Article: 836 of From: (dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe) Subject: 500 yrs: Top-10 Corp[se] Invaders Destroying Land & Indigenous People Keywords: RTZ,Hanson,Newmont Gold,Maxus,Daishowa,RAF,EFN,Shell,Exxon,Uranerz Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 19:08:16 GMT Lines: 166 the annihilation of turtle island's indigenous people by white-boy invaders continues on apace. the wraiths of greed used to implement their genocidal, murderous agendas with horses, guns, and canons. such crude forms of technological weaponry have currently given way to a far more ruthless and insidious form: suits and briefcases backed up by pludered wealth transformed into goon squads masquerading as "law and order" clones. is accrual of this kind of toxic karma what we really want to "bequeath" to our descendants? in the end, we will all need to consider the ultimate implications of how our own and our descendant's destiny is intimately bound up with the original caretakes of this place. -- ratitor from PeaceNet via ACTIV-L: Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1992 18:51:44 CDT Sender: Activists Mailing List From: "(Rich Winkel)" Subject: PAX: IN THE STEPS OF COLUMBUS: CORPORATE LAND THEFT To: Multiple recipients of ACTIV-L /** gen.nativenet: 327.0 **/ ** Topic: The ACTivist 8#10, October 1992 ** ** Written 9:50 pm Sep 24, 1992 by web:MAILER-DAEMON in cdp:gen.nativenet ** Subject: The ACTivist 8#10, October 1992 /* Written 9:34 pm Sep 24, 1992 by act in web:gen.newsletters */ /* ---------- "The ACTivist 8#10, October 1992" ---------- */ IN THE STEPS OF COLUMBUS: CORPORATE LAND THEFT By David Webster The ACTivist A lot has been written about the continuing destruction of native cultures, 500 years after Christopher Columbus launched the European invasion of the Americas. None of it, though, goes straight to the heart of the matter as quickly as Survival International's "top ten" list of companies that are destroying native lands today. Ten European, Japanese and American companies are threatening the existence of over a quarter of a million indigenous people by devastating their land base, Survival says. The destruction spans two continents, from Alaska to Amazonia. "You simply can't walk onto someone else's land, destroy their food supply, dig up their ancestors' graves, infect them with new diseases, and hope that no one will notice. These companies have got to be brought to book," said Jonathon Mazower, Americas campaign officer for the London-based Survival International, which acts as a sort of an Amnesty International for "tribal peoples" around the world. "By exposing these ten companies we want to drive it home to the international community that the destruction that tribal people faced when the Europeans first arrived in the Americas is not over. The invasion is still continuing. Tribal peoples are losing the lands they have lived on for thousands of years." Half of the ten operate in Canada, including the number one offender, British multinational mining giant RTZ. RTZ forerunner Rio Tinto and subsidiary Tinto Holdings Canada Ltd. are blamed for the poisoning of the Serpent River with uranium tailings from the Rio Algom mine in Elliot Lake, Ont. The Elliot Lake mine was opened in 1956 and kept open for years by a special contract with Ontario Hydro to supply uranium for the province's nuclear reactors at well over market price. By the late seventies, the Serpent River Ojibwa band downstream from Elliot Lake, traditionally dependent on fishing, was unable to drink the contaminated water or eat fish from the river. RTZ sold its 51.5 per cent interest in Rio Algom in June, but the effects of its mismanagement linger. Holding down number five on the list is Japanese multinational Daishowa, subject of a mass boycott because of its refusal to stop logging the lands of the Lubicon Lake Cree of northern Alberta. Daishowa logging concessions cover almost all of the Lubicon land claim. Next up, Survival lists Britain's Royal Air Force, which along with the German Luftwaffe and the Royal Netherlands Air Force is engaged in what amounts to a virtual war on the hunting culture of the 10,000 Innu natives of Labrador and Quebec. Low-level military training flights by pilots from the three NATO countries are making it impossible for the Innu to live off the land. "Put bluntly, the military presence is destroying Innu culture," Survival declares. "Morale amongst the Innu is extremely low. Alcoholism and suicide levels are extrememly high as the people lose contact with the land that informs their whole spiritual life and culture." Exxon, the third-largest corporation in the world, is ranked ninth in Survival's list. Oil drilling along in Alaska, near the Canadian border, has put the Porcupine caribou herd -- and the Inuit people who depend on it for food -- at risk. US lawmakers, however, have refused to rein in the exploration, arguing that "Canadian caribou" take a back seat to Exxon's financial good health. Exxon has also been criticized for inadequate training of Dene workers on its rigs in the Mackenzie River valley, Northwest Territories. Number ten on the list is Uranerz of Germany, operator of the Key Lake mine in northern Saskatchewan -- the world's largest and richest uranium source, according to industry watchers. Key Lake's leaks of radioactive water on to surrounding lands occupied by Dene and Cree peoples have become notorious since the mine opened in the eighties. +++++++++++++++++ The Top-Ten List: +++++++++++++++++ 1. RTZ (UK). Also cited for plans to open a copper mine that would endanger 100,000 Gnaymi people in Panama, and for the construction of another copper mine in Wisconsin, on lands where the Lac Courte Oreilles Chippewa hold hunting and fishing rights. 2. Hanson (UK). Thousands of Navajo have been forcibly displaced to make way for a coal mine operated by Hanson subsidiary Peabody Mining Corporation in Arizona. 3. Newmont Gold (UK). Over the protests of the Western Shoshone National Council (who are particularly concerned about cyanide heap-leaching), Newmont is mining gold on unceded Western Shoshone land in Nevada. 4. Maxus (USA). Dallas-based Maxus is building a road and oil pipeline into the heartland of the Waorani of Ecuador, a move that will bring pollution and European colonization to the previously-untouched lands of the 10,000 Waorani -- repeating the mistakes of Columbus 500 years later. 5. Daishowa (Japan). 6. Royal Air Force (UK). 7. Energy Fuels Nuclear (USA). Radiation from EFN's two-year old uranium mine near the Grand Canyon in Arizona is contaminating the water supply of the Havusupai people. 8. Shell (Netherlands/UK). Fifteen thousand previously-uncontacted Kugapakori natives in southeastern Peru (who have little or no immunity to European diseases) will be introduced to modern "civilization" by a Shell natural gas exporation project that fails to take into account any of their needs. 9. Exxon (USA). Also cited for massive coal dust pollution from its open pit mine on the land of the Wayuu Indians of northern Colombia and oil exploration activities in Ecuador. 10. Uranerz (Germany). ** End of text from cdp:gen.nativenet ** -- daveus rattus yer friendly neighborhood ratman KOYAANISQATSI ko.yaa.nis.qatsi (from the Hopi Language) n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life out of balance. 4. life disintegrating. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living. From JLHHC@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Tue Sep 29 13:38:21 1992 From: Jack Hammond Subject: Survival International To: dave This may be the current address: 53-A Church St. Cambridge Mass 02138 From Wed Sep 30 10:29:19 1992 From: Paula ACQ Henry Subject: survival international To: dave You asked a question on ACTIV-L concerning a US office for Survival International. According to the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS, the US organization is defunct. Paula M. Henry | henry@geneseo.bitnet Head of Acquisitions | College Libraries | phone (716) 245-5596 SUNY Geneseo | FAX (716) 245-5003 1 College Circle | Geneseo, NY 14454-1498 From Wed Sep 30 11:44:15 1992 From: Paula ACQ Henry Subject: Re: survival international To: dave Dave, Here is the London address: SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL 310 Edgware Road London W2 1DY England R. Hanbury-Tenison, President phone: 71 7235535 Also in France: SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL 45, rue du Faubourg du Temple F-75010 Paris France Jean-Patrick Razon, Director phone 1 42414762 Sorry I do not have any e-mail information for these offices. I hope this is useful. Good luck. Paula M. Henry | henry@geneseo.bitnet Head of Acquisitions | College Libraries | phone (716) 245-5596 SUNY Geneseo | FAX (716) 245-5003 1 College Circle | Geneseo, NY 14454-1498