, 228-30
      on CIA, 9-10, 37-38, 54, 184-85, 419-20
      Dulles-Jackson-Correa report (1947), 147, 182, 207-209
      initial post-war policies of, 123-25, 201
      National Intelligence Authority and, 65; 69-70
      National Security Act (1947) and, 127, 205
      NSC uses of, 131-33, 291
      OSS and, 98
    Truman Doctrine (1947), 125-26, 203, 344
    Tshombe, Moshe, 117
    "TSS" (CIA research division), 306-10, 314, 317
    Turkey, 125, 203, 221, 355
    Twining, Gen. Nathan, 414
    U-2 affair (1960), 25, 103, 169
      development of border flights by CIA and, 152-57,
        260-61, 318-19, 320
      Eisenhower and, 13, 28-29, 38, 197, 371-80
      Eisenhower, 1960 Summit meeting and, 351-55, 369-71
      photography techniques of, 307-308
    Uncertain Trumpet, The (Taylor), 108, 110, 120, 362,
        369, 384
    United Nations, 72
    Universities, 2
    U.S. Air Forces, Europe (USAFE), 162
    Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S., 220-21, 222
    Vanished (Knebel), 116
    Varona, Manuel Antonio de, 45
    Vice President, 197
    Viet Cong, 8
    Vietnam, 67, 103, 213
      CIA involvement in, 232, 271, 400-16
      1945-64 CIA control of, 59-61, 117-18
      Pentagon Papers history of U.S. involvement in, 4-21
    War Department, 63-64, 127
    Warfare, evolution of, 122-23
      CIA, military, nuclear weapons and, 214-23
    Warren Commission report, 419-20
    Washington Post, 26
    Weisner, Jerry, 389
    Wheeler, Gen. Earle, 119-20, 347, 406
    White, Col. L. K., 246
    White, Lincoln, 377
    White, Gen. Thomas D., 220, 330, 333
    "White Star" teams, 173-74
    Whitehead, Gen. Ennis C., 219
    Whitewash of CIA, 180-201
    Wiener, Norbert, 97, 224, 226, 227
      on communications, 282
    Willkie, Wendell, 56, 123
    Wilson, Charles, 350, 405
    Windchy, Eugene, 21
    Wire tapping, 281
    Wise, David, 21, 30, 38
    Wisner, Frank, 161, 163, 209, 326-27
    World War I, 122-23
    World War II, 123
    Ydigoras Fuentes, Miguel, 26, 41
    Yugoslavia, 213, 230