Article: 713 of From: (dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe) Subject: more on Hopi Elders Knock for Peace @ UN Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1992 16:11:09 GMT Lines: 203 from NativeNet: Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1992 17:58:43 GMT Reply-To: Sender: "NATIVE-L Issues Pertaining to Aboriginal Peoples" From: Subject: Re: Hopi Elders Knock for Peace X-To: To: Multiple recipients of NATIVE-L Original-Sender: (Gary S. Trujillo) [ I am sending this reply to Mike Barnes and Phillip Penna, who both posted articles to NATIVE-L via the gen.nativenet electronic conference on the APC network (Mike via IGC in the U.S. and Phillip via Web in Canada) via the nn.hopi mailing list, so you all have the benefit of the report I'd like to make on the progress a few of us have made recently, and what we're now working on. I am also posting a copy of this letter to the gen.nativenet / NATIVE-L conference / mailing-list to advise others of the situation. --Gary ] Dear Mike and Phillip, It's very good to hear from you. I wanted to acknowledge your note right away, to tell you where things currently stand, and how you might be able to assist in our efforts to get a hearing for the Hopi elders at the U.N. Right now, a few of us are actively working on this project. Michele and Cyro Lord in the Denver area are in contact with people who are keeping track of the effort headed by Hopi elder Thomas Banyacya. Michele wrote in her article of 30 June that Thomas Banyacya is calling for a letter- writing campaign. We are now in the process of formulating a letter to be sent to the Secretary-General of the U.N., but feel we need a bit more information before we can proceed to write the letter which we would sug- gest as a form for others who want to add their voices to our entreaty. Michele recently asked about the potential problem posed by the fact that the U.N. does not generally permit hearings from other than representatives of sovereign governments, and to recognize the Hopi elders as such would be precedent-setting, so we can expect a great deal of resistance. I have advised that the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples' Organization, with their main office in The Hague, and U.S. office in San Francisco might be able to advise us on this matter, since they deal with just this kind of subject, and have a staff of international lawyers who deal with such matters on a regular basis. Aleida Stelwagen and Jan Mooij in Amsterdam have been helping in this matter, given their proximity to The Hague, and the fact that Jan has been helping them get connected to the worldwide electronic mail network, so that we and the S.F. office can be in regular contact with them via e-mail. Jan sent the UNPO office in The Hague a copy of the original background article posted by David Yarrow via the IGC account of Dan Winter. (Jan is now visiting the U.S., and hopes to stop to visit Michele and Cyro in Colorado sometime during the next few weeks.) Aleida is now preparing to make a followup contact with that same office to advise them of our current needs, and I will be writing a letter to the San Francisco office, mentioning this subject in the course of talking about the electronic mail connection with their other office. I would like to strongly suggest that Michele and Cyro attempt to establish direct contact with Thomas Banyacya through their sources - or at least with his office, to advise them of our efforts, including our contacts with UNPO, and to solicit from them advice as to how to proceed. We should also ask them for their suggestions concerning the text of a letter which we could ask our several hundred members worldwide to send in support of the effort of the Hopi elders, and should give them an opportunity to review whatever we do end up formulating. At their request, I have added the addresses of Mike Barnes of the Campus Ministry at Portland State University and of Phillip Penna of the Inter- Church Uranium Committee Educational Co-operative to the nn.hopi mailing list. Anyone else interested on being on this list, in order to take part in this project should send a message to the address "" containing the text: subscribe nn.hopi Your Name where "Your Name" is your full name (NOT your email address - which will be picked up from your message header). If anyone would like to review the discussions we have had on this matter to date by means of the nn.hopi list, you can obtain articles from an online archive by sending a message to the address "" of the form: confget nn hopi where represents a space-delimited list of article numbers you would like to retrieve. For example, to get copies of articles 1, 5, and 15-18, you could say: confget nn hopi 1 5 15 16 17 18 or confget nn hopi 1 5 "1[5-8]" (using the UNIX shell conventions for matching ranges of names). To obtain all articles from the nn.hopi archives, you can say: confget nn hopi "*" To get a list of articles available for obtaining in this way, you can send a message of the form: conflist nn hopi where is a simple integer specifying how many days into the past you would like the facility to scan for articles for you. If you want a listing of all articles, just give a large number: conflist nn hopi 999 Here is the result of sending this message given the present state of the archive (note that there are only eleven articles in the archive at present, making the preceding example a bit artificial, but we can expect that by the time you read this article, there could easily be many more items in the archive): >Date: Sun, 5 Jul 92 13:47 EDT Subject: RE: nn.hopi conf list -------- ## Regarding your request: conflist nn hopi 999 scanning conference nn.hopi 1 Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1992 05:30:29 GMT 1 From: (Gary S. Trujillo) 1 Lines: 49 1 Subject: nn.hopi list created 2 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1992 19:26:32 GMT 2 From: viveka von rosen u 2 Lines: 54 2 Subject: hopi letter 3 Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1992 19:46:49 GMT 3 From: viveka von rosen u 3 Lines: 45 3 Subject: hopi letter 4 Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1992 17:43:17 GMT 4 From:!!milo (Michele Lord) 4 Lines: 40 4 Subject: Re: nn.hopi list created 5 Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1992 13:58:58 GMT 5 From: Dan Winter 5 Lines: 208 5 Subject: Re: nn.hopi list created 6 Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1992 16:42:18 GMT 6 From: gst (Gary S. Trujillo) 6 Lines: 41 6 Subject: Re: nn.hopi list created 7 Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1992 20:09:15 GMT 7 From: Dan Winter 7 Lines: 64 7 Subject: Re: nn.hopi list created 8 Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1992 18:01:17 GMT 8 From:!milo (Michele Lord) 8 Lines: 17 8 Subject: Hopi Message 9 Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1992 18:37:50 GMT 9 From:!!milo (Michele Lord) 9 Lines: 44 9 Subject: Questions 10 Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1992 05:50:54 GMT 10 From: (Gary S. Trujillo) 10 Lines: 29 10 Subject: Re: Questions 11 Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1992 06:24:28 GMT 11 From: (Gary S. Trujillo) 11 Lines: 359 11 Subject: Re: Questions -- Gary S. Trujillo Somerville, Massachusetts {wjh12,,spdcc,ima,cdp}!gnosys!gst -- daveus rattus yer friendly neighborhood ratman KOYAANISQATSI ko.yaa.nis.qatsi (from the Hopi Language) n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life out of balance. 4. life disintegrating. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living.