Index A Family Affair (Denning), 219 Abrams, Creighton W., 4, 114, 173 Adams, John Quincy, 232 Aeronautics (Prouty), 32 AIDS, 115 Air America, 54, 69, 70, 80, 134, 139, 144, 154 Air Force Air Communications and Resupply (ARC) wings transported Special Forces, 52 establishment of ROTC, 1946, 31 Alexander, Sir Harold, 9 Allende, Salvador, 186 Arab oil embargo, 234-238 Aramco, 12, 37 Army Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC), 21-22 Army intelligence, 107 Artime, Manuel, 147 Arundel, Arthur, 180 Astor, Jacob, 232 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 120 B-1 (bomber), 192 B-17 (bomber), 23 B-2 ("stealth" bomber), 121, 192 B-26 (bomber), 54, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 68, 144, 147 B-29 (bomber), 15, 16 B-50 (bomber), 52 Bay of Pigs, 61-63, 68, 97, 144-148, 165, 167, 186-188 "Zapata" was code name for, 60 1959-1960: from over-the-beach work to invasion, 55-59 Allen Dulles in Puerto Rico during, 62 CIA built air base near Retalhuleu, Guatemala to prepare for, 145 Cuban Study Group post-mortem, 63-66 Adlai Stevenson telling McGeorge Bundy "No more air attacks", 64, 66 Allen Dulles worked up witness list for, 175 Maxwell Taylor's "Letter To The President", 63, 169-170, 176-177 published as Operation Zapata (Luis Aguilar, editor), 1984, 66, 67 McGeorge Bundy canceled final air strike, 63-65, 66 General Cabell's involvment in final air strike cancellation, 62-63, 65 Kennedy first briefed by Dulles and Bissell after 1960 election, 146 lameduck CIA gamesmanship -- described plan as "invasion", 57 Kennedy knew Cuban leaders in August, 1960, 146-147 Marine Colonel Jack Hawkins did tactical planning, 59, 60, 65, 147 Pentagon people buying sugar stock prior to invasion, 187 Bissell, Richard, 146, 172 Blowback, 20 Boeing Company, 201-202 Bohanon, Charles, 38, 180 Bowell, John -- founder of Navy Seal team concept, 172 Bradley, Omar, 7, 9, 10, 93 Braun, Werner Von, 32-34 Bretton Woods Conference, 17 British East India Trade Company, 219 British Society of Psychic Research, 228, 246 Buckley, William F., 31 Bundy, McGeorge, 125, 177 involvment in Bay of Pigs, 63-65, 66 Bundy, William, 64, 67, 125 Burke, Arleigh Bay of Pigs post-mortem involvment in, 63, 64, 169, 175, 176, 177 Bush, George, 31, 153, 158, 169 involvment in Iran-Contra, 87, 109, 110, 142 C-119 (transport, "flying boxcars"), 38 C-122 (transport), 137 C-123 (transport), 54, 68, 137 C-130 (transport), 189 C-46 (transport), 145 C-47 ("Gooney Bird"), 8 C-54 (transport), 54, 139, 144 Cabell, Charles P., 172 involvment in Bay of Pigs, 62, 63, 65 Cabot, Bruce, 22 Cairo Conference, 13 Califano, Joseph, 129 Casey, William, 155 Castro, Fidel, 144, 145 control of Cuba, 55-56 Catherine the Great, 232 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 37 "where the CIA was concerned there were a lot of things no one seemed to know", 137-143 Air America, 54, 69, 70, 80 Allen Dulles primary character and creator of the CIA, 99 and Office of Special Operations, 79 as "fourth-force" of U.S. military, 52-53, 135-137 amassed a great deal of military equipment, 53-55 major combat force by 1960-61, 148 treated as part of military budget, 135-137 as Special Forces involved in post-nuclear exchange, 52 Atsugi Air Base, 29 CIA Act of 1949, 131-133 created in the mindset of the later 1940s, 100 created to coordinate government intelligence, 93 Deputy Director of Administration (DDA), 162 abolished by Allen Dulles, 162 Deputy Director of Intelligence (DDI), 162 Deputy Director of Plans (DDP), 104, 162 euphemism for covert operations, 105 Deputy Director of Support (DDS), 143-144, 154, 162 L. K. "Red" White, 154 developed community of "stateless people" called "mechanics" (hit men), 49 dual records for military personnel employed by, 111 Focal Point "breeding", 123 Dulles philosophy: control focal point area, 123 See Also Prouty, L. Fletcher Focal Point Office Tab-6 organization, 46, 123, 132 when the office was created, 122 four categories of military personnel employed by, 110-112 funding; the Agency budget able to do all it is "funded to do", 109 Congressional non-oversight of agency funding and NSC responsility for, 148-151 employing the system of reimbursement, 80, 132, 133-135, 139-141 fourth force treated as part of military budget, 135-137 how CIA was an outgrowth of National Security Act of 1947, 91-99 initially, a roll-over of WWII, militarily trained people, 95 it is a coordinating agency, 99 its best cover story is that it's an intelligence organization, 153 meaning of "notionally", 103 no law that says is an intelligence organization, 99 no law that says it is a covert operations organization, 99, 177 origins, 92 OSS residual members and capability rolled into the agency, 95 Saigon Military Mission, 180-181 Special Forces role in post-nuclear exchange, 136 Suydam, CIA street name account, 134 The Farm, the Agency's training camp in Virginia, 60 Vietnam operating command for military forces from 1945 to 1965, 53, 68-70 Chase Aircraft, 137 Chennault, Claire L., 17 Chiang Kai-shek, 16 at Cairo Conference, 13 at Teheran Conference, 15, 17 Christic Institute, 83 Churchill, Winston, 28 "High Cabal", 203, 220 story of Churchill using the term during WWII, 219-220 at Cairo Conference, 13 at Teheran Conference, 14-15, 17 Iron Curtain speech in Missouri, 94 Civil Air Transport (CAT) Airline, 38 clandestine operations See Special Operations Clauswitz, Karl Von, 114 Clifford, Clark, 94 Cline, Ray, 152 Colby, William, 153 Colson, Charles, 74 Columbus, Christopher, 228 Communism "us" and "them", 120 Conein, Lucien, 30, 180 Correa, Mathias, 98, 104 counterinsurgency, 106, 118 Bay of Pigs review moved JFK closer to doctrine of, 169 developed from the Special Forces, 167 DOD adoption of in late Eisenhower years, 168-169 move by military to get into area of CIA activity, 167 Cover and Deception, 166-167 covert action See Special Operations covert operations See Special Operations Craft of Intelligence, The (Dulles), 85, 153 Cryptocracy, 219 Cuban Missile Crisis, 187 Dallas Morning News printing erroneous parade map route, 208-209 Darwin, Charles, 228, 229 The Origin of Species, 226 Dayan, Moshe, 47 de Varona, Manuel A., 147 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) establishment of, 70, 85, 165 Office of Special Operations was key to development of, 79 Department of Defense change at the top from Eisenhower to Kennedy, 67 new distinction between "offense" and "defense", 92-93 Office of the Secretary Deputy of Defense for Research and Engineering (DDR&E), 165 International Security Agency (ISA), 165 Senior WWII officers averse to this new term, 92 the enormous mistake made in calling this military the Department of Defense, 95, 112-115 Department of Treasury, 134, 156 working with Office of Special Operations, 79, 110, 123 DeSilva, Pier, 152 Dewey, Thomas E., 98 Allen Dulles' speech writer in 1948 election, 98 Diem, Ngo Dinh, 57, 82, 112, 180, 181, 213 murder of, 73-74 Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), 133, 157, 159 Bush, George first DCI to ever be President, 158 Casey, William, 155 Colby, William, 153 Dulles, Allen, 99, 153, 155 abolished Deputy Director of Administration (DDA), 162 Fitzgerald Desmond, 153 function of the, 106-108 Helms Richard, 153 McCone, John replaced Allen Dulles as DCI, 172 not part of the NSC, 97 Raborn, William F., Jr., 153 signature authority to spend classified budget, 133 Smith, Walter Bedell, 95-96, 157, 163 started the pre-briefings, 163 sole chief of intelligence community, 108 Donovan, William, 155 Dornberger, Walter, 32, 33-34 Douglas, James, 168 Drucker, Peter The End of Economic Man, 230-231 Dulles, Allen, 131, 153, 155, 232 appointed DDP in 1950, 95 Bay of Pigs involvment in, 146, 147 post-mortem involvment in, 169, 175, 176 indoctrination of Maxwell Taylor and Robert Kennedy, 174, 175-176 worked up the witness list, 175 Bay of Pigs post-mortem involvment in, 63, 64-65 creating a bi-polar world with no neutrals, 162 forging a government of reaction, 160-164 setting up global set of inputs to react to, 105, 106 in WWII, 21 member of Sullivan and Cromwell, 98 philosophy on creation and control of focal point area/office, 123 senior direcotr of Sullivan & Cromwell, 160 subverting NSC watchdog role, 101-102, 104-105 the mind of this man, 98, 160-162 understood The Craft of Intelligence, 85, 153 when he became DCI, 99, 104 Dulles, Eleanor, 232 Dulles, Foster Rhea The Road To Teheran, 232-234 Dulles, John Foster, 232 and Suez Crisis of 1956, 47-48 dominant vote in the NSC, 105 involvment with World Council of Churches, 161 senior direcotr of Sullivan & Cromwell, 160 when he became Secretary of State, 99 Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report, 130, 148, 171 Allen Dulles' Mein Kampf, 98, 148, 176 method of placing CIA agents throughout the government, 122 recommended getting into clandestine operations, 98 Truman's selection of to study the CIA, 161 East India Trading Companies development of, 223-225 emblem and American flag, 229 Haileybury College, Malthus, and Darwin, 225-229 psychic research, mind control, 228-229 Economy Act of 1932, 43, 44, 45 used in Iran-Contra, 80, 82 very secret money channel established for covert operations, 80, 82 Edgerton Germeshausen and Grier (EG&G), 141 Einhoven, Alan, 67 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 102, 116, 163, 165, 169, 174 adamant about CIA logistical support on a "one time only" basis, 130, 137 as General, intelligence not always coordinated in European Theater, 93 Bay of Pigs approval of early actions that led to, 55, 144, 145 never authorized an invasion of Cuba, 55-56, 146 when he became President, 99 End of Economic Man, The (Drucker), 230-231 Erskine, Graves B., 43, 57, 85, 129, 166, 213 retired after study establishing DIA was approved, 165 afterwards Office of Special Operations was abolished, 70, 88 was Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Special Operations, 77 wrote study establishing Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 70, 165 F-51 (jet fighter), 53, 54 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 79, 111, 128, 131 working with Office of Special Operations, 110, 123 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 106, 123, 124 Fitzgerald, Desmond, 153, 154 Flynn, Errol, 22 Focal Point Office See Central Intelligence Agency Forrestal, James, 164 Freedom, 219 Fuller, R. Buckminster, 219, 246 "Power Elite", 220 most valuable asset is anonymity, 221 Garrison, James On the Trail of the Assassins newspaper parade map route altered, 208-209 Gehlen, Reinhard, 21, 52 General Dynamics Company, 201-202 genocide, 116 Gesell, Gerhard, 81 Gilpatric, Roswell, 202 McNamara's Deputy Secretary of Defense, 166 Gold Key Club, 204 Goldberg, Arthur, 201 Great Conspiracy, The, (Kahn), 233 Green Berets, 167, 172, 213 antecedent was Special Forces, 53 Gulf of Tonkin incident, 104-105 Haig, Alexander, 129, 172 Haileybury College, 219, 224, 225-230 Hand, Frank, 124 worked for CIA operated out of office of Sec. of Defense, 125, 128 worked for Gen. Erskine in Office of Special Operations, 85 Harriman, Averill, 114 Harvard University, 229 Hassenfuss, Eugene, 137 Hawkins, Jack, 59, 60, 65, 147 Helio Aircraft Co, 126 Helio Courier (L-28), 126 Helms, Richard, 131, 152, 153, 154, 185 High Cabal, 219, 219-221 Hillenkotter, Admiral, 95 Hinckley, John Jr., 217 Hitler, Adolph, 21, 52, 230 Ho Chi Minh, 16, 30 9/2/45: read Declaration of Independence of Vietnam with U.S. representatives present, 30 supported by U.S. before end of WWII, 17 Houston, Larry, 44, 46 Hunt, Howard, 74, 153 Indonesia, Secret War of 1958, 139-140, 147, 183, 189 Iran-Contra, 45, 76, 87, 97, 137 Anastasio Somoza, 81 biggest abberation on covert opeartions Prouty ever saw, 82 Christic Institute, 83 Edwin Meese, 82, 83 Gerhard Gesell, 81 King of Saudi Arabia, 82 Lawrence Walsh, 81 NSC statutory members "out of the loop", 109-110, 142, 151 Secret Team bred the Enterprise, 187 Sultan of Brunei, 81 used the Economy Act, 80, 82 Iraq-Iran war, 82-83, 117, 237 Iron Curtain speech, 28, 94 Jackson, William H., 98, 104 Jesuit Square, 227 JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy (Prouty), 208, 219 Johnson, Louis 1949 paper on reimbursement to fund CIA activities, 132 Johnson, Lyndon B., 49, 105, 114 Kahn, Alfred The Great Conspiracy, 233 Katzenbach, Nicholas, 67 Kennedy, John F., 102, 169 and mistaken idea that counterinsurgency role began with him, 168 assassination of cover-up's durability as indicator of its scope, 199-200, 207, 209 Secret Servive, Military, and Police in Dallas inserting false actors in their place, 206-207 support being cancelled, 205-210 volume and significance of photographic evidence, 210-212 3 "tramps" that were never booked, 210-211 Lansdale in photo of 3 "tramps", 211-212, 213 what would constitute a proper murder investigation, 197-200 Bay of Pigs, 61-63, 68 and the 1960 presidential campaign, 146-147 CIA first briefs in November, 1960 calling it an invasion, 57, 146 Cuban Study Group post-mortem, 63-66 briefed by Eisenhower in January, 1961, 68 critical initiatives by in August-November 1963 formulating and publishing NSAM No. 263, 70-72, 202-203 TFX Fighter Program, 201-202 UN speech urging going to the moon with Russia, 201 decision to transfer Gen. Lemnitzer to Paris, 179 NSAM 55 putting JCS in charge of Cold War Activites, 170, 171, 172 tried to take Special Operations away from CIA with, 169-173 tried to get rid of reactive system of government, 163 result of attempting to led to JFK's murder, 186 Vietnam and his decision to withdraw from, 70-72, 202-203 Kennedy, Robert Bay of Pigs post-mortem involvment in, 63, 64-65, 169, 175 involvement in preparation of Taylor-McNamara Report (NSAM 263), 72 Khomeni, Ruhollah, 185 Khrushchev, Nikita, 47, 48 Kipling, Rudyard, 193 Kirkpatrick, Lyman The Real CIA, 151-152 Kissinger, Henry A., 129 Korean War, 34, 35, 116 Korean war, 97 Kraigher, George, 7, 13-14, 21 Krosigk, Lutz Schwerin Von, 28 Krulak, Victor H., 75, 114, 167, 203, 212 involvement in preparation of Taylor-McNamara Report (NSAM 263), 71-72 learned of President Diem's murder, 74 Kubitschek, Juscelino, 220 L-28 (Helio "Courier"), 54 Lackland Air Base, 145 Lansdale, Edward, 38, 166, 181, 213 an author of Military Assistance Program (MAP) report, 183, 186 as member of Office of Special Operations, 57, 70, 79 was Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations, 213 was Gen. Erskine's Deputy in, 85 hoped to be Ambassador to Vietnam under President Kennedy, 57-58 in 3 "tramps" photo taken after JFK assassination, 211-212 instrumental bringing Diem to power in S. Vietnam, 57-58, 82 Magsaysay campaign in the Philippines, 38, 144, 180, 182 Arundel, Arthur, 180 Bohanon, Charles, 180 Phillips, Rufus, 180 nominated L.F.P. for his 11/63 South Pole trip, 74-75 not the type of man to run OSO, 88 Operation Mongoose, 204 Saigon Military Mission assigned as Chief of, 180 The Little Red Book influence upon, 182 worked for CIA, promoted to Air Force General, 124, 132 Laos, 54, 68, 202 counterinsurgency: move by military to get into area of CIA activity, 167 Lemay, Curtis, 124, 132 Lemnitzer, Lyman L., 63, 88, 127, 138-140, 179 briefed on NSAM 55-57, 170, 171 difference between a Maxwell Taylor and a Lemnitzer JCS meeting, 172 JFK's decision to transfer LLL to Paris, 179 Lenin, Vladimir, 233 Lieddke, 60 Life purchasing the Zapruder film, reversing frames, 207 Little Red Book, The influence on authors of Military Assitance Program, 182-183, 185 London Times, 28 Lord Balfour, 228 Lord Denning A Family Affair, 219 Lord Fairfax, 224 Lord Oliphant, 228 MacArthur, Douglas D., 27, 28, 40, 93, 116 Magellan, Ferdinand, 219 circumnavigation of the globe, 222-223 Magsaysay, Ramon, 180, 213 Malthus, Thomas, 225-226, 228, 229 Malthusianism, 116, 226, 228 Mansfield, Mike, 72, 172 tried to establish watchdog committee to oversee CIA, 148 Mao Tse-Tung, 15, 16 Marchetti, Victor, 152 Marks, John, 152 McCone, John replaced Allen Dulles as DCI, 172 McFarlane, Robert, 82, 88, 109 McNamara, Robert S., 58, 67, 114, 165, 202 abolished Office of Special Operations in 1961, 88 asked Prouty to take his portion of OSO to office of JCS, 86 approved plan to create Defense Intelligence Agency, 70 authorized Prouty to establish Office of the Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (SACSA; JCS), 70, 166 Taylor-McNamara Report (NSAM 263), 72 Meese, Edwin, 82, 83 Military Aid and Assistance Group (MAAG), 46 Military Assistance Program (MAP), 181-182 Iran was ultimate manifestation of, 184-185 paper's authors: Generals Stiwell and Lansdale, 183 set up as a sensor to react to, 183 Montgomery, Sir Bernard Law, 9, 10 Nasser, Gamel Abdul, 47 National Intelligence Group, 91 National Security Act of 1947 CIA Powers and Duties, Section 3:"to correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to the national security", 108 covert operations totally overlooked in the law, 95 creation of Department of Defense, 92 creation of U.S. Air Force, 92 language of the law based on the reality of WWII, 92 original intent of Congress regarding role of CIA, 91-101, 149 National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) No. 263, 73, 202-203 origins of, 70-72 No. 55, 170 origins of, 176-177 putting JCS in charge of Cold War Activites, 170, 171, 172 significance of to Kennedy's Presidency, 170-172 No. 56, 170, 178 No. 57, 170, 178, 189 Nos. 55-57 a family of documents, 178 after JFK assassination never mentioned again, 178 National Security Agency (NSA), 107, 129 and closeness with Office of Special Operations, 79 clarifying role of, 83-85 closely allied with Defense/CIA, 77 direction of put under Office of Special Operations, 79 National Security Council (NSC) 10/2 (10-slant-2) directive, 130 recognized U.S. government might be involved in covert action, 97 and Office of Special Operations, 79 created the 10/2 directive in the forties, 97 creation of, 96-99 Directive #5412 of March 15, 1954, 42, 65, 76, 78, 87, 122 four statutory members, 96 DCI not part of, 97 great significance of, 109-110 in the Iran-Contra period, 97 is supposed to control the CIA, 149 Special Group 5412/2, 101-102 neutralized oversight functions of the OCB, 101 statutory members "out of the loop" during Iran-Contra, 109-110, 142 NATO, 117 Navy intelligence, 107 Needham, Joseph, 239, 241 New York Times, 144, 230 Nimitz, Admiral Chester, 93 Nitze, Paul, 67 Nixon, Richard M., 129, 169, 185, 201 Bay of Pigs and the 1960 presidential campaign, 146, 147 Noriega, Manuel A., 185 North, Oliver, 43, 45, 81, 82, 87, 88, 109, 110, 190 delivering 2,008 T.O.W. missiles to Iran, 140 paid by the Marine Corps, not the National Security Council, 45, 78 nuclear weapons Air Force selected as organization most able to deliver atom bomb, 94 Armed Forces Staff College mock NATO-USSR confrontation, 39-40 beginning to shape U.S. military strategy after WWII, 94 Bravo Shot, 41 creating a Manichaean Devil, 118-122 making war planning obsolete, 115-118 Manhattan Project, 119 what to do with, militarily, 41, 94 Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), 37, 96, 101 created to preserve highly classifed WWII assets, 96, 103 created without law, 96 residual OSS organization, 103 Office of Special Operations (OSO) and closeness with National Security Agency, 79 direction of National Security Agency put under OSO, 79 dispersion of, 85-87, 164-166 effect of abolishing in 1961, 85-88 Reagan tried to create another under NSC, 87 explanation of, 76-79 run by Gen. Erskine, 85 Lansdale was Erskine's Deputy, 85 Prouty was Chief Air Force Officer for Special Operations, 85 transferred to Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962, 70 worked with many Executive Branch Departments, 79 Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 17, 19, 28, 37, 91, 95, 96, 98, 103, 105, 155 Office of the Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (SACSA; JCS), 172 creation of, 164-168 Oligher, Floyd, 37 On the Trail of the Assassins (Garrison), 208 Operation Mongoose, 204 Operation Zapata: The "Ultrasensitive" Report and Testimony of the Board of Inquiry on the Bay of Pigs. (Aguilar), 66, 67 Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 103 responsible for seeing NSC decisions carried out, 101-102 Oswald, Lee Harvey, 198, 199, 207, 210, 215, 216-217 P-51 (fighter), 68 Patton, George S., 4, 118 Pepper, Claude, 233 Phillips, Rufus, 180 Pinochet, Augusto, 186 Poindexter, John M., 82, 88, 109 Ponchardier, Pierre, 48 Power Elite, 219 Prouty, L. Fletcher 1959 Commendation from Antartic Office, 75 Aeronautics, 32 Air Force ROTC classes inaugurated at Yale, 31-32 as student commander of mock NATO-USSR nuclear confrontation, 39-40 Bay of Pigs CIA changes plan from over-the-beach work to invasion, 55-57 coincidence of George Bush, "Zapata" the Houston and Barbara J., 60-61 Eisenhower's involvement approves CIA organizing brigade of Cuban exiles in U.S., 55 never approved an invasion, 57 escorting 4 Cubans from JFK's Senate office to Sec. of Defense, 146-147 post-mortem, 63 asking Arleigh Burke about final report, 177 recognizes Dulles' implanting witnesses in, 175 purchased the 2 transport ships used, 60 briefing JCS Chairman Gen. Lemnitzer & Marine Commandant Gen. Shoup, 137-139 briefing JCS Chairman on NSAM Nos 55-57, 170, 171, 176, 178 briefing officer role, 141, 150 briefing Senator Saltonstall, 150 Cuba Pentagon people buying sugar stock prior to Bay of Pigs, 187 U.S. indecisive about letting Castro take over or not, 55 discovered Taylor's "Letter To The President" was NSAM 55, 176-177 Evolution of Warfare course taught at Yale, 92 experiences with Edward Lansdale bought Lansdale's desk set for Diem, 58, 82 met during flights between Manila and Saigon, 38 nominated L.F.P. for his 11/63 South Pole trip, 74-75, 213 Focal Point Office 1955 assignment to become USAF Officer of, and create, 42, 78, 122 1960 transferred to Office of Sec. of Defense, 57 1962 transferred to JCS, 70-71 Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Special Operations), 78 Military Support of the Clandestine Operations, 70, 80 wrote "Military Support of the Clandestine Operations of the United States Government", 42 sent by Allen Dulles to meet his "Chiefs of Station" worldwide, 46 CIA in Athens developed "stateless people" community of hit men, 49 used Military Aid and Assistance Group for cover, 46 in Istanbul during from Suez Crisis, 47-49 Tab-6 organization, 46 half of Okinawa "500,000 Manpack" sent to Vietnam in 1945, 29-30 High Cabal, 235 possible origins and composition of, 238-242 Iran-Contra biggest abberation on covert opeartions L.F.P. ever saw, 82 explanation for, 82-83 JFK assassination Christchurch Star and timing of news story releases, 214-217 "three bursts of automatic weapons fire", 214 elaborate Oswald story with photo in business suit, 215 timing of Oswald story release, 216-217 examined how many officials were moved out of Washington that day, 213 how Secret Service "Protection of the President" wasn't followed, 205-206, 208-209 Lansdale nominated L.F.P. for his 11/63 South Pole trip, 74-75, 213 pressures resulting in, 201-204 JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, 208, 219 Military Manager of Tokyo International Airport, 1952-53, 36-37 moving from military to economic warfare, 41, 190-191, 192-193, 234-238 no longer such a thing as "sovereignty", 190-191 Office of Special Operations, 43 assigned to be USAF Officer of and create in 1955, 42, 78, 122 dispersion of, 164-166 explanation of, 76-79 mistake in abolishing: authority no longer centralized, 85, 86-88 transferred to JCS in 1962, 70-71, 85 transferred to office of Sec. of Defense in 1960, 43, 57 office structure in the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 143 philosophy derived from knowing the Earth was a sphere, 221-230 retired from the service on January 1, 1964, 75 Rockets and Guided Missiles, 32 Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (SACSA; JCS) creation of, 164-168 Team B, 43, 103, 131 "Chief of", euphemism for being in charge of special operations, 42 Transport pilot flying American POWs and Nazi intelligence officers out of Turkey, 19-20 C-54 (Douglas), 26 C-57 (Lockheed Lodestar), 8, 16, 17 Chinese delegation to Teheran Conference, 14-15, 16, 17 DC-3 (transport), 7 evacuated over 700 B-17 crewmen stranded in Soviet Union, 23 Far East squadron commander 1953-54, 37-38 Gen. C.R. Smith and USGS team to Saudi Arabia in 1943, 8-9, 11-13 group of MacArthur's elite guard to Japan, 9/1/45, 26-28 helped Army CIC break up Nazi gold-smuggling ring, 21-22 Navaronne guns demolition commandos out of Turkey, 18-19 Turkish ambassador at Bretton Woods back home, 17 VIP pilot for Gen. Omar Bradley, 7, 9-11 war devastation in Hiroshima, 30-31 in the Soviet Union, 23 wrought to recapture Manila, 25 work in the Pacific, 24-25 working in Gen. Krulak's office helped prepare Taylor-McNamara Report (NSAM 263), 71-72, 203 learned of President Diem's murder, 73-74 working with Secret Service during Eisenhower's Mexico visit, 206 psychological warfare technicians Arundel, Arthur, 180 Phillips, Rufus, 180 Raborn, William F., Jr., 153 Rambo Effect, 141 Reagan, Ronald assassination attempt, 217 attempted to create another OSO under NSC, 87 involvment in Iran-Contra, 109, 110, 142 Strategic Defense Initiative, 115 Rhodes, Cecil, 229-230 Rickover, Hyman G., 220 Risk and Other Four-Letter Words (Wriston), 190 Road To Teheran, The (Dulles), 232-234 Rockets and Guided Missiles (Prouty), 32 Rommel, Erwin, 9 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 28, 96, 98, 220 at Cairo Conference, 13 at Tehran Conference, 15-17 Ross, Betsy, 229 Rusk, Dean, 62 Russell, Richard, 148 Saigon Military Mission, 38, 180-181 Saltonstall, Leverett, 148 Schultz, George involvment in Iran-Contra, 109, 142 Secord, Richard, 43, 129 Secret intelligence, 155, 156 called "Black intelligence" by the Navy, 156 springboard for Dulles to justify covert operations, 155 Secret Team (ST), 109, 156 bred the Iran-Contra Enterprise, 187 Creation of the CIA Focal Point System, 42-44, 122-125 Focal Point personnel assuming broader roles, 128-131 Military Assistance Program: an indicator of "the way things were going within the world of the", 186 much larger than just the CIA, 110, 143, 186-188 running a government of reaction, 155-158 Military Assistance Program (MAP), 183 Secret Team, The, 110 excerpts quoted, 76-78, 100, 101-102, 106, 112-113, 117, 118-119, 122, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 135, 137, 138, 142, 143, 148-149, 151, 160, 164, 168, 174, 178, 179, 179-180, 181, 184, 186, 188, 192 Explanation of the Office of Special Operations, 76-79 revised after release of Pentagon Papers, 178 SHAPE headquarters, 117 Sharp, U.S.G., 114 Shoup, David M., 138-140 Smathers, George, 146 Smith, C.R., 8, 36 Smith, Walter Bedell, 95, 102, 104 Bay of Pigs post-mortem premier witness, 175, 178 brought Allen Dulles into CIA as Deputy Director of Plans, 95 Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) appointed in October, 1950, 95 started the pre-briefings, 163 took control of Office of Policy Coordination, 96 as an expedient, 96 Eisenhower's closest confidant during WWII, 163 forging a government of reaction, 163 left DCI to be John Foster Dulles's deputy, 163 went from WWII General to Ambassador to the Soviet Union, 163 when he became Deputy Secretary of State, 99 Somoza, Anastasio, 81 Sorensen, Theodore C., 177 Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (SACSA; JCS) creation of, 164-168 Special Forces, 53, 167, 169, 213 Air Communications and Resupply (ARC) wings transported, 52 became involved in post-nuclear exchange war planning, 52, 136 center at Fort Bragg, 168 Special Group 5412/2 See National Security Council (NSC) Special Operations, 76-79 as euphemism, 76 clandestine operations, 42 attempt to overthrow Indonesian government in 1958, 53-54 Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report recommended engaging in, 98 involving covert work, 95 NSAM 55 -- JFK's attempt to take away from CIA, 169-172 residuals of WWII, 96 Shifting NCS Oversight from Directing to Approving Plans, 101-106 truly clandestine because they were small, 97 uniform, worldwide system for via OSO and NSA, 79 covert action and Office of Special Operations, 79 creation of 10/2 directive, 97 Cuban Bay of Pigs, 97 decisions to engage in had to be made by NSC, 97 covert operations, 76 Allen Dulles' justification for collecting intelligence, 155 an ad hoc creation, 130 as NATO "exercises", 136 carried out by small group of specialists, 153-155 employing the system of reimbursement, 80, 132, 133-135 how they are managed/run, 44-45 involving the Contras or Iran, 97 Iran-Contra biggest abberation on covert opeartions Prouty ever saw, 82 must be deniable -- an impossible contradiction, 188-190 not just CIA -- almost any government branch gets involved, 110 NSC approving reactive covert ops, 104 NSC directed CIA into Tibet, 106 require bilateral foreign alliances, 142 the two Dulles' working together to develop covert ops, 105 totally overlooked in the 1947 law, 95 where to keep this new capability in a peacetime infrastructure, 95 Office of (OSO), 143 became Office of the Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities (SACSA; JCS), 164-168 effect of abolishing in 1961, 85-88 explanation of, 76-79 Team B, 43 "Chief of", euphemism for being in charge of special operations, 42 the support of clandestine activities, 76, 165 SR-71, 107, 153, 165 Stalin, Joseph, 220 at Teheran Conference, 15-17 Stanford University, 228 Stanford, Leland, 228 Stevenson, Adlai as UN Ambassador during Bay of Pigs, 64-66 Stilwell, Richard G., 17 an author of Military Assistance Program (MAP) paper, 183 an author of Military Assistance Program (MAP) report, 186 The Little Red Book influence upon, 182 Strategic Defense Initiative, 121 Sukarno, Achmed, 53, 139 T-28 (trainer craft), 54 T-33 (trainer craft), 61, 62 Tab-6 organization See Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):Focal Point Tague, James, 198 Taylor, Maxwell as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 172, 173 Bay of Pigs post-mortem involvment in, 63, 64, 169, 174-175, 176, 178 "Letter To The President" was his Mein Kampf while JCS Chairman, 171 NSAM 55-57 moved Taylor into Chairman of JCS, 178 difference between a Taylor and a Lemnitzer JCS meeting, 172 not the conventional military man at that time, 172-173 Taylor-McNamara Report (NSAM 263), 72 The Uncertain Trumpet, 168 TFX Fighter Program, 58, 201-202 The Origin of Species (Darwin), 226 Time, 68 Tippett, J.D., 198, 215 Treasury Department, 134, 156 working with Office of Special Operations, 79, 110, 123 Trujillo, Rafael, 183 Truman, Harry S., 28, 98, 102 abolishes OSS, 91 U.S. Customs Service working with Office of Special Operations, 79, 110, 123 U-2, 48, 51, 59, 61, 107, 127, 133, 153, 165, 188, 192 Uncertain Trumpet, The (Taylor), 168 Viet Cong origination of the word, 121 Vietnam era, 166 Declaration of Independence of Vietnam declared 9/2/45, 30 Vietnam war, 40, 97, 116, 120, 173, 179, 188, 225 Anloa Valley, 117 CIA was operating command for military forces from 1945 to 1965, 53, 68-70 cost of, 235 counterinsurgency: move by military to get into area of CIA activity, 167 half of Okinawa "500,000 Manpack" sent to Vietnam in 1945, 29-30 helicopters in, 68-69 moving aircraft into from other theaters, 68 no objective in, 113-114 not a big issue in 1962-63, 202 search and destroy goal, 113 Walsh, Lawrence, 81 Warren Commission, 198, 215 Washington, George, 224, 229 Watergate altering White House files regarding murder of President Diem, 74 Weinberger, Caspar involvment in Iran-Contra, 109, 142 used the Economy Act, 43, 45 Westminster College, 28 Westmoreland, William, 113, 114, 173 Wheeler, Earle, 166, 173 asked Prouty to take his portion of OSO from Sec. of Defense to JCS office, 86 White, L. K. "Red", 154 White, Thomas D., 42, 78, 122 Wisner, Frank, 103, 131 Chief of OPC in 1950, 96 directed Indonesia campaign in 1958, 54, 96 dominant WWII OSS leader in Eastern Europe, 20, 96 World War II, 103 Allied shuttle bombing runs landing in the Soviet Union, 23 Army CIC breaking Nazi gold-smuggling ring, 21-22 Cairo Conference, 13 German surrender and original Iron Curtain speech, 28 in Africa, 9 half of Okinawa "500,000 Manpack" sent to Vietnam in 1945, 29-30 Navaronne guns destroyed by British commandos, 18-19 Teheran Conference, 14-17 U.S. exfiltration of Nazis out of Europe, 20-21 Wriston, Walter Risk and Other Four-Letter Words, 190 Yale Daily News, 31 Yale University, 31, 229 Yale, Elihu, 229 Zapruder, Abraham, 207, 209 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is available electronically at: (HTML) (ASCII text)