Article: 189 of From: (dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe) Subject: Hopi Elders Speak Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1991 15:38:30 GMT Lines: 152 according to the Hopis, this is the Fourth World. there were seven worlds created at the beginning. the first three have been destroyed because each time, the humans inhabiting them had diverged too far from their original sacred path. their prophecies (see "Book of the Hopi" by Frank Waters) speak of the possibility of such a destruction of the Fourth World (in the forms of uranium mining, existence of powerlines, and the atomic bomb): If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster. Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky. A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn the land and boil the oceans. from NativeNet: To: Subject: Hopi Elders Speak Date: 27 Jul 91 11:13:28 MDT (Sat) From: Newsgroups: gen.nativenet Original-Sender:!EDDIE.MIT.EDU!gatech!!milo (Michele Lord) From the June, 1991 Veterans Peace Action Teams News. For further information about the Big Mountain Project, (or their projects in Nicaragua and El Salvador), contact me ( or VPAT, P.O. Box 170670, San Francisco, CA 94117. Ph:(415)753-2130. From the VPAT statement of mission: "Veterans Peace Actions Teams is a nonviolent and nondiscriminatory organization committed to honor and respect the sovereignty of nations and the self-determination of all people. VPAT believes justice is the main prerequisite in achieving world peace and therefore strives to end all oppression." -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopi Elders Speak U.S. government and multi-national corporate interests have portrayed the relocation struggle as a conflict between Hopi and Navajo people. In reality, the U.S. government and these multi-national interests have created this conflict to detract from the real issues of land and mineral exploitation. We are pleased to print the following public statement in an effort to clarify this false dispute. To Whom It May Concern: When Hopi arrived at the Sacred Land, they met Maasaw. The people asked him to be their leader. Maasaw declined their invitation, telling them that they were not yet ready to fully accept His leadership, for they were still consumed with selfish desires. The Hopi would need to work through this mortal dilemma, a test, within themselves first. As the Hopi near the final stages of their test, more and more people have been tricked into following false ways. Maasaw's warning has gone unheeded, for today, many Hopi have sold their soul, their very birthright for the favors and promises of a corrupt society. The dire consequences of the action is that it has almost cost the Hopi their self-reliance. The Hopi who feel that a turning point has been reached are faced with a decision, a choice which must be made: "When Pahana's "progress" is desired, let those who want it, live where it already exists, but when the Hopi Way is preferred, give those the right to protect the Sacred Land from Pahana's intrusions." Let there be no misunderstanding - the lineage of the Hotevilla leadership will not deviate from the instructions as given by Maasaw. The founder of the Hotevilla, Yukeoma, spent thirty years of his life in prison, because he did not want to betray the Hopi Spirit. It is time that the Hopi who broke under the pressure of big business and the United States government come to realize that they have relinquished their covenant with Maasaw. They are no longer guardians of the Heart of the Earth. The Hopi were foretold that in endtime, many of their people would fail the test. Some would claim authority over the Sacred Land, but their "authority" and "leadership" would be as worthless as the money received for selling out the Hopi. The Tribal Council was set up through the arbitrary use of law (a democratic scam) and therefore has no legal basis for it's actions. To ask the Hopi to send representatives to the Council and perpetuate it's illegality is ludicrous. Furthermore, the Council listed a few examples of their handling of Hopi concerns: 1. 'The Council has defended the Hopi land base againsts efforts by the Navajo tribe to take Hopi land...' In fact, the Hopi gave the Navajo permission to live on Hopi lands, with the promise that the Navajo would protect the sacred land against Pahana's intrusions. This agreement was sealed with the Navajo giving their medicine bundles to the Hopi. Similarly, as with the Hopi, many of the Navajo have sold out to big businesses and the United States Government. Having the Navajo removed from the Hopi land means that it simply becomes easier for the "Hopi Council" to have Hopi lands raped and plundered. 2. 'The Council took the lead in successfully fighting Peabody Coal Co. and the Federal government to force meaningful efforts to stop pumping groundwater for coal slurry pipeline purposes...' The mining at the Sacred Land is as illegal as the Tribal Council. Furthermore, the Council would never bite the hand that feeds them! Who is kidding who? The Council has also complained about so-called "outside interference", making it difficult for them to communicate. Let it be perfectly clear that millions of dollars and "expert advice" come from an exploitative society and none of it is conducive to the protection of the Sacred Lands. Ever since the "Hopi Tribal Council" has been forced upon the Hopi, the number of "Do's" and "Don'ts" have been increasing at Hopi land. They have enacted "exclusion laws" without Hopi consent. Soon they will come into our very homes to impose building codes on us! Additionally, some of our friends have been harassed by their police, which is embarrassing to us. The Council even tried to intimidate some of our leaders who escorted visitors who were taking pictures. The Council's hidden agenda is clear. They want to unite the Hopi under a foreign banner for political reasons. As they have already admitted 'to maximize their lobbying power...' ...We have spoken, Signed, Hopi Mothers and Fathers. (excerpted with permission by Manuel Hoyungowa.) +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+**+ Michele Lord * Walk in Peace with ( * our Mother Earth +=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=*+=* -- daveus rattus yer friendly neighborhood ratman KOYAANISQATSI ko.yan.nis.qatsi (from the Hopi Language) n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life out of balance. 4. life disintegrating. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living.