Extracts of Pakistani Pm's Speech on Nuclear Row 23-MAY-98 ISLAMABAD, May 23 (Reuters) - Extracts from Pakistani Prime Islamabad on Saturday: Since that day (when Indian conducted nuclear tests), the world around has suddenly undergone a qualitative change. We have to contend with new realities, heightened dangers and an imminent threat to our security. Since May 11 we are living under the dark shadows of Indian nuclear sabre-rattling. The fundamentalist Indian leadership bared its teeth even before the dust settled at Pokhran. The Indian leaders couldn't contain themselves a minute longer. Immediately they raised the demand that Islamabad should realise the change in the geo-strategic situation in the region. The open message was that Pakistan should abandon its principled policy to support the indigenous struggle of the people of Kashmir for their right of self-determination promised to them by India itself and the world community through the United Nations Security Council resolutions.... The Indians have spurned the peace initiative (from Pakistan) and answered with atomic tests...and gone to the extent of threatening to use nuclear weapons. Statements emanating from Indian leaders virtually amount to a nuclear blackmail by India to impose a military solution in Kashmir. Overt Indian nuclear weaponisation has seriously upset the strategic balance in the region and emboldened India to make a naked assertion of hostile intentions towards Pakistan.... India has repeatedly committed aggression against us. The Indian missiles and nuclear programme has never been a secret. For their own reasons and in spite of its vast range and sophistication, the Western world has never before expressed any concern over the Indian nuclear programme.... We are being asked to show restraint. Have we not always shown utmost restraint for all those years since we had the nuclear capability?... What did we earn in return for this restraint? Discriminatory and punitive measures were imposed on us. And in a manifestly unjust and unfair approach, Pakistan was penalised for every Indian escalatory step on the nuclear and ballistic ladder. The talk of sanctions is not only familiar to us but it also does not rattle us. We have learned to live with these punitive measures. Our legitimate need for security is still being ignored. This fills us with apprehensions even now. We have made clear to all our friends and well-wishers that we are not seeking any bargains.... Indian defiance on the other hand has even now attracted some sanctions and more understanding, some have even offered endorsement. No amount of condemnation has changed the magnitude of the threat posed to Pakistan. Practically the sanctions mean little and change nothing. The reality on the ground remains.... The balance of power in the region has been violently tilted. Under these circumstances, our undivided focus must be on the preservation of our national security interests. Apart from threatening Pakistan, India is now blackmailing the world by offers of bargain on the CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). We believe that the Indian actions have rendered the non-proliferation regime and instruments such as NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT irrelevant. The Indian tests have posed new challenges and dilemmas in the field of non-proliferation. Fresh thinking is now needed on these issues.... We have not taken any action in haste. We have not behaved in a tit-for-tat manner. We have not let any madness engulf us. Ladies and gentlemen, whatever decision we eventually take will be in our supreme national interest.