Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 19:36:27 -0400 From: Hari Scordo <> To: Dave Ratcliffe Subject: Clemency Countdown Peltier COUNTDOWN TO CLEMENCY! LEONARD PELTIER RALLY AND WALK FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION HUMAN RIGHTS DAY - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2000 - NEW YORK CITY (See below for organization endorsements) (please forward - post) Leonard Peltier is an indigenous rights activist who has been unjustly imprisoned for over 24 years despite the total lack of evidence against him. His only remaining avenue for release lies in the hands of President Clinton through a grant of Executive clemency. Time is running out! As part of our emergency effort to gain Leonard Peltier's long overdue freedom, we are organizing a major event in New York City on Sunday, December 10, which is Human Rights Day. This will be a time for us to send a positive and united message of support for Leonard Peltier's freedom, as a gesture of truth and reconciliation for all Indigenous Peoples. He is considered by Amnesty International to be a political prisoner who should be "immediately and unconditionally released." Formerly withheld evidence casting serious doubt on Mr. Peltier's guilt forced the government to admit that they could not prove who was actually guilty of the crime he was convicted of and yet, he remains behind bars. Because of clear indications that he was unfairly targeted due to his key role in the American Indian Movement, Leonard Peltier is often seen as a symbol of the US government's attempts to silence those seeking positive change for Native communities. Now Leonard Peltier is facing the most critical time ever in his campaign for freedom and indeed his life. Now is the time for us to join our voices together in making a call for justice too loud to be ignored. December 10 will mark the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Leonard Peltier has been officially recognized as a Human Rights Defender by the United Nations, and we must insist that the US apply human rights to its original peoples. We will gather in Union Square at 12:00 noon and we will walk to the United Nations (Dag Hammarskjold Plaza) where a candlelight vigil and program of speakers, cultural activities, and traditional music will be presented from 2 p.m. to 4 p. m. The walk will be led by members of the Pine Ridge Lakota Nation and members of Leonard Peltier's family. Come show your solidarity by representing your Native Nation, faith group, church, organization, union, or just yourself. The event will be peaceful. To find out how you can help make this a successful event, contact the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, P.O. Box 583, Lawrence, KS 66044 -- 785 842 5774 or call the New York Hotline for updates on the event at 212 539 6027. Call the White House Comments Line Today Demand Justice for Leonard Peltier! 202-456-1111 Send a short postcard message requesting Executive Clemency or write a letter to: President William J. Clinton 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington DC 20500 I would like to send my love, support and respect to Leonard Peltier during this most difficult time. I encourage everyone to stand with him now so that together we can make his freedom a reality. One of the most important things you can do is to write a letter to President Clinton asking for executive clemency for Leonard Peltier. We must never underestimate the power of one letter well written. With faith and growing confidence in Leonard Peltier's eventual release. --Ron Kovic Ron Kovic, social activist and author whose autobiography Born on the Fourth of July was made into a motion picture, understands that these are crucial times to be thinking about Leonard Peltier, what he stands for, and the dedication needed to free this person unjustly incarcerated. Ron encourages supporters to contribute to the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee and contact members of congress. He especially urges writing letters to President Clinton and wants everyone to make an effort to be in New York on December 10, 2000 for the Countdown to Clemency Walk for Freedom. I would like to add my voice to all the others around the country and the world who are asking that Leonard Peltier be freed from prison. His original imprisonment was a travesty of justice. He is part of a long history of Americans jailed on false charges, the real reason being their defiance of the government, their persistent battle for equal rights, that demand this country live up to its promise of genuine democracy. Every day that he has been imprisoned has shamed us before the world, and the time is long overdue to set him free. --Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES BEGINS WITH JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER Message from Washington D.C. Countdown to Clemency Committee - Hari Scordo Organizations: Please endorse the Leonard Peltier Countdown to Clemency Walk for Truth and Reconciliation. (for use in New York Times Corporation ad page and promotion literature). Name of Organization Contact name Full Address/City State Zip Phone/Fax