Foreknowledge of World Trade 7's Collapse: The Challenge to the Official Hypothesis 21 Mar 2011 Dr. Graeme MacQueen Auto-Generated Raw Text Transcript ================================= TIME STAMPS ARE OFF BY 17 SECONDS ================================= ... to introduce dr william pepper 0:32 dr pepper is an english barrister and american attorney focusing on international human rights 0:38 he has worked with and was a friend of martin luther king during the last year of dr king's life martin had read 0:45 articles on vietnam where william pepper had been a journalist and asked to meet with him 0:51 bill bill showed him from his photo essays in the 1967 ramparts 0:58 when when martin saw that the photos he wept and asked bill pepper to work closely 1:03 with him as dr king turned hard against the war nine years after the assassination 1:09 family and friends of dr king asked bill pepper to interrogate james earl ray 1:14 he did in 1978 and ten years later after becoming convinced that rey was an 1:19 unknowing patsy agreed to represent him two books and an unscripted television trial later 1:26 and having been denied by the sixth circuit and then certified by the supreme court ray died in custody 1:34 bill pepper continued with a civil trial in memphis in which he represented the family of martin luther king 1:40 the trial lasted for 30 days with the questioning of over 70 witnesses exonerate exonerating rey and setting 1:47 out how dr king was killed the jury took just 59 minutes to sow rule 1:53 and lay blame on agents of the u.s state and local governments 1:58 a similar scenario scenario followed as bill pepper examined the assassination of robert f kennedy as it turns out bill 2:06 had been the citizen chairman for robert f kennedy's 1963 new york senate campaign as his 2:13 investigation of rfk's assassination progressed new evidence of sirhan's actual 2:19 innocence emerged that was even stronger than evidence that he had presented in the martin luther king case 2:25 bill has now become lead counsel for sirhan sirhan 2:31 bill bill pepper also convened the seminar on international human rights at oxford university for two years and 2:38 is currently the expert to the magistrate's court in spain on universal jurisdiction with an 2:43 opinion before the court urging the prosecution of members of the bush administration for war crimes crimes against humanity 2:50 and violations of the torture convention 3:02 bill has advised a number of 911 victim families has admired the efforts and good work of many 911 researchers 3:09 and has long advocated the necessity of an independent investigation in order for the truth to see the light 3:14 of day to this end bill pepper played an active role as legal adviser to the nyc 3:20 can ballot initiative a 9 11 family member supported campaign for a new 3:26 new york city investigation of the 9 11 attacks with that ladies and gentlemen it's my 3:31 great honor to introduce dr william pepper 4:09 thank you for that i have a very minor role here today 4:16 and i i primarily want to pay tribute and recognize the efforts of the 4:23 uh the families of victims of 9 11. i want to pay 4:31 tribute to the new york group that have worked so hard to push this building 7 campaign forward 4:40 ted walter and dennis mcmahon and that entire group down there 4:46 and i want to compliment and um express my appreciation personally to the group here who once 4:54 again have stirred the pot and caused this 4:59 important issue to be put into the limelight and brought forward in a very important and forceful way 5:08 my role really here is to introduce primary researchers people who have 5:14 really done the work on this case i've not done any research i've read their work 5:20 i've been impressed with uh with all of the work of uh of graham and kevin and tony and from 5:28 the outset uh of the with the work of david ray griffin who has uh become a friend 5:35 it's these individuals and their effort that are making a difference at this point in 5:42 time the task will always be how to survive how to have 5:47 how to cause the truth that they espouse over this terrible tragedy to 5:52 survive all of our passing and not just go into the dust spin of history 5:58 but to somehow bring forth a significant proceeding 6:04 somewhere in this land so that in fact the truth can be brought out and given credibility under 6:12 under oath and that that really is the task and you'll see the importance of it as you 6:18 see the depth of the work that they've done which is unknown throughout america 6:24 totally unknown now because damon has mentioned the prosecution in spain 6:31 which has lingered now for so long i appeared before judge garzon must be now nearly a year ago balthazar 6:39 garzon and testified in his court and 6:44 he accepted the opinion and judge garzon as some of you know 6:49 no doubt was the the man who went after pinochet from spain tried 6:56 to have him extradited from the united kingdom so he's a man of enormous courage 7:02 the united states government under the obama administration has done everything it can do to stop 7:10 the spanish court from investigating and prosecuting individuals who were responsible for the 7:17 torture and the criminal acts against seven spanish nationals on that basis spain does have 7:25 jurisdiction this the spanish high court has agreed unfortunately judge garzon was taken off 7:31 the case all of the pressures the political pressures 7:36 permeated the supreme court they found a reason to lay charges against him and so he has 7:43 been removed from that case but pablo pablo ruse uh a much 7:51 less publicly known judge but an independent magistrate 7:57 under the civil code system an independent magistrate is not politically accountable to anyone 8:05 uh and he has decided to go forward and he is going to investigate this 8:11 crime he's starting he's starting with a subpoena uh to be issued to uh jeffrey miller who 8:19 was in as you know was in charge of guantanamo which is an aftermath of 9 11. and that 8:26 would be the tip of the iceberg from there uh the investigation will proceed in a 8:32 in a timely fashion so um this 8:38 911 catastrophe and i see from the banner down there certainly was the most uh earth-shaking 8:45 outstanding event of our time um when you look at the other areas of 8:53 criminality by public officials and by the state going back in our history very far back 8:59 in our history this one stands out it stands alone 9:05 for the power and the effect that it had not only upon this republic but upon 9:12 the entire world everything changed after 9 11. 9:18 in my view and i think the view of many this republic became a rogue state after 9 11. 9:26 there was no rule of law anymore there were no boundaries what they could do 9:35 they could kidnap they could torture they could kill they could use 9:42 extraordinary rendition to pick people up off a street and and have them sent to egypt 9:48 or syria or morocco oh yes or even to eastern europe where 9:54 the torturing would be done by by surrogates they would engage in 9:59 two wars one as you know had nothing to do whatsoever with 10:07 9 11. that was the illegal war against iraq the second one in afghanistan had the 10:13 portent of having something to do because forces that we had supported 10:18 trained armed financed uh decided that they were going to 10:25 take control of the of their country and espouse a a degree of fundamental islam that was 10:32 unpalatable so there was no stopping the 10:38 the stretch of the of the republic as it became a rogue state 10:43 and everyone everyone in this room everyone and every citizen 10:48 was susceptible you're susceptible to being even ordered uh to be killed as you know 10:55 that president obama has given those instructions for the first time even though americans 11:03 and american officials and intelligence agencies have done this forever now it has become an official part of 11:09 american policy so what we're up against here and the 11:15 rock that's being pushed up this enormous hill uh is um a major challenge of our lifetime 11:23 and must be the challenge that we we continue in the interests in the 11:29 interests of our children and grandchildren so there's no mistake about it 11:35 um the work that people like like graham kevin and tony are doing has 11:42 to go on it has to be absorbed and it has to has to permeate the 11:47 the entirety of uh of this land i tend to find more more 11:54 receptivity in europe than i do in the united states about the truth of this 12:00 maybe because they're the europeans tend to be over the over the centuries much more 12:05 politically uh skeptical and just suspicious of their of their rulers 12:13 but nevertheless um they're there 12:19 european public officials have spoken out a european intelligence officials have spoken out at various times 12:26 and uh and relayed a truth a major problem here with respect to the 12:32 work of these these good researchers and yourselves indeed all of us is the control of 12:39 mainstream media the control of the corporate media is virtually complete at this point in 12:47 time and it's very very difficult to overcome those that control 12:53 sadly even the left has its own gatekeepers and those gatekeepers on the 13:00 left are also well known to to those of you who have tried to get this story told 13:08 so it's it's not going to be an easy task to uh to overcome the dark night 13:15 of silence that that surrounds this issue the threats 13:21 that go to individuals who were eyewitnesses who did see things 13:26 and who are afraid of the loss of their pensions or uh or even their lives or the lives of 13:32 their families so it's it's not going to be a an easy struggle and i just simply applaud again 13:39 all of you um who can continue it and um are willing to 13:46 continue to wage this struggle now here today 13:51 we're going to hear the work of critical work of three people 13:59 and we're going to look at it as a as they when they finish speaking 14:04 in terms of what could be presented actually could be presented possibly in a court of law 14:10 so that if one takes the combined works and research and scholarship and of of these people to a a prosecutor 14:18 uh to a district attorney somewhere one could argue convincingly that look 14:24 this is hard evidence this would be admissible before a grand jury and 14:30 um we're going to we're going to take that kind of of of legalistic look admittedly it'll 14:37 be in summary fashion we're going to take that kind of legalistic look at at some of the work to see what actually 14:43 has gone on and what could be brought there i believe at some point in time with an 14:49 adequate record that's compiled and this may have to be done through a civil action that in my view 14:56 is i very carefully planned civil action not the one that that happened in uh in 15:02 washington that my dear friends of motley rice brought but an and ver another very carefully studied civil 15:10 action and so that there is a a record under oath that has the credibility that 15:16 contains the work of these people and that's what i think we'll have to do when that is done and that will be done 15:22 eventually it's a question always of money in these these kinds of cases 15:28 when that is done i find it hard to believe that there will 15:34 not be available in some corner of this republic 15:39 some prosecutor some local district attorney from northern vermont or 15:46 western new hampshire or somewhere like that who will say i'm going to run with this i've had 15:51 victims in my jurisdiction i've had i've had i have families who live here 15:57 who have lost family members and i'm convinced and i'm going to run with this and it will only 16:04 take in my view one such prosecutor with that kind of courage and frankly i think ultimately we're 16:11 going to find him but we have to stay the course until then and that's what i'm asking you all to do 16:17 so let's let's keep that in mind with that in mind let me begin this 16:25 let me begin this list of witnesses with um with graham mcqueen 16:35 graham is going to be discussing um the foreknowledge of the world trade center's collapse 16:42 the challenge of the official hypothesis and which as you know was a 47-story 16:49 building that steel structured building that was felled by fire when i read judge hesseltine's comment 16:56 on that it was and it was an is incredible but nevertheless they they continually try to assert 17:04 what is convenient graham received his phd in comparative religion from harvard 17:09 university taught in the religious studies program and department at mcmaster university in 17:14 canada for 30 years 1989 he became the founding director 17:20 the center for peace studies at mcmaster after which he helped develop the ba 17:25 program in peace studies and co-directed peace building projects in sri lanka 17:31 gaza croatia and afghanistan he has also contributed to the development of the women's peace brigade in north india 17:38 active now in several states and was involved for some years in the third option 17:44 a peace initiative for afghanistan he has published numerous peer-reviewed articles book chapters as 17:51 well as four books he took early retirement from mcmaster university 17:56 to devote his energy to peace and justice work ladies and gentlemen please welcome 18:03 graeme mcqueen 18:19 thank you mr pepper 18:25 thanks to the organizers for inviting me to join this fascinating day's activities it's a 18:32 great honor to share the podium with so many wonderful speakers and individuals 18:38 also an honor to be introduced by william pepper as i said to kevin the other day this is 18:43 the world turned upside down since of course i should be introducing him 18:50 my topic today is for knowledge of will world trade center sevens collapse 18:57 but i was asked to say a couple of words first about the building in general i think most of you know this but it 19:04 won't hurt to go through it i won't spend too much time just to locate you in the right spot 19:12 we are after all talking about a specific building today and the collapse of that building it 19:19 is an important collapse not just to architects and engineers 19:25 in terms of political history i would say this is probably one of the most important building collapses in modern 19:31 history certainly worth our days study 19:37 so here's where it's located this picture is taking on taken obviously from the air and somewhat to the south 19:43 the tall building closest to you is world trade 2 the south tower then world trade 1 the north tower 19:50 with the big aerial on top and then across vesey street is our building 19:55 world trade seven it was about 350 feet from the 20:02 north side of the north tower here's a shot from the north south tower in the 20:09 distance then the north tower and then our building world trade seven seven was 47 stories 20:16 high as you've heard 650 feet a big building by the standards of most of us from the 20:23 towns and cities that most of us come from each floor was about had about the same 20:29 area as a football field so it's a large building this building was not struck by a plane 20:35 it did suffer some damage when the north tower came down here you see this enormous steel structure 20:41 called the north tower which has been reduced to uh rapidly moving cloud of pulverized 20:48 material and seven is standing in the midst of it it also suffered fires on the day which 20:56 you can see here and just before 5 21 in the afternoon 21:05 there was a little tremor of the earth which registered as a seismic signal 21:11 and 10 seconds later the building came down and you've seen it before i'm sorry 21:18 you've seen it before this collapse you'll probably see it many times today but it's definitely worth looking at 21:24 more than once 21:33 ten seconds after the earth shook now it took the national institute of 21:40 standards and technology which is an agency of the u s department of commerce 21:45 quite a few years to come up with its final report but finally in 2008 they came up with 21:52 their final report on the collapse of this building in so far as we can talk about an 21:59 official story about the collapse of world trade 7 it would be the story found 22:05 in this report so you'll re you'll find us the three speakers this afternoon all 22:13 referring to this report we'll call the national institute of standards and 22:18 technology nist because it's easier to say and we'll be talking about 22:23 this particular report when we refer to the nist report the gist as 22:31 william pepper just said the gist of their conclusion is that this building came down in the 22:36 way that you just observed because of office fires 22:41 many many people reject that explanation including all the speakers today that is 22:47 all the speakers certainly this afternoon many of us think that 22:53 this building came down because it was intentionally and skillfully 22:58 brought down on 9 11. in other words it was subjected to a controlled 23:04 demolition i imagine most of you here have heard this 23:09 claim before some of you may still find it outrageous 23:15 the implications of it if we're right are of course huge we would then have to 23:21 say why have we all been lied to for nine and a half years we would have to ask what else may have 23:28 gone on that day that we don't know about how about those other buildings that collapsed 23:34 what about 911 as a whole what about the global war on terror now we're not going to explore 23:42 those wide wide important questions today we're going to focus on seven 23:47 building seven but i did want to mention them to you because that's the context 23:52 in which we study this building and that's why it's one of the most important building collapses in modern history 24:01 now that's my little intro to building seven and i now want to move into my specific topic 24:08 and to do that i am going to begin by showing you the way building seven's collapse was dealt with 24:16 by the bbc if we can turn the sound up for this one 24:22 it's sometimes a bit quiet 24:28 now more on the latest building collapse in new york you might have heard a few moments ago i was talking about the 24:34 salomon brothers building collapsing and indeed it has apparently that's only a few hundred yards away from where the 24:41 world trade center towers were and it seems that this was not a result of a new attack it was because the building 24:48 had been weakened uh during this morning's attacks we'll probably find out more now about that from 24:53 our correspondent Jane Stanley. Jane what more can you tell us about the salomon brothers building and its 24:58 collapse well only really what you already know details are very very sketchy there's 25:05 almost a sense down town in new york behind me down by the world trade centers of uh 25:11 just an area completely closed off as the rescue workers try to do their job but this isn't the first 25:18 building that has suffered as a result we know that part of the marriott hotel 25:23 next to the world trade center also collapsed as a result of this huge amount of falling debris from 110 25:31 floors of two the two twin towers of the world trade center as you can see behind me the uh trade 25:37 center appears to be still we'll cut off jane stanley there 25:44 jane stanley talks for about seven minutes altogether after seven minutes 25:50 her image breaks up and the anchor says unfortunately i 25:57 think we've lost the line with jane stanley in the meantime 26:02 however we have those remarkable seven minutes uh two things i want to note first of 26:08 all the red arrow shows you the caption at the bottom which confirms what she's saying the 47-story solomon 26:14 brothers building that's another name for the world for world trade 7 26:19 close to the world trade center has also collapsed and of course the second thing that's 26:25 worth noting is that the building is standing behind her the entire 26:30 time she's speaking world trade center seven has not 26:36 collapsed nor is it collapsing nor will it collapse till over 20 minutes after its collapse 26:43 was announced now when this little 26:49 video clip from the bbc was rediscovered and posted on the internet in 2007 it raised a lot of controversy 26:59 firestorm of debate and dialogue and the bbc removed received many letters of 27:04 complaint and query to which finally they they felt an obligation to respond so the head of 27:11 news for bbc world said the following 27:16 we're not part of a conspiracy nobody told us what to say or do on 27:24 september the 11th we didn't get told in advance that buildings were going to fall down 27:30 if we reported the building had collapsed before it had done so it would have been an 27:36 error no more than that 27:43 well perhaps your laughter indicates that i don't need to analyze that too much 27:48 more but i will anyway because that's what academics do they go on and on you 27:54 know even when it's not necessary they flog dead horses so 28:02 let's just examine let's just think about that claim it was just an error and nothing more 28:09 suppose one of the organizers of this event were to pop up right now and say 28:14 unfortunately graham mcqueen fell and hurt his knee on the way here today 28:20 and that's why he's just collapsed and died hopefully some of you would point out 28:26 that i haven't collapsed and died i'm here well 28:32 then we would have to ask what kind of a peculiar situation was that how what do we make of that announcement 28:40 now so far we probably would agree that it was an error albeit a bizarre 28:46 error it's a bizarre error not only because i'm still standing but because 28:51 hurting your knee doesn't normally lead to you collapsing and dying nonetheless we 28:57 might pass it off but supposing 20 minutes later i did collapse and die 29:02 at the podium then the situation has completely changed hasn't it 29:08 now we still have error there was an error in the timing of the announcement but we also 29:15 have tremendous accuracy we have truth being communicated 29:20 and when i say tremendous accuracy that's because my collapsing and dying could not 29:26 apparently have been predicted through my through what happened to me 29:33 you see the point if you were a police investigator trying to figure out why i'd collapsed 29:39 and died don't you think you'd have some pretty tough questions for that person who popped up and said i'd already 29:46 collapsed and died now some of you may think it's a bad analogy because after all people don't 29:52 normally die when they hurt their knee whereas this building was clearly on fire and surely that's a more 29:59 natural thing to expect it's collapsed but it isn't you've been told this 30:04 before but i'm going to say it again this direct quotation from the nist report you should paste on your 30:11 foreheads it's so important this was the first known instance of the total collapse of 30:17 a tall building primarily due to fires we could we could put it more powerfully 30:22 this is the first time in history that a building like this has come down from fires this is a unique 30:30 unprecedented and therefore unpredictable event so if it was fishy 30:39 to somehow think i was going to collapse and die because i'd hurt my knee it was even fishier to expect that this 30:46 building would come down simply because it was on fire 30:51 now i want to stop and make a little distinction here it may be a bit pedantic and that's 30:57 unnecessary but i want to take my time with this if you were that police investigator 31:04 looking into my death you would you would be asking tough questions because at some point you 31:10 would understand the difference between two two types of foreknowledge 31:16 one we might call evidence-based foreknowledge and the other we might call action-based 31:22 foreknowledge evidence-based foreign knowledge is when you see some you observe something study it measure whatever and 31:29 you find evidence that rationally leads you to conclude that something for sure is going to 31:34 happen you gain your foreknowledge through the study of the evidence action-based foreknowledge is when you 31:40 know something's going to happen because you're darn well going to make it happen it's the human will and human action 31:47 that brings it about now that's quite a common form of foreknowledge we know about things that are going to happen in the future 31:53 because we're going to do them or people we know are going to do there's nothing inherently fishy about 31:58 it but it becomes fishy when we pretend it's something else so the investigator looking into my 32:06 death would consider the possibility that the person that said i had already collapsed was maybe 32:12 an extremely skilled physician good at prognosis sees all the signs 32:17 knows i'm going to die and just jumps the gun a little that would be a legitimate evidence based for knowledge but the investigator will 32:25 also consider the possibility that's perhaps the person who talked about me collapsing had poisoned my coffee that 32:32 morning in other words had done something which led them to know 32:38 that that was going to happen excuse me for for for having to kind of go through these 32:44 distinctions but they're important because my main contention my argument 32:50 is that nist has tried again and again and again first of all to ignore the foreknowledge 32:57 of building seven but when it has finds itself unable to avoid the topic 33:02 it tries to present it all as prognosis as the evidence evidence-based 33:10 estimation that something is going to happen whereas i'm claiming it can't be 33:16 the evidence is such that that cannot be true that what is true is that it's 33:22 action-based foreknowledge people knew that building was coming down because somebody had determined 33:27 to bring it down that's my argument now of course you would expect those 33:36 tough questions that were asked of the person who predicted my death to be 33:41 asked of the bbc did the fbi or the 9 11 commissioner nist ask tough questions at the bbc 33:49 as far as we know they did not as far as i know they did not ask tough questions 33:54 of any of the individuals or groups or agencies that had foreknowledge 34:00 of the collapse of world trade seven and that tells you something about the quality of the investigation 34:08 now i'd like to back up for a moment and start defining a couple of terms i've talked about for knowledge 34:15 but i haven't told you what it is and it turns out that this is quite important to what i want to say today i'm taking a 34:22 standard definition for knowledge from merriam-webster's third international 34:27 dictionary foreign knowledge is knowledge of a thing before it happens or exists knowledge 34:34 it's a form of knowledge and i'm going to try and distinguish this from other 34:40 kinds of awareness that we have of the future because we all live in some degree of awareness 34:46 of our futures and our past and we have a broad array of terms that we use 34:51 when we talk about our awareness of the future prediction forecast prescience 34:58 hunch all kinds of terms that we use but foreknowledge is a very specific 35:05 term and a very specific concept and i'm going to suggest to you 35:11 that there are three major elements that are crucial if we're going to use the term 35:16 foreknowledge certainty confirmation and detail 35:22 certainty is a state of the knower of the person doing the knowing how you 35:27 feel you feel certain you feel confident free from doubt 35:33 or uncertainty confirmation is not a quality of the knower but of 35:39 the events in the world your the thing that you think is going 35:44 to happen has to happen otherwise we don't call it knowledge 35:50 you could be convinced something is going to happen you could be certain but if it doesn't happen we don't call 35:56 it knowledge and we don't call it foreknowledge and finally detail maybe that one's a little trickier so let me 36:03 pause on that if someone were to say i know that i am going to die someday 36:13 they're speaking in certainty undoubtedly what they say will be confirmed in time 36:21 but we don't normally call that foreknowledge it's awareness of a general truth that 36:27 human beings are mortal but it shows no specific knowledge of your particular of that person's 36:33 particular life and death there must be sufficient detail present in which to convince us this is 36:41 what we want to call for knowledge so if the person says i know that i'm going to die in march 2015 36:49 and if in fact they do we'll call that foreknowledge and then of course we would be forced to 36:55 ask what kind of foreknowledge it was evidence-based action-based or whatever 37:00 you see the distinction now the reason this is important is because i'm going to systematically go through all three 37:06 of these criteria in order to argue that there was in fact 37:12 foreknowledge not just hunches and the rest of it because nist will try and make this just 37:19 as vague as they possibly can and that's why i want to make it clear 37:24 i want to show that there is that there was widespread foreknowledge of world trade 7's collapse 37:35 we'll blank that screen for a moment because i want to discuss some textual 37:42 evidence at this point a couple of years ago i went through the oral histories of the new york 37:49 firefighters actually this was the second time i'd gone through them there's about 10 37:54 000 pages of primary source extremely valuable documents here i wanted to see what kind 38:02 of awareness there was among the firefighters of world trade 7. and of the 60 38:08 firefighters i found who had some clear awareness that it was going to come down i asked 38:15 the question was there uncertainty or certainty you find both you find 38:22 firefighters who say the chiefs were concerned about building seven or they thought it might come down 38:30 but you also find a really surprising degree of certainty and so in exploring this 38:37 first term this first concept of certainty i thought it would be worth looking at 38:42 that material and slightly over half of the firefighters expressed certainty 38:50 that they had been told that building seven was definitely coming down some had been told half an hour before 38:57 it came down some an hour before it came down sometimes two hours and sometimes even four hours before it 39:04 came down they were told it was definitely coming down and i thought that was quite 39:10 extraordinary especially given the uniqueness of this event there's another way to 39:18 approach this topic of certainty let me go back to the little analogy of me at the podium 39:24 supposing while i'm talking here some guys file in and they're looking bored and they're 39:30 looking at their watches and not listening to me you walk over to them you say what are you doing and they said we're just waiting for 39:36 mcqueen to collapse and die because we've got some things we have to do backstage here 39:43 and you know we just we're just waiting for him to get on with it 39:50 that would show a high degree of certainty that i was in fact going to collapse and 39:56 die now why am i bringing up that silly analogy well i'm going to quote you from the 40:02 testimony of the new york firefighters firefighter burke the rest of the day we 40:09 were unloading trucks we were just doing whatever little things we could do but they were waiting 40:14 for seven world trade center to fall donato we came around i think we took 40:20 murray street down the west side and we stopped the rig and pulled over to the side we all got out of the rig we were 40:26 standing waiting for seven to come down we were there quite a while a couple of 40:31 hours wallace they were saying building seven was gonna collapse 40:37 so we regrouped and went back to our rig we went to the building building 4 building 3 i don't know we're 40:43 going to set up our tower ladder but they said no good because building 7 is coming down so we 40:49 waited for building seven to come down fortis they pulled everyone back 40:55 everyone stood there and we actually just waited and just waited and waited until it went 41:00 down firefighter massa i remember later on in 41:07 the day as we were waiting for seven to come down they kept backing us up vesey almost 41:13 like a full block the whole time we while we were waiting there were hours that went by 41:20 firefighter pilla we walked back we didn't go any further noon waiting not waiting to see if it would 41:28 come down waiting for it to come down and lastly if you have any doubts still 41:33 on this issue of certainty how about firefighter long they were just adamant about seven 41:40 coming down immediately i think we probably get out of the rubble he's talking about the rubble of world trade one 41:45 and 18 minutes later is when seven came down or kennedy the only guy i remember that really 41:51 stands out in my mind is chief visconti on the radio i remember him screaming about 41:56 seven number seven they wanted everybody away from seven because seven was definitely going to collapse 42:03 and finally cassidy building seven was an imminent collapse they blew the horns they said everyone 42:09 clear the area i think you get the point this was not 42:15 a hunch this was not people having a concern that the building might come down this 42:21 was hundreds of people standing around waiting for what they had been told was definitely going 42:27 to happen that fits the criterion of certainty the next criterion that i raised for you 42:34 when talking about foreign knowledge was confirmation and that's an easy one yes 42:41 their confidence was warranted it was confirmed it came down 5 21 42:48 in the afternoon which brings us to my third criterion 42:53 which is detail two points i want to make here one has 43:01 to do with the nature of the collapse and the second has to do with detail about time 43:07 you know several firefighters when you read their accounts say things like you know they mainly say 43:13 this by the way about the towers we could see these towers were really hurt you know and i expected there might be a 43:19 collapse but by that i meant a partial collapse none of us ever dreamt the entire 43:26 building would collapse but in the case of world trade 7 which 43:32 had not even been damaged the way the towers had been damaged 43:37 it appears that people were standing around waiting for a total collapse there's very little 43:44 surprise amongst most of the firefighters when it eventually comes down that's the kind of collapse total 43:51 collapse they had been led to expect in light of that a collapse zone had 43:56 been established around world trade 7 and listen to this fascinating interview to get a sense of how precise that 44:03 collapse zone was this is decosta right the interviewer 44:10 in the would would be an fdny uh authority chief of some kind asks the 44:16 question were you there when building seven came down in the afternoon answer yes you were still there 44:24 yes so basically they measured out how far the building was going to come so we knew exactly where we could stand 44:34 question so they just put you in a safe area safe enough for when that building came down 44:40 answer five blocks five blocks away we still could see 44:45 exactly right on point the cloud stopped just there well that shows to me 44:53 considerable precision this meets the criterion of detail in terms of knowledge of the kind of 45:01 collapse the nature of the collapse and finally how about detail when it 45:07 comes to time we've already seen some accounts of this the bbc 45:13 gets the time right within about 20 minutes that's actually staggeringly close when 45:19 you consider how unique this collapse was to come within 20 minutes is really 45:24 quite precise we also had the reference a moment ago to somebody who said 45:30 they told us it was going to collapse in 18 minutes later it did but you know what i think we can even 45:35 get more precise than that i'm going to take you now to cnn to 45:41 watch to show you how they reported this important building collapse 45:48 we may have to turn this one up a little bit too where are you perez the israeli foreign 45:56 minister a long time israeli leader in any number of governments joining us from jerusalem 46:02 tonight where it is a little bit after 11 o'clock about 10 minutes after 11 thank you sir for 46:07 joining us we are getting information now that one of the other buildings building seven 46:12 in the world trade center complex is on fire and has either collapsed or is collapsing 46:18 and i i you to be honest can see these pictures a little bit more clearly than 46:23 i but building number seven one of the buildings okay let me just repeat to you what he 46:30 said what aaron brown who's the anchor here has set up to this point we are getting information now that one 46:38 of the other buildings building seven in the world trade center complex is on fire 46:43 and has either collapsed or is collapsing and i i 46:51 to be honest you can see these pictures a little bit more clearly than i can why is he saying that because he's 46:58 staring at his monitor and the building hasn't collapsed and brown and by the way i would never 47:06 claim aaron brown was in on this because he looks baffled the whole day 47:13 well that could be i don't watch it enough to know in any case mr brown uh 47:20 you know says it's collapsed or it's collapsing and i i you to be honest can see these 47:28 pictures a little bit more clearly than i because look what he's looking at it's standing there so now he does 47:34 something that i find quite rare for a tv newsman you see because the actual world trade 47:42 center is behind him he's in new york he's in manhattan he's giving this with the world trade center behind him 47:48 he can't believe his monitor so he turns his back to the camera and 47:54 looks at the actual world trade center 48:03 and guess what it is still there 48:09 and in this case his caption is a little bit softer than what he's saying the caption 48:16 says building seven at world trade center on fire may collapse somehow mr brown has gotten just a 48:22 slightly different message than is given to the caption but nonetheless 48:28 he has announced the collapse of world trade 7 one hour and 10 minutes before it came 48:35 down now that would be interesting enough in itself 48:41 but i find the whole cnn coverage of this quite fascinating if i had announced falsely that a 48:49 building had come down i might apologize i might explain but at least i would 48:54 flee from building seven for a while we blew that one and go on to other topics on the 49:01 contrary for the next hour and ten minutes building seven seldom leaves the screen 49:08 i believe someone has told them don't worry folks it's coming down we get it 49:16 on split screen we get it in full screen and throughout that time the caption remains the same building 49:22 seven blah blah blah may collapse here it is as an example i thought i would just pick this frame as an example 49:29 half an hour before the collapse full shot by cnn of the building building itself hasn't changed as far as 49:35 we can see building seven blah blah blah may collapse and i this caption is 49:40 something i would use as an example of normalizing the abnormal builds 49:47 building seven on fire may collapse it's a little bit like saying mcqueen hurts knee may die 49:56 it looks normal people look at that and they think okay you may collapse but as we've already seen these 50:02 buildings don't collapse from fire anyway the plot continues to 50:09 thicken because look what happens when we get four five four point five minutes before the collapse 50:16 look at the caption building seven ablaze poised to collapse 50:22 suddenly we know the damn thing is coming down and it's coming down fast and one last little change to 50:29 confirm that 1.5 minutes before it comes down on verge of collapse 50:36 and it then does come down and we get the confirming shot 50:43 well i don't think it's too much to say that people at cnn were told first of 50:50 all that this building is coming down keep your camera on it and secondly that they were updated and 50:57 were told that it the the end is approaching 51:02 and they knew it at least five minutes before the end and i gave you all this to 51:10 make the point that we have a really quite amazing amount of detail in this 51:16 foreknowledge of building sevens collapse they know the nature they know how far the cloud is going to 51:22 come and they know quite precisely when it's going to come down therefore the last criterion that of 51:29 detail has been met and we may now speak of foreknowledge of building sevens collapse 51:41 the next thing i want to address very briefly with you is how the national institute of 51:46 standards and technology has dealt with this issue and how it has responded to us when we 51:52 make these points i have scoured the final report 51:57 on world trade 7 a couple of times and the only statement i have found that addresses 52:02 this at all is the following the emergency responders quickly recognized that world 52:09 trade 7 had been damaged by the collapse of world trade 1. as early as 11 30 a.m fdny that is 52:16 department of the surrey fire department of new york recognized that there was no water coming into the hydrant system 52:23 to fight the fires that were visible with the collapses of the towers fresh in their minds 52:28 there was concern that world trade 7 might collapse that's it folks 52:36 all of the evidence that i've presented to you is simply omitted 52:41 no attempt to ask whether this is a vague concern or whether it's precise foreknowledge 52:48 the implication is it was a vague concern we don't even know if it was a legitimate concern it could be the 52:53 firefighters were traumatized when the towers came down and therefore made the completely invalid 53:00 conclusion that this utterly different building injured in an utterly different way 53:05 would also collapse they don't tell us they leave it vague it just isn't good enough to deal 53:12 with these major anomalies the only other instance i know of although maybe some 53:19 of you have found others in where in which nist has addressed foreknowledge is when in august 53:27 25th 2008 i had the opportunity on a radio station in canada 53:34 to debate shyam sunder the lead investigator for the world trade 7 study and it was a 53:42 fairly long debate and one of the things i got to ask him was about foreknowledge 53:48 and his reply is as follows i've edited it a little to make it shorter but i have not changed the meaning there was 53:56 an engineer who was providing advice to city agencies on 911 about the condition of 54:02 buildings in particular building seven and it was his judgment that he was hearing 54:08 creaking sounds which was entirely appropriate and consistent with fires 54:13 causing damage to connections in members and he was hearing such sounds that would suggest that the building may come 54:20 down and he of course was observing the fires in the building as well 54:25 so it was based on that advice that the fire department decided around mid-afternoon around 2 30 in the 54:31 afternoon to abandon fighting the fires in that building so it is something and this is the gist this is what he's saying he 54:38 sums it up nicely so it is something that people were expecting could happen 54:44 based on what they were seeing and hearing i have to hand it to dr cinder i mean 54:50 he's made the best possible case he could really um he's he's made the whole thing vague which is 54:58 to nist's advantage he said there was an engineer he doesn't even know who 55:03 and given that nist apparently has the power to subpoena witnesses it's peculiar that he 55:09 wouldn't try and find out who this engineer was he doesn't give us a specific time 55:14 though other sources placed this engineer on the scene around noon all we know 55:19 from sundar is that it's before 2 30. the engineer hears creaking in the 55:24 building and sees fire in the building and concludes that it might collapse 55:34 well the point is creaking could mean quite a number of things and that's why 55:41 this this observation creaking and so on is not adequate to the task 55:48 now i think i've said enough by now to show you that actual foreknowledge existed and that in 55:54 both of these responses by nist the one about the firefighters at 11 30 and the one about the engineer there is 56:02 no acknowledgement that foreknowledge existed instead it becomes 56:07 a concern based on what people see and hear and i'm telling you that 56:13 general vague concern does not explain how cnn knew 4.5 minutes in 56:20 advance that it was coming down it does not explain 100 firefighters standing around for hours 56:25 waiting for it to come down and so on and so on they make their hypothesis 56:31 work by ignoring the evidence the last point i want to make on this particular issue 56:37 is that when people try to explain this foreign knowledge as natural and rational and this applies 56:43 even to nist they tend to revert to various vague hypotheses that existed before 56:50 2008 and before their own report their own report and i think kevin ryan 56:57 is going to say more about this in a minute has a very particular collapse hypothesis 57:03 which is completely incompatible with foreknowledge 57:10 for example the idea that the building was a raging inferno and that the the steel was being 57:15 weakened and that's why it came down they brush it aside the fact that it was it took a a 57:21 structurally significant hit from the north tower the brush it aside why did it come down well you'll hear 57:28 more in detail later i just want to say three things that characterize their final 57:33 collapse hypothesis first of all it even it emphasizes the uniqueness 57:40 of this event not just the first building to come down from fire but there's a whole series of unique events 57:49 that there was a long span beam and there was a certain amount of fire 57:55 that heated it up to a certain extent and that beam was connected to this which was connected to that 58:01 and the whole thing is unique and has never happened before and i'm asking you how that uniqueness 58:07 fits with foreknowledge that people had several hours before the event it's 58:14 impossible it doesn't fit people couldn't have known that was going to happen secondly not only is it 58:20 unique there's a high degree of randomness in this hypothesis 58:26 for example you have fires burning and there's 10 floors on fire and then there's six 58:31 floors there's two floors the fires wander they end up at one point in the northeast 58:36 corner well that happens to be crucial to the hypothesis if they didn't end up in that corner the 58:42 building wouldn't have come down according to them how could anyone have predicted they would end up in the northeast corner 58:48 answer they couldn't did they did the fires in fact reach the northeast corner by the time the engineer was on the 58:55 scene nope they weren't even there when the engineer made his prediction 59:02 so there is randomness does not go well with foreknowledge 59:07 astronomers can tell you there will be a lunar eclipse next week because the movements of the 59:14 heavenly bodies are very regular and well-known but weather prediction is 59:19 much more difficult because there are many events many of them random that interact it's very difficult 59:25 to have foreknowledge with weather prediction and i'm telling you that nist 2008 hypothesis 59:33 says that this was not like the heavenly bodies this was more like weather prediction 59:38 many random elements combining and that makes for knowledge frankly impossible 59:44 and finally according to nist's hypothesis these crucial events in the building were invisible 59:51 it wasn't the outward raging fires it was the heating of specific elements 59:57 in the floors which then led to this and that and nobody could have seen that from outside 1:00:02 so talking about what people saw at 11 30 in the morning is not really all that relevant my 1:00:09 conclusion is that nist's 2008 collapse hypothesis 1:00:17 is incompatible with the knowledge with the evidence of foreknowledge that 1:00:22 we possess and that nist has repeatedly denied 1:00:30 and tried to obfuscate tried to blur that evidence in order to 1:00:36 maintain its hypothesis i further want to affirm although i 1:00:42 won't be able to have time to argue this in detail here that i've looked at other hypotheses as 1:00:48 well the ones that existed before 2008 and the only collapse hypothesis 1:00:55 that i have found that's compatible with this for knowledge is it the action-based hypothesis 1:01:04 they knew people knew this building was coming down because somebody was going to bring it 1:01:10 down and that's where the knowledge came from and that's why i say only the controlled 1:01:15 demolition hypothesis is compatible with this evidence of 1:01:21 foreknowledge now there's one more stage in my talk today i'm sure there are some of you 1:01:27 particularly those of you who are encountering this uh discussion for the first time who are 1:01:32 thinking well you know that foreknowledge is certainly weird and it doesn't seem to fit very 1:01:39 well with the government hypothesis but mcqueen seems to be going a little too quickly to control demolition 1:01:46 you know couldn't there be some other explanation well first of all you're going to be hearing from other speakers today and 1:01:52 they will make the case different parts of the case and they'll make it more comprehensive 1:01:58 than i have done i'm giving you one piece of the puzzle however i'm going to start you off 1:02:04 on the next stage of our thinking about this by looking very briefly at three types of witness evidence 1:02:12 and i think when you've seen these witnesses you'll realize that there are many 1:02:17 reasons why we gravitate to the controlled demolition hypotheses 1:02:23 and i'm giving these in this talk because each one of them supports the claim i've been making that 1:02:29 foreknowledge indicates controlled demolition so we can get to the uh these witnesses 1:02:36 that i'm going to present quite briefly to you today by asking three questions first of all 1:02:44 were there any authorities on the scene on 9 11 before the collapse of world 1:02:50 trade 7 who said 1:02:55 that bringing the building down deliberately was an option was being discussed on 9 1:03:03 11. in other words if if say firefighters were standing around saying well maybe 1:03:08 we'll have to bring it down that would mean we would have no choice but to consider 1:03:14 the controlled demolition as a possible hypothesis and the second question that we would 1:03:21 want to ask is are there any insiders anybody are there people with inside knowledge who said after 9 11 that 1:03:28 we did bring it down that would be nice to know and thirdly are there any witnesses who 1:03:34 claim to have experienced explosions in world trade seven 1:03:40 and the answer to all three questions is yes i will be going through them briefly 1:03:46 because i don't want to go on too long today we start with the first 1:03:51 issue were is there evidence that controlled demolition was being discussed as a possibility 1:03:58 before this building came down now this witness indira singh was a senior consultant for 1:04:05 j.p morgan chase and on 9 11 was working as a voluntary emergency medical worker she was 1:04:12 interviewed by bonnie faulconer in 2005 on guns and butter and this little short excerpt sorry is from that 1:04:25 and all i can attest to is that by noon or one o'clock they told us we had to move from that 1:04:30 triage site up to pace university a little further away because building 7 was going to come 1:04:36 down or being brought down did they actually use the word brought down and who was it that was telling it 1:04:43 the fire department the fire department and um they did use the word we're gonna have to bring that we're gonna have to bring 1:04:49 it down that's a remarkable statement so 1:04:55 question is there any corroborating evidence has any other witness said the same thing yes this next 1:05:03 footage is live from msnbc right after the collapse 1:05:08 of world trade seven fascinating clip 1:05:15 actually i think we're okay all right we're gonna have to move this way we're gonna have to move we're gonna have to move that cloud is coming this way 1:05:22 ashley get out of there leave the camera on man if if you uh need to and get out of there 1:05:29 what we've been fearing all afternoon has apparently happened we were watching number seven world trade 1:05:35 which was part of the ancillary damage of the uh explosion and collapse of the 1:05:41 other two we've been talking all day about how fast these plumes of smoke move you're watching one on the move 1:05:48 right now that is building dust look at the wider shot on the left 1:05:54 from across the river in new york this was a 40-story building they've 1:06:01 been watching all day this is like watching the collapse of an active volcano 1:06:07 and the dust from it is is not unlike that from a volcano we are on the phone 1:06:13 with uh new york fire department lieutenant david restuccio lieutenant where are you 1:06:19 right now i'm at the corner of norm north moore street and greenwich street can you confirm it was number seven that 1:06:25 just went in yes sir uh and you were you guys knew this was coming all day 1:06:30 we had been had we had heard reports that the building was unstable and that it eventually needed to come 1:06:36 down on its own or it would be taken down i would imagine it came down on its own 1:06:44 i'm going to assume you heard those last few words but i'm going to read them again anyway tv anchor you guys knew this was coming 1:06:52 all day isn't that remarkable you knew this was 1:06:57 coming all day all day long you've known this building is going to come down that's for knowledge again and it shows 1:07:02 that the news stations had gotten information of this sort restuccio gives a very careful reply 1:07:11 we had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come 1:07:17 down on its own or it would be taken down i would imagine 1:07:22 it came down on its own in other words if i could reword rastuccio's last statement 1:07:30 this building has just utterly and completely collapsed i guess it's probably a gravity driven 1:07:37 collapse but it might be controlled demolition because that was discussed during the day 1:07:44 so we have two highly credible witnesses who say that this was discussed as an option during the day 1:07:50 we now move to our next question and you've already seen silverstein but it won't hurt to see him 1:07:55 again of of silverstein development corporation that owned building 1:08:01 seven and i think we need turn up the sound for this by debris when the north tower collapsed 1:08:08 seven burned until late afternoon allowing occupants to evacuate to safety 1:08:14 i remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they're gonna be able to contain the 1:08:20 fire i said you know we've had such terrible loss of life maybe the smartest thing to do is pull 1:08:27 it uh and they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building 1:08:32 collapse right many of you have already seen that 1:08:39 clip and perhaps it's not necessary for me to discuss it at length it's not surprising that people took his 1:08:45 comments about pulling to refer to removing getting rid of demolishing the building 1:08:53 silverstein later said that all he meant was that they should pull firefighters 1:09:00 out of the building or of the area many people including me reject that explanation however we don't 1:09:07 have time to get into the details of that debate here let's because we're talking about the kind of 1:09:14 investigation that nist did let's just ask whether they had tough questions for mr 1:09:22 silverstein and i believe it's manny who already told us just how tough those questions were 1:09:29 they accepted immediately his explanation that he'd referred to pulling people out of the building 1:09:35 and when i think it was uh lori van aaken asked him to asked sunder directly 1:09:42 if they had interviewed silverstein he basically said we didn't interview him and we don't intend to so much my friends for tough 1:09:50 questions and so much for a serious investigation of the collapse of world trade seven and i move on to my 1:09:58 last witness were there any people who actually experienced explosions in world 1:10:04 trade seven and there were several but the most famous is Barry Jennings 1:10:09 because my time is just about over i'm going to show you only a very brief clip 1:10:15 so you'll see who barry jennings was on 9 11 itself and then i'll explain why his 1:10:22 testimony is important uh for the past couple of minutes it has been clear from this space back on 1:10:28 chambers in that area so now they're walking back toward the world trade center and as we keep letting you hear the personal stories the survivor stories 1:10:35 of exactly what happened inside the world trade center when that first plane went in and of course the collapse is since then 1:10:41 we're going to bring more of those to you now barry jennings you're on the eighth floor you work for the city housing department 1:10:46 explain to me the moment of impact well me and mr hesh the corporation council were on the 23rd floor i told him we got 1:10:53 to get get out of here we started walking down the stairs we made it to the eighth floor big explosion 1:10:58 blew us back into the eighth floor and i turned the hesh i said this is it we're dead we're not 1:11:03 going to make it out of here i took that's all i'm going to show 1:11:11 Barry Jennings at that time was Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department of 1:11:17 the New York City Housing Authority highly credible man a very articulate man who was 1:11:23 interviewed many times subsequent to this the gist 1:11:29 of barry jennings story is that he and michael hess corporation counsel for 1:11:35 the city of new york went up to the 23rd floor of world trade 7 which is the building he's talking 1:11:41 about here in other words they went to the office of emergency management 1:11:47 as they were supposed to do when there was an emergency in new york 1:11:52 he says they went up there very early he thinks it was sometime just before or just after nine o'clock 1:11:58 in the morning they got there and the place had already been abandoned and someone on the phone told them to 1:12:03 get the heck out of there as fast as they could so they began running down the stairs to 1:12:08 get out of the building they made it to the sixth floor jennings says the eighth floor on this 1:12:14 little clip but he later uh clarifies he said no we made it to the sixth floor 1:12:20 when there was a big explosion blew out the stairs even blew out the landing he was standing on 1:12:25 so that he had to grab hold of the railing and pull himself up they retreated to the eighth floor they 1:12:31 couldn't get down the stairs because they were blown out and they were trapped there and they thought they were going to die they were saying their prayers hours 1:12:39 later well after the collapse of both towers they were finally rescued by firefighters and it was shortly after 1:12:45 that then mr jennings gave this little interview now the gist of this is as follows if 1:12:52 he's right there was at least one major structurally significant 1:12:58 explosion in the world trade center early in the morning world trade center seven i don't know whether that was an early 1:13:05 and unsuccessful attempt to demolish the building or whether it was the beginning stages 1:13:12 of weakening the building so that it would come down later i don't know but that explosion did not exist 1:13:19 according to nist they are adamant that it did not exist 1:13:24 so what did they do to mr jennings testimony in order to deal with him they changed 1:13:31 two major things first they say mr jennings did not perceive an explosion 1:13:39 we've heard from bob earlier this morning how much nist hates explosions and how much they 1:13:46 hate anybody who refers to them some of you know i've now catalogued 155 1:13:54 eyewitnesses to explosions in the twin towers at the time they came down i've published 118 of those 1:14:02 nist waves them all away people like you and me who perceived 1:14:09 explosion some of them were thrown 40 feet some of them talk about seeing them tearing the buildings apart 1:14:16 they're all wrong they're all wrong what kind of a governmental system has been 1:14:22 created where ordinary people can not only think we can apparently not even use our 1:14:28 five senses we're all wrong so it wasn't difficult in that light to 1:14:34 dismiss mr jennings and say he was wrong he didn't perceive an explosion 1:14:40 what did he perceive then debris debris from the north tower falling on 1:14:47 world trade 7 confused him and he thought it was an explosion 1:14:52 and that requires them to say that mr jennings was also off by roughly an hour 1:14:59 in his time he thought he experienced that somewhere around 9 30 but actually 1:15:05 it was when world trade 1 came down at 10 30. well all i'm going to say is this mr 1:15:12 jennings cannot defend himself or speak up for himself because he died on august 19th two days before the 1:15:19 announcement of the final nist report we don't know why or how he died but he died 1:15:25 and in the meantime until i see evidence to the contrary i am going to believe 1:15:30 his testimony i'm going to accept that he perceived what he said he perceived 1:15:36 at roughly the time that he said he perceived it and that means there were explosions in 1:15:42 world trade seven my friends my time is up and i am going 1:15:47 to sum up my talk as i end with the five major points there was widespread foreknowledge of 1:15:54 world trade 7's collapse this foreign knowledge is incompatible 1:15:59 with nist's collapse hypothesis therefore nist's hypothesis is wrong 1:16:06 the control demolition hypothesis is compatible with the evidence of foreknowledge 1:16:12 there is also witness evidence that supports the controlled demolition hypothesis thank you very 1:16:18 much for your patience 1:16:54 graham thank you very much and thank you for all of the work that you've done that's given you the capability to to 1:17:02 give us the summary that you have this afternoon 1:17:08 if we were to take what you have presented to this group and we were to look at how 1:17:15 we could use it legally i think there's a lot of fruit 1:17:20 on the on the tree there silverstein's 1:17:26 clip is certainly an admission against penal interest uh 1:17:32 and could be used um jennings interviews and his statements 1:17:41 um virtually come close to being excited utterances since they happened at the 1:17:46 time around the time that he had the experience so he's unavailable so that 1:17:54 that film material could be used in conjunction with the reporters authenticating it who 1:17:59 who actually uh interviewed him and who interviewed silverstein 1:18:04 i think the number of first responders who are on record as having heard uh 1:18:12 explosions throughout those three buildings uh is very impressive there there seems 1:18:20 to have been a um serious possibility that has been overlooked and that that 1:18:26 the buildings were all wired and that they were all wired in advance this is not something one does 1:18:31 in a short period of time to bring effective wiring into place from what i 1:18:38 understand not all having the expertise but having heard this from others would would require a planned effort 1:18:45 over quite a period of time in advance of the explosions themselves um 1:18:51 and it's a very sophisticated job indeed what you have described does appear to 1:18:58 be an internal wiring operation that was that was triggered at a 1:19:03 point in time either as you said to weaken the structure so that debris could have an impact on 1:19:10 it and bring it down or uh to actually begin to cause it to 1:19:15 fall itself the firemen that you have interviewed 1:19:20 could certainly be brought in and statements could be taken from them under oath 1:19:26 as well as they could their superiors be brought to testify 1:19:32 so i think this has not been done obviously nist didn't do this and there 1:19:38 has been no proceeding that's effectively 1:19:43 done this so i think it's um it would be an important legal exercise 1:19:49 to to engage massively in in this kind of discovery and put on the record 1:19:56 in detail what you what you have uncovered and thank you for that effort 1:20:02 um